She contact me at Night in WD as
- 25 y/o female (1986 November 30)
- from Akron, Alabama, USA
- English,
- seeking a Man from 20 to 30 y/o
My name is zaiba good looking, perfect body and honest lady, I hope you will be thetrue loving, honest and caring MAN , And I have something special to tell you about me, So please contact me
directly through my email address at
so that I can also send my picture directly to you, and tell your more
about my self.
Regards zaiba
How are you doing? I hope that you are very fine in health. Also how is the weather overthere? Mine is cool here. Well to introduce myself, my name is ZAIBA. I held from the Republic of Cote d'ivoire. But I am presently residing in the UN refugee camp herein Senegal as a result of the ongoing civil war in my country.
My father and mother are late. They were killed one early morning when the rebels attack us in our private villa in Abidjan. It was only my brother that is alive now and we managed to make our way to Senegal through the help of one missionery. I am a simple person, caring, lovely, understandable, faithful, submissive, sincere, easygoing etc. I love, playing handball, swimming, singing gospel song, watching movies in the television etc. i hate, gossip, fighting, lieing, disrespect, pride, stealing, quick annoyance etc. Can you please tell me your likes and dislikes,your hobbies and what you are doing presently. As I told you earlier,
I was studying Real estate management before the death of my parents. Although situations has been turing me around but I belive one day God will make away for me and my dream will come through. Just to mention a few about myself. As you can see staying in the Refugee camp is just like one staying in the prison and I wish to relocate if I see a good sameritan who help me. I don't have any relatives now whom I can go to all my relatives ran away in the middle of the war. The only person who is currntly helping me and my brother is Rev. Dr URANTAH. Here in the camp he has been very nice to me since i came here but i am not leaving with him rather i am leaving in the women's hostel because the camp have two hostels one for men the other for women. I am staying in the Block 13A.
Incase you will like to talk to me, the Pastors Tel number is +221777630108) )
if you call, tell him that you want to speak with me he will send for me. I want to go back to my studies because i only attended my first year before the traggic incident that lead to my being in this situation
Direction technique
Orange Internet Dakar
Sacre Coeur 3
Hello dearest ,
How are you today ,? I do hope that you are fine over there in your country as well. i need your help please that was why i was moved to tell you about my real condition here in senegal , i do not want to die here , .......i want to know your possibilities of helping out to relocate to your hand please ,,,
here there is nothing here senegal is too poor and here no food no water people are dying every day , i do not want t die as i have seen much dead people in this condition please try to reply to me please tell me your country and where you live truly i can find out the possibilities of coming if you can help me out please ... i will tell the reverend now to help me find out the clear posibilities of traveling out of the can please as soon as i hear from you i shall give you more details.
i have not been my self since i came over here in senegal and people are negleted here as nothing , i will be happy if the good lord will use you to help me out of this present predicament please i love to hear from you as soon as possible
..immediately her answer at Midnight.....seems reverend must do Nightshift
My dearest ,
i like all you have mentioned because i do not enjoy that kind of game , but it might intrest me if you can be able to do it in my presents , i like to sing and i sings in a church here and a praise and worship team leader and i play keyboad and all the keys .
i do hope that you will send me the pics and i will be happy to know about what i asked you for , by tomorrow morning will see the reverend to know what he has found out , as i have told him also about you and me, i want to know from you if you will be happy to help me out as i said i want to be over there than this very country as their own election is around the conner now much riots on the treets is happening here i will be happy to get out here than to see war the second time please
for your intrest and mail i am happy to know you and to learn more about the thing you like and hate .
My dearest xxxxxxx,
Thanks for your quick and favorable response , How are you this morning ? i do hope that you are fine and perfectly fine over there , please in every thing i want you to know that i am so happy to hear from you about your family all i do now is to let you know that i will be happy to be one member of your family please ,
I do want to say that i am sorry that has happened to you and your ex, the lord knows every thing and what what ever God dose not know dose not happen , God know how he connected us together .
For i was make to know by the reverend that in 2hrs time he will come back from the passport office and other place he went to as i asked him to help me since i can not go inside town , mostly from 12th till 26 of this month this country will start their election and every where is hot and killing and kidnaping as began and that is the level of african election here that we see.. i do not want to see another war in my life please , i will be happy if you can be able to understand me out help me out here to relocate over to your country i will be the most happy woman to be with you ,i also know that we can make it to have a good and God fearing home as well .
If you want to talk to me you can call in the day time not at night , even if i am not around the reverend will send some one to come and call me to come and respond to you as well. i will be back in few hrs now to be able to let you know the possible ways of getting me out here as i told you the other day , but i know that i do not have international passport and other vital papers to be able to relocate but let wait to find out from him.
i do not like a dog and even cat because there are some wicked dogs and cats in africa. better keep your fish , but if you can get a good cat or dog no problem but i think all these costs money to keep them going on ,ha ha .
thanks for your responds
yours sincerely
Hello my Dear,
what happened,why have you deceided to keep quiet on me ,why have you left me here without any news,please i want you to clear my worries and disturbances,i am very very worried why you have decided not to tell me what is going on,do you want me to die,do you want me to surffer from high blood pressure or heart attack,please honey you know that you alone is the only one that i have and if you know that you love me,please try and write and tell me what is going on
I am looking up to hear from you
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