By this Pic we fall over Krzysztof Pieczynski; Born 27. March 1957 in Opole; Actor and Writer from Poland....connected in Job with VK

Contact me yesterday in 4ppl as
I am a:
Alushta, UA
Looking for:
art director
5'4"-5'7" (161-170cm)
Never smoked
no children
I'm very glad to talk with you here, can I know about your intention
to date here?
Hey, I'm glad to hear from you today, how are you there? I'm fine and
try to gather my thoughts as in some time I need go at work already:)
Don't think that I complain, I like my work and it brings me a lot of
pleasure. But it is not completely all what i want to have in my life,
as to stay single with empty heart is what i don't like and don't want
to feel any more. I'm very sensual lady and I need love and to be
loved, that is why you see me here in this huge Internet dating
system:) How long are you here? May be you will share you experience
with me, here is my private mail - lovelyblona@gmail.com and private
I wish you write me here for more private talking, ok;)
I send you smile,
Hello my xxxx, how do you do? You know, smile doesn't leave my lips I
really feel so much gladness that you wrote to me and showed your
interest and wish to speak with me more and closer!
I appreciate you much for the letter. It is so nice of you to tell me
a little more about yourself and now I'm eager to know more:-) It will
great to know about your family, your tastes and may be dreams. I hope
you will share that with me in your next letter:-)
I hope you have read my profile though I know there are not much said
about me but I try to change things and to tell you about myself. My
story is long, as you know, I'm 29 years old, so there are a lot what
to say:)
Ok, my name you know, completely it sounds Larisa but all my friends
and relatives call me Lora and you can also call me in this way. I
have blonde hair and blue eyes, by the way I'm blonde by nature. I was
born in Russia, but when I was six, my parents moved to live here in
Crimea, as my father has had problems with health after Chernobyl's
disaster, my father has been one of the rescuers, so doctors advised
him to live in Crimea and from this time I lived in Alushta. As all
kids after school I have entered to the college and then to the
university, studying art and culture and now I work in one of the
night clubs of my city as art director. I know it sounds very
respectful "Director" but I'm this person who organized different
thematic parties for our club and that's all.
What else, except my job, I enjoy sport, I do fitness and also jogging
from spring till autumn when the weather is nice. I'm very active and
adventurous, I have many friends but the best one is only one, it is
my cousin! In the relationship I'm caring, loving, faithful and
romantic. For the last two years I stayed single and it is not good
and hurtful to spend life alone without beloved man by my side, so I
decided finally to change that and here I am:)
Ok, I think it is enough for today to bother you with my biographical
details:) Now I'm eager to hear from you and to know more!
Stay happy!
Received: from localhost ([])
by mx.google.com with ESMTPS id o7sm35036710bkw.16.2012.
From: lovelyblona@gmail.com
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.99.3) Professional
LLC Optima-East
Petra Kotova str. 8
94407 Krasnodon,
Hi xxxxx! I'm glad to be talking to you again, thank you for not
forgetting to write to me:)
It is so great that you have shared with me more things about
yourself, as I really would like to know you closer and just your
letters can help me in that at the present moment, but I'm optimist
and believe that if we want then one day we can change everything:-)
So, how was your day? Is there any special things for you to do? As
for me, I'm well and as always I have a lot of things to do at my
work. Our club is quite popular and we always have a lot of different
parties. I work hard creating new and new programs, I invite different
dance groups, local singers and of course DJ's which play for our
guests all night! It seems it sounds interesting, but sometimes I
really dream about calm, not hectic and not working evening! Don't
think, I don't complain:) And by the way, xxxxx, may be you have some
interesting ideas for parties? It will be great to hear them:)
xxxxx, dear, I think that I didn't tell you in my last letter about my
family. My parents are divorced and it happens so that here in Alushta
I live with my father. My mum has married for second time and moved to
live in Russia with her new husband. From time to time she comes to me
or I go to her, but it happens seldom. Of course I miss her always but
nothing to do, it was her choice. Today I'm going to send you pictures
of my father and me and also father's friend with his daughter. We
have had picnic in our yard this autumn. My dad made BBQ:)

By the way he cooks that very tasty! Do you like BBQ or like we call it here
"shashlyk"? Ok, and the second picture is me and my mum's dog; I adore
her! Do you like pets?
You have asked me to tell you a little about my likes and dislikes, ok
I'll do that with pleasure;-) I like many things: flowers, animals,
kids, I like romance in the relations, I like to read, to go to the
cinema, to cook(I do that very well!). I think it is enough:-) As for
the things, I dislike, it is snakes, insects and also paint flavor:-)
xxxxx, my letter is without end again:) I really hope that you don't
fall asleep reading them:)
Ok, I need already go at work, I wish you lovely and sunny day!
Received: from localhost ([])
From: lovelyblona@gmail.com
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.99.3) Professional
LLC Optima-East
Petra Kotova str. 8
94407 Krasnodon,
Hello to you again, my dear xxxxx! I always wait for your letter that
to know something new about yourself and your way of living there. As
for your question about pets, I adore dogs and cats and also horses!
Darling, I'm very sorry to know about your sad experience in the life.
You know, I think that any experience that we get during the life is
necessary for us, as it helps us do not make the same mistakes and
wrong steps in the future.
So, how do you do? I hope life pampers you:) I'm well, though I feel a
little tired after yesterday's party; one of clients celebrated her
Birthday in our night club. Of course I was there not till the end,
but in anyway I got home late and didn't sleep enough to feel happy:)
May be because of I was sleeping alone?! By the way, xxxxx, I'm curious
to know you are "lark" or "owl"? I can' say who really I am because of
my work, but I suppose that I could be "owl":)
You know, xxxxx, I feel so great to be talking to you, each time when I
get your letter, I have a feeling of warmth inside, it is really
pleasant that you could raise such wave in myself for such short time
of our communication here! It seems you know well how to care about
xxxxx, I'm really glad that the loneliness has lead me here, to the
Internet, as then I didn't meet you, such nice, kind and interesting
man;) I hope you don't mind if I ask you what do you really think
about myself and our communication here?
Dear xxxxx, it is a pity that I'm obliged to leave you already today,
but I have a very important meeting. In anyway I say you Good Bye that
to tell you Hello again soon:) Take care, Lora!
Received: from localhost (121-39-112-92.pool.ukrtel.net. [])
From: lovelyblona@gmail.com
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.99.3) Professional
NCC#2011011865 Approved IP assignment
Remiga Alexander
18, Shevchenko blvd
Ukraine, Kiev
Hello my tender friend xxxxx, my dear xxxxx! I'm so happy to be talking
to you again:) I adore to read your letter, to perceive more and more
things about you, your life there, your tastes and many other things,
you are so sincere man!
You know, my life has changed a little after our meeting here, as our
meeting in our letters, our communication in them have made me feel
interesting and even needed in some way for you and it is so wonderful
when somebody on the another edge of Earth is waiting for your letter,
for your words and for your openness! xxxxx, you are so nice, so kind
and caring, so reliable - in one word - REAL MAN, REAL PRINCE! I wish
I can be your Princess in this world, to bring you also such sweet and
lovely moments filled with joy and happiness, what do you think, can I
do that for you?!
xxxxx, darling, for this not long time of our talking here, I have
shared with you some sides of my life and today I want to tell you one
more thing about myself, to open you my secret, as they say. In the
past I have had long-term relationship with man who has hurt me with
his unfaith, with his treason. I'm one man woman and it is really very
important for me that my man will be one woman man! I will never share
him with others, it is my secret, it is the truth which I want that
you know before we could fascinate one another more, as I don't want
to feel any pain in the future and don't want to have any conflict
situations also, as I'm very balanced person and I like to have peace
in the relationship with my beloved man!
My dear xxxxx, I feel better after telling you that, as I want that you
know everything about myself and my soul, as I want to fill your life
just with pleasant surprises;) I send you a big kiss, Lora!
Hey darling xxxxx, how are you there without me:)?! I'm glad that you
always pamper me with your letters, they become very important to me
and I always look when I hear from you again and what news you will
share with me this day:)
You know, xxxxx, I like so much my area where I live, I adore sea and
beach, sun and seafoods:) the only thing which is hard to survive
during summer time is a huge quantity of tourists which are very loud
and noisy, but from another side for our city it is the only time when
it is possible to earn money for living, only thanks to the tourists,
so each year our citizens are waiting for them. In cold period there
are also tourists but not as much as it is during summer.
xxxxx, is there anything what could make you feel calm, happy and
harmonic? Do you have such secret place where you can be with
yourself? For me it is sea. When I feel very tired or sad, I go there,
walk along our very long beaches, listen the waves and cry of seagulls
and I feel so happy and life fills with bright colors and I want to
think only about good and happy moments:) I know, now probably you
think that I'm too romantic:) Do you, my xxxxx? I think it is not bad
for lady:) Also I like sport, it also gives me so much happiness and
feeling of satisfaction! You know, xxxxx, writing to you these things,
I have started to think how wonderful it would be to enjoy all this
with you, to walk together, to talk, to laugh, to do so many things
there are in the life! It is experience which I didn't have for so
long time and I dream about that much. Yes, I dream to be a single
whole with my beloved man, with you, darling xxxx... What will be your
answer about our common moments:)?!
I feel sad, as I need already leave, I miss you always!
I send you my kiss and many hugs,
Hello my sweet xxxxx, one more lovely letter form you and one more
happy day:) I have a little secret to share with you:) Each time when
I talk to you, I feel like on the seventh sky, you feel all myself
with joy and happiness and this is so wonderful feeling that I don't
want that it will ever end, will you promise me that it will never
come to its end for us?!
I'm so exciting today:) It happens sometimes but thanks to you it
happens much more often:) I hope my letters could bring you so much
happiness too, my dear xxxxx ! For me you are my soul mate, you the
best magic which could ever happen with me and I have so much to tell
you, to explain you what I have inside for you, so may be this kiss
which I'm sending to you now will explain you all:)
You know, yesterday evening my father has asked me if I have fallen in
love with you, as smile and happiness don't leave my face... I told
him that it seems yes, as I miss you and think about you constantly, I
even see already dreams with you, xxxxxx, darling. I really hope it
means something for you! I lack to be with you, to invite you for a
walk, to make romantic dinner for us or just to sit and speak about
anything, to listen your voice, to look into your eyes, it is what I
dream about and wish one day to have this in reality with you, only
with you, my sweet Angel xxxxxx!
I know that probably you will find my letter too much emotional, but
it is what I feel and I don't want to keep this or anything else in
secret from you, my dear xxxxxx! I hope you will accept me whom I am:)
I will count minutes till your letter will come in my mail box;)
Kiss you many and many times!
yours Lora!
Hi, my sweet dear xxxxx, how was your day? Did you have a minute to
think about your Lora:)? I was missing and can't already await when I
could read your letter!
You know, xxxxx, days pass slowly but they are full of joy and
happiness to me, as I don't feel myself lonely any more, as I have you
in my life! It is so wonderful that you are needed and cared by man
and most of all such amazing man, as you are! xxxxx, darling, I want to
open you one thing... I have never believed that ideal people exist
and that it is possible to find an ideal man, but now I know that I
was mistaken, as you are ideal man, yes, you are ideal man FOR ME in
everything - in the way of your talking to me, in your care, in your
attention, in your mind and heart! It seems I did something very good
in life that Destiny has presented to me our meeting;)
If we would be together right now, then you could here how fast and
strong my heart beats and it is because of you, my dear xxxxx! Thank
you for making me so happy woman, thank you for being just yourself
with me and for me, I appreciate that much!
Here is a warm kiss for you:)
yours missing Lora!

Hello dear xxxxx, I want to thank you for your letter to me, but
unfortunately I will be short today, as in one hour I should already
be at the hospital, I have some problems with heart and I need stay at
the hospital for some time for checking and testing. But I promise
that as soon as I will come back home, the first thing I will do is
reply on your letter! I hope you will be patient to wait for me:-)
Take care,
Hi my sweet Angel, my lovely xxxxx, First of all I want to thank you
for your understanding, luckily I'm fine and need just take some
medicine. And are you well today? Are you really happy with our
meeting here and with our relationship? I'm very and very so happy to
met you in my life, so wonderful, so loving and so caring man, each my
day is filled with joy and happiness, i didn't feel that for so long
time, though I'm not even sure that I ever felt like this:)
xxxx, honey, you will not believe but my friends and my father in one
voice tell me that I have changed into the better, that I have never
bad mood and it seems that I follow life not walking but flying;)
Today at my break time I have met with some of my friends to
congratulate each other with passed holidays, as the last time we met
was in the last year. One of my friend is married and another one is
dating with a man. They were so happy to know about you and our
meeting and they wished us luck and happiness in our relationship. My
darling xxxx, I'm curious what feels man who has made woman so much
Sweetie, xxxx, I love you and I send you kiss from my lips which are
longing already to taste your sweet kiss!
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