Contact me just now in DMF as
- ID: 207986
- 28 y/o female (1984 - February - 14)
- Coleford, United Kingdom
- English,
- Banker
- Have no children
- Marital status Divorced
How are you? My name is Linda Peterson after going
through your profile I like to use this chance to inform you about something important and urgent, My boss needed foreign assistance and kindly send me your email address and name to enable me explain further.
Best regards
lindapeter son30@yahoo.com
This Idiots have given a wrong address. It must be correct: London 31/33 High Street, Thornbury, BS35 2AR.....itd the address of the Britannia Building Society (Financial Service)
I pray to God that this message reaches you in wonderful spirit as I am making this contact with you based on trust and confidence, please treat with absolute secrecy and personal and I pray that this email reaches you in the best of health.
My name Linda Peterson, am working with Co-operative Bank here in London 31/33 High Street, Thornburg, BS35 2AR reason of contacting you is my boss needed foreign assistance to transfer some huge amount a sum of 3.7 million dollar to any foreign account urgently for investment in any profitable business in your country and which you are the one to manage the investment. Due this mention fund as been kept on dormant account more than seven years now without claim and after my boss investigation on the account he found out that the owner of the account dead long time ago with his two children being the next of kin and wife in a plane crash, before the fund declared un-serviceable to the governmental custody.
If you are interested in carrying out this task, I want you to contact me immediately, so that I can arrange all the modalities to present you to my boss to effect the fund to your possession and I hope you will act sincerely and my boss have decided to compensate you with reward of 10% of the total amount.
If you are intrested, these are the information I needed to present to my boss to enable me introduce you, and also for him to call you and discuss everything pertain to the transaction.
Please provide the information below:
5. State /City:
6. PHONE No:
so that we can start with the transaction.
Thanks for your cooperation. I will be looking forward to your urgent response.
Best regards,
Linda Peterson.
(Nasr-City Huawei GGSN - Internet.Pre APN)
Sherif Magdy Mohamed
124B smart Village
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