
Pic give some Hits, so also in FB for a Kaylee Bennet but without Information

Pic give us a Hint to Polovinka.org.ua
and to Vkontakte.ru; Ekaterina Ulyanova from Odessa
and to Vkontakte.ru; Ekaterina Ulyanova from Odessa

She appeared Wednesday in my dead Letterbox which I don't use anymore since 8 Month.......I don't know her......
My name is Anela. I send you this message from a amazing country
Azerbaijan. I wish that you would be glad to read this e-mail.
I am a very sincere and targeted woman. I am 30. I am looking for a soul
mate, a guy who would take care of me.
I am looking forward o your nice reply. I hope that our letters will bring
us happiness. I also hope my e-mail made you smile.
Sweet greetings form Azerbaijan.
Received: from yahoo.com ([])
From: "xxxxxxxxx" <globalbox02fgoqo@yahoo.com>
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20080421 Thunderbird/
Santiago Zuccarello
Aguero, 3440,
1605 - Munro - BA
Hello. Today my mood is better, because I see your response to my first letter. And I hope you are interested in further acquaintance with me. I want to believe that you liked my picture. I think you're a serious person, and you will give serious consideration to the correspondence with me! I really dream about it! I do not want to waste time on a variety of games on the internet. I never play such games. I'm serious, lonely girl, and I want to have just a serious relationship in the future. I live in a Muslim country Azerbayzhan, this country has borders with countries such as Armenia, Iran. I got your e-mail at the agency marriage dating. For me the age difference does not matter. I'll write you a letter in the next information about me. I will write you about my life as a whole, and I am sure you will be much clearer. In his next letter, I expect that you will tell me more about you. Now, I'll check my email constantly, and when I see your answer, then I'll write you back.

Received: from validation.sls.microsoft.com (asmanatela@ with plain)
From: "asmanatela@yahoo.com" <asmanatela@yahoo.com>
Saskatchewan Telecommunications
Address: c/o Sasknet Policy
Address: 8th Flr 2121 Saskatchewan Dr
City: Regina
StateProv: SK
PostalCode: S4P-3Y2
Country: CA
...desperate and can't wait
I'm sorry that you did not answer me now. Perhaps this is because of the weekend. I will not be able to write to you tomorrow, because in this day cafe is not working. But on Monday I come back, and I will wait for your answer.
Received: from validation.sls.microsoft.com (asmanatela@ with plain)
From: "asmanatela@yahoo.com" <asmanatela@yahoo.com>
Hello again. I'm glad, because you answer me. I am very pleased that you have an interest to me and answer soon. How are you, as the mood? Today after work I go to Internet cafes, and when I see your letter, my mood was immediately better. This is my first experience with a man from another country via the Internet. I hope we get to know each other better and build relationships. Even if it is a strong friendship, then I'll be very happy. But I will say at once that my goal is long-term relationship. I think that you want the same thing?? So I want very much to know you better. Receive letters from you regularly, get to know each other better, share photos, thoughts, news. I hope you do not mind?
Your email giving me dating!
Now I want to talk a little about yourself. For you to have more representation of me. As you already know, my name is Anela.
I was born May 30, 1980. Now my age is 30 years. My height is 169 cm and weight 54 kg, you can see it in the picture.
I am born in the country of Azerbaijan. My country has a border with countries such as Georgia, Armenia. You can see this on the map.
Azerbaijan is a Muslim country. And most people here have the religion of Islam. I would also be a Muslim. How do you relate to Islam? You can not argue against my religion? For me it is very important!
I am born in Astara, and up to 25 years, I live with my parents. But for the past 5 years I have to live separately from my family, in Karrar. My town is small, quiet and calm, there is a lot of noise and bustle. I leave the house parents, as to have a big conflict with my father. For me it was very hard to do, and I have to risk much. I have to tell you more about that in my next letter.
As you already understand, I write you letters from Internet cafes. Cafes operate from Monday to Saturday. It is not far from my work. So after work, when I go home, I go here, and write to you. Unfortunately, I do not have a computer at home. And not very familiar with the computer. So I keep asking the administrator cafe, as well as what should I do. While I was able to use only Internet mail. I think that this is the best option for correspondence with you. So I can write all what to think. Please, let us use e-mail to our own?? When I receive letters from you, I use a translator program. To read your letters, and write your answer. But I really want to learn your language, to be able to talk to you. I even think that will soon start to learn your language. So far I can only speak a little English.
I work in a shop and sell children's clothes. I work five days a week. Sometimes I work a Saturday or Sunday. I love very much their own work. As each day of my customers come with their children, to buy something. I really love their children, and sometimes even envy them. Since children have a very carefree life, they have no problems. Every time I get a big charge of positive emotions when dealing with children! I hope you understand me? Unfortunately, I do not have children of their own, because I was not married yet.
Probably why I try to find a man on the Internet.
Now I want you to talk a little bit more about you. Tell me, please, about your city, about your work?? If I see you answer my questions, I understand what your intentions are serious. Please write me as often as you can. Write everything that you're interested. Ask me any questions. I try to answer you immediately. My letter today is not very large. I want to write you a very large letters. I hope you do not mind if I write you the big letters? But first, I want to receive from you the answer to this letter.
I look forward to your reply. Have a good day to you and good mood.
Received: from validation.sls.microsoft.com (asmanatela@ with plain)
From: asmanatela@yahoo.com
NTL Internet
NTLI Network Management Centre
NTL Internet
Crawley Court
SO21 2QA
She don't read Mail..........
Hey. Today my mood again good, as I come to internet cafe and see your letter. I hope that we will continue to communicate and develop our relations.
What is your mood? How is the weather today, do you have? I have the weather is not very good. Cool and windy.
I am glad that you respond to my letter. I see your interest in me, and it's very nice to me. So I tell you more about myself. I promise to tell you more about my family and life.
As I told you, a Muslim country of Azerbaijan. And some laws may seem very cruel. Especially in relation to women. Women in this country have very few rights, and is much lower than men. This was the main reason for which I depart from their parents. After my age, my father is constantly trying to find my husband. He did not ask me, I want it or not? These traditions in our country, my father always chooses a husband for his daughter, and daughter must obey her father and make a choice. I do not want this, I want to be able to choose a man for love and family. Because only love and trust should be the foundation of the family! Otherwise, family life is not to be happy! Do you agree with me?
Because of this I depart from his father to go to another city, so his father could not find me. I'm starting a new life after this. I get a job, rent a flat, and become an independent and sovereign. For the girls in our country, it is very rare.
In our country, the religion of Islam makes many unhappy girls. But, unfortunately, I do not have the opportunity to choose a religion. I grew up, and brought up in this religion. It will also have its advantages. Maybe one day I change the religion. I'm not a little girl, and if I change their own religion, I do it consciously.
Perhaps you're wondering why I write to you in another country. Instead of trying to find a man here. But according to our religion. Man and woman can not have any relationship to the wedding, or even future husband and wife are not familiar at all, and have not seen each other before the wedding. That is, they see each other for the first time only on the wedding.
Therefore, men and women do not have time to know each other better before marry. I want to first find a man like him and then marry. I hope you understand me? So I do not even try to find a man here in Azerbaijan.
I want to feel cared about themselves, see the emotions that I call. I want to be a real woman, to allow a little feminine weakness and whims. Be gentle, loving, and give your love a man who deserves it.
I perfectly understand that you and I have an age difference. I want you to stop thinking and do not worry about it. I do not doubt that you have a rich life experience, you see different situations in life that I have never met. And can you teach me a lot. For me, there will always be important to your opinion. For their part, I can give you a boost of energy, vigor and positive emotions. I have to tell you that my goal is long-term relationship, and this age difference, I think, will help to build such relationships.
In general, I believe that the physical age is not as important as age of the soul. The main thing to be young in spiritual terms. Do you agree with me?
In this letter, I also want to tell you about their hobbies. I really love to cook various dishes. Most of these dishes is Eastern cuisine, it is Azerbaijan's national cuisine. Many dishes that contain meat I cook. Do you like meat? I also cook a variety of light dishes, salads and snacks. Maybe one day you'll be able to try what I make to you. I'm sure you like it very much.
I also love listening to music. I listen to different styles of music. It all depends on my mood. Sometimes I listen to funny songs that lift my spirits. Sometimes, listening to sad songs, this is usually when I think about something important, and I am filled with emotion. Of the artists I love to listen to artists in my country, which are not known in the world, how to sing in the Azeri language. Of the artists in other countries: Beatles, Madonna, Julio Iglesias and Enrique Iglesias I'm sure you well know of these artists. I like their voices very much. Besides, I have translations of songs. What kind of music do you listen?
I also love to go watch a movie. The last film that I watch a movie, it's The Chronicles of Narnia: «The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.» It is also my most favorite movies is "Vanilla Sky," "Sweet November", "The Green Mile," "American Beauty »« Forest Gump ». I love watching romantic movies, and movies that make us think about life and different situations.
The most romantic film I remember it well «SCUSA MA TI CHIAMO AMORE». Do you love to watch a movie, what are your favorite movies??
I speak today at an Internet cafe administrator about how else I can talk with you. About MSN and Yahoo messengers. But he said that? that the best way to correspondence e-mail. Since this is the safest. In the Internet cafe every day to come a lot of people and possible loss of information. Especially since I'm not very familiar with the computer, and be afraid to make a mistake. So I think that we should continue our correspondence with you via E-mail. I hope you are not hard to write me letters often? I understand that you have enough of their own affairs every day. I hope you find some free time and write to me?
I do not have your own phone. This is expensive in our city. As cellular and home phone. But our city is very small, and people are able to continually meet and communicate. I think that a personal meeting is much better than communicating by telephone. Do you agree with me?
I think that later, when you and I know each other better, and when I learn your language better, I'll find the opportunity to call you and hear your voice. But this takes time. I hope you understood me correctly and do not hurry up with that?
I really have serious intentions, I'm tired to be alone. Loneliness is the worst thing in the world, punishment is worse than the loneliness impossible to come up with! When a person is alone, he can not be happy, and positive emotions to get the most out of life. Loneliness can kill, I think so .. A person may have many friends, but stay lonely. You have many friends?
Everyone in this world must find a partner, someone to love with all my heart, to trust completely, take care of this man, and if necessary, to exercise self-sacrifice. To make concessions to his favorite person to be happy and feel that all is well.
Do you agree with me?
I also have a close friend, her name is Jaylin. All photos are sent to you, she did. I trust her completely, we always discuss with her a variety of topics. This is a women's talk, for men are not as interesting. And they may even seem foolish. But after these conversations my mood becomes much better, I get peace of mind and ease. We can even cry together when we were hard or sad. Tears as to facilitate a serious condition. I understand that you are a man and men do not cry. I was going to meet my girlfriend in the near future. I really want to talk to her about that to begin correspondence with you. I hope you do not mind?
I hope that is not much bother you when you read my letter? And you still have the strength to meet me.
I really want to know your opinion about what I write you this letter? It is very important that you understand me. I look forward to your reply. Also tell me how to pass your day? What's new place in your life? I'll wait on you a new letter, and if possible get your new photos.
I wish you good luck in all your affairs.
Received: from validation.sls.microsoft.com (asmanatela@ with plain)
From: "asmanatela@yahoo.com" <asmanatela@yahoo.com>
Shaw Communications Inc.
Address: Suite 800
Address: 630 - 3rd Ave. SW
City: Calgary
StateProv: AB
PostalCode: T2P-4L4
Country: CA
And hello again. Today I finish work later today, and my letter will not be very large. I try to write so much as keep up to the close of a cafe. I want to tell you that I'm starting to get used to your letters. I am accustomed to come to the cafe and see your answer. I always read your letter carefully, and sometimes even to imagine as if you were talking to me all this looking into the eyes. I have a very good imagination and a vivid imagination.
How to pass your day today? What is the weather you have today? Are you all right? You should not be afraid to tell me everything that excites you or bother. I always try to understand, and if you're interested, speak his mind. I have one question I remember asking about it in the previous letter. You get my picture? Tell me honestly, I like you as a girl? Tell me what you think. For me it is very important, I'm sure you understand.
I get a lot of emotions from our correspondence, as I see your interest. I see that you understand me. And I write in response to your thoughts. I appreciate it. Thank you. I want to continue to further develop our relationship, get to know each other better. So that we could talk to each other more personal things. I understand that we are still not very familiar with each other, and therefore can not yet say absolutely everything. But I am confident that one day it changed!
And now I want to talk to you about very important things for me. You're the only man with whom I communicate on the Internet. And only you I send my photos. I beg you very much, keep my photos safe, and do not show it to anyone. I greatly fear that my photos can be online, and someone from my family to see it. Then I have a very big problem. You already know that I'm running away from his father, because he want to marry me by force. And I did not want his father to find me and try to find my husband again. I myself want to build their personal lives and their destiny. Also according to the laws of our country, the girls can not go to such suits in the open streets, as it is right to call judgment. Most girls and women walk the streets in a fully closed clothing.
I send my picture for you, because I believe you have a better idea of me when reading my letter.
As long as I stay in my country, I fear a lot. But one day, I'm sure I'll be able to leave my country. And then I forget about all the bad things that have to do so. I am finally able to breathe the air of freedom. Do not think about what people think of me around people who are not afraid of anything. And most importantly, if I decide to leave my country, I only do this when a man fall in love and decide to build their own life with him. As for me now is the main purpose of my life. I think that this man can be YOU. But it is too early to talk about it, we must know each other better. To understand how can you and I together. To understand what we feel and what we want and what power it has. I understand that we need more time. Do you agree with me?
Unfortunately, I must finish my letter. As an Internet cafe to close, and I must go home. I want to write to you much more, but my time is running out. I think that now, when I come home, I have included music and a bit of a dream. And I hope that my dreams come true.
I hope to receive from you a quick answer, I wish you good day and good mood.
Friendly hug.
Received: from validation.sls.microsoft.com (asmanatela@ with plain)
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2012 16:36:57 +0400
From: "asmanatela@yahoo.com" <asmanatela@yahoo.com>
Road Runner HoldCo LLC
Address: 13820 Sunrise Valley Drive
City: Herndon
StateProv: VA
PostalCode: 20171
Country: US
Hello again, my dear!
Now I read your letter, and my eyes light up with joy and delight. Since I was confident that I can see from your response. This woman's intuition, and I'm glad that it works well.
I am very pleased to read your letter. And first I want to ask, how are you? As the mood, as was your day?
I am glad that you continue to write to me, and I promise - I will not stop. Since this is such a nice feeling ... learn more about you, your life and general internal qualities ..
I do love to talk, and even on different topics, it gives me pleasure. I think that through communication can learn a lot about a person. About all that interests him, worried. I also think that communication helps to develop relationships. Do you agree with me?
I am cheerful and happy almost always. More precisely - I'm trying to be like that. I think that a person with a positive attitude towards life is living a lot easier. Positive make life easier and gives strength to the development. I find it hard to communicate with the pessimists. People who are constantly not happy with something that is happening around only see the negative side. When you communicate with people, then he becomes sad and happy life. So I avoid contact with such people.
I'll tell you what I have now a good mood, because last night with my girlfriend, we went to the movies now. I also went to work this morning, and had a break at about 1 o'clock in the afternoon to have lunch. Then again, I go to work until the evening. The movie theater was the movie "Mission is not feasible, the protocol Phantom." And well has been translated into Azerbaijani. So it was very interesting and I liked the story. I love watching these films, in which there is a constant change of scenery, places and plot development is not predictable. I like in the movies all mixed up, and events related to each other. I also think Tom Kruise is a very good actor. I also love his earlier film "Vanilla Sky", it was a very romantic film in which Penelopa Kruise also play a very plausible, and it looked like it feminine. Among the other films I love watching romantic movies and, of drama and comedy. Such as "American Beauty", "A Walk to Remember," "Thank you for your love" and "American Pie." Now I want to ask you, how often do you go to the movies? And what kind of movies do you like? Do you prefer going to the movies with a friend or with your favorite girl?
I am now once again use the translator, and writing to you on your tongue. Since I want to learn it anymore. I want to get more practice.
So I can just start to learn that I was then easier. I know a lot of words on your tongue, but I want to know more.
In our country, saying: "" lived a whole life, and learn all my life! "
By now I got the idea, and I would like to ask you. You write letters to other girls? Because I tell you honestly. Now I only write you a letter. You - the only man to whom I write letters and send my pictures. It is important to me, I do not want my photos were somewhere on the Internet. But I see that you're a good man. And do not do bad with it. I think you like my pictures! And I'll send it even more!
I would like you to anyone, and never showed my pictures. It is very important to me. Can you promise that?
Azerbaijan will never be a stranger to show her body to men. Never bare feet, and full face. Since all the girls are trying to close a special dark cloth .. This is one of the highlights of my religion!
But I think we'll get acquainted with you, if I'm not going to show my photos. I want to show myself to you, and I would like us to know each other better. So all those photos that I send - you never have to leave your hands. Do you understand me?
And as long as I am in Azerbaijan, - I fear it. And if one day I'll go from here - then only will I feel safe.
I think you're a real man, and never do anything bad with it.
I'm looking for just such a man to whom I could trust. And who never would tell me bad words. And no difference in age, or other similar things, can not stop me. For me, the most important thing - that is a good man who will love me, trust that I will have an understanding in communication. So I want to start a relationship with friendship, to know you better. And I think that e-mail message - is the best option for this.
I'm looking for a man who is affectionate with me, which I could go!
In my heart I feel that one could come to you. But I do not want to hurry. I just do not want to lose all hope at once, and those beautiful moments of communication. Since the still poorly known you, and I just like your word to me. If I feel it every time more and more that you like that man I want - we will meet and share life. But it will be later. Above this is also a lot to think and work! How do you think?
Also there is another reason - it is once again religion. THIS IS IMPORTANT!!!
Up until I was in Azerbaijan, - I can not come into contact with a man, and have a relationship. So I have never had a man. I want to marry only once. AND FOR THE LOVE! But I do not want a man here. Since then I can not ever leave, and life will be here with these laws and traditions, which I do not like! I do not want to. And so was looking for a man on the Internet!
Although it is too early to talk about it with you. Maybe I'll tell you later about this in more detail!
In order for me to become the other. I have to get to know you better, from all sides! Must understand the seriousness of your acquaintance!!! Should understand what you people?
So I want to know more your character?
I think that I will not lose contact with you. I am afraid of this! Keep writing to me about anything that you think would be interesting to me. About how you spend your day. About your upcoming plans for your life. For me really it's all very interesting. I will do as well.
I would very much like that every day to talk to you on the phone to hear your voice. I think your voice is sweet? But I'm so sorry that I have no phone. I will definitely look for an opportunity to call you. I think after 2-3 weeks I will be able to do so. Now we can also continue to communicate by e-mail, to learn more about us and then we'll have more to talk about, and I'm sure my knowledge of your language will become perfect. And so that night I could only think about - to see your next letter. I am very interested to get your answer ...
Well, I'll say goodbye and wish you all the best.
Received: from validation.sls.microsoft.com (asmanatela@ with plain)
From: "asmanatela@yahoo.com" <asmanatela@yahoo.com>
Telecom Italia Wireline Services
Telecom Italia S.p.A
Thomas Tozzi
Via Di Val Cannuta
250 00166 Rome
Hello! Very glad to see your letter again!!
Today is the day I was at work, now when I finish this I come to internet cafe and see your letter. Today was a normal working day, nothing interesting. I think these days it is most everyone. So I do not know what interesting things to tell.
I want to meet you, and you know it. Because I know that you'll wait for my answer. So now I come after work and I will answer thee. I very much like to write you a letter and tell about my day! So how do you know how to properly read and understand! Correctly and honestly answer my questions! Because you're an interesting person, and I know a lot about you. Today I got up early, around 5:30 the morning. I wanted to do a haircut. I think that she should always look good, take care of your body, hair and face. But I rarely use makeup in large quantities. Although I sell cosmetics, but I'm trying to get my beauty was natural. In addition, even the most expensive cosmetics can cause some harm to the skin. I know very well, so try to use cosmetic products is rare. For many years to have a beautiful appearance.
I also had to cook to eat this morning! Because at night I sometimes do not happen the forces constant communication with customers and consuming enough moral strength. I sometimes cook in the morning, so I have enough for 2 days of future immediately. And then I can just relax after work. you know? I have an important question. What exactly is your food from the food you like? What kind of food? Do you cook to eat himself?
Also, tell me how the weather you have today? Now we have a good enough cool weather, I have long waited for this to come, it creates a good mood. This is not too hot, not too cold. I get a good feeling - and that brings me warmth in my body! I want to be happy and do not want to be tired and frustrated, I want your mood and smile were always fun!
Now there is joy in my every day, as you write and do not forget about it! I understand that we are familiar with only a few letters, but I feel that I can really open up to you! But I want from you reciprocity, I want you to be sincere with me! And never lie to me, as this will only spoil the relationship, right? Do you also think?
Trust - is the foundation of a strong friendship, and good long relationship! I try to always tell the whole truth, frankly and with people. And also I can not really lie, why not do it! Since even a small lie and then goes into a serious growth in a lie! In life there are various good and bad situations, but I have never turned their backs to my friends and they will never betray me. I always try to help my friends, sometimes it is enough just to talk with them, listen to them. They also help me in difficult times and they always support me and I tell them in return is always and in every situation. I have often heard the phrase that their friendship does not exist. I do not agree with that. I've never had a betrayal by friends. Therefore, I believe in women's friendships. In Azerbaijan, friendship - it's worth and all the friends support each other, and they go to visit all the time, make each other gifts and surprises.
And how did you get this going? Do you have close friends who you can trust completely, who are always ready to help you? I think you and I have a lot in common. I want to tell you about my character, but I find it hard to write about it because I never wrote about it. I think that first of all, I am always honest and fair. I really trust people and I hate betrayal! But as soon as I can see that the man told me a lie, and I can feel it! Then I just understand it and already I can not believe this man. I will be able to communicate with him. But to believe more than ever. Do you understand? About this course I have my own principles. I have a few friends, but they are real and can always help me. My parents ... I also can not believe them. But I left them for another reason, and you have said. Because they wanted me to be reduced with another man! And when I found out - I was gone from my father. I'm sure my father is very angry with me. Since I disobey him. But in our country it is not correct. I really feel like people and I can just see the bad and good people. I am very happy and I love humor, how to listen, so she and I say funny things, and telling funny stories! I should mention to you that I love kids. Several of my friends have children, both boys and girls. And if they come to visit me or I see them somewhere, then I will play with them. And if we go shopping together. Then I'd better not buy anything myself, but they need a toy. To make them happy as often as possible and said the word "Thanks." I have many different interests and can be a different woman, I love to wear beautiful things, I like to look beautiful. I am happy to wear jeans, I have a favorite color is blue. I can even wear it under her shoes, high heels!
If you go into the woods in summer or winter, to breathe fresh air - all the same sports clothes to wear! But in a city I never go there, because I do not like sports stuff on the girls! As for food: I like meat fish fillets in general, and fish - in general, like, very tasty. Especially red meat, trout and salmon., And a few salads. Since it is light and healthy food! I love to eat a useful and healthy food and drink are always just tea. Even this morning I do not drink coffee because I think it's bad for your heart! I hope you read my letter carefully, and you like a little description of what I love?
I think you know me a little bit better and if you like, ask me and I'll tell you more. I want you, too, told me about your character. What are you people? What do you think me, I do not aspire to be the perfect girl, and I do not try to find the perfect man, I believe that there are no perfect people on what you pay attention at first when you get acquainted with the girl? I think the main thing in any girl to be herself, to be a natural and unique! Every woman has her secrets! I hope that you are not exhausted by it and that you have read it really carefully. Tell me the following letter, which was good for you today? I'll finish this letter, I think that you were interested to read my letter, I want you to understand me better, I think that our letters do us closer to each other and I was very happy! I think that this is your day ends as well! And my mood is fun never disappears! I hope that in future I'll still know you more! At this point I will finish my letter, I want to wish you a good mood, I am sending you a gentle kiss.
Received: from validation.sls.microsoft.com (asmanatela@ with plain)
From: "asmanatela@yahoo.com" <asmanatela@yahoo.com>
Telefonica de Espana SAU
Red de servicios IP
Administradores Telefonica de Espana
Ronda de la Comunicacion s/n
Edificio Norte 1, planta 6
28050 Madrid
Horse with no name......typical Massmail.....
Hello my dear! Now I'm back in an Internet cafe, I come here and wait for your letter. I am very glad that I get it and read! I READ EVERY LETTER OF YOUR CAREFULLY!! I try to answer you as I can, and often in detail. Do you see? Maybe sometimes I miss some of your questions. Just when I read your letter in my head to be your main idea, and I try to answer it first. So I always look forward to your new email, and I hope to get to this your new photos. Because each picture, a moment of life captured on camera. And if I can see your new photos, then it makes it more interesting to read your letter. Do you understand that? In any case, I'm glad to see any your letter as a photo or without.
I really like that one with another country, quite different from the country of Azerbaijan, is thinking about me and take the time to write letters for me. it is very nice. I choose how much time to tell you about myself. And talk to you about different topics, I'd like to communicate with you, because you are a very interesting person! And I'm VERY, VERY glad that you like and my pictures. I want you to enjoy. Can you bring me joy! I would hope that we will not disappoint each other, I want our relationship grew into something more than just letters .. I do not know why, but I feel to you the warmth and tenderness!
I think that we are familiar with for a long time, and write letters, as friends who are familiar with for many years. Yesterday I was thinking about you a lot and realized that I look at you and you write letters, not only as a friend! I - a lone girl, now I live alone and I find it hard to talk about my feelings and emotions to you, because we only write letters, but my heart tells me that I can reveal to you that you are very kind and good person! I need a serious man. Now my heart is getting warmer and warmer!
And I feel that my heart soon after a long sleep at all will gain heat from you! And they will fight harder and harder. I think about it a good day when I met her beloved man who will give me pleasure and good mood every day! And once I was able to forget everything that I did not give me a normal life, and also religion. I want to start life again from scratch. Maybe when we get to know each other better, then we can talk about meeting in real life. Because any relationship should be developed, and correspondence on the Internet one day run its course. But now I'm trying to learn as you, to make the final image of you in my head. For then, if we meet, I have an idea about you. Of course my idea, and you are in reality - it will be slightly different. But I think that until this moment, I can find out all your good qualities. And the real meeting will only confirm it all. So now I do not want to rush it. I told you earlier, I do not like the rapid development of a serious relationship. I want everything to be natural that the development of the relationship to go step by step. I hope you want too? I have a childhood dream - to travel. But this is so and remain a dream. And if we can meet one day, then I will definitely prepare you for the meal. So that you can evaluate my cooking skills. I'm sure you would have loved it! Now I can not say for sure, something concrete I could cook you a meal out, but I'm confident it would be something original and very tasty.
I am - a girl and I'm harder than men in this world.

I think I'll be in the future to have children, still being a mom or a beloved child. But I want to live where there is a favorite and call it love and happiness! I think that a good man will care for the girl to give her affection and love, and many wonderful moments! And if you speak the truth, I dream that my man will be just like that! I think any girl would be happy with this man! Please do not be afraid of frank words, because I'm telling you about their desires and dreams in life. In life, I want to find love, happiness! I want to be with my loved one, always together, support and support in all things, a family and live happily ever after!
I know what to do really, but love - a feeling which can not be bought or sold, which comes from the heart, and it is difficult to explain in words, it must feel! Love - the most wonderful feeling that nature gives us!
A person who has this feeling - a happy man! What do you think about love and family? in severity .. What is most important to you in a relationship? How do you imagine the future of collaborative and family life? I think you are very good and the right man. And you are very interesting for me, I really want to develop a relationship with you and get to know you more better. Please tell me honestly, do you want anything? You look at my photos and what do you think?
I hope I'm not asking you so many questions. And I want to hear from you sincere answers, because I really want to build a relationship with you! I want you to look at our correspondence, as to the actual building of a serious relationship and I want to be closer to you and hope that you too want it! If we seek each other, we are waiting for a good future! Today I will go to the gym too! I have to keep your figure all the same. I think doing some training on a treadmill, as well as exercises for the abdomen. Then a little bit to drink tea and watch TV at home, and again one! I like to watch different programs, news of the day, and more. I will finish my letter and I will be thinking of you! I am waiting for your new letter, and the next time I go to a cafe with great hope to see a letter from thee! I wish you all the best and a smile on your face! With a warm heart, Anela
And now I give you my kiss.
Received: from Nn (asmanatela@ with plain)
From: "asmanatela@yahoo.com" <asmanatela@yahoo.com>
Neostrada Plus
TP S.A. Hostmaster
ul. Nowogrodzka 47A
00-695 Warszawa
25min. later...........
With the VALENTINE DAY!!!! And I hope, that this holiday to present to you a lot of pleasure, and happiness!
Received: from Nn (asmanatela@ with plain)
From: "asmanatela@yahoo.com" <asmanatela@yahoo.com>
Neostrada Plus
TP S.A. Hostmaster
ul. Nowogrodzka 47A
00-695 Warszawa
Hello! Thank you very much for your letter, I read it now and very happy! I have a delightful mood, I can read again the letter from you. As Your letters make me very happy and cheerful! This creates a good mood for me for the rest of the day, and even when I wake up the next day, my mood is also excellent. And I think that my smile is always on my face, and there's my good mood will never go away! I am more and more desire to know you better, absolutely anything is possible. I can not explain it, but it's true! I hope that my letters, too, give you a cheerful mood and more willing to receive news from me? Yesterday I told my friend about you and our correspondence, and it's a bit jealous of me. My friend name is Jailin, I'll send you our joint photo with this letter. I told her that you are a very good person and a very interesting man, and my girlfriend wished us luck in our relationship! She sends you a "hello" and says that if you're such a good person, then I should not disappoint you! I told her that he'll never make you feel bad, because you opened up to me and your soul is clean and your heart is great!
I'm really happy that I got acquainted with you, it's the good things that happened to me in my life.
Also, we're already talking about serious, like a family, kids and husband! So far, I've never had a husband and children. But I really want it. This is the most important thing. It seems to me that the question of the family, we can not with you to discuss the letters. you need to watch each other's eyes, to speak on this. Right?
Last night I went home alone. I very much imagine that I'm going with you and I have not bored! I would like to go with you on the street and talk about different topics. I very much like romance. And my great wish - is of course to go with someone you love to be outdoors, to relax! There. Where the late afternoon sun was setting can be looking at! Where is the star you can watch different moments - a "bucket", "Big Dipper", "little bear". And the other constellations! Do you like this holiday? This is a romance, I think. I - a very romantic girl. While the other girls in Azerbaijan, - very few people have such a character. What is your idea of romance, you think you are a romantic man?
I would also like to stay at home with you for a very delicious and romantic dinner. I have used all of his cooking skills, and prepared a wonderful dinner, so we can enjoy it to loved it as you and me! Would put the candles around, and I think the situation would be changed immediately! As for the people loving each other is also playing a role, the situation! I must tell you! If I like a man, then I'm doing it for absolutely everything! And of course I am looking for a such a man, who for the sake of his girlfriend was able to do anything, absolutely! Would look at me and we would be happy together. Also, he could confess his love as often as possible. Speak very kind words to me so I'm just inspired by these words and could not hold back from the big smiles and joy.
I would just tears of joy from it! Maybe I'm a little hurry, but I want to write to you not only a friendly letter, because I feel that you become my close friend! I think a lot about you, how about my man, and if you do not mind, I'll write to you as my man, and not just a friend! It will be good for you? I do not know how to explain it, but I already want to call your favorite! As you look at it? Already, I want you to know more what you are inside, what you have in mind?
Not just for me, but in general. Your desires may secret. What do you like in love? that I write like you? I think, and just want you to be well on my letters. That you could forget your past and to dream again about the future. For the future it soon, and you could be happy. If you are looking for a serious relationship yet, and I'll come to that! Then you have to be sure. That will do it, and I do everything for it. I know and confident that I'm young and I still have yet to come. I would like to see - that the age difference to me really does not matter in our country there is a saying "for the love of all ages are good!" Since I believe that life with a more experienced man would seem to me better. For me the important thing is not the age difference, but life experience. Even a man of 20 years, may have more experience than a mature man.
But this is rare. Usually, the older man's life was in many different situations, and the accumulated experience! You can teach the girl he loved. What do you think? I think I'm right l think, and so it is in life. A lot of good moments that make a person happy. Meet with you - this example! I am really very happy every day! I noticed this, my friends noticed it and they say that I changed much! Still, this is my email today I think is quite another. Here I begin to tell you about my inner world and my desires! I think you have much to learn about it. I have to accumulate a lot of words for you. But I want to see it at all like this to you? Can you trust me all that in your heart? I'm curious to know about it. I'm just so sorry that I have no phone. And I have no way to call you.

I have the most amazing feeling now, I hope all this will also grow well, and eventually we will be very happy. I put a maximum effort to do this, I promise you.
Your Anela
Mail is stolen from:
Darina 090511
http://viewsfromsandhausen.com/2011/10/ ... lfriend-2/
Received: from Nn (asmanatela@ with plain)
From: "asmanatela@yahoo.com" <asmanatela@yahoo.com>
Broadband users of VECTRA S.A. -=WARSZAWA=-
Marcin Zwierzchowski
Vectra S.A.
Al. Zwyciestwa 253
81-525 Gdynia
Hello, my beloved! Today is a very great weather, just cool enough and not too cold. As the weather is yours? You know, I admire your writing. So much joy, it was granted to me now. I am very pleased that we have with you all well on its way, and you will understand and support me! I have a feeling that we are writing letters to each other for a long time! I've already told you this, but I really have a feeling and I was not to leave. It's hard to describe in words, as if we are familiar with you for many years. I fully understand you. Everything that you write, everything is absolutely! But in my letter are born each new issues and topics of conversation! I hope that you are interested to read my letter! I see that you're not afraid to tell me everything that's in your soul and all your thoughts! I never thought that the letter can be a lot of feelings and emotions transmitted to humans. But when I see your letter - then again, all the tenderness there is in me, as if after a long sleep in me. It's as if I had slept for years, and then I met you, and I suddenly woke up. All my affection and warmth back to freedom. And it only gets you! Our letters to make us very close to each other every day, with each letter of my more interesting! I have a very big emotion now, I would like to kiss you even now! I must tell you - that I can understand people! I see - that all your words are sincere, and you're telling me a lot of your life. I understand - that we know only through the Internet, but if we trust each other in these letters, then we have much work. Do you agree with me? I wish we had the confidence between us, and always a lot! I think - that just trust - the basis of relationship, without trust our relationship will not develop. I believe you, I can say!
I feel that you're a good man, and I can trust you completely! As long as I can see that I am not mistaken, and I am glad, if you believe me! I wrote to you that I'm looking for a serious relationship with a man. I try it with you and I write all that in my head. I know you better! And I want you to recognize just me, and more than any other girl. I want you to be always with me, frankly, was telling the truth and never lied! I promise you that I will never tell you lies! I'm old enough girl, you know, my age - in '29, it's not young people. Besides, I have a birthday soon - May 30. I think my age - no time for mistakes and lies. I try to be as frank and honest. Because I know this will depend on my future, my happy life. So I want to be honest from the beginning of our relationship. . I also wanted to tell you again, I do not have a serious relationship with a man at all, since it contradicts my religion.
Can I ask you - do you write a letter just me, or do you have any other girls? I was just curious to know this! I just do not write letters, nobody else. And I would not want you, I was not alone. I wrote to you that I'm looking for a serious relationship with a man. I can not forbid you to write them, but if you write me a letter such, it is better to give up other girls, you know? I always want to know and speak the truth. So the best way is to tell the truth, and be clean at heart. What a lie, and then at home in bed and think - what I said is a lie! And always ask - and if he finds out the truth, then I would be bad! You see it also, I think?
Just was at work one day, and I forgot to tell you! Today I sold a set of one girl makeup - it is my regular customer and she always goes to buy fresh food! I help her in this course. Yet it was the fact that she feels - that her man is cheating on her. He started coming home from work late, not like before. Constantly delayed, and she does not know where he is still working after about 2 hours lost every day. She asked him: Tell me the truth, you have another girl or not? He replied to her: how could you think so?! I am loyal only to you and the more I do not need anyone, I just have a lot of work! And then I go home on foot. To walk around and relieve tension! That's how he talked to his wife.
Then I said to this woman - if you love it - you have to believe him, and if he really said all those words, then your good fortune continues. You can not live in disbelief! We have very strict in the country with lies. These people are punished. From early childhood, children are taught to be honest and correct. To be honest the whole life and have no problems in the future. I believe that is correct!
But you're with me, I think, will agree - that any one truth out into the light. And then if you cheat all the time - then it will be very bad for both loved ones! And so the confidence is almost the most important thing in a relationship after the love! That's why I write to you immediately, please feel free to tell the truth and only! So I'm better than you could first find, and second - to be in trust, and hope for the best! The only way I can know your inner peace and a habit for you, and I can fall in love. I already have the feeling that I'm in love! You are my very close friend, my favorite!! I would like to write to you at all times and know you better. but my job takes a lot of time and effort! It is a pity, I would have written to you for days on end is what I think I feel. In this letter you get in an abbreviated form, but you must know - now I think of you always. And always imagine, what you do and how you spend your day! What do you think of sleep the night before! Can you share with me about it??
I would like to create a profile on social networks such as Face Book. Or use the messenger (MSN, Yahoo). But I can not do that. Because these things take much time. I do not really have much free time. I can not always be the Internet cafe. First, I work hard and have a passion for sports, and many household chores. Therefore, the amount of my free time is limited. Secondly, I do not have extra money to spend it on long hours spent in Internet cafes. I try to be frugal and spend the money efficiently and wisely. That's why I prefer to communicate with you by e-mail. Because I say so to you, much more thought at one time. I hope you to arrange a chat with me?
I will now finish my letter and will soon see your answer! Then I say to you and write you a longer letter of course! I already want you to write about more valuable in life. So as my feelings for you have a big increase! I would like you to answer me every day! When did you go, then I'll be very anxious and upset! I would not want to. So, a lot of kisses ... 100000000000000000000000000!
Your are here, Anela!!!
Received: from Nn (asmanatela@ with plain)
From: "asmanatela@yahoo.com" <asmanatela@yahoo.com>
NET1 Ltd.
Stefan Voynov
14, Asen Jordanov blvd.
Hello my favorite! Today, my life and my day is filled with joy, so great to see your letter! When I read your letter, my heart skips a beat. I felt as much at the time of our correspondence, I very much changed, I became a different woman. Now when I look at this whole world through different eyes. I feel it is clear that to live well. What appeared in my life happy. My life is filled with meaning. Once again I just want to fly from happiness, it is nice to know that I am to someone very much needed, I think I really need you and it's great. I always think about what you wrote about each word. I think about every word of his as well, and am afraid of mistakes! When the end of the letter I read - and say to yourself, I should write a decent answer as you! God help us, I am confident that everything will be fine! If you choose your words now, I still see in them is very great care and love! how are you dear? You know - have more and more desire to be together. Really make all our words! Yet last night I thought about the good. I can tell you what - I imagined how we meet already. Still life with you I liked in my mind and my imagination. I certainly understand that not everyone will be like in my imagination, but I thought about the possible life which can not be! I started by saying that I am leaving Azerbaijan and say goodbye to my friends. Then all the same right to sit on a plane and fly to you! And you buy a little red roses, and stand at the airport with you, and wait for me! I really would like, if you meet me at the airport - or in any way

And when we come to your home, then you can show me your house. Still, I very much want to see it! Since then I can see how you live! And what do you have room. I want to keep your home clean and cozy. Take care of it. Yet no small part for me to play kitchen! I hope you give me allows you to cook to eat each day to you. For me, it will be only joy! I will always want to ensure that you always wore a well-fed! And I hope that this will be your only love, everything that I cook! I would also like. That you sometimes helped me with this. If, for example, I do not have the strength to carve the meat - then you hug my arm with his hand. And just helping to put pressure on the knife! So that we can together and quickly cook us dinner! Every dish I want to try to decorate with greenery to give it more flavor. You know, I have a lot on the cooking secrets that you will learn gradually, I'll tell you! Since we can prepare various dishes, and east, the Caucasus! You can write about it very much, I just want you to know! I'll try to do so. That you never went hungry! And the rest of the homework should not make much difference. Since we make your house much more comfortable and cleaner. That even if the guests have come to you, have a sense of caring! You like it?
I told you earlier, I really love nature. I love to admire the beauty of nature, beautiful natural places. It makes me calmer, you can relax and be distracted by other thoughts. Sometimes, I have caused consternation people's attitude towards nature. People do not appreciate what nature give us. People pollute the river, water, air and cause great harm to nature. It really is a terrible picture. I do not understand this attitude of people towards nature. Once the nature will punish people for such a harsh attitude towards this. I really love going on nature, away from the city. And I also imagine our journey together. I tell you earlier that a childhood dream - to travel. But this is not done yet. So our journey together with you - this is another dream of mine. The place of such a journey - not so important, any country or any other exotic. The main thing that we could make this journey together, and enjoy it. But this is not my main dream. Home - this is my first visit to you. And then we could discuss the option of joint travel plans. I hope you do not mind?
Now I very much miss you every day, as you would like to see better
today than tomorrow and after tomorrow!! Since so much sadness in my
heart and my heart aches to have these dreams! I want this in reality
some day!! I think you are all fine - and can you write that, as you
would have done, if you see me? I now want to call you my prince -
because you're a man, I dream about!! And I looked for you all my life
and why only now found? But I know that happiness comes unexpectedly!!
Darling, tell me happened in your life if something like this? Or is our relationship with you this example? I love you, I have many desires concerning you. Believe me always! Please write me in your next letter about what you think! And perhaps you'll tell me also about your dreams. I think you love to dream about a beautiful, but a feasible, as I do. I'll look forward to your letter, here, your good Anela!!!
Received: from Nn (asmanatela@ with plain)
From: "asmanatela@yahoo.com" <asmanatela@yahoo.com>
NET1 Ltd.
Stefan Voynov
14, Asen Jordanov blvd.
Hello, my big love most in this world! I'm very happy now to come to the internet cafe to see your new letter. Of course I believe I'm a happy girl, because I always in my heart have you, my prince! Sometimes after work I'm tired, even if sometimes I have bad mood, but after reading your letter my mood gets better, I see a lot of care and affection. Continued support for me, I get it from you, and I appreciate it! Then again awakened in me a sense of vitality, and do not feel any fatigue and muscle pain! I am very much happy to read your letter, and again the smile back to me. Can you imagine a joyful expression on my face. I clap hands, and big tears of joy to tell yourself - yes, again I see it from my favorite!
And this feeling of joy to me very much. Since I'm in love with you. And getting the word of love from a loved one. And to see you - I dream of meeting you and I have every day and night! I already know that you also thought about it, about our meeting. In your head, are also these wonderful letters. I believe that when I come to you, we spend a great time.
Every day I dream about it! And every day, I remember the day when I come to the marriage agency. And they give me your email address.

You talk as this, our possible meeting.

You also, I hope you will help me in all cases of female? Since I'm a do everything I can not - I will need your help! I am a friend of my friend - her husband to help her a lot of home affairs, I believe it is very important. I understand that the majority of household chores should a woman do, but I still hope to receive your help in some cases. To me less tired and have more energy at the end of the day, especially at night! You just have to know what I always say. I am very loyal girl. and if I love you, I always will I be with you! To do this, and there is a love relationship. Do you know this of course, I'm not going to explain it to you! Because you're my most intelligent and faithful as a man in this world. I must tell you - that if I come to your house? You invite me? I still do not know much, but can you help me find a job? Since I do not want you constantly create problems! I want to help you in all things, also in financial straits.

Then I could make you a gift, which for the earlier you know you will not! And then everything falls into place, I want it!
Today I'll go to my friend yet, I want to spend some time with her. Trust her my thoughts. describe and discuss everything! I know she's happy for me and told me nothing about it. If she has something new to tell me - then she tells me! I will not tell her about what we're talking about in his letters, but I have to say about you a lot of good! And very much hope that you are the same in reality. What can I trust you are very important in my life! I want to be with you always, always kiss you!
And always look in your eyes a little bit confused by your own eyes! I would definitely like it. And all that I have written to you you get it in your head. Carefully think about and write my answers. I write to you are serious things that I want to! And you're with me and discuss any topic you can!
I certainly want to discuss with you all and I want to touch such a theme is like sex. I can talk to you about this if you want! If you're telling me that you like in sex? And maybe you think about it at night? Then do not hide it please tell me what you want! I know that I would be hard to talk about it. But I'll try. Since I have never had sexual intercourse with a man. Do you understand?? Since sexual intercourse with a man my religion forbids, until my wedding.
Then I'll be watching your answer! And maybe tell you. I think that night! What I dream, and I want to do with you, out of great love for you. This is of course the sweet moments that will never be forgotten. And there are more and more fancy, that I want to tell you! I think you know it will be interesting! Then I leave with you soon! I think that for a long time to wait for your answer I do not have to.
I love you darling, I want to hug you now and say these words in his eyes, and whisper softly in my ear! And they say that first love is remembered for a lifetime? Many kisses for my sweet prince!!!
Here, yours forever, and I think Anela!!!
Received: from Nn (asmanatela@ with plain)
From: "asmanatela@yahoo.com" <asmanatela@yahoo.com>
PPPoE Clients
Stanislav Radkov
Sofia , Bulgaria
Hello my favorite! My most gentle and caring woman on this planet. My sun, my happiness and my love! I am so happy to receive your letter, read it now. That's all I want now, because waiting for your reply with great impatience. Since I am without your letters can not live like a fish out of water. This comparison is of course, because I really can not live without your letters. You write very gently, just as I like. And I always want to hear from you these words addressed to me. Always and everywhere. I do not care in what place we are, and how many people will stand beside us. If you can pronounce all these words - words of love, then I'll be the happiest girl. Only you have to say this with sincerity and conviction that it is you want me to say it! I am confident. What will I kiss you all the time, I'll never be upset with you because you are my light, for which I want to live and strive for the best for the future!!! And all that I dream about when we will meet again in the future for us!!
My love, I really liked how you wrote and told me. I'm just waiting to write to you!! Yesterday I met with my girlfriend, so as to gather. We sat in the cafe, drank tea and ate a delicious dessert. And during all this time, we had fun talking, she told me her news and events. I told a little about you, about the fact that I am now very happy and I really love you. My friend wishes us success in our future relationships! I saw that my friend was genuinely happy for me! Then I went home and thought about our love and affection that I want. I dream that it was all very romantic. You will like it? If you're going to come home from work, and I'll wait for you to have always!! Every day, and only you, because I only need you!! If we meet now and would have together. Then if you come home - and I meet you with open arms and hands, and a big smile because you're back. You undress and place in a bathroom. To wash, so you sit at the table is clean and dressed in home clothes. Then I sit at the table! I think I will never dine without you, always waiting for you, and together we will sit down to supper. So it will be more pleasant for you to dine with me, I think.
Yet when we have dinner and tea, we are talking about us after that again. We tell each other the most wonderful words that we want. I'll call you my prince, and my love - my ideal and a dream. After all, the way it is! You are the most kind and gentle man in this world! I think you're ready to do everything for me, and I appreciate it!! I feel your great love for me, your kindness and your gentle hands, your body and your breath. I still ... when we after dinner - we can relax a bit, and then still a little walk! Can you show me the most fabulous places in your city. As I already said - I want to know everything about you, you are showing me everything that is connected with you. Maybe you'll like some place, perhaps it would be romantic! You have to please remember. And then together we go there to spend time. You're telling me something about this, and I will listen to you very carefully! We can then immediately return home or go somewhere else!
Do you know your more interesting places to visit, so you see me off! We can go where people would sit, there are places with you, I'm confident. Then we'll walk together and hold hands. Then all people will look at us and smiling. So I think we will be a beautiful example of a pair that fits together. Such a pair that has a purpose in life, we will seek always what we want to achieve together. I do not even question my dear!! You are my beloved man, very caring and I never will not give you. the main thing that you do not want to go away from me, otherwise I just can not keep you! But I do not think about it, because you are a man and he has to choose a life partner!
With the mind, and with the desire! Still, my dear, I want to write more! As I told you, and I asked you last time about sex. Since it is also a very important part of a relationship and very beautiful.
BUT NOTE: I still have never had experience in sex. I understand that it is difficult to believe, and it seems strange! But this is so, and please believe me!!! BUT the important thing is that now I have the desire to make love to you!!!! Because only with you I want to translate into reality all my thoughts and dreams. And I think that if you are helping me in this - is already quite well! I want to. To make you understand - I am very gentle, and you want to start always with tenderness. I want to massage your back a little to relieve tension. At the same smooth feel your breath. Probably every man loves a massage from the sensitive hands of women? I know how to do it, and thou shalt teach lots of fun from it! When I finish, I leaned to you around REMOVED, if you want it!!
And then I just have to stroke you in the ear and tell you softly that I love you, darling! You are my good and tender! my hand and then walk slowly to REMOVED! First, through his pants and stroked it very gently! REMOVED - it will be very good for you! I think that by this time your body will already be up and does not tolerate any more! is it true? Then you just turn around and we're looking face to face and look straight in the eye! In order not to get distracted and have all the same contact, that is just an invisible thread - that binds us together. Our consciousness! You bring your hands to my body and make me feel and a great desire REMOVED! REMOVED
I want it, and I think that I could tell you what I think! What do I think at night! What do I dream with you! I think you write me your opinion? I look forward to your letter again. And I will always answer you! Always tell me what you think and how you imagine!
I just want to say that all of what I wrote to you here - it is my dream. I have read many romance novels before, and it was so exciting. I want our relationship with you, everything was as beautiful and romantic. I think we can make our relationship more beautiful and more emotional than any book novel. We are going to find better ways to do!
Can you imagine life with me and all of this, as I wrote to you today? Do you want this?? Would you like right now? I really want to carry it all in a short time. Already, I seriously think about our fast meeting in real life. In my next letter I shall write to you in detail everything that I planned on our first meeting. And that, I think to do that! I think this will be the next level in the development of our relations. I think we need to know about each other. It is unlikely that the letters can still learn a lot more. Now only met in real life, can give us a complete picture of our desires. I understand that we must work very hard at it. To get the most as a result of a happy couple of people on Earth. But I'm sure our love will help us in this.
Received: from Nn (asmanatela@ with plain)
From: "asmanatela@yahoo.com" <asmanatela@yahoo.com>
Blizoo Media and Broadband EAD
Stoyan Sl Stoyanov
Kaloianovsko shosse 16 floor #2
Hello, my biggest and strongest love!! I'm happy now because I see your letter, I can read it and respond to you right now. I have the time to do so again. I'm really happy - and my joy each day to get more! At the sight of your letter my heart is beating very strongly, more than one, and the feeling - it just jumps out soon! Then, if it is to jump on my body - it is only part of my heart. She will fly to thee in the sky to your house - and joins you. Thus, I want to tell you what to give part of my heart I want you. And give all my spirits and joy, all my love to you. Tell me what is your mood today? I think that all is well and you write like you spent day and night?
I'm still close last night and the night was already thinking about us again. Just I do not even watching TV, and what is not distracted! I suddenly thought that if all of what we write can happen in reality, as well as our words! That is so fast people can fall in love in each other's letters. I write you the truth about all my feelings and my love for you! Regarding my thoughts about sex, I just think a lot about us and fantasize. In the last letter I told you that I am still a virgin, and it's true. Since, according to the Muslim religion she should not have sex before marriage. I have never been married, so I'm still a virgin. Perhaps this is hard to believe but true.
What I think and I can not do is display the words! So much I want relations with you. Closer to you, I love your inner world - what's in your heart. And you're telling me about it, and I think that you are the just man I need. Yesterday I was thinking about us and a lot of planning. What is still not live without you. Letters - this one, and you understand it myself, that very well, we did not know each other. And if we meet one day - then it will be a moment that just shows that we have for each other. I did not drop no doubt - that if I see you really - is all very well between us. And if I told you in the eye can see, then I'll see everything, all their brilliance, which will come from your eyes to me. Then I just smile, then I'll understand everything at once, all your feelings and love for me. Yes, just by the look! And if I see all your actions that show concern for me, or courtship. It is necessary for me to know and see in you! I am confident that I present to you this is just who would like to see, and what you really are. I have a good intuition, and it is always confirmed in his life. My intuition tells me that you're the best man for me, I want to be with you. I would like to start a new life with you, which would allow me to completely forget all the past that happened! To then just do not remember it. I still do not think about it, just telling you. Now, all my desire to meet you. But if you're going to go with me? You have such a desire?
I think that this is not a good option. Because if one of my friends here in Azerbaijan recognizes me. They will immediately report this to my parents. And my father will see and know - I'm with you. I can not allow this. As the law then I will punish you! BUT!!! If I come to you dear. Then I have the right to leave Azerbaijan, and then build my life as I want. And also I can change the religion. I can take another faith, if you want to be!! you know what I do?? Here, in Azerbaijan, I can not be with you. This is a very important condition!!
In my head and I can not think of anything else. All of those things, house, parents, my family and my job - it's all you can leave! Although friends and parents forever in my heart and I will be able to visit them one day with you! If I come to you, then I can go to work in Azerbaijan and work with you. <<<<< will be a long way from US every morning And I think that you are helping me with this! With a shop is not difficult to settle down in your town, and everywhere they are required. Professionals who know how to work with people. I already want to work with people to try. Which are not of our country. This for me will be very interesting and attractive, maybe I'll be able to change their style more than others! I can also sell products, or we think together about where I could work with. The first thing I'll be good to learn your language so that I can properly communicate with customers. yet - but first we will discuss this at the meeting. If we want, we create everything with good intentions.
That is, I want to tell you that at first we can meet for some time to learn - if we can be together or? What do you think???????? And if we see it, and already 100 sure we will approach each other, thus to live together. Then we'll talk about the wedding to go!
I love you very much and was happy to have you also seen. I'll wait for your answer to this darling!!!
Yet if we meet. I say - it is quite another, it is no longer writing. Letters to bring much joy and many desires, many dreams!! But they can not all of those feelings that I have to transfer to you. All those emotions and my mind! You can not look at my eyes. That's why I say all this to you now!
If we meet - then all that we write to each other can do, and we will be able to put into reality. We can make love in bed and can walk around the different streets and the most beautiful places. We can each night to bring each other pleasure, to be happy. I would like you to massage all the time, every time the form when you are tired. I would like to engage with you love, with each of our common desire and want. To all that you write as you could do! You write as you love me and want a great love. We can do it soon! I was thinking yesterday that it will be enough to dream, because it is more a desire to meet.
I am so much waiting for your answer! In general, what do you think? Tell me your thoughts and then we are dealing with!
I am eagerly waiting for your letter, I will! And I want to say again that I love you Anela!!!!!!!!!!!
Received: from validation.sls.microsoft.com (asmanatela@ with plain)
From: "asmanatela@yahoo.com" <asmanatela@yahoo.com>
Eircom Customer Assignment
Pat Gannon
Suite 10 Anglesea House , Blackrock
I was thinking till today that Baku is the capital of Azerbaijan in the asian Part of Russia and not in Brazil....

Funny Travel agency which ask customer such stupid question
Hi, My biggest love!! I am very glad to see your letter now, I'm back in internet cafes. Every time I come here and see your letter, then my mood immediately improved to its highest level. Your letters really do wonders. The most important thing for me is that you continue to write to me. I am glad to receive any letter from you, how big or small. The most important thing is your attention to me, your attitude towards me. But still I love to receive a letter from you in which you write too much. Then I can learn more about all of your day on your mood. For me, it's very important!
I think many of us, as we will be together. What are we going to do to become closer with each passing day. dreamed last night about this and have thought that you meet me! That's all very simple and there is no problem. Then I was glad to escape back to your hand. So you can hug me! If you're going to have to hug me when they first met - then everything changes. I'll see your concern and your desire to be with me. Everything depends only on us. And if we want to be together, together we will certainly try. I also thought a lot about our love and realized that I can not wait for our meeting! And I see in your letter that you are also interested in it. This morning I followed a dream and you're back in my head. You should know this if you were with me now. Then I would not be alone. If I meet you - then I no longer needed in the rest of his life. I love you with all my heart. All my thoughts are only about you and about our meeting with you!
What if we now meet in the near future? Then we will have enough time to be together. Because that's what I learned in the travel agency has a lot to me great joy! Indeed, I can tell you - I went to the city of Baku and learned all there. I'll tell you a little bit lower than their conditions. Yet everything is wonderful and I am very glad news! I told them - that met a good man on the Internet, and now I want to it. TO YOU MY DEAR! Then they gave me many questions, here are a few of these questions:
- You ever traveled to another country? I answered "NO".
- Have your friends or relatives already abroad, and what are their impressions? I said that my uncle once went from Azerbaijan to Europe. He then traveled to other countries.
- If you really want to leave Azerbaijan, then you will need to have the following documents: visa and passport. And the round-trip tickets. Since I will have a tourist visa. And I have to buy a return ticket as well. Otherwise I can not let go back to your country. Such rules in this agency, and in general in our country.
- Have you ever flown on an airplane and how do you carry? I've never flown on an airplane, and for me it is the first time at all.
favorite, I would like to ask you - if you fly on an airplane, then there are side effects? Is it terrible to fly a plane? A lot of watching on TV, that the planes crash into the air? So I was hampered girl from the agency to answer this question!
- Then she asked again: Are you going alone or with someone from the support? I replied that I want to go alone, because I will be waiting for just one.
- You know that many women are flying over the border from Azerbaijan to Europe or to other countries? Here IMPORTANT! The girls then did not return home. Because it still live there. I also asked how you can stay with you forever? They said - that if you're just going to have a wedding, then you can get citizenship in almost every country, it is the law worldwide. But they also told me that the girls will not be returned to Azerbaijan, because they are prostitutes. Because men are abroad, not all tender and honest. They forced the girls to work with his body, and so on. I was very surprised! Do you have a well? in your country? Please answer me! I'm a little upset by this!! BUT I think of a better.
I believe you 100! But I'm afraid. BUT I am ready to take risks for us. For the sake of our happiness for the sake of our love and our future!
So, on the documents: visa will be valid 3 months, and the passport will be valid six months.

I have no problems with the release. Since 2 years I have been working without leave in the store. So my boss might let me go. No problem.
I summarize - that still have no problems with my arrival to you! I can get all the information and documents for approximately 2 to 3 days.

BUT AGREE THAT I NEED TO KNOW YOUR OPINION? Do you agree that I flew to you as soon as possible? I think it's all right!
They showed me pictures of happy people who are now together. They showed me a lot of certificates for successful work. What kind of woman 3 months, and in general men find a pair. And to become happy. I thought it was a chance for us! Beloved, if we love each other and at the meeting very much, or even more. Then I would like to stay with you forever. FOREVER. But we'll talk more about it at the meeting. I'm ready for anything. Yet it is certainly a problem with payment. Since I am not a rich girl. And such a long trip would cost a large sum of money. I doubt that I can pay in full all of my trip.

I hope that you will not find a rich girl?
When I start looking for a man on the internet, then I could not imagine that everything would be so fast. What will I be able to find you, that our feelings are so strong. And I can not wait for our meeting. So I did not think about it. I could not imagine that our relationship with you will have a rapid and sensible development. And now I feel such a strong love for you, and a strong desire to come to you! Therefore, I find it hard to contain my feelings and my desires. I want to come to you soon and be with you and become the most happy people! I hope you understand it is my wish?
I am now finishing my letter, and forced to leave! She wrote this letter a long time and my hands are a bit tired. But I'm not sorry I wrote it all to you. Since it is important for both of us. If you seriously think all of us, please tell me the answer.
But I do not want to wait a long time. So I must give my answer to the agency the next day. Tell me the answer. and then again I'll write them a letter. We can write letters to them via e-mail. As I and you. If you're really interested in meeting with me, then you can learn everything directly to the agency. I want you to be reported to the agency all information concerning my arrival to you. That is the nearest international airport, where you can meet me. To travel agent was able to find the best option with a plane ticket.
I give you their email address:
You just write them a letter, call my name Anela Shamin, Carrara. To say that I have addressed in their agency. You can say that I come to them. I am confident they will remember me, and they will give you all the necessary information. I think you know more than me in all these cases related to travel. And you can find out everything very quickly. I hope you write to them.
I love you, my dear! You're always with me in my heart.
I miss you, hug, kiss tight!
Only your Anela!!!
Today we have another proof that Boris don't know Geography........
When Carrara is her Hometown how "she" wrote today, then Boris need a new map....

Carrara is a city and comune in the province of Massa-Carrara (Tuscany, Italy), notable for the white or blue-grey marble quarried there. It is on the Carrione River, some 100 kilometres (62 mi) west-northwest of Florence.
In one of "her" first Mails she wrote "Karrar" as Hometown.
Karrar (also, Kerar and Kerrar) is a village and municipality in the Kurdamir Rayon of Azerbaijan.
The Distance from Karrar to Baku is 200km (3 Hours)
The Distance from Carrara to Baku is 4.292km (2 Days and 4 Hours)
Received: from validation.sls.microsoft.com (asmanatela@ with plain)
From: asmanatela@yahoo.com
NET Serviços de Comunicação S.A.
Grupo de Segurança VÃrtua
My dear, I see your letter. and I am very glad that you write to me today. I am waiting for your letter, the whole day. And now when I read it, I can feel you next to me. And your letters to me like the light, the light in the darkness.
And as I tell you, not once that I do not have what is more important than love, loyalty, friendship. Now that we have with you. And it's not just words, namely, what I appreciate most in the world. And I would like you to know. Know that I'm not chasing riches, as I see and read and understand that the rich can not be happy.
I do not need expensive gifts, gold - a metal, diamond - the glass, the money - paper.
No, I just want to be like everyone else, be happy to love and be loved. Since neither of which more than love.
Now we'll build it together. And I see that you are glad to realize that I can come to you. And that's what I very much want to be with you. Love you, cuddle up to you to hear the sound of your heart and understand what happened to me, the one for whom I really mean a lot. And then there is no more beautiful than those feelings that you need!!!!!!!!
I also see that you still doubt me ..... Or is it not? Do you think that I deceive you? What can I hurt you?
I understand that in life you have to be an error. And who would you not when I do not want to repeat, as these errors do you really, really hurt. And you realize that the more you would not want to do such nonsense. I myself only learn from their mistakes, and then try not to repeat them.
And on this, I'll know better. And I know that is when you can get back into the same trouble, when they were then.
Also, we face when we bring ... Yes it is when you bring it just hurts. Do you believe you have to trust you and then he (she) to stick a knife in the back. At the very moment when you do not expect it. And then it's just very painful. And you realize that you no longer have to believe or to whom, nor when. And that trust is only to himself, as even the closest you can make the pain. Pain that is in your heart for a long time.
I have to be so. I be a man, we meet him, we walk, and I think that everything will be fine, that he loves me. But I was wrong. When he wanted to be with me in terms of sex, I refuse him. I was hoping that he can wait, he will be patient. But as soon as I tell him this, he started yelling at me, hit me several times in the face, and wanted to take me by force. But thanks to God, he did not work out. And the next day, I know that he do it with my best (I think) a friend. And then I had to learn that they have it (sex) not be the first time. And then I have to be completely destroyed. I did not believe anyone else, and say to myself that I will not make mistakes. What I will always one.
And it was four years ago.
But then I began to realize that I can not be one. I see people be happy, and happy with her beloved. I am afraid very much of it. I was afraid that when or whether my story again. It was only after several years, I realized that I needed to live a new way.
And then I write to you.
I confess that I do not believe and do not trust you at first. I say many of the men from another country to be rude, and that they need only sex. I can not say that I'm not ready for sex, I am a man, I just like everything I want it. I do not want to have sex with somebody I do not like. and those who want me to just that.
But when you and I began to write letters to each other, with each passing day, I realized that you're the one who should be with me. The one for whom I mean a lot. Anyone who loves and is willing to give their love to me.
And I have to decide for themselves what we're meant to be together. All my fear of the last to leave, I began to realize that it is not worth living in the past. What is sometimes believed. Perhaps at this point, you did not make a mistake, and make the choice to be with you always. That's the one who you need, and the one who will also love you.
And you realize that there is happiness in the world. Having a loved one who understands you well. And you can tell him that you love him, and even without words, he will always know it. And nothing can destroy their relationship. Because they love each other.
Now I hope you understand that I make the choice, I believe you, and when I realized that even if you betray, you must sometimes believe. Because if I do not believe you, we would never will see, and then I think that we would not be happy that we now have. Realizing that love you. and it is not just words that can not tolerate the paper. This is also the action that I do now that we have together.
I love you, your Anela
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From: asmanatela@yahoo.com
UPC Austria
Hostmaster Chello Broadband
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A-1100 Vienna
Hello, my dearest love! I see your letter, thank you! I'm very happy again now write to you the answer! And I want to again tell you all what I think. But I'll be honest with you. Absolutely, because it's my human quality. And I tell you, I can not conceal from you that is! And if I want to tell you that what I do.
I really love your letters! VERY MUCH!! And if your letter is true, then when they met me will be easy with you. With you I have to be a woman! That you will love! And I will love you! Because your letters are very caring and warm! And so I'm honest with you! And would never betray you.

Since in our country, the word "honesty" is the main! And I was a child learning to speak only the truth (and as you probably listen to that for the deception that we have in some villages are severely punished). I see that you are sincere with me, I can feel it! I can understand that you do not want to do me a pain. Do you want me to be happy. But I'll be so, just next to you. And you do it to yourself to understand.
I believe you, in your every word. Because I love you much! That love for you makes me do it! To make big steps forward, and believe you. Yes, it is believed, since I already tell you that I have not a very good history in which to be treason, and nothing but a pain. And now, now, I feel again that I am not a ....... I have to live life like a fairy tale, but I did not know that there will be a sad end, where the main character (s) will not have a happy ending. A will only have a broken heart.
Now I'm starting to learn all about the trip for you, and cost. I really want to come to you soon, to be with you there. Look in your eyes, listen to your heart. And realize that you're next to me. Touch you.
But the more I learn all this, I realize that we can not be together. I'm not gonna lie, I will not lie to you. I can not pay for everything myself. I just can not afford it. As you probably realize that it is not cheap.
And even if I work, I will have to work a few months, neither eat nor sleep, and use energy, and do not pay rent, so I was able to save money to pay for everything myself. You understand that this is simply not possible.
Please do not think of anything bad, I just do not want to hide from you or anything. And I tell you now, as it is. And to tell you that I can not afford to come to you.
I just have to try to ask my friends to help, but I do not how it can help. Of course they would, but for them it's just a lot of money. And they're nothing more I can not help it.
I have to think about what you would come to me, that we met in Azerbaijan. But then, I think that we're not able to be together. Since all who will see me with you, will speak badly about me. I also very much afraid that you (the foreigner) will come to Azerbaijan. We have a Muslim country, I have to tell you about it. And here is not very much like foreign visitors. And I very much worry and fear for you.
By my letter, I want you to be treated seriously. I want you to believe me my dear!! What would you have to realize that I do everything I could. I would never deceive you not. And I can not do it.
Now realizing that we're not able to be together, I am very hurt. It hurts because I have to be happy all the time with you. I never will forget your love and your letters. I believe you and I know you not when I do not pain, doing so I have tears. And I was just happy to be with you.
And I have a very strong desire to visit you. I want it. I want to come to you right in your hands. To make you wait for me to meet a hug and kiss. And everything we dreamed about, and write in our letters, we are with you every day that were together carry into effect. I dream about it and want it to be, as soon as possible.
But as I tell you, it's unlikely that you and I receive. I tell you that I will not be able to pay for everything myself. And I would like to ask you to help me. But I think that you can not decide on this.
Of course I realize you're still not sure about me. I feel it in my heart. And maybe it would be painful, but I understand everything. And I would be very ashamed to ask you to help me, as it is, I decided to come to you. And yet, I see that you have just not very good the past. And I'm not sure exactly what you like and I started everything with a new sheet and a blank page. And what can you trust people.
And now we face the wall, the wall that make the boundaries of reality and the world, where we're able to be together.
I also do not think you're a rich man. I do not care how much money you have and how much income you have. The main thing is that you realize that money does not make a human person. And his actions. his life, his affairs.
I do not need it or anything, nor any values. They can not be taken when you're going to have a conversation with God. But, you will have peace of mind!
I was brought up in poverty, and the truth. For me, money has never been very significant. Money is only a tool, a resource needed for life. And therefore no wealth I do not care. I want you to understand this clearly. I'm concerned about is your only concern and love. I want you to protect me always. Since I want affection from you. Because for all his life did not feel anything. In your letters, I could understand what you are really gentle and caring. What do you really love me and want only the best for me. I believe in what you can make me happy! And I want it. In our case, money - it just means that we can meet! Do you understand that? That is not to interfere with our meeting today?
And I did not hurry at all. I'm just looking face. If you want to - we meet. If you do not want to meet now, for any reason. Then you must be aware that this is any good will not. I will be very upset. because I can not live without you. I'm going to cry, and this pain will not go away for a long time. But that's life.
We can write hundreds of letters, long time. We can share photos. But it will not bring us much pleasure and joy, like a living encounter. It does not give you that feeling when you see the eyes, hear the heart, have a conversation. And feel the warmth of each other. A meeting can give a lot more emotions, memories and joy. Letters can never replace it. Do you agree with me?
I always dream of you, I say to all of you. So I call this feeling - love!!! And this is the most pure and true love. This love has great power!
But if we wait - all this will disappear with time. you know? We're just going to become pen pals. And then no more.
I do not want it! I want a real relationship, living emotions and feelings. I'm so, I can not change it.
But if I meet you now, as I want. Then I'll be happy. I want to. you to think. thought a lot and gave me your answer tomorrow.
Your forever Anela!!!
Received: from [] (asmanatela@ with plain)
From: asmanatela@yahoo.com
Blizoo Media and Broadband EAD
Blizoo NET Stara Zagora
Stoyan Sl Stoyanov
Kaloianovsko shosse 16 floor #2
My dear. What I do not want to talk against the fact that you can not help me. And I do not require you to do so. I'm glad you're with me to be so sincere, and release me to the ground of my dreams. And now I understand that should not be so "high fly". And I hope that we'll be able to have good friendships. And we will try to arrange our lives with you. And I'm sorry. If I offend you than that.!
After 3 days I will go to his family, and I will write to you on arrival. My father wants me to introduce his friend. And wants me to come. Or ..... you yourself understand our laws. But if I fly to you, I'd pick you. (smile).
Received: from [] (asmanatela@ with plain)
From: asmanatela@yahoo.com
Multimedia BG EOOD
Milen Mladenov
85 Vladajska Str.
1606 Sofia,
I am going to link this post with http://www.romancescam.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=13454