From Wednesday in MBN as Juliett; UID: 169288; 27 years old from Lugansk/Ukr.
I just saw your profile and I am interested in you very much
Good morning xxxxx!!Thank you for giving me your email address. I promise to write you about myself and send you some my pictures!
Hi xxxxx.
first of all I want to tell thank you for your email address
and I hope that I write you this letter not for nothing. I
don't want to bother with my long letter because I'm not
sure that you remember me. I don't want to waste my and your
time explaining you who I'm and where I have got your
address. If you remember me and you are interested in me I
would be very happy to get your answer and maybe some your
photos. I would be very happy to read something about
yourself, to know what are you looking for and what do you
want to get from your life. I will happily tell you about
myself too and share with you my photos. I think it is
enough for beginning. I will be waiting for your answer.
Kiss, Juliya
Received: from [] (helo=pool.luga.net.ua)
by freelavita.com with esmtpa (Exim 4.63)
From: Juliet@bonitaua.com
block Mirniy 1/17, Lugansk, Ukraine, 91015
First IP <> shows
P.O. Box 93054
Hello, hello my dear xxxxx!!
What a pleasure to get a letter from you! It is like a
miracle for me! I have waited for your letter and here it
is!! Thank you very much for the letter. I was very happy to
get it. Thank you for telling a bit about yourself. It is
very interesting for me. Please tell me more about yourself.
I'm interested in you really a lot and I need to know you
better. It is very important for me. Now let me tell you
about myself. As you already know my name is Juliya. I live
in Ukraine. To be more precise, in the East part of Ukraine.
I live in a small town called Peredelsk. It is Lugansk
region. I'm 25 years old. My birthday is on the 18th of
November. I'm a Scorpio. As I told you before I'm from the
small town and it is very difficult or even not possible to
get a good education and find a good job there. So I decided
to move to the nearest big city, to Lugansk. I completed a
college in Lugansk and now I work as a shop assistant in the
music shop. I like music very much and at my work I can
listen it a lot. I like many kinds of music. From classic
music till rock music. I'm the only one child in my family.
I don't have any brothers or sisters. My parents are
pensioners. It has been very difficult for my parents to pay
for my education and my living in the another city. So, I
didn't have another choice as to start to work from the
first course of my collage. I changed many types of work. I
worked like a shop assistant in the grocery, I worked like a
cleaner and cloakroom attendant. As you can see, I'm a hard
working woman. With my work I almost don't have time for my
private life. I'm very lonely here. I need a man in my life
to feel complete and happy. I still met nobody with whom I
would want to create a family, strong and friendly family. I
have a lot of friends here but I don't have a man, my man.
Everything what I want, just to love and be loved. Can it
really be so difficult? I have never thought I would be
alone cause I hate loneliness! I'm afraid that it is my
destiny... Can you prove me that I'm wrong? Ok, I do not
want to bother you with a too long letter. I will be waiting
for your answer and don't forget to send me some your photos

Juliya with hope
Hello, my dear!
Hello, my sweetheart xxxxxx!
It is a huge happiness to me to get your letter. I was
waiting for you reply and here it is. Thank you very much
for the letter. Thank you that you have found time to write
me. Of course I'm interested in your letters. Even more than
you think... Thank you for telling about your hobbies. You
have a very interesting hobby. I'm talking about matchstick
models. I would like to try it. It is very nice that you
like to sing. I like it as well. Especially I like to sing
in the shower

same taste of music. I like Beatles, Doors and U2 very much!
I feel how we become closer to each other letter by letter
and I am very glad about it. I think our future relationship
will be very special. You give me a hope that it is not my
destiny to be lonely all my life. I am so thankful to God
that I met you via Internet! I have to tell you that I got
disappointed with the man here. I even don't want to try to
build relations with a man here and be disappointed again.
Ukrainian men are not interested in serious relationships.
They don't want to create families and take care about their
children. They drink too much and always looking just for
fun. Of course, not all men here are so bad. But definitely
the most part of them. I'm not a doll and I don't want to be

play with me. I promise you that I will always be honest
with you and I ask you for the same.
<<< of course not! I'm only part of your game
I feel sure that you are a very good man and I want you to know that I trust you
already. Please, do not disappoint me. My decision to marry
with a man from abroad is stable and right. I hope the fact
I am not speaking English will not be a problem for us. Am I
right? I belive that our language barrier will never stop
us. Do you agree with me? It is just a language and I'm sure
that it would be easy for me to learn it. Will you help me?
You can ask me how can I write you my letters in English? I
will answer you. Now I use the service of professional
translations. To be able to communicate with you I visit a
translation firm. I don't have a computer my own and I don't
know even how to use it.

write you letter and pay some money for translations. So it
is very comfortable for me to use the translation firm. I
will close per now and I will be waiting for your soonest
reply. Don't forget to send me some your photos

Juliya with hope
Her sweet two Pics not necessary to post since we know who she's.
Good day my Prince,
Good day my hope,
Good day my darling xxxx!
What a happiness to get your letter again. With you I feel
so complete. I am very sorry that I couldn't answer you
early. As you know, I use the services of the translation
agency for our communication and I pay for our
correspondence. It took some more time from me to find the
funds to pay for the last pair of letters to be translated.
I hope you didn't forget me. I am very interested in you and
I do not want to lose you!! Thank you for telling more about
yourself. It has been very interesting to know about your
family. I'm glad that your family is very important for you.
It means for me a lot. I even couldn't think before that I
can fall in love via Internet. I even couldn't think before
that foreign man could be so kind and caring. I even
couldn't think before that man like you are can really
exist! I pray every night for you to come, for you to touch
me. I think of you all the time and I can clearly understand
that I want to be with you. Do you feel the same? I feel
that you are a man I'm looked for. I feel that you the only
one man of my life. You know, I'm very romantic and sexy
woman. I can give you all my love and my heart. I'm sure
that our future life will be wonderful! Our future family
will be strong and friendly! We will have a lot of happy
days and nights full of love. I imagine myself how we will
be talking and laughing together. I'm a simple girl, I'm not
wealthy. But I'm a girl with a big loving heart. I had
nobody before I would want to present my love. Now I have
you and I want to share my life and my love with you.
Everything what I need to know, that you feel the same...
Just let me know that you feel the same and I will be the
most happy woman in the world! Please, do not worry that in
present I do not know English at all. As for me, this fact
will never stop me and I hope you also. We need to overcome
this problem. I understand that I can't always use the
translation agency. I understand that I should start to
learn English as soon as possible. I understand that it is
very important not only for me. It is important for us, for
our future. I am a smart girl and you can be sure that I
will learn very fast. With this letter I send you some
others photos of me. They are a little special and I hope
you will like them... I want you to know that you are the
only one man I send this photos to. I will be waiting for
your reply. Have a nice day!
Juliya with hope..
Tow Pics not necessary to post
Translator crap........
Dear Mr. xxxx,
welcome to the translation company "UTS Translation agency".
Our translations company offers the services by translation
from Russian into English and from English into Russian
positions. We deal with translation of different
documentation, work with organizations and with private
persons the same as we translate as business correspondence
as private one. We translate your correspondence with miss
Juliya. The reason we contact you now is to inform you that
we can't translate and send you miss Juliya's letter because
she can't pay us for the translation cause of her financial
problems. Miss Juliya knows that your correspondence is
important for your common future and that is why she asked
us to contact you behalf of her name. Miss Juliya would like
to be in touch with you until you are together in real life
and she is very upset that now your correspondence stops.
Contact us if you are interested to continue your
correspondence with miss Juliya and we will be glad to send
you our prices and conditions. We work in the close
cooperation with all our clients. Our goal is provide
professional translations with the minimal prices and time
consumption. We emphasize on quality and reliability of our
services and always consider all customers requests. In our
translations, we always retain what author says and
accurately keep author's style and privacy.
the staff of
"UTS Translation agency"
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