She contact me just now in DMF as
- ID: 198344
- 28 y/o female (1984 - January - 3)
- Los Angeles, USA
- English, French
- manager
- Have no children
would be glad to know more about you. Your profile is nice but I think you are much better) If you want to tell me more about you and know who I am, write me directly at svetka(a)gmx.com
.... immediately her answer (3am at her place)
Hello again xxxxx!
I am pleased to see your letter. I am grateful to you, that you understand me.
xxxxx, I want tell to you little bit more about me. I hope, that it is interesting to you.
My age is 29 years. My birthday is June 30, height 170 cm, weight 52 kg.
My name is - Svetlana. I was named so in memory of my great-grandmother. She was very clever and wise woman.
I never saw her, but heard many good memoirs. And what about your name??? Why you have received such name?
I live in city Pavlovo. This is small but beautiful city in the Nizhni Novgorod Region. I was born here.
5 years I live separately from my parents. They live together with my grandmother not far to my city.
I inherited from my grandmother apartment and I moved there.
I like to dance and listen to cheerful music. I believe, that music helps to have a good mood.
And what music do you like? It will help me to understand your character.
I never had experience of acquaintance to the men from other country. But I think that it really interesting.
I heard much, that men outside of Russia are more gallant and more polite. Is this true?? What do you think?
I saw one a real-life example. My girlfriend married and has left in Europe to her husband. Recently she has again arrived to Russia already with the husband.
I looked at them and was pleased to their happiness. They - really fine pair!
I saw how they love each other.
By the way, their names Yulya and Derrick.
Yulya informed me to follow her example. I - during long time could not be solved on it. But thinking, I have been solved.
I had relations with men in Russia earlier. I have many admirers till now. But I understand, that it will not bring anything serious.
I - enough adult, also do not want the relation just for several weeks.
I have decided, that I shall try to fix acquaintance through the Internet. I have the Internet on work in a cabinet of the chief..
Therefore I can often write to you.
xxxxxx What you search in the Internet? You search for serious relations or all it only for fun? Please answer my question sincerely.
I estimate kindness and sincerity in people. I do not love liars and egoists.
About if it is fair, I do not know that I can tell about me directly more. I hope, that you can ask me about something. I shall answer you with pleasure.
I will apply my films for you. Also wait your comment on it. OK?
I should go now. I'll wait for your letter.
Take care.
Received: from [] (helo=localhost)
by elasmtp-curtail.atl.sa.earthlink.net with esmtpsa (TLSv1:AES256-SHA:256)(Exim 4.67)
From: Svetlana <svetka@gmx.com>
Access Integrated Technologies, Inc.
OrgId: ACCES-731
Address: AccessIT - Hosting Services
Address: 11 Broadway, Ste 1131
City: New York
StateProv: NY
PostalCode: 10004
Country: US
Hello my new friend xxxxx!
It is pleasant for me to see your letter again.
It is really interesting to learn you more with each letter. It so excited.
xxxxxx I would like to know about you more. You have a hobby?
I want to tell about me directly more. It is interesting to you?) I ask to forgive that my jump of ideas in the various parties sometimes a little. (it is specific to girls.)
It because I want to write about everything for you. But I do not know what to begin.)))
Probably I shall tell about my work. I work in shop of a female cloth. I am a seller - the adviser.
I help girls to collect a suitable cloth. I love my work, it is very interesting and amusing sometimes.
Yesterday, to shop there has arrived the person who wanted to buy a gift for his wife.
He wanted to buy bra. But he doubted about the size.) we should call the manager of shop, her name - Larisa.
She has the size of a breast the same as the wife of this person. It was so ridiculously. The person changed and reddened.
But all have chosen from us up to him a suitable gift. He was very grateful to us for the help. I like to help people.
I think, that people should help each other. xxxxx You agree with me?
So, I work every day within 8 hours. Sometimes I go to wash the floors, it gives a little extra money.
Sometimes we go with girlfriends to cinema or evening club. I like to dance and in the center of attention. (I think each girl is similar to this)
To me of 29 years. I have Grey eyes.
Now about my education. I have finished university. My speciality - the economist. But I do not follow a speciality. I have studied the English language also.
But I do some mistakes when I write. I speak a little bit better, than I write.))))
But I think that you understand my English language???
xxxxxx You know other languages? I think, that I can sometimes give to you lessons of Russian.))) it will be interesting. What do you think?)
I hope, that my letter was interesting to you. I never wrote to men from other country. Therefore I worry a little. Please speak to me if I tell nonsense.))))
It can appear because of distinction of our cultures. I understand, that in the various countries there is a various culture of dialogue.
I shall study your culture and you mine with each letter more. You agree?
About, xxxxx my time has already arrived. I should go now. ((
I hope, that I shall see your letter again. OK?
Bye. I shall wait your letter soon.
Mail is stolen from:
Letter(s) from Yana to Jonathan (USA)(Letter 2)
Received: from [] (helo=localhost)
by elasmtp-galgo.atl.sa.earthlink.net with esmtpsa (TLSv1:AES256-SHA:256)
(Exim 4.67)
From: Svetlana <svetka@gmx.com>
Access Integrated Technologies, Inc.
OrgId: ACCES-731
Address: AccessIT - Hosting Services
Address: 11 Broadway, Ste 1131
City: New York
StateProv: NY
PostalCode: 10004
Country: US
Hello again xxxxx!
I am pleased again to see your letter. It already becomes my habit. I love it!)))
I hope that it was good.
I wanted to tell to you, that my day begins more interesting when I receive your letter.
I have already got used to receive your letters xxxxx. and to make you expecting for my letter???
xxxxx I hope that we learn each other better every day. I would like to see more than your films.
It is rather difficult to learn the person when you far from him. It would be much easier, if we could
Spend evening in good cafe with a cup of hot chocolate. You love hot chocolate?! I love it!!!
I - frequently think about Yulya. If she is fair, I envy her a little. She searched for her happiness long time and at last has found it. It is so fine. Now she is far from family, I think, that it is a little sad.
But I am confident, that Derrick will not allow the sad moments to her. They like each other, and it is the most important.
xxxxxx I want to know what you think of me?!. I think, that you already know me a little.
I really want to know what you wait from our acquaintance? It is only game for you or something more?
I hope it not game. I am adult enough girl and also know very much, twhat the person wants.
Also what concerning your former relations? I think, that you can tell to me about it. In Russia they speak it is better studying of other's mistakes. You agree with it? If we want to learn each other more, we should be fair and open for us.
Now I do for you a picture, I hope you will love it.
xxxxxx, you can ask any question to me. And I also want to know about all of you.))
Well, my time has already arrived. I should go now. I hope to see your letter when I shall arrive again.
By the way, I can call you " My Dear"??? I love it!)))
Hello my dear xxxxx!
You have again made my day more brightly. I am pleased, that I can write to you again. I had good day today.
In shop where I work today audit. You know what is it? It, when check all papers and the goods.
The bookkeeper and his assistants are borrowed in it. Therefore I have free day today.
I went on city and thought of you. As it would be interesting to go with you.
You are interesting to me, therefore I think of you even more frequently. This such strange feeling.
I cannot place it in words.
I understand, that I can be mistaken, because never saw you actually. But I believe, that my feelings do not deceive me.
I want to have a supper with you. Then we could speak face to face.)..... Well.) has been again lost in dreams.))))
xxxxx, you can show me more your pictures? I want to see more.)
And how pass your day? What interesting you have today?
What do you know about my city? It - the small but beautiful city. But in it is minuses. - a lot of proparty on roads.
Dirty air and - is a lot of criminality. I frequently think of other countries.
Why in Russia so it is a lot of people which do not want to work. It is strange. I think, that the person should work and similarly to this.
The family, the loved is necessary for the person.
For happiness it - nessesery is a little - to have worthy earnings for the work, the favourite person and calmness for you, also children.
Only then the society will develop. But all this at Russia are not present. There are all opportunities for this purpose. But there is no order.
I have absolutely come in conversation.)))) probably it sounds roughly, but Russia - the country where the authority and money is solved by all.
I do not want to live all my life here. I feel that I have other destiny.)))
You trust destiny?
xxxxxx, I want to know that you think of me? You have impression from my letters?
I want to know the truth. Please it is not necessary for flatter. To me really interesting your opinion.
I hope for your prompt reply.
Bye while, my dear xxxxx.
One more small kiss!)))
My dear xxxxxx!!!!!!!
It was so good to receive news from you again!!!!!!!
I start to feel, that our e-mails of a throw of communication inspire me.
Thanks for your opinion. It becomes more interesting with each new letter!
Now in my plans has appeared one more thing: to look if I have received a new mail from my friend xxxxxx!
And certainly write the answer.
Unfortunately I can answer not always quickly so I really regret about it, because some time I am busy with my work,
but I really write to you with my great pleasure!
Should tell, that I see, that to learn about the friend through mails it is really very interesting!
When I send you mails I always think, that it will be your answer to it.
Its a good habit, and I think, that it will open for us new way.
Please tell me, how - all with you? How your day, how - work was? Whether up to what you were? You have any plans for these days?
I am still doing the same work and it borrows the majority of time.
Make you know, I have told to my girlfriends about you, that we know each other and you my very good friend and certainly they happy for me.
Unfortunately I should finish this letter because really it is time to go.
But I really fascinating forward for you, and certainly for you two new my photos.
Please take care of you,
Yours Svetlana
My sweet friend xxxxx!
Today weather is fine also your new mail made my day, and I am filled so happy to receive news from you again.!!!!!
My mood on a maximum owing to your attention!!!!!
It is really good to hear, that you happy with my mails and photos which I send you.
The photo has been taken by my best friend Lena, and I should tell, that she is rather good in it.
Well I hope that you agree with me.
Though should recognize, that the external beauty is of great importance for the woman, also I always try to look very well.
I should tell, that with each new message I love you more and more you sound really, really interesting person.
I see, that our messages - to each other very similar, also I notice, that we throw identical sights and ideas.
When I have time, I always try to check up my box of mail from you, and during this moment I feel much more youngly.
it is good very strange filling in you. Well I do not know how to explain them..
I am very pleased, that our communication has thrown e-mail, do some representation, and we can learn about each other more and more.
So thank you very much for your communication with me.
I notice, that within day I think of you and about fascinating forward for your new e-mails.
If really I am filled similarly to this, I begin to miss you.
So please tell to me what you think of it?
My fine friend xxxxx on these kind words I shall finish, I will wait for your letter!
I send you my embraces!
Your Russian friend,
No wonder when one send stolen letters that the Pic doesn't match with the text....

My lovely friend xxxxx!!!!!!
Today outside is lovely !!!!
I congratulate you with day sacred Valentine, in Russia this holiday under the name Day Loving people!!
I send you the air, gentle Kisses! Catch them!!!
I have to say tat I have missed you a lot and when I saw your new mail my mood became even better and I’m so happy!!!
Thank you for your lovely letter really nice to read what you have wrote.
Well just pop up to internet to check your e-mail and to let you know what I’m up to.
Because I’m sure that you are interested.
Well my plan for today is to do some cooking at home.
Remember I told you that one of my hobbies is to cook. Have you ever tried Russian traditional food?
Well if not you have to try because I think that is much different from your country. Maybe one day I will cook you some.
So for today I’m going to make, well it names pelmeni (is a Russian traditional food where in a dough put meat,
then turn in various forms and then cook for few minutes) have to say they a look really nice to tasty.
Also another traditional dishes is calls “pirogi” or in English pies where also you put all kind of things.
Well I hope that I’m not presenting to you that I’m boring.
I only wish to be myself and to enjoy a life!
Have to say that all my friends and fellow colleges at work consider me very sociable!
I should tell to you that I always was very serious in relations and never searched the fleeting novel.
I do understand that we cannot become very much close through our letters and we should learn each other personally.
Maybe it will happen some day? If really have to say that I was starting to think if we could meet with each other some day.
So we could spend some time together and to know each other better. What do you think about it?
Now I consider you as the best my friend have to say more than best friend and with each new letter we learn about each other more and it become seems to me more close to each other.
Also have to say I agree that I not always can answer quickly to your mails and have to say that miss your mails.
I am always assured that your new mail waits for me and when I have time I hasten to read through it and to send reply to you.
When I read your new letter my eyes sparkle because it very fascinatingly! It is similar on to film which we remove together!!!
While I don’t know what it will be in the ending but I trust in success
xxxxxx, we can really discuss all that we shall want!
I want you to tell me more about your self what do you think about all of this? In fact any woman is the keeper of a home and wishes to
care of it. Whether I don’t know I have told it correctly but if easier that in Russia the woman is engaged in creation of a coziness and beauty in the house therefore to me it is very interesting!
The woman waits when the husband will come from work and to be going to meet with greater attention and care, cook tasty food!
I do not know how is in your country but in Russia most of the families women like this !
Well I think that I will stop my letter for now.
Please don’t forget that your mails make my day and I’m always looking forward to them!
I send you gentle embraces and still my photo from my kitchen.

I wish to you Good day!!!
Bye, bye, bye for now.
Yours Svetlana
Letter is stolen from:
Letter(s) from Yana to Jonathan (USA)(Letter 7)
Hello my dear xxxxx!
When I see your new mail my heart starts to bump!!!
Only having read through your new mails I’m at once become joyful and happy!
We are divided with distance but now I sit in front of the computer and I think of you!
I write to you the message and I imaging it as you will read it and I see pleasure on your eyes I am right?
I very much love imaginations and dreams! Probably if I didn’t dream then we never would learn about each other.
I often re-read all your mails again and it seems to me that I remember each word in them! It is really surprising!
The Internet is an excellent opportunity which reduces distances and removes borders between the people!
I feel very comfortably and easy with you! When I write you the letters I forget about all. I forget about my work, house efforts, about people.
I just forget about everything. I plunge into the world where in the center of attention only you and I!
I do not wish to hurry up but should tell that in me there is a dependence on you It similar on an infection caused by your attention to me
I never got such interesting feeling.
When I go to bed I think about you! I can sometimes think of you in current of hour and have imaginations))).
It is not a shame to me to speak about this You think of me? If really I just telling you the way how and what I think.
I understand that has passed not a lot of time and we almost do not know each other but it seems to me that we know each other for a long time and you became very close to me.
Well have to go for now, but of cause I will think about you.
My xxxxx,I wish to visit you in a dream!
Wishing you good night and a lovely dreams !!!!!!!!!
Miss you a lot!
Yours Svetlana
My sweet xxxxx!
I madly missed your new mail!!!!!!!
Do you know that you are my angel? Yes it so because you are the one of the person of whom I know on this World.
I think about you and our correspondence, about your words a lot!
I receive the big heat from you when you think of me and I can feel it. I don’t know but is just fill like this.
xxxxx, I think of you! I think of you all the time, every minute. I feel as you near to me. As you hold me for a hand and speak with me.
I’m afraid to give my love and to receive instead of it roughness. As it is the worst thing, such feeling not pleasant.
I do not want it more but now I know that that all not so.
You another, you lovely, kind, gentle and sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our relations should depend on you. As it is accepted. The man all over again should show interests in desires with the woman.
The man should make all over again deciding steps to creation of any relations and I hope that you agree with me.
I think, it will not be correct, If I shall take the majority of a part of the initiative in our relations.
I’m the modest woman and I also need in your decision, your opinion and your support, attention and care.
But now I with privacy can inform you that I do not regret at all about this decision, and I am grateful the God, that I have found you!
I always have been dreaming that I’ll meet the man like you who care of me and now I feel that we can have the big future together!
It not explosion of emotions but I feel this tender feeling in depth of the heart and I shall store it while we shall not be together and we shall not find out all between us.
I hope that I have not frightened you? Please tell me, ok?
It was difficult to me to write it because I hesitate very much though we for a long time not children any more.
I only ask to not hasten because we shall have time to discuss all of us and make in the future because happiness similar on the butterfly which it is necessary to hold strong in hands or it will disappear.
I wish to know all your ideas on it? So please tell me all about it.
I send you the gentlest embraces!!!!
Looking forward for you letter.!
Yours Svetlana
Hello my beautiful xxxxx!!!
How are you? I hope all well with you. E-mail from you always HAPPY for me!
When I read your letter to me, even have tears of pleasure! When I began to correspond with you,
I really could not know that our relationship will be so close and I like it.
Now I do not want our relations to disappear, I want to continue, I want to always lift your mood)!
And I hope you will want it!
From your e-mail I can see that you are someone I can trust and with whom I can talk openly.
I think that in my life so much better when you can share the moment with anyone else.
Sometimes just to hold the hand of the person you love can make all the worldly troubles disappear.
Do you agree with me? I hope you understand my thoughts)
Tell me how is your weather now? I hope in your house is not cold and warm blanket warms you at night).
Yesterday I was doing some works around the house - glued cracks in window frames with paper to make it warmer.
I've always loved the warmth and comfort of home.
I want to say that I talked about you to my friend. She is happy for me that I have a friend like you.
I feel that in your words is hidden a very different culture and it attracts me very much, I'm drawn to you like a magnet).
Of course a great pleasure and happiness for me - the opportunity to learn everything between us.
I really want in the future, to feel close to a beloved man who is strong in the relationship,
which will please me always by his compliments and concerns, and of course for such a mean I will do everything so that he is happy.
For such a man, I will always do comfort and warmth in the house, so that he comes home and has a good mood and always a good relax next to the woman he loves.
Do you like my thoughts)?
Yes, of course I agree that a woman should keep farming at home in her hands,
but I also wanted in the future to have a business then perhaps a beautiful little shop - a stylish women's clothing. What do you think?
My dear xxxxxx, I have to stop to write this letter to you, but I will wait for your next email.
With my great desire to love you need to know how I feel so happy myself, when I read
your letters my honey xxxxxx.
Well, I gotta go, my dear, I'll miss you, I love you and I want to be with you forever think of you xxxxx!
Mail is stolen from:
Letter(s) from Yana to Victor (USA)(Letter 1)
Hello my lovely man xxxxx!!!
As soon as I saw your letter, I had a smile and good mood.
Today I had a normal mood, but your letter made me happy again, because I am able to write to my beloved man, my xxxxxx!
We can not be together, but I really want to touch you), I sometimes imagine that you are very close)))
I'm sure that at a meeting I can show you all of the reality of my feelings. I want to give you everything that you were thrilled!
I want to do you a lot of nice things, but right now the best that I can do is write a letter.
I think you noticed that today I have a romantic mood. And I want to thank you for this mood.
I am very, very glad that I met you xxxxx! I caught myself thinking recently that my fatigue suddenly disappear when I talk to you.
The last time I was very tired but started to write to you and could not stop).
I wish you Good luck in your day and work, I sure you all should be good.
Now, I also try to work a lot, sometimes staying after work to wash the floors. I always wanted to achieve much in life.
And I'm confident that I will succeed.
But I also hope that all I get to create a serious relationship with a man.
Of course I could find someone in Russia. There are some people that pay attention to me.
But I'm not sure about them! I've been mistaken and did not want that. But my age is not so young to wait ...
I see the 18 - year old girls getting married. I wish to everyone happiness and I wish it as well for myself!
I'd like courtship of male attention, and hot open arms ... There are times when I do not want to be alone ...
Sorry if I say something wrong.
Tell you when you look at the night sky to look for a falling star? I had often looked to see it and think of what you desire)
At this point I will finish my letter! I want to wish you a successful day, good mood and know that I think about you)))
Sending your hot kiss in your direction ... Grab it, you will like it)))
Write me how you feel.
Waiting for your next letter.
with love Svetlana!!!
Hi my Prince xxxxx!!!
Thank you for your reply again. Thank you, because you know that each letter is happiness for me.
And I'll write you an answer with great pleasure for myself.
Again I want to fill your heart with feelings of love and affection!
I want you to know that I am writing to you from a loving heart, which tends to you my fabulous xxxxx!
My heart has always said what I should do. And now it says that I should cherish and take care of you.
I really try to do it, but sometimes I find it hard to express thoughts in writing.
So I'm looking forward to the time when we could be together. I really want to be with you!
a few months I did not have any relationship with a man, but now I have a desire to do so)))!
I have a desire to see your eyes close, talk to you, to know you more! It's so amazing what I'm talking about ...
Long distance between us, we are in different countries have different cultures. But maybe this is like me.
I am sure that you are another, you are a wonderful, kind and gentle!
We must depend on the relationship you and I hope you agree with me.
I do not want to make quick decisions. But I really, really want to know you in real life, I feel your desire as to do so.
And so I'll be glad to make our appointment.
I would like to use this opportunity to see your world, meet you there, learn your way of life.
I know that this is a difficult path for me and takes time, but I'm ready for this step.
My boss at work will not mind it, I can leave work at any time. He and I have always had good relations, but at work we only do business.
I am familiar to a woman through which many people make the trip to Turkey and other places. I have already talked to her.
She says no problem she can arrange a trip for you, but this would require some time.

Say you really want that I come to you? Please tell me your thoughts.
I'll wait for your response and hope that we'll have a small joint vacation soon.
And perhaps these days together will change our days forever. I am excited a little now when I am writing this), I am very serious with you!
I only ask you not to hurry, because we will have time to discuss everything!
I really want to share my joy with you. I feel warm on your care and love. And I'm very glad we found each other.
I believe that we can share the future. I am confident that at the meeting we could understand each other well.
I have no problem I can talk with you and I will be happy to see you and hear your speech!
I feel that we have a strong desire to be together. We are committed to each other, write letters and think about the future.
We can achieve our happiness, because the two lovers hearts can not be separated. I really want our future together my xxxxx!
At this my letter ends. I know you're always waiting for my answer. And that you read my letter with great joy!
So I try to put in my letters to the passion and the love of my heart. And I very much hope that this letter will give you a smile and good mood.
Kiss you!!!
On always yours Svetlana
Hi my love xxxxx!
I have a very good mood! All my thoughts are of you. And I'm happy about that.
Please write me how you feel? I always worry about you and I hope that this letter you will read in a good mood and smiling.
I often ask myself why I often think about you? Why do I want to be with you and I can not do it by myself??
Cause my heart belongs only to you completely xxxxx.
During this time we are familiar with you, I realized that I do not want to lose such a man, and ready to do everything that we have a meeting!
I believe and know that you will make me very happy, because you're caring gentle and best for me man!
I can not describe how much stronger my happiness. And just when we're together, you can see and feel like you need me.
I want to share my life with someone. Starting with a new day, wake up, cook breakfast, get a morning kiss and energized all day long!
Agree xxxxxx for this we live in!? In order to build a better future, to feel that next to me there is a man who gives me the feel of this woman who will do everything for her man!
Now I want to tell you that I will be glad to know everything completely,
What should I do to travel to you. I'll be happy to know that you will find me.
I need to know which airport you meet me? And when you want me to come?
As I already told you I can take leave at any time, and I want to do it as soon as possible), I can not wait for our meeting.
I was told that visa paperwork and other documents to travel to you will be ready around 10 to 15 days.
But please do not worry I've never been demanding in relationships with men. For me the main thing is that my man is kind, considerate to me so that together we sought our well-being.
The most important thing for me now to be with you, love you, to be loved and to enjoy happiness!
U really need you my xxxxxx. I am missing your warmth and attention.
In my mind there are many feelings that I want and I will give you. But now I can not find the words to a letter to send you all the senses.
I want to be with you every morning wake up together to meet you in the evening from work, cooking for you Russian food.
I am confident that you will like how I cook and you'll be able to love Russian cuisine))
I want to do for you only good things to your life with me so that ot will be like a fairy tale!
Because if you are happy, then I'll be happy several times more. Because I can see you smile and feel your good mood.
'll Look forward to your reply.
I hope that you are all ok.
I am sending you a gentle kiss and hot!
Your Svetlana!!!
This Visa procedure which she describe here will never work.....she must apply online, go for Fingerprints etc....
My xxxxx!!!
The first thing that I want to do is find out how your mood and how you feel?
I have the courage to guess that you have a good mood, because you read my letter.
You are now at the heart of a sense of serenity and bliss? I now have such feelings, because I see your letter.
And I know what you think of me and that you all OK!
Every day I am increasingly thinking of you! I think of us, then I gently kiss you, make strong open arms!
Sure you will like it!
It's a pity that only our letters connect us. I really want to see you in reality. I want it very much!
I hope everything will be like this...
Now I want to tell you that I learned everything completely on a trip to your country.
My friend, her name is Valentina helps to arrange it faster, better and cheaper for me.
I can collect all the necessary inquiries with the work, hospitals, and do everything possible to obtain a visa.
If I do then I'll have to go to Ekaterinburg in embassy of your country to be interviewed.
It's not so easy as we'd like, but Valentina said that she will help me with this. For this trip I will need a lot of money.
And I want to ask your help. Say can you help me now, 400 euros?
If now you can help me, I'll tell my boss that will soon be leaving and will address the question of our meeting.
I hope you understand that I want your care, and I need your help because I do not earn a lot in Russia.
But some costs I will also do myself with the help of my mother.
I want to say that my mother, relatives and my best friends are very happy! I've already talked a lot about you to all.
They ask about you, about your feelings toward me. And I say that you're a good man, who also showed me his feelings.
And I'm confident in your words! It will be my great pleasure and happiness - an opportunity to know you in reality!
See you, talk to you and understand your lifestyle!
And of course to show you all my love! Be sure that you will never regret our acquaintance, because I will do your days bright and happy)))!
I want to be with you my xxxxx! Want to belong only to you. And that desire grows stronger every day. And the passion gets more.
I am sure that you always give me only tenderness and life filled with happiness and love!
For me you are now the closest and the only man. I want to feel your kindness, passion and warmth.
I really want to see you, be with you and feel your breath to be able to cling to your body and hear the beating of your heart.
I now all this is very necessary.
I keep dreaming about our future. And I really want to implement in reality my dream, ok?
My dream is to have supper with you in a romantic setting, where there will be candles and the mood of eternal love.
I want to make all the cooking for this meal. I want nobody disturb us. We can do it? I think so)).
Today we have a calm weather. When I walked down the street, I thought that would be fine now to walk together.
Hugging each other and nothing to think about. Enjoy only the fact that we are together.
I hope these my wishes will soon be a reality for us!
I'll wait for your answer.
Kiss you
Your Svetlana
The Distance between Pavlovo (Nizjnij Novgorod) and Yekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk) is :
1080.54 kilometers (km).
The approximately estimated travel/road distance can be around 1242.62 km to 1350.68 km
She have read only the Part of the money, my question about her correct Hometown she've "overlooked".....
Hi my sweety xxxxxx!
Today I weigh day waited for the moment when I can write to you. I very much wanted to write about my feelings.
At last that I can do it! At me it is a lot of thoughts. And I do not know from what to begin)).
I can precisely tell that at me now good mood! I now smile and rejoice to that I write to you my xxxxxx!
Because I know that you can soon read this letter. I am very glad to that we could find each other.
And my happiness does not have borders. With everyone I new by day think of you more. I think that you do and than you are engaged.
I believe that we be obligatory we can together. And then my happiness becomes full!
I am very glad to that that you agree to help me to arrive to you.
My friend Valentine which can help to arrive to me to you spoke that will help me to make all papers quickly and more cheaply.
Therefore Valentina spoke that is necessary for me 400 euros. If you cannot help me euro that 430$ it as much as 400 euros.
I very much would like to arrive to you as soon as possible. I think that you too want it.
Tell to me please when you can help me 430$ that I could arrive to you.
xxxxxx to me very much it is not pleasant that you think of that that I write to other men. I do not do it at me there is you and me who is not necessary!!!!
I want that you trusted me and trusted.
I want to tell that today at me romantic mood. I am am overflowed with feelings to you.
And from it heart beat to become more often. Sometimes I want shout, that you could hear me.
I want to sing, as thoughts on you force me to be happy. My xxxxx, you could fill my life with light and pleasure.
And I feel unusual passion to you. I want to be with you! And my desire very strong.
I strongly miss. I do not have not enough you, your tenderness and kisses. At me inside the big desire to hear a love word.
And I want to tell that my heart to belong only to you. And only you have a key to my soul! Now with me all Ok.
I am glad that soon you will see this letter. I am assured that it will give you a smile. I hope that at you also all Ok.
Good luck for you! With impatience I wait your answer. Kiss you!!!
Yours Svetlana
After Google must this house be full of Vlads.......
My Gentle xxxxxx!
That do I want to make, learn the very first as your mood and how you feel?
I have boldness to guess that at you good mood because you read my letter.
You now in heart have feelings of calmness and pleasure? At me now such feelings because I see your letter.
And I know that you think of me and that at you all ok. At me now good vigorous mood. You know why?
I think that you know)). Because feelings to you do my life better.
I am very happy that you can to help to arrive to me to you and can send me money.
I learnt in bank as you can send money for me and to me spoke that you can send money for my bank account, but unfortunately I do not have bank account.
The expert in bank has told to me that you can send money to me through the Western Union or Moneygram. Tell to me please you you can send money through the Western Union or Moneygram?
For me it would be more convenient to receive money through Moneygram.
That you could send me money to you it is necessary to know my data and I send you them:
My full name: Verholanceva Svetlana. My full address: Russia, 606130, Pavlovo city, Suvorova st., 44-17
Tell to me please when you will send me money for my arrival to you? It is very important to me to know it.
I want to be only with you my xxxxx! I want to belong only to you. And this desire to become more strongly every day.
And the passion to become it is more. I Want to feel the present woman near to which there is a careful man!
At least for an instant, for some days to feel you...! You understand me?
I will be always assured that you to give me only tenderness and life filled with happiness and love!
You for me now the closest and unique man. I want to feel your caresses, passion, warmth.
I very much want to you, to be with you and to feel your breath to have possibility to nestle on your body and to hear palpation of your heart.
Now all it is very necessary for me.
I constantly dream of our future. And I very much want to carry out in a reality my dream, ok?
I dream to have supper with you in romantic conditions where there will be candles and mood of eternal love.
I want all cooking for this supper. I want that to us who did not disturb. We can make it? I think what yes)).
Today at us quiet weather. When I went along the street has thought that would be fine to walk now together.
To embrace each other and about what not to think. To take pleasure only that we together.
My thoughts on you are constant now! I hope for your prompt reply! Kiss you!!!
Only yours Svetlana
Hello again xxxxx I am very glad that you have answered my letter so soon.
xxxxx that I could give you a copy of my passport to me it is necessary to do it.
Therefore I ask from you the help 430$. If you help me 430$ that I will do my passport and to send you a passport copy.
In bank to me spoke that if you send me money that to me it is not necessary to fill documents that you sent me money.
xxxxx tell to me please when you will send to me 430$? I promise to you that if you help me that I will send you a copy of my passport.
I will wait for your prompt reply
Kiss yours and only yours Svetlana
Boris is not happy that I want still copy and that I've slaped him for his last Mail.....
Hi my love xxxxx!
At me very good mood! All my thoughts only about you. And I am glad to it.
Please write to me as you feel? I always worry about you and I hope,
What is the letter you will read with good mood and a smile upon the face.
I often ask myself a question why I often think of you? Because my heart completely belongs only to you.
My dreams are connected only with our future. I trust and I know that you will do me happiest,
Because you the careful gentle and best man for me! I am confident it on 100 %!!!
I cannot describe on how many strong my happiness. And only when we will be together,
You can see and feel as you is necessary to me!
I want to tell to you that your money is not necessary to me. I think that you do not want to help to arrive to me to you.
I will search for money independently to arrive to you. I think that in such a way I will prove to you that I love you and that I present.
I talked to bank not on Sunday and on Saturday. I learnt all details that you could help me.
I see yours not trust to me and very much it is not pleasant to me to know that you do not trust me. But I promise to you that when I will arrive to you I I will prove to you that present and that I love you!!!
The most important for me now to be with you, to love you, to be favourite and to enjoy happiness!
You are very necessary to me my xxxxxx! I do not have not enough your warmth and attention. At me in a shower to be it is a lot of feelings,
Which I want and I will give to you. But now I cannot find words that through the letter to give to you all feelings.
I want to be with you, every morning to wake up together, to meet you in the evening from work, cooking for you Russian meal.
I will be assured that you like as I cooking and you can fall in love with Russian cuisine))
But certainly I also would like to have work because I do not like to be on one place.
I want than to be engaged that too. I want to do for you only pleasant things that your life with me was a fairy tale!!!
Because if you will be happy I will be happy several times more.
Because I can see your smile and feel your good mood. With impatience I will wait your answer.
I hope that at you all normally. I send you a gentle kiss!!!
Yours Svetlana
I again here also am very glad to observe your answer My darling xxxxx!!!)))
How you feel now? I wish you only all most the best!
I hope this my letter delivers you a smile on your person and will cheer you up for the whole your day! I think of you more and more, I represent us together!
And these thoughts very much are pleasant to me! I really very much wish our meeting, is confident that it will change our lives only to the best!
Tell to me please what to you it is necessary to have my documents that you could send me money?
I asked the help from my parents and my friends, but unfortunately to me who cannot help now 430$ that I could arrive to you.
xxxxx I want to ask from you your phone number. I want to call to you from public phone. Unfortunately I do not have own phone and consequently I will call to you from public phone.
xxxxx I very much count on your help that I could arrive to you. I do not know where to me to take 430$ that I could arrive to you.
Thoughts on you always do my day better! As I to you already would speak to me very much it would be desirable to feel nearby the man from whom I will feel caress and care.
And then I will make all that this my man felt at "sky top" with happiness! Tell you you know this Russian saying?
It speaks about that that my prince always will be happy, because of it I will care.
I am confident that I want it because I know that you the best man on the earth and I am grateful to you for all! FEELINGS are necessary to me!!! And I will present to you all myself!
I will learn you to the Russian, certainly if you want it. Do not worry it not difficult...
I know very good way which I am confident you quickly will master. Certainly perfection in it needs time.
But if we with you build our relations be assured I will teach you to all. And certainly to dances. I will teach you to listen to music! This most important thing.
And then we together can do beautiful movements together. And certainly small seductive dances only for your eyes)))!
On it I will finish. Write to me and I will soon answer you! Kiss you!!!
Yours Svetlana
She's playing of time now.......
I see your letter my xxxxx!
And I am again very glad it to read! Thanks you for all your words, I am happy to understand that we are necessary each other!
I promise to you that you will never be sorry about that that a sign with me! I all will make to give you only good mood!
xxxxx tell to me please you you want that I arrived to you? I very much would like to arrive to you and to give to you warmly.
Please understand me that I cannot arrive to you without your help. I asked help from my parents to arrive to you, but my family not rich and me cannot help.
I will try to search for money that I could do at least the international passport and as soon as I will make it I I will give you a copy of my passport.
I did not want you to offend xxxxx I very strongly you I love also to me it would not be desirable to lose you.
From your letters I dream more and more. As I already spoke to you that I told about you to the girlfriends. And they speak to you: Svetlana our girlfriend, such you anywhere any more will not find ")
I do not want to exaggerate the importance or to brag to you that I such good. I simply tell you words of my best girlfriends which I often see.
They also asked to speak to you from them HELLO! They also wish you all good, in all your affairs!
And very much hope that when that I can acquaint them with you in the future) Certainly I understand that about it early all to tell.
But probably you know that girls are inclined to wish more from the future of the happy moments, than the man))
My dear xxxxxx I want to admit to you that I feel huge pleasure. It so is surprising all that that happens now between us...
I very much hope that all will be as we want. Anyway I will make all possible and necessary that we could please always each other!!!
I hope you you have good rest by times. I wish that we could be together for ever!!!!!
I LOVE THIS DREAM my FANTASTIC MAN! Now I should go. But know that I think of you! Soon we with you are waited by happy instants!
All the best to you!!! Whole it is strong, strong! It is pleasant to you)
Yours Svetlana.
Her guilty conscience are too big now.....
Hello xxxxx!!!
I am very glad that today I have possibility to write to you.
xxxxx I want to tell to you that you should not send me money for my arrival to you.
After your last letter I have understood that you do not want that I arrived to you especially you do not want to help me.
I contacted Western Union and Moneygram to me spoke that if to me will send money that it is not necessary what documents that you were able to do it.
Spervogo day when I have started to write you letters I thought that you that present Man with which I will be happy. But unfortunately it not so.
You all this time deceived me and for you it was game. You on the former do not trust me. I tried to make all that you trusted me.
I called to you but you did not trust me and now you ask from me the document confirming my person.
I do not know as I still I can prove to you that real and that I do not deceive you.
I think that I can prove to you only in one way it to arrive to you independently without your help. I promise to you that I will arrive to you.
I on the former love you and to me it is very melancholy that you are not present now near to me. I will make all to make you the happiest MAN!!
To me very much it is not pleasant that you name me we will scare. xxxxxx you should think of that that you can offend me.
I always tried to write to you gentle words. I always wrote you that that happens in my heart. I tried to make to you only pleasant xxxxxx.
If you love me also I is still necessary to you that write to me please.
Now I should go I will work to wait for your answer.
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