She appeared Tuesday out of the blue in my DMF/24LUV/FID-Spamfolder. I don't know her.
Coz its a strange Story, I'll put a Link for another Story from her.
Good afternoon... I would like to know you better. If you don't mind
certainly? What if we are similar?
Please tell me, what's your real name? and by the way what are you doing
Ops... I have forgot to tell you about me.I am Angelina. In general I
would like to find my soulmate here, I want to have true relations. And
you???. If you wish for the same it will be beautiful!
I'll look forward to hearing from you soon..
Have a nice day. Angelina.
Received: from yahoo.com ([])
From: "xxxxxxx" <jamesi5521taqpk@yahoo.com>
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070604 Thunderbird/
Simbanet (T) Ltd
Tancot House, Ground Floor
Sokoine Drive
Dar-es-salaam 14827
Hi, my new friend xxxxx!
Frankly speaking I feel a bit confused, because I have never written to
a man through the Internet and I even don't know what to start
with... Well, I will start from the very beginning. My name is
Angelina and I live in Sarov. this is
a very nice place especially in summer and there are a lot of good
people here. I was born on the 1st of May, 1982,
I am 29 years old, and I think that this is a very nice age to start a
new life! I work in a hospital, and I am a children doctor by profession. I
love children and this is very pleasant to deal with them. My work is
rather interesting, but it is not easy because very often I am
responsible for a kid's life and this is hard to be responsible for
such a serious thing! But I am in my place and I think that I would
never change my work even if I was offered a million dollars! And what
is about you? Tell me what you are and what are your ambitions in
I live together with my Mother, my Father died.
He was crossing the street at the crisscross but unfortunately the driver
was drunk and he didn't notice my Dad... and it so happened that I
lost my wonderful Dad, whom I loved immensely... it was a hard time
for me and Mum but we were together and overcame everything. Right
after finishing school I entered the medical University and
after graduating from it ( I am not bragging, but I am proud to
tell you that I graduated with honors!) I was offered a vacancy
in our Hospital. I agreed without thinking it over,
because I thought that this is my vocation and I was not mistaken,
because I have never felt pity about my choice ever since.
Not much changed from that time, but one day I realized that I am tired
of life here, tired of being alone and tired of the same faces. And
one day when I was going home after a day in the hospital I decided to
visit an internet cafe which I pass every day on my way to work.
I know that Internet is popular nowadays and my friends often tell me about there experience
in the virtual reality. I was shown some well-known dating sites and
having received the most necessary instructions I decided to have a
try. And here I am writing you my first letter! I don't know what it will lead me to, but
at the moment I feel very interested in you! Please, write me more
about yourself and don't forget to send me your photo! I will look
forward to your answer and will come here tomorrow again!
with my best regards,
Received: from REZET-C4ENWS0KD (angelaan39@ with plain)
From: Angelina <angelaan39@yahoo.com>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v4.0.18) Professional
Dial-up and ADSL pool
Plusnet plc
Plusnet Hostmaster
PlusNet Plc
Internet House
2 Tenter Street
S1 4BY
Now she've given proof that she don't know her own Pics and where they're taken coz I requested a explain where they're taken.......
Hi again, my friend xxxxx!
To tell you the truth I am very pleased that you answered me back so
quickly, because I waited your answer with impatiens!
I still can't get used that quick Internet letters! It seems
unbelievable that only a few years ago people wrote letters in hand
and waited the answer for weeks! By the way in Russia the Internet
post is still not very widely spread and I myself write letters to
some of me old friends by usual mail. But this is great that I can get
the answer from you in no time. and I hope that if we will go on like
that we will manage to know each other very good!

In this letter I will try to tell you a bit more about myself. So what
are the usual things the unknown people ask each other? probably about
the hobby... well, I can't tell that I have some particular hobby, the
occupation to which I would devote all my free time... I am pretty busy
at work and to tell the truth I am so tired after it that I have no
time on something but to go to bed and prepare something to eat and
to read a nice book. Oh, and I like to cook very much! My Mother is
very fussy about foods we eat and she taught me cook very well. My
Mother is a teacher, she works in primary school and deals with small
children as well I do. We have something in common in the professions
About my favorite films and books... I can strongly recommend you to
watch my favorite film "Lilja 4-ever" with Oksana Akinshina in the
main role. this is the film by the Swedish director Loukas Moudisson
and as far as I know you will find it in English as well. This is a
real tragedy of the teen-age Russian girl. well, I won't retell you
the plot, you can watch it yourself if you want!
I like to read very much, I prefer rather classical writers then
modern ones, for example I appreciate Russain writer Bulgakov. and from
modern foreign book I liked very much "Da Vincy's Code" by John
Well and on this I will finish this letter and I will start waiting
your answer! please, write me as much as you can about you because I
am interested in every detail of your life! of cause if you want to!
I adore to sing))) Excuse, but I do not know as it refers to church,
and in other photo Flags of Russia and interior ministry......))))
will come here tomorrow and hope to see your reply!
bye bye for now,
To post all the Pages from where this Mail is stolen would let this Thread burst.
Received: from REZET-C4ENWS0KD (angelaan39@ with plain)
From: Angelina <angelaan39@yahoo.com>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v4.0.18) Professional
Dial-up and ADSL pool
PlusNet Plc
Internet House
2 Tenter Street
S1 4BY
Hi, xxxxxx!
You confuse me to someone? I perfectly know,
where and when my photos have been taken..
I am very happy to receive the letter from you again!
I was thinking and trying to guess of what you will write me today!!!
probably this is a bit silly of me, but I read you answers several times
before starting to answer. I think that you can write me everything you
want, because I feel friendly sympathy to you and I am happy with every
passing day I discover something new in you!
The weather today was very good, the sun shied brightly and the birds are
singing cheerfully in the air.
<<< I'm sure by this cold there they'll fall from the trees and not sing
<<< Weather for Sarov today: sunny, - 17°C.....so she's not soo wrong

I wish I were a bird, to have no problems but to sing and to enjoy life!
I didn't have much work today, and this is good, because I could come earlier
to the agency to write you a letter

delicious for me and Mum! I think I will make a cake, a magnificent cake!
I wish I could treat you to it!
what are you favorite dishes??? tell me, please, I will try to find the
recipes and will learn how to prepare it! it will be a nice piece in my
collection, I suppose!
and I will probably invite my best friend to tea, she is working in my
hospital too. I don't have a lot of friends, but those I have are true and
I am sure that I can rely on it. by the way what is your attitude to
friendship? I hear that in western countries such term as friendship is not
popular, all people are living their own lives and they don't have such friends
who are ready to help them in difficult life situations. But I appreciate
friendship very much and I am sure that every person must have friends... do
you have friends?
I feel that you and me have very much in common and though we know each other
for a short period of time I feel close to you... but ok, it is too early to
talk about something after some letters that we have wrote each other. let's
go on and we will see what it will lead us to, ok?
so, I am finishing and will go home now,
with my best regards,
Received: from REZET-C4ENWS0KD (angelaan39@ with plain)
From: Angelina <angelaan39@yahoo.com>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v4.0.18) Professional
Single Static IP Addresses
I am going to link this post with http://www.romancescam.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=43092&p=230101#p230101