Pic is stolen from 4ppl and also abused for Job offers. More under the RS-Link

My residence ID Webster conon.jpg
I think I should share my Happyness about this two Passports with the Police in UK. They should have also some Fun with them.

A little too much Bullpoopy for one Mail......
From last Night in FOD
- 36 y/o female (1975 December 10)
- from Artek, Ukraine, Ukraine
- English,
- seeking a Man from 31 to 41 y/o
Best Regards
Please dear, am sorry for this emmbracement to your e-mail am mrs conon webster 31yrs origne from haiti married here in united kingdom but incidentaly being a widow since six months and left alone with two kids loveth and loarel.
I felt to your e-mail when I was searching through the google for a political stability country with honest person who can stand as my partner to help me develop a profitale investment for the feature of my Kids because the wicked family of my late husband are after me and my kids.
I wish if is the will of God we can start from here to build this relationship with sincerely mind till we meet face to face.
But for our better presentation kindly dentify yourself direct to my private email ; webconon@yahoo.co.uk
Best Regards Ur's Beloved Sis.
Dr. Mrs W. C. CONON.
Norfolk Place, London W2 1QW,
With due respect my derest,
Am happy to read again from you, but before we proceed I will like to introduce and I pray by God will so we can start from here.
I'm Doctor Mrs. Clarice Canon Webster 31yrs
Hight 5.3ft Weight 68kg
Nationaly Haitian But married here in U.K. but incidentaly am widow since Six months left alone with two girls Lovet 9yrs and Leorel 6ys
I am Professional doctor physiologist in hyderabad
I speaks French and English.
My Physical appearance as you take a look at my attachment photos.
Since the death of my beloved husband Dr Alexander Webster, his wicked farmily are against me and my little Kids.
they want to claim my late beloved treasure telling me their primitive culture don't partake any portion with female as my two kids are girls and am regreting why i did not do curt wedding.
Brother, as am writing to you now the case is pending next month 23 April 12 at Curt of Justice United Kingdom, apparently they succeeds it means they will be entitled to part of the deposit and properties and only my lawyer is runing this case on my side because am sharing tears this days as i lost my beloved also i lost my people during the Haiti earthquake and i don't want to invole any friend on this issue to avoid the attention of this family.
Only God knows I love them but because of their wicked acts I decided to search through google for a stability country with honest person.
But as you can see there is no trust in this internet there a lots of fake but i did this trust to you because among all my search God directed my communication to your mail so try to for give me if I just felt this trust without minding our face to face but I will do my best to plan my trip for our face to face.
Please, if this proposition offends your moral values, please do accept my apology as am searching for honest persom who I can trust as my partner so i can permit him pull out (£1 million pounds sterling) , from my late's husband account in BNP PARIBAS BANK U.K .
I want to use this amount to develop a profitable invesstiment in the stability country for the feature of my kids.
I discussed about the transfer with the Bnp London bank manger Mr. PRIOT and he agreed to help, so he need immediate contact of my partner to his office.
Please my dearest, i will be happy to know more about you with your current photo and your full identification to enable me send the account informations to you and permite your contact to the bank manager.
here is my current photos and our wedding photo with my beloved Husband Dr. Webster S. Alexander..
Yours beloved Sister
Dr. Mrs Clarice Conon Webster
Tel. +447024087594
34 Norfolk Place, London W2 1QW,
United Kingdom.
Direction technique
Orange Internet Dakar
Sacre Coeur 3
Good morning My Dearest, How is your day and your family on my side just that my little daughter Loarel is catching little fever but she is getting better after supporting her with first aid.
thanks for your reply with your open minded and i want you to understand that is only God knows why he join my relationship to your care.
Here in U.K is so cold with up to 10cm, is 6;30 i will drive to office at 9am but right now am in my room communicating to you with wire less network because this wicked home is monitoring me through via networks.
I really want to plan my trip to see you face to face but based on this case I did not permite to travels out until the case is over next month.
ls true that there is no confidence in this internet but without Confidence there is no relationship so try to forgive me as I felt trust in you without seen you face to face but I belived in God who directed my relationship to you with hope he will never disppoint me.
Beloved, based on your honest i have decided with all my heart to build this relationship with you as God directed me and i belive you will not disappoint me because am permitting you to contact immediately the bnp bank and make your urgent arrangement with the bank so you can pull out this amount of (£1 million pounds sterling) from my late husband account in bnp bank to your save even if you can direct the bank to start sending the fund through via western union or money gram please i want you to pull out all the amount before the judgment date at Royal Curt of Justice U.K.
I have deposited today a letter of authorisation to permit your contact with the bnp paribas UK bank here.
Please dearest, I want to know your times table to avoid distracting you because after reading your letter I reminded again the bnp bank manager Mr. PROT about my authorisation to you concerning the transfer and he promise to help us and he adivsed me to keep it secret from the family untill the money pull out to your name.
Here I attached my identity with my late husband passport may be if the bank ask it from you.
So copy the bnp bank email/ bnparibaslondoncom@london.com
and fill this bellow Letter and send To
BNP Paribas UK Holdings Limited
Phone: +44 (0) 20 7595 2000
E-mail: bnparibaslondoncom@london.com
I am Mr...............................................................
am writing to your bank on behalf of my partner Dr. Mrs. WEBSTER C. CONON.
She directed me to contact your bank with her late husband Bnp Sort Code / 23-46-35
Account name / Development institute International
Account number / 30004 00760 00010009271/92
IBAN Number / FR76
Swift bank Transfer / BNP AFRPPPCE
Please I request urgent to know the arrangement of this transfer of (£1 million pounds sterling) to my account for the development of her projet because her widow situation now is not comfortable with her two kids..
Please am waiting to hear from whom this letter is concern
From partner Mr..............................................................
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