http://arnaqueuses-russes.eklablog.net/ ... -a30122908

Seems she like this Army Museum.......green Outfit now


She appeared today out of the blue in my 24FD-Baiteraccount......I don't know her.
Hello !!!
My name is Elena, I live in Russia Federation( city Ohansk).
age: 34 years.
I very interesting your questionnaire, wants will be introduce with you closer.
I nice, making look younger, good, without bad habits a girl. prefer Reading,
lead away a music, as far as possible sport.
You know, they are so many people in the world, but some of them are
alone, because they didn't find their halfs yet, as it is so hard.
If you are alone and want to find your love, you can write me and
we'll start communicating. I'm alone and looking for a good man,
who will give me his love and care. Who knows, maybe we can fill
up our lonely hearts with love.
My e-mail address is: iwaityoumylovee@yahoo.com
I'm looking forward to your letter.
Received: from toizer-d1c2d435 (vinniejonker6w9@ with login)
Reply-To: =?koi8-r?B?aXdhaXR5b3VteWxvdmVlQHlhaG9vLmNvbQ==?= <iwaityoumylovee@yahoo.com>
From: =?koi8-r?B?aXdhaXR5b3VteWxvdmVlQHlhaG9vLmNvbQ==?= <vinniejonker6w9@yahoo.com>
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.5512
The blue Part is wellknown in the scene
Shaw Communications Inc.
Address: Suite 800
Address: 630 - 3rd Ave. SW
City: Calgary
StateProv: AB
PostalCode: T2P-4L4
Country: CA
Hello, xxxxx! My name is Elena:) I am very glad to receive from You
answer, xxxx! I hope that my email was a big surprise for you, really?
But most importantly, I would like to tell you, I decided to write to
you and my thanks to the Internet best friend Christine. My friend
Christine met with good Rights over the Internet from Germany, of
Berlin, his name, Hans! I I see that they are happy together and I
decided to find a person from another countries, as well as it did my
friend Christina:) Maybe you want to ask me why I did not find the
Russian person? I will very serious, I will tell you that I met with a
Russian man, I loved him very much, but he threw me. He found another
girl, he a lot of drinking alcohol and is not an isolated case of
relations with Russian men. so many people in Russia - alcoholics. I
do not drink alcohol frequently. . . Only on holidays .. This
champagne or pot White Wine -! I do not smoke! I have no bad habits:)
I think that the men in your country, respect and value their women?
My girlfriend Christina chose a Hans from Germany because she know
German language well. I do not speak German, I speak and write
Italian, English, and I decided to find someone from your country. I
would like to tell you more about myself, I - 35 years old, my Height
169 cm and I weigh about 57 kg, I - "Capricorn" Zodiac signs, I was
born on January 7, 1977:) and what is your date of birth ?????? Tell
me please - I'm very interested:) I - Russian for nationality. On
religion, I am a Christian and I believe in God. I've never was
married, and I do not have children, I am an only child. Close friends
and relatives say that I am - kind, funny, smart and intelligent,
purposeful, sociable. Now, about my town where I live:) I would like
to tell you that I live in the city Ohansk. My city Ohansk - one of
the beautiful cities of Russia, I love my remarkable city very
strongly. There are many beautiful streets, squares and other sights
in our city. But the weather does not please me ... winter we have a
very cold and the summer does not last long. How are you doing with
weather? You have a cold or warm? Most of all I want to tell you
that's my favorite time of year - summer! I love when the sun shines
on streets, the voices of birds are heard everywhere, a tan to go on
his shoulders, can be bathe in the river ... Summer - it's the most
romantic time of year. As in your country is the summer?? Also, I
would like to inform you their education. I graduated from Medical
University of specialty nurse. I also want to tell you that I learned
English when I studied at university, I can to speak English without
any problems, I think so ... But I see that I make too many mistakes
in spelling, I think so, I hope you will be able to understand my
English without any problems? Indeed, xxxxx? Please let me know in your
next e-mail, OK? I have no computer at home, and I have to use
internet cafes.

letter to you my new friend xxxxx. xxxxx, I'll be grateful if you write
me about you directly as I did it. I would like to see you tell us
about your family, whether you have a big family? About your city
where - you live, I've never been in other countries, and I I'd be
happy to know your country. Let me finish my e-mail, I hope that your
answer comes to me very fast! I put his photo. Your new Russian friend
Received: from philka (iwaityoumylovee@ with plain)
From: iwaityoumylovee@yahoo.com
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.0.1.33) Professional
Network Operation Center CJSC ER-Telecom Company Mari El branch
address: 12, Lenina st., 424000, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia
Hi xxxxxx!!
I am very glad that you reply to me, and I think it will be continue.
I want to tell you more about myself. I live with my mother in
Ohansk. My father now lives in the north and I do not keep in
touch with him. He left the family when I was 12 years old. My father
drank a lot of alcohol and left us. I learned a lot. I graduated from
medical school and then medical school. Now, I work as a nurse. I'm
looking for a man Internet, because I do not want to be with a man
from Russia Who do not respect women. I had a relationship with a man
of Russia, but he deceived me. I learned that he has another. I
suffered greatly, his heart was torn to pieces, but then the pain
passed, and now all in order. I am a very kind and grateful. but I do
not like cheating and disrespect:). I want a serious relationship and
will not play games. I do not care that you're older than me! Age does
not matter - The main thing that was a good man! Can I ask you some
questions to get to know you. . . You want to be working father, or
you stay home to look after children? Do you think my husband and wife
have specific roles in marriage? What are your hobbies? Do you like
sports? Do you often go to the movies, or Museums? What is your
favorite type of music? You like to dance? That What is your favorite
holiday? I hope to hear from you soon. Please send me a photograph.
Your Elena
yes i know American football
She anweres question......

Hello, my xxxxxx again! How are you?
I am very glad to receive your letter again. This is a great pleasure
for me. When I see your letter and I smile))) Sorry, I'm not so quick
answer to your letter. I was a little caught a cold but I think that
soon I'll get to his feet, and I will answer your emails quickly. In
this letter I would like to tell more about yourself.
Music: Music for me is not so much important. I love instrumental
music. I really like the saxophone and flute. I love romantic music.
Book: What about books that's my weakness. I like to read. I like to
sit in his favorite chair under a warm blanket and read some sort of
detective stories.
Movies: As films is a comedy - it's my love. Sometimes I can see some
sort of psychological thriller and historical drama.
Sport: Sports - that's life. Morning exercise is necessary for me.
evenings, I go for a jog. Go swimming on weekends. On weekdays, I go
to a gym. I keep myself in shape.
Health: Health is very important. I've been following health problems.
And I constantly visiting doctors for the research! Many people are
afraid of dentists, but I'm not afraid)) My Teeth strong and healthy.
In these letters, I tell you more about myself and would also like to
hear more about you. Will be wait for your answer.
Your friend Elena
I only sing karaoke. I visited the Army Museum in Nizhny Novgorod.
Today in our city very good weather and all day, the sun is high above
your head! I love similar weather and it makes my day more happy!
Today I received another great joy in my day! Yes! This is your
letter. I am a bit emotional today. Sorry. OK? The thing is that I
have a good mood. I also hope that you have a good day today! My day
today began well. Today I woke up at 7:00. I always usually get up at
about 6:30-7:00. In my room, I received a beam of the sun And after I
took a bath, I sat drinking tea and take a light breakfast. I try to
eat healthy food. food must be healthy and naturally! Now in stores a
lot of different products that contain artificial additives, but I try
to take only natural products. Have you tried different foods? I do
not know how in your country with this. It is expensive to good food?
I must say that natural products here in Russia require a lot of
money. Do you like pizza? I have a lot of recipes in order to make
pizza! I love many kinds of dishes. I love soup fish and various
buleny. Also, I love seafood! I know how to prepare different types of
salads. My man will never be hungry! Our kitchen is always eat and be
healthy and tasty food! Do you like potatoes? I also know that many
recipes for potatoes. I also I must say that I have never smoked. I
should have a beautiful body and healthy mind! Well, I want to tell
you that your life is very interesting for me. Please tell me as much
as possible. OK? We are all people, and I I think that you understand
that we are from different cultures, and I probably does not know some
things. I will be happy to hear from you about it! Your letters help
me better represent your life. For me, it's very interesting to study
about your culture. I have heard many stories on TV and I saw many
beautiful places. But I would like to see it in reality! Perhaps in
the future! I look forward to your next letter. Regards, Your friend
i like dogs and cats!!!!
Hello, my dear xxxxx, I am always happy as a new letter. Now, I
always feel pleasure when it comes to writing. Your letters make my
day better. With each letter I learn more and more about you and your
letters make us closer. I want to know more about you as much as
possible. I'm sorry I sometimes can not write to you every day, but I
always think You. Our lives do not always go as we want. For example,
I always would like to live in the house, not in the apartment.

Because I do not like, for example, when the neighbors screaming at
night and does not sleep. We often because of that there are quarrels
with them. Or that really do not want to turned off the hot water
heating in the summer and include only mid-autumn. fall becomes cold
enough to street at night and often I feel the cold in the apartment.
I My dream is to own a home with everything you need to before the
house was a garden and a fireplace in it was heated in the winter. In
this house I would live with his family. This is only a dream, but I
hope someday it will happen.

village where there are more clean air, low noise. I have a village
where my grandmother lives. She has a garden. There are growing
various vegetables in winter: potatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, onions,
beets and much more. I usually go to my grandmother on the weekends. I
know that in such a short time, we know each other a little. But I
learned a lot that you are a person of about which I dreamed all my
life, what is the ideal for which I sought and I happy that we found
each other. You allowed me to feel a girl, I had forgotten what a
lonely, now I think Only for you, and it's very nice to me. I'm just
asking you to be taken seriously by my words my dear, I am writing you
this with all the sincerity, and I think you understand me, dear. At
first when I I just wanted to find a friend, but now I understand what
you mean to me much more than just a friend. I do not know how you
perceive these words, but we have agreed with you that we will be
talking to each other only The truth, and here I would like to tell
you that you are in my heart. I I can not keep silent, but I think you
will appreciate my sincerity, right, I hope so.
I will wait with impatience your next letter.
I think of you
Your Elena
Did you ever have a really traumatic event happen to you? no
Hello, my dear xxxxx, I am very glad to your letter, read Your
words are always fun for me. I always look forward to Your letter. I
admire your words, you're worried my soul. Recently, I began to think
very often of you, I can not even sometimes focus on the job, because
all my thoughts are about you. Today I had a dream in which we met. It
seemed it was the happiest day of our lives. In the dream, we went
first in the restaurant where we had dinner by candlelight. We looked
at each other's faces, and talked for a long time, we do not believed
it had finally met. Then we went home, where we had a real Night of
Love. But then the alarm rang, and I do not have time to watch a
dream. As much as I wanted this A dream come true. Do you think this
is possible? I'm with you very easily, and I have to get used to You.
I'm afraid you just fall in love. Love is beautiful feeling, in fact,
love is one of the most, or even from most of the most perfect sense,
but you always want to love was Mutual. So I'm afraid to fall in love
with you. I think Suddenly, if I fall in love with you, you do not
love me? You be able to love me? So much as I want? If you serious to
me, I'll love you with all my heart. What feelings do you have for me?
I'll wait with impatience your next letter and the dream of
You. Elena

Hello my dear xxxxx! You again today did my day perfect! I went to the
internet cafe with a very special feeling, because I waited your
letter! As You? I am fine! How do you weather? How do your family and
xxxxx, I thought about you a lot. I do not know how to say But I must
tell you their feelings. I do not know how you describe it. I love
you? I do not know .... I can not be sure at 100 percent. It's love,
perhaps? I do not know. But I always I think of you. I am very
interested in what you think of me? Let me I ask you a question. You
think about me? Just tell me the truth. It It is very important to me.
Your life really changed after our dating? I think today I will not
sleep, because I will think of you. I think about You! And now I'm
writing you a letter and I write it with warm feelings to you. It is a
pity that in this letter, it is impossible to place their feelings. It
happened very quickly. I just recently wrote to your first letter, and
I already have feelings for you. I do not want to scare You, my xxxxxx.
Maybe for you it's quick, I say so frankly, I think I should do it. I
do not I want to in your life there were other women besides me. I
want you to be just with me. What do you think? Again, I ask you to
answer this question. Excuse me, please. OK? You write other women
except for me? Only please tell me the truth. I can hope for your
love? I do not write anyone but you. Do you understand? xxxxx, I would
fly to Your country and meet you! Would you like to meet me? You think
that the meeting is necessary for us, indeed, better than the real
meeting than virtual? I would very much like to meet you face to face.
Because we could solve many things for us! Could you tell me what you
feel me in the next letter? I must tell you that I feel love for you.
Perhaps this is It is foolish to say that I love you. We have never
met in person, but I have feelings for you, and I must be honest with
you always. Can I be your other half? I would like to I ask you to
solve it for me. I would like to visit your country soon and see how
you live. We can learn from each other better. I am ready to change
their lives for the better. I want to begin to build our happiness. I
hope that you also think that's why I I want to meet you face to face.
I want to ask you to answer my questions that I ask you in this
letter. This is very important for me to know you have the answers to
these questions. I will seriously consider our relationship with you!
My love please tell me when you want to meet me? I need to know your
nearest international airport from which you could pick me up! Prior
to our meeting is likely to take time but if we have a desire to meet
you I'll be doing everything for our meeting. I promise you. I'll wait
for your letter. I hope that my words are not frighten you. Have a
nice day. With love and respect for Elena.
Hi, my favorite xxxxx I can call you my love, I think!? I'm worried for
you xxxx. I want to say that you're the world to me, and I love you
more than It can be. I would like to express my feelings for you xxxx.
I want to say You that I love you, and you changed my life for the
better. I I want to tell you that it's hard to be away from you. I
love the fact that the distance between us hurts me. You - my best
friend, and I I love you so I want to kiss you and hug you! I love you
Letters xxxxx. You are the soul of the poet, and I want to be able to
spend my life with you xxxx. I see a lot The future for both of us
together. We should be equal partners in life. Your happiness xxxx -
the most important thing for me my favorite. I just want you to be
happy my love. I know that I can make you happy. In my heart I know
we'll be together Soon I will hug you tight at the airport! I can not
wait this day xxxx! I send you warm A kiss and a hug, because I love
you xxxxx! I will Thinking of you my love!
Your forever Elena
You can meet me at the airport on april 21?
Hello, my love xxxxx
I received your letter and I understand that I - just starting to live
. I can not imagine my life without you, my angel! I love you, and I
am ready to repeat these words again and again! Please do not think
badly of me, it's just beyond my senses. At first I was not is
interested in moving to another country, but I'll do it, because I
found love and it is - YOU! Today I went to a travel agency. I asked
about the travel to your country, and I got the answer that I need a
visa passport and other documents for registration, as well as Tickets
for the flight. I asked about prices and was very surprised, I first
ask about the period when the documents are ready, and they said that
much people who want to make documents and leave the country as soon
as possible because now the holiday season, but if I do application
now and pay at once, they will make all documents for the period no
more than 2 weeks, and if I did not make a statement, documents will
be prepared not earlier than two or three months, because as I said
before the holiday season and many people want to relax in other
countries. I was very surprised the price of services. I was able to
pay 95 $ for visa and passport for 50 $. Then we began to learn about
ticket prices. I asked them to flight Marshfield and arrival 21 april,
and how much it will cost. They said that the tickets will cost 1332
$. I asked them Them to find the cheapest ticket, because the price is
very important to me. I asked them to give me another option for the
flight. We found the most suitable. Tickets cost 1250 $. I asked, so I
booked a room for to me. But travel agents have told me that they can
not reserve tickets without bail. I begged them, but it is not worked.
They said they wanted to help me with great pleasure, but rules are
rules. I was in a panic, I was so disappointed. I told them the whole
story about us. We talked for a long time. I explained to him that my
fiance waiting for me xxxxx. Perhaps God heard my prayers, and travel
agency that booked the ticket for my conditions. I paid for a ticket
of about 450 $. I gave the last money to come to you. Now I am very
upset. I need 800 $ to be with you. I told him about it my mom and she
said that money should not be a barrier between two people Who love
each other. I asked your friends to help me but they told me that now
they can do nothing. I want to be with You forever. If it is - one, we
will be very happy in our lives. I think you love me too, and we will
meet soon. You - my love, my angel. My heart. I hope to get some good
news from you, I hope that everything will be fine, and we'll be
together soon. Every day I think about our meeting, and I think it is
real, we must use this chance fate. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!
Your love for Elena
Both Mails are written today (01.04.12) in a interval of 5 Seconds

I paid for part of a package of documents in the travel agency and I
now have to pay for the second part. . . I signed a contract with a
travel agency and the agency is already beginning to prepare the
documents. . . a package of documents for which I paid for part of the
amount included train tickets to Moscow and back, a flight there and
back, airport taxes, visa, passport and medical insurance. . . that's
why everything is much more expensive than what you see on the
Internet. . . I can not order a separate plane tickets. . . I need a
whole package of documents. . . If I refuse to pay for tickets to the
travel agency they will refuse to do me a visa and passport. . . I am
doing so because it is faster and more reliable to get the full
package of documents for arrival to your country. . . I think you
understand me. . . You can send me 800 $ to the second part, I
paid for a package of documents?
She read Mail and answered my question about this 5 Seconds....

hello my love xxxxx
I am very happy to receive your letter again. I appreciate all that
you do for me. I'm happy. I jump for joy. I found a man who loves me
and throw me in any situation. I want to be with you as soon as
possible. Today I went to the bank to find out how you can give me
your help. I am prompted that there is such a system as MoneyGram . I
have asked tell me about this system in detail. And I am surprised
that you so quickly can give me your help through this system. If you
send me your help make sure you send me an e-mail and in it enter the
data for your help
first name
last name
Control Number
extract sum -
I make you my details
first name ELENA
last name KIS
country Russia
city Ohansk
Lenina street 87-12
Without these data, I can not get your help. I think that you will not
leave my efforts and everything that has been made for our meeting. I
say this because I believe in you. We love each other, and we should
be together. xxxxx , I think you'll agree to that. I am waiting for
your letter with impatience. Your love of Russian Elena
P.S. my love at first I'm writing you a letter in a text document and
then I go to my email address. I copy the letter and paste it on the
server my e-mailbox. I think you now understand why such a small
interval of sending the letter.


Hello my dear xxxxx. Just come in Internet cafe, and again was pleased
to see that you wrote to me. My heart was nice and good. All of my
usual thoughts aside in when I see your letter. Why? Because I wrote
the man, whom I am madly in love and respect, been a long time. That
you are loved xxxxx. My love is in my town banks are open from 7 am. I
understand the excitement of the bank and made a copy of your passport
so that you have not had any problems with the transfer of your help,
my love. I'll wait for your items Moneygram.
first name
last name
Control Number
extract sum
I think loved xxxxx, that you treat me very well. Why not? Because I
have for you a great value. You, as I am to you, only to feel warm and
tender feelings for me. It is very important for us because we love
each other. If two people love each other, they will undoubtedly gain
the love and understanding. and it is very important for sincere
relationship. I'm sure between us is such a relationship. And it is
such a relationship, I always present with you in the future. I think
everyone won happiness. We just need to make an effort to always be
honest and caring in relation to the loved person. You will agree with
me? Concerning you loved xxxxx, I always love you and will love. Why?
because with your first letter, you have proven yourself as a positive
and sincere person that I trust their thoughts, feelings, love and
reasoning. You are a magnet that attracts me to him. I will not hide
from you, I believe in our happy future, our wonderful family and a
great love between us. We really deserve to be together in the future.
I really want to enjoy the moments of love, with you, when your breath
for my lips and cheeks when your hands concern my body when I became a
pleasure and passion. I think loved xxxxx, when we meet, we will be
happy because we feel for each other's affection, love and desire to
be together. I am sure that love is at a distance, which should be
translated into reality in the future. My desire to be with you, every
day increasing. You are a gem that I will preserve, madly in love
during the time when we are together. Why not? because my love for you
will never grow cold, and will not be broken by anything. All my
thoughts, it's about us and our future together dear xxxxx. My desire
to swim in your arms and tender kisses of love. I truly love you and
miss you terribly. You are precious to me a person who occupies a
large part of my heart. Be always in a good mood, you deserve the
dignity of it. With much love and passionate feelings, yours forever,
Elena. PS. You are always in my heart and my mind, wherever I was. As
always loved xxxxxx, I hope, my kisses reach you, to show my affection
and care about you.
Coz of the Passport I am going to link this post with http://www.romancescam.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=44018