From Sunday in AFD
- ID: 125103
- 24 y/o female (1988 - March - 20)
- new york, USA
- English,
- Ethnicity Asian

- cshool
- Have no children
Hello dear,
My name is Miss Edith, I wish to have you as a friend, if you care.
I have important reasons to request your interest.
I will send you my pics and explain more of my self as soon as i hear from you.
Thanks your friend
Miss Edith.
Note: Please reply back on edithbarbara201@hot mail.com
Hi dear,
I just have to thank you for your response to my mail, if not for other things but for you have given out your time to write me back, May the Lord bless you.
I know this is a letter that is bound to take you by surprise and i feel you would hardly expect to read from me since we are just new friends,i am writing this mail with full of tears, after reading your mail, i decided to explain every thing about myself to you because i know almighty God have a reason for me to know you,Am ready to be with you if you accept me with all your heart and i also find out that almighty God have a reason for me to know you,with my present predicament,unpleasant,situation.
I've turned to the Internet to look for a Friend, because I haven't yet met someone who has really fulfilled my expectations. Therefore, I sincerely look forward to becoming a proof that this type of meeting possibility really works and changes people's lives.... I grew up and did my schooling in Bam-Iran that is my country).
Let me write you my biography, I was born in Bam- Iran (Asia).I am a single girl of 25yrs, I do not have kid, I never married before. I am a medical student, i stop my education last 4years being 2008
And a daughter to late Don barbara of blessed memory who worked with Iranian Embassy in Saudi-Arabia for nine years.I lost my father, my mother,and a brother during the earthquack which take place in Bam-Iran on friday 26 december 2003,I am alive writing you because i am a student in Senegal and i am still in Senegal during the time of the land-break and powerful explosions.i am writing you now from Senegal after the death of my parents i cannot beable to pay for my school fees than i don't have any choice only to seek asylum in Senegal now i am in refugee camp . No shelter" no good food,Oh i give glory to almighty God for me to be alive today.God is Good and great""Praise be to the almighty.
so please i want you to take me as you take your self because my life is in danger now. I will like to get in contact with you and also know more about you, i attach my picture here to show you who i am and i will also be expecting your own picture in your next mail. please my life is in danger now please think good about my life.
Take good care of your self and remain bless.
Yours Faithfully
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