Received: from [] luganshk, ukraine
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2012 17:22:04 +0200
From: natasladkaya@ukr.net
Organization: natasladkaya@ukr.net
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Organization: natasladkaya@ukr.net
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Hi, dear! Thanks a lot for your interest in me. I would really like toknow you better! I can tell you that I believe in destiny and I amsure that sometimes you meet the right person when you do not expectit at all. I will be very happy if it happens to be that you are theright person for me. The one I have been dreaming about, the one Ihave been looking for such a long time. I do want to know you better,and may be later we will find out that it was our destiny to meet! Asfor me, my name is Nataly, but all my friends call me Nat. I live in atiny town called Starobelsk. I have finished university and I am aneconomist according my specialization but I could not find a job and Ihad to go and work as a shop assistant in the dress store. I am goingto be 28 years old already on June, 13th. I have never been married,do not have kids. I am dreaming about meeting my man, the one for me.Who is not going to give empty words, but who does what he talks aboutand who is respectful to his lady of course. I believe that a woman isthe rejection of her man. If he loves her she will be the rejection ofhis best qualities, I am sure about it. I am looking for the one inthe internet because the last relationship I had didn’t work out and Ibecame really disappointed with the men over here. Could not find thegood one here and that is why I decided to try to find him abroad. Whoknows!? Right? What qualities do you want to see in your woman? Sharewith me your thoughts about who you want to find here in the internet…may be I am the one. Who knows!? What are you dreaming about? What areyour dreams? I am waiting for your mail. write me :) Nataly
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