Appeared 08/03/12 out of the blue in my DMF-Spamfolder. I don't know her.
Name me Natalya. I think my email for you is a surprise. And i hope it is a
nice surprise. I think you will have a question about "where did i find
yours email address. I used a services of dating agency. They asked me what
kind of mates i like, and then they offer me to start a dialog with you via
email. This agency told me that your email address they found on this site.
I am goal-oriented and hard working. I love to read, see movies, watch tv,
and just hang out talking with my friends and family. I tend to be quiet
until I really get to know anyone. After that, I like to joke around a lot.
I try not to take myself too seriously and make an effort to enjoy life as
it comes. I like having talks about a range of different things, and
consider myself to be very. I am looking for someone who can be my friend,
first. Hopefully, that can lead to something more serious and commited. I
truly believe that if you don't make a solid start of friendship from the
start, nothing you build on top of it can last. I do think chemistry is
important, but I think what makes a man attractive can have very little to
do with his appearence. It's all about character.
I also added a photo to my message so that you can know who you are writing
to. If you are interested in me sending you then I would be happy to start a
communication with you.
My e-mail is : madamach221@gmail.com
I will wait for your answer,
Received: from tri-finance.com ([])
From: "xxxxxx" <infoliuba@tri-finance.com>
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; SunOS sun4u; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070622 Thunderbird/
ISP Viterbo
Gianpaolo Uggeri
Via G.Vida 19
20127 Milano
Already a new Emailaddy: Natalya, makelovenotwar@sumail.eu
Hello xxxxx!!!!!!!!!!!
I am very glad, that you have answered my small letter.
I ask to read very carefully my letters, it is important for me to know your opinion about what I write.
Because under your answers I shall look should I continue our dialogue or not.
Simply I do not love when people ignore me. Simply it happens so, i tell to the person about myself, it is possible
To tell that i open my soul, but I am simply ignored. Send simply callous letters form and even sometimes
Overlook to change a name in the letter. It is very insulting and I will be upset if you won't.
Only I ask you not to be frightened, I don't bite. Do not do hasty conclusions, read my letter up to the end
And already then draw conclusions. I actually good and tender, simply the life forces to be cautious and rough so it is a lot
Of deceit and evil. You really very much have liked me I see also I to you you are interesting time to me has written.
Who knows to what our correspondence will result, but I hope, that we with you at least shall be friends.
I the student and I to study at university as the economist. But about it in the following letter.
Before to begin dialogue, I want to tell at once, that money for a life I earn dancing a striptease.
And I not how many do not think it shameful.

Below the advantage dialogue with me you can save time And further to not read my letter.
I love people who is not afraid, that about him will badly think also who is not afraid of open expression of the desires.
I am sorry, if my English is not so good. I was good to speak English language but poorly to write in English.
I hope to you all clearly, what I write If not everything, you of me ask.
I very much like to have fun, I love jokes, draws and I at me very cheerful character. With me it does not happen boringly.
I love people who are close to me. I hope, that we with you become very close, because I liked you a lot. It doesn't often happy with me.
But in you of me at once, something has involved. I do not know that. Simply you have liked me at a subconscious level.
You know as it happens, one person It is pleasant, another is unpleasant. All at a subconscious level. I very well understand in people.
I do not want to brag of it, but it so. Though to me it is not a lot of years, but I had difficult life and I had to mature early.
Simply should from whom wait for protection and hope only on itself. But it has learned me to be pleased to each instant of a life
And to not despond and to not complain on destiny. In fact we creators of the destiny. Do you agree with me?
And still want to tell at once, that if my intimate photos are necessary for you only and I at all do not interest
You as the person. It is not necessary for me to write that more. Many tried to receive a deceit my photos.
Spoke, that love me, did any compliments, promised many money, But if to not like me the person I shall not do such photos.
And as soon as they understood it they at once disappeared. It was hurt me and it is insulting. I not against such photos,
I even very much would want to do them. To me to like, when Me admire, it raises me. But I would not want that forced me.
When I shall want I shall make such photos and I shall send them to you if you will want it.
So, if you like what you read in this email, please tell me more about yourself and tell me about your story. And of course pictures are so necessary when you write to someone that you don't have a chance to meet right away as it gives the sense of talking. I will wait your letter. Bye for now.
The best regards to you!!!!!
To pos all the Pages from where this letter is stolen would let this Thread burst
Received: from GOOGLE (5ED67048.cm-7-7b.dynamic.ziggo.nl. [])
From: Nata <makelovenotwar@sumail.eu>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.0.1.33) Professional
Ziggo Consumers
Winschoterdiep 60
9723 AB Groningen
The Netherlands
Hi my friend xxxxx!
Can I call you my friend?
I am pleased to receive a letter from you, and I am glad that you want to continue our dialogue.
Please read this letter very attentively, this is a very important letter, I want to know your opinion.
I am glad that you do not condemn me that I work as the dancer in \ striptease.
Dances and striptease - is absolutely different things. I know how many am not ashamed, that I do it.
I doubted to write you about it in the first letter or in general about it when we speak.
But I am for honesty in relations and I am against liars.
It is not a shame to me with my work. I like to dance and I love good music. And I have a beautiful body.
It Would be a crime to hide it under clothes. I am happy that someone looked at me and was pleased and had trousers tent)))))
It very much flattered my vanity, to feel like necessary and desired. I hope I do not shock you I not have complexes and I think it well.
Complexes do a life boring. Only do not think, that I dissolute. I very vulnerable and gentle and I very true.
I the one-woman man and if whom I love for me not whom does not exist more on light.
I simply very much love a life and I am glad to each moment. But I try to live adequately, that would not be a shame.
In fact the god sees all. So I consider that I do not do there is nothing bad with my employment by a striptease.
Once I would like to do for you striptease show, only for you, you would like it xxxxxx?
So I am an orphan. I do not have any relatives.
But it was mostly my life. I now with horror recollect my life in a shelter. Poverty, famine, constant insults. It is hurt to me
To recollect these years. But I do not want to speak more about it, all this is very hurt for me and Is sick and please do not
Ask me about it. I shall tell to you about it later when we shall be better familiar.
I now want to tell where and as I live. I live in Russia in sity Tolyatti. This is a small town in the Samara region. When I have finished a shelter the state have
Given me an apartment. And I am good to study in a shelter and I now can as the orphan free-of-charge to study
University and I have apartment. I study in Tolyatti state University on faculty of Economics and Management.
At you likely a question why I have written to you? I already finish university at me a last year and an practice,
And I literally arrive one of these days in your country on practice. All documents are ready and there is already a ticket.
I yet do not know, where I shall be exact in yours the country I, in the beginning I need to be in your capital 2 weeks.
But me have said that then, I can choose for practice any city by yours the country. Me will give habitation both meal and all necessary.
All this pays the government, I am in participation in the governmental program of help.
I think you do not understood. I shall tell about it in detail in the following letter. All is ready.
So I soon will In your country. And I wanted to find the friend in your country, have found you and is very glad.
I will be in your country of 6 months. I think it wonderfully, we can dialogue in a reality.
We can many dialogue and more. I love sex! It would be desirable to learn you in more intimate conditions!
Dialogue by years is possible, but whether never will understand yours he/she is the person, yet do not try sex.
I do not force you you to what, at dialogue it will occur by itself. After practice i will leave to Russia,
To finish study. But in the future I want to leave Russia, to sell apartment and to leave the country. So I think.
My apartment is very small, but nevertheless it only my and I is very glad to this. I have made
All apartment to the taste and desires. It has turned out very cosy the apartment and it very much to like all.
I to study at university and earn additionally I workin a night club as the dancer and show a striptease.
But I do not want that You thought, that I what be the prostitute. I not such. I am not engaged in sex for money.
Also I despise such girls. I not when have not agreed to it. Study and job, I have of very poorly free time,
At home I be a little. But me to like.
Free time, i love to easy run on mornings, but in winter I go to the stadium, to roll on skates.
On mornings I always do gymnastics. I try almost each day to go to the pool. I very much like to float.
During float all groups of muscles work and it is very useful for health. You like to float?
Only I do not like when someone start up bubbles in pool, do of pool Jacuzzi)))))
I hope you understand about I. In general that it is cheerful,
Only a smell is not so pleasant. I hope you now have not dinner, I am afraid has spoilt to you appetite)
In general I am for a healthy image of life. How you treat to do sports?
Hey xxxxxx wake up)!!!!! Figured you fell a sleep reading this letter)
I think the letter it has turned out too big and you are tired it to read. I to finish the letter.
Please write to me that you think of all it, I very much would want to know your opinion.
I hope that this letter has found you in excellent mood.
I hope to receive the answer from you soon.
P.S Send me some your pics! I
promise that in my next letter I send you more of my!

Also at me the bad Internet, I cannot to receive the big photos. At me Usb Flash
Adsl modem. This new to Russia and Still is all expensively. So now to
me to have a payment for everyone Mb the traffic and for me it it is
So I ask trimmed your fotos please. To use the Internet for me is expensive, and I can not use therefore
skype, facebook, mesengers or any social newtworks. Simple exchange email it for me the most acceptable variant.
The letter we know already from the hot and naughty "Wild Orchid"-Thread.
Received: from GOOGLE (178-84-125-168.dynamic.upc.nl. [])
From: Nata <makelovenotwar@sumail.eu>
CPE Customers NL
Hostmaster Chello Broadband
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Erlachgasse 116
A-1100 Vienna
Hi my dear xxxxxxx !!!!!
I am so glad to see your lovely letter again!
Im sorry that i can't write to you yesterday because i have troubles with internet connection!

It is great to chat with you! Very easy and simple
I would love to talk with you more and get to know about you
I think that you understood me wrong in my last letter about my fast a trip. And why I need help
In this government program, you see I live Russia. I now am better to explain to you.
It is difficult, a problem of languages, but I hope you will understand everything that I tell you about, you will understand all, I know it.
I will begin bot from the beggining. But my nationality isn't Russian
I am NOT RUSSIAN. My nationality is named Mari, I do not know as it is correctly written
in English . Russian name us Cheremis or Cheremsha or Cherepa. But we of name ourself Mari.
The popularity of us is not very big, approximately about 600 thousand persons and all are scattered around Russia
And in other countries. The most known representative of ours nationality which you likely know,
Is Vyacheslav Bykov, the ex-trainer national team Russia of the hockey. People Maris are a part
Finno-Ugric Group nationality. They are like Hungarians, Finns, Saami, Estonian, Mari, Komi and many other nationality.
There is a lot of information about us in wikipedia. If you want look, it is very interesting.
And that is why I about it tell. Our nationalities help each other, and
The government program on the help to citizens Russia who has Finno-Ugric an origin.
And I have got to this the program, I by means of the Internet with the representative of this program, and they have
Considered my application. And then they have contacted my university and have told that they want the help to me
With my practice, I am an orphan and I will study well.
This will be better. xxxxxx, I will receive a grant from this program.
Under this program, I will receive the help with the visa and the ticket and all expenses fr the arrival to your country.
And besides, when I will arrive to your country I will be given 8 600 dollars for my needs.
I can't spend it on what I need is neccesary but I will get it as soon as I come.
I will need to arrive in capital of your country and to receive this money in the embassy.
All expenses, residing and livelihood and some clothes and all the rest, that to me can
To be necessary for 6 months of stay in your country also I to receive from this the help program.
But in capital of yours the country I will be only 2 week, when all formalities and when I to receive
Money, I can go to any sity in your country and there take place my practice and I want in yours sity.
And again all it will be paid by with this program. All expenses with flight, with all expenses
Travel and residing at your country and food and everything general is needed.
So I am very lucky. I cannot simply believe to my happiness.
Ok xxxxxx I hope that you will be glad for me, but I likely have bothered you with this my explanation?
And you do not consider me tiresome simply I wanted to explain all.
I hope that I have not disappointed you, and you do not vanish now.
It would be desirable to hear your opinion on it that I have written, that you think.
Also i added some my new photos, i hope you like them!
I will look forward your letter and hope that I will soon see your answer.
I want to continue our dialogue, hope it will be more than friendship?)
I will wait your letter.
p.s. Can you send me some pics with your pet?

I hope, as you to love my photos and to observe them often))) kissss
Received: from google (pc-1h0-201.elib.ucl.ac.be. [])
From: Nata <makelovenotwar@sumail.eu>
Universite Catholique de Louvain
Patrick Vranckx
Infrastructures des r�seaux du syst�me d'information (SRI)
Place des Sciences, 4 bte 5
B-1348 Louvain-La-Neuve
Hello my friend xxxxxx !!!!!
I am very glad to see your letter, I am very glad.
Oh he husband of my friend, no longer remember what he was saying!))
It was last summer when I was at he their dacha!)
I really miss your letters! A lot!
And when I do not see your new letters I open old and to re-read them again.
It is great to always see your attention and I really miss your fast answers.
So if you can, write to me so often as you will have a possibility. I the truth itself to sin
It, that not too a prompt reply. But I ask me to understand, I now have not enough time,
I get tired a lot, but I always write you when I it is possible. Now I am very occupied,
Study at university, and then work, I after all should exist on any money, and except
It it is a lot of efforts with all affairs with a trip. So I don't have enough time.
But I write to you at once as I have a possibility. I hope you not to take offence at me xxxxxx?
Remarkably that you have understood all, aboaut we wash the last letter, I have been assured that you to understand all.
It is very difficult to explain precisely all, a problem of languages. I cannot explain all small details.
I now do not know concrete date, still many details, still in process and I am engaged in it.
As soon as I will know precisely all the information I to you to inform. The main thing I soon will be in your country,
And I will explain everyhting when we meet. And I with impatience am waiting for our meeting!!!!! mmmmmmm
I hope you too my lovely? I dream of it, you cannot simply present.
Sorry, likely I to finish this letter. I am very tired, I want to have some dream.
I want to see you in my dream! It would be wonderful, we often to dream our meeting, it is excitement.
By the way, tomorrow I to a birthday of my friend, her name is Polina. I don't want to go.
I think that it will be a bit boring for me. There are a lot of couples where there will be a lot of people maried and with children.
I am tired to be alone and I want to find the man of my life!
I do not think that tomorrow to me it will be cheerful, after all there there will not be you xxxxxx!!!
But I could not give up to you my friend. You are very close to me my dear!
I will tell you a small secret,
When we only began to study in the university, it was about 5 years ago, we with her were lovers!
We were young and we liked caress and tenderness. But it didn't last very long, about two months.
She understood that she didn't want women.
But now we are good friends.
I have told you everything and told you about my secret.
No girl can replace the man! Likely you would like to see her photo,
But she would tell that I did not send her photo. I respect her request so do not ask for it.
But I can tell that she very beautiful, but now we only friends and I very much love her, as the my friend.
Likely it was not necessary to tell it, this secret. It would not be pleasant to my girlfriend
That I tell it. So I will be about it more. It is ours with her a secret and let it will be secret.
It is glad that there was time to write to you, I very much miss and it is pleasure to write to you.
I will wait for your answer. I hope that the letter not seemed to you sad or boring.
I not boring and not tiresome, I am simply tired today. I hope you to forgive me.
I hope, that you will like my new photos, and you will look at them again and again)))
Kissssssssssssssssssssssssssssss for you!!!!!
Your Nata!
Received: from GOOGLE (d54C07231.access.telenet.be. [])
From: Nata <makelovenotwar@sumail.eu>
Technical Internet
Telenet Operaties N.V.
Liersesteenweg 4
B-2800 Mechelen
She've taken my "blank Hook"......I've asked her why her Friend don't wear a Weddingring....in the Pic one can't see her Hands.....so my question was a "Testballoon".....and she's not happy with the question....who cares
I her Pics she don't hold a cup.......another owngoal from her......
And you think that all married wear weddingrings? Or it is optional in your country?
I don't drink whisky and I rarely drink alcochol. If I hold a cup of whicky in my hand then it doesn't mean that I drink. Logical?
So I don't understand about your opinion on the photos that I sent you.
I hope you will continue your communication with me. If no, then I wish you luck!
Received: from GOOGLE (178-116-178-49.access.telenet.be. [])
From: Nata <makelovenotwar@sumail.eu>
Technical Internet
Telenet Operaties N.V.
Liersesteenweg 4
B-2800 Mechelen
I am going to link this post with http://www.romancescam.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=43734&p=234854#p234854