She appeared Wednesday out of the blue in my 24FD-Baiteraccount. I don't know her.
Hello, I search interesting communication and possibly more. I'm trying to remember where I found your. Perhaps on dating site? In my view it's good oppotunity to talk to someone from another country. And I am feeling it is a good time to know someone new. Take care. Maja
Received: from [] (helo=Unknown)
by elasmtp-spurfowl.atl.sa.earthlink.net with esmtpa (Exim 4.67)
Reply-To: "Maja" <maja_designer@yahoo.co.uk>
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.5512
Le Groupe Videotron Ltee
Address: 150 Beaubien Ouest
City: Montreal
StateProv: QC
PostalCode: H2V-1C4
Country: CA
New Emailaddy already.........
Hello there, xxxx!
How are You? I hope You have a good mood. I wish You a wonderful day!
Write to me at this address. On my old email receives a lot of spam.
I received the news about healthy eating. But other than I receives spam and even offer to buy porn.
My mailbox has become a place for spam. I'm tired of it.
I would like to tell You a little about myself. I live in Poland, in Warsaw.
This is a pretty old town, which have their own charm like all capitals I think. This is a wonderful place to live. River Vistula run through.
Personally I am very hardworking and determined girl. I have my own women's clothing store here in Warsaw.
It's a small store ,but my clothes are choosing women who have good taste and like to looking perfect.
For me, it is important thing to do what I love. I love to create something new.
I always try to look prospects for the future. So I created the design of women's lingerie.
I have higher education. I graduated from the University of Art and Design.
These were unforgettable students years for me. Even in university I did the first and important step for my design of the future.
I live in a suburb of Warsaw in a fairly comfortable home. After my grandmother passed away, her house moved to me.

My mother and her younger sister live in Warsaw in apartment.
I like to embody my ideas into reality. I have an idea, and moreover, it is my dream.
I want to work remotely for large corporations who make clothing as a designer. I see this a lot of pluses, It's the dream of my life.
I love to learn new peoples and I love good and interesting people. I like to spend time outdoors,
like leisure, travel and camping. I love the sun and the beach too! I love fruits. It's my small weakness:) At night I prefer veal and red wine.
I would be interested to know more about You. What do You do in life? Where do You work?
Maybe You like to travel? Do You love to know new people? Do You like to spend time in a women's company?
I look forward to more detailed tale about You.
I hope to hear Your reply soon. I wish You good mood! Write to me.
Sincerely, Maja.
Mail is stolen from:
http://thislittlethingcalledlife.com/20 ... irlfriend/
Received: from [] (helo=COMP2)
by elasmtp-junco.atl.sa.earthlink.net with esmtpa (Exim 4.67)
From: Maja <maja_designer@gmx.com>
Access Integrated Technologies, Inc.
OrgId: ACCES-731
Address: AccessIT - Hosting Services
Address: 11 Broadway, Ste 1131
City: New York
StateProv: NY
PostalCode: 10004
Country: US
Hello, xxxxx!
It's very sunny and it makes me happy. How is weather there?
Today I decided to go to my mom after work. During dinner we watched old family photos.
There were so many memories...photography when I did my first steps, Christmas and other holidays and our family trips.
My mother and father were scientists. They did a research on rivers and lakes in Poland and beyond.
In my childhood I have several times taken on camping and now I know that it's not romantic.
This is great work! It is up to parents I learned dedication and patience.
What impression do You have about me? I ask You to send me more your photos.
I would also like to hear more about You. You can ask me any questions. I will always answer You.
Now I'm going to sit down to work. I left complete the last details of my design collection. I worked on these past 4 months.
Write me. I will wait for Your answer. Have a nice day!
Sincerely, Maja.
Letter are also stolen from this funny page above. my answer to her is a mix from this funny Page above. Its a perfect draft.
Hello xxxxx!
I'm glad to get a great letter from You. Thank You that You found time to write me. This is a nice gesture from Your side.
How do You feel today?
I would like to tell You a little more about my designs lingerie that You had an idea about it.
Any man like when a woman dressed with beautiful and elegant lingerie. Maybe You didn't know,
but the lingerie should to indicate intention and style of women. I want my projects should be filled with freedom,
charm and passion. I go to this original. First, I come up with an idea and sketches of lingerie.
Important for me to imagine how it will look. I have a good imagination. Next I make patterns in the vector and the selected color.
I asked for it to my friend at work because she have a very powerful and fast computer. I want everything to be done on a professional level.
I really like her computer. This is Apple, which combines the beauty, power and convenience. I have a dream to buy Apple and car.
I want Infiniti EX. I have a driver's license, but so far I haven't car. But I will earn from it all with the help of my design projects.
Here says that people from their childhood have a predisposition to something. And what about You?
Please tell me the story from Your childhood. Whom do you dream of being? As happens so You become who are You now?
Life is a mystery and sometimes we do not pay attention to their desires and dreams... We'll just follow our fears.
I remember when I opened my store when graduate of the University. I will not go to work and was afraid that
I could not achieve the desired result. But my fate and life gave me a chance. But now everything is well.
I think the main thing to believe in yourself and in your strength. I'm not afraid to take responsibility and make important steps in my life.
We live once and we must do all that we and our relatives and loved ones feel comfortable and confident in this life.
Please be open with me. I think in letters is easy. I wish You good day! I'll wait for Your letter.
Sincerely, Maja.
How usual.....no answer of my question where Pics are taken......no pics from her Shop.....
Hello , xxxxxx!
How are You?
I try to be happy and enjoy every day. But today I feel sad. Today is "not my day" as some say.
My soul want something but I can't understand what exactly. In my player now "I feel good" by James Brown.
But even this funny music don't help me. On the contrary I want listen something melancholic.
It's so nice that You talk about yourself. Something in this certainly is.
Each man have own life, own history and own look on life. I like to learn new people,
because I like to discover new knowledge, opinions and ideas, a new mentality and new traditions.
Through knowledge of another person, I discover something new in myself.
I always put the goals and objectives for myselves, which I must achieve in the future.
And I feel happy when I achieve the set objectives. I think that it helps to prove myself.
When a person has a goal in life and knows what he wants, so he lives for a reason and his life has meaning.
I hope You will agree with me. It is important to take from this life everything that you need and refuse
the whole stupid, harmful and uninteresting! So now I have a new goal - I want to find a buyer for my project of lingeria.
I sent out resumes to many companies, including Your country. Now I just have to wait.
Tell me how was Your day today? I'm going to watch a movie or maybe read a book.
Do You like read books? Write to me. I'll wait for Your letter!
Take care. Sincerely, Maja
Hi, it's Stewie from ThisLittleThingCalledLife.com. Thanks for crediting my site as a source. But she told me her name was Irina! You mean she lied? How could she... Plus, she looks different in the photos you have. At least I got my own back for 'her' scam!
ReplyDeleteI am going to link this post with http://www.romancescam.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=43617