From yesterday in FOD
- 33 y/o female (1978 April 14)
- from Arkansas City, Arkansas, USA
- English,
- seeking a Man from 35 to 50 y/o
Hello. My name is Lola, I am 33 years. I liked you, I'm waiting for letters from you ... my email lolavanilla78@yahoo.com thx
I am pleased, thank you for contacting me. I hope you have time to
send me some messages and we could to learn each other. well... Now
about me though you already know a little from my profile. I am 33
years old, my nickname is Lola, but the truth, it only friends name me
so. I was never married I live in a an apartment which I rent. I have
good job. I work masseuse. It is very difficult work, but i like it.
Here at work are good collective, I work with good people. most of
them my friends. Tell to me about the work. Do you like your work? I
also like to travel and i like new different places, but my work does
not allow me to travel often. I have many friends, we spent time
together, usually we go to the cafe to the movie to the concerts, we
have many other entertainment. Also I prefer healthy style of a life.
1-2 times in week I visit the gym (and sometimes it is less :^) ) I
hold my body in the healthy form. And you have any sports in the life
now? Tell to me. I send you my pictures i hope you like. Also i want
that you send to me some your pictures. And tell about you about your
interesting things what you like to do, your hobby, what your
character? I hope we shall have time for writing other interesting
letters to each other. We shall look what will be... Write to me, I
shall wait your letter.
Your friend Lola
PS I send you my photo. I hope you enjoyed it )
Sounds after a typican Yola-Script.....to idendify on the part
Received: from admin-fe8ce8a2b.mshome.net (lolavanilla78@ with plain)
From: Lola <lolavanilla78@yahoo.com>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.01) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
Belgacom ISP SA/NV
Skynet NOC administrators
Belgacom SA de droit public
Boulevard du Roi Albert II, 27
B-1030 Bruxelles
Boris works with old Yola scripts from the ancient......to identify on his lame excuse about the fake Profile......this scripts are used b4 2-3 years already
Hi xxxxxx ,
I am pleased to receive your reciprocal message. But you
have not sent me your photo, I asked about it you. Please send to me
your photo. xxxxxx your mail means for me, that I too was interesting
in me. Do you really like me on picture? well.. in the next letter i
shall send you another my picture. And xxxxx i have questions and i
would like to ask them in letters, I hope to get your answers OK? It
is important for me to know your opinion on some things. But first I
should be honest with you. xxxxxx , you ask, where I live -
unfortunately i live far from you. Otherwise it was not necessary for
us much e-mail, to learn each other. I live in Russia, in Vladimir
Region, City Pokrov. But I think, if we shall decide to meet, I hope,
that it will not be a problem for us. You ask me why I did not write
on this site is that I am from Russia, I could not find my city there
and put your. I think that this is not a problem for you that would
continue our acquaintance Because I travelled to other countries much.
I traveled as the tourist. Therefore xxxxxx , you should not have
excitement be relative that we not beside. I am woman, that if I shall
like man for a meeting i shall reach him. Besides in our days it is
not a problem to travel. I don't worry about it and I can do it, it is
possible to have relations with the person of other part of the world.
It is very interesting - other culture, thinking, traditions i like
new places. Probably you xxxxxx can learn Russian woman. I hope you
will not be frightened also we shall continue our acquaintance? I
think you read my profile and could see that I have serious intentions
im looking for serious relations.... I shall try to tell a little
about my character. well.. I think im very romantic woman. I like to
communicate with people, it is pleasant to me i like good humour. Also
i very much estimate, honesty, loyalty, understanding, patience. I
believe in love, and I think it very valuable thing which needs to be
protected. I adore, to hear compliments and is ready to listen
indefinitely. For me it is necessary, that around of me there was a
cleanliness, I often do cleaning. I love a cosiness in the house and I
enjoy in the silent evening of a house. Also i like to cook, various
tasty things.... well also I am always ready to be the most patient. i
think i good woman

dream about beautiful romantic relations. But often such things come
to the end very quickly. In relations should be not only romanticism
but a reality also. I have no intention to spend my time on such
relations. While I have not met such man in my life. But i hope to
find such person. I hope to make family. I think its main thing, not
career or other success. Happy good family and love person are main.
Tell me please what you want in the life? What the woman you dream to
meet in the life? Excuse xxxxx , that i ask you to discuss such frank
thing with me whom you know couple of days. But it is interesting to
me to know it about you. I shall wait yours e-mail.
Yours Lola
P.S.I hope you will not be frightened of me after this letter? You
write to me your next letter? I very much hope and I shall wait very
much for your following letter!
Received: from admin-fe8ce8a2b.mshome.net (lolavanilla78@ with plain)
From: Lola <lolavanilla78@yahoo.com>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.01) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
O2 Ireland, Mobile Phone Operator
O2 Ireland NOC
28/29 Sir John Rogersons Quay
Dublin 2
Hi xxxxx.
I am glad to receive again your message. It is very
pleasant for me to receive your letter. I am glad, that you want to
continue acquaintance to me. Every day we shall learn more about each
other and it's an interesting. I had usual day but i have received
your letter and now my mood became much better, it is really pleasant
for me that you write to me. Thank you for yours some answers to my
questions it helps me to learn more about you and to understand you. I
send you another my pictures. I hope you like me on photos. xxxxxx
tell me more about your family. Do you have many relatives? How often
do you visit each other how often do you gather? I have very good
family. In my family very much close relations. I already told you, I
live separately from their parents. I rented an apartment not far from
my work, that would be comfortable. I often visited my parents, they
live an hour away from me. I have loved mum and loved daddy, i one
child in family i always wanted to have the younger brother or the
sister that them to look after. My parents very good, careful and kind
people, they always understood me, and never brought me. They very
much love me, and I even more....... My mum's name is Elena, she is
very sensual and kind woman. earlier she worked as the pediatrist but
now she does not work. My daddy's name is Alexander. He is strict, but
fair man. He works as the sanitary technician. I love my family very
much we frequently spend time together. In my private life i have
emptiness. I have been never married, my last boyfriend was almost my
age, we were with him together almost 2 years, but he appeared the
rascal, he deceived me though pretended, that everything is all right,
that always with me is fair. I thought, that he loves me, but there
was, that he simply a fool (excuse for expression), he frequently
deceived me he was the liar, for him friends and were more important
than a party. For him there was no important we relations, and I with
him have said goodbye and not how many I do not regret about it,
therefore, now I search for more serious and sincere really " adult
man for serious relations ". Among associates of me of people I cannot
allocate anybody for serious relations. In the beginning it seems,
that you have met the good suitable person, but then there is that it
not so. Likely therefore I also use the web service of date. Probably
here I can find the person who will be to love me, appreciate and
understand. It is not important for me his financial situation and
work he makes. i hope to find who appreciate women and who can care of
woman. I shall be ready to give all myself and I think, that the main
advantage of the woman is fidelity and skill... well I shall be brief
xxxxxx, write to me about your ideas of that. I wait your letter.
Yours Lola
To post all the pages from where this is stolen would let this Thread burst.
Received: from admin-fe8ce8a2b.mshome.net (lolavanilla78@ with plain)
From: Lola <lolavanilla78@yahoo.com>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.01) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
Address: 160 Elgin Street
City: Ottawa
StateProv: ON
PostalCode: K2P-2C4
Country: CA
Again a famous Yola script.........
HI dear xxxxxx.
xxxxx, today I have very intense day on my work. I
found a little time to send you this small message i want to say that
i think of you i always glad to your mails. Now i have a new theme for
reflection, and these new ideas excite me. I do not know, how you
xxxxx, but for me is important our exchange of messages. I want to
tell i haves new emotions, in my quiet soul. For me it is unusual to
begin relations with the e-mail. That there is a distance between us
pulls my ideas to you. I already for a long time have understood, that
if there are some difficulties to achieve the purpose - the desire to
achieve this the purposes is increasing. Probably it is one of those
things which forces me to reflect frequently about you xxxxxx. I think
I should grasp your heart and you cannot struggle with this female
magic. What will you answer? Dear xxxxx, i again want to ask you what
is main values in your life: family, work, money or something another?
What do you have plans for the future? Write me your ideas, i'll wait
your letter. I should go. I shall write to you later.
Yours Lola
Received: from admin-fe8ce8a2b.mshome.net (lolavanilla78@ with plain)
From: Lola <lolavanilla78@yahoo.com>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.01) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
Belgacom ISP SA/NV
Skynet NOC administrators
Belgacom SA de droit public
Boulevard du Roi Albert II, 27
B-1030 Bruxelles
Another famous Yola script.........
Hi my dear.
I missed without yours e-mail. Today on work I thought of
you and, it was pleasant for me to know, that there is a person, which
thinks of me too, reads my ideas and writes something for me. And how
you? xxxxxx did you miss me these days? I now read yours e-mail, and
it was interesting to me learn your opinion that I spoke you in my
last message. Our exchange of opinions is interesting to me and I
think, that now I can make some opinion on what your character. If you
not against somehow we could chatter a little by phone . I have no
home phone, I think that nowadays it is not necessary. Please inform
to me your phone number. And I shall learn as I can call to you. I
very much would like to hear your voice as soon as possible.xxxxxx, I
send you a new picture. I hope, that this The picture will like you.
xxxxxx, I too would want to see more than your pictures. Dear, I would
like to learn, how you like to spend the free time. I very cheerful
person also think out Various entertainments for itself and the
friends. To me to like to help them make a life interesting. It can be
different things: Dances, cinema, parties or entertainments on the
nature. But if to speak frankly in the last these entertainments give
time I have less than pleasure. I frequently dream of romantic evening
with the favourite person, it can be a supper or simply walk. I think,
what in it there is a lot of charm. You the romantic person??????
Whether you think, sometimes, of such things? You like cosy evenings
with the family? I very much love holidays when all family gathers,
behind one table. It is very cosy and comfortable for me. And how you
like to spend holidays dear? What for you does makes a cosiness and
rest? Tell to me please about it xxxxxx. xxxxxx, excuse me for a
question: whether there is at you now any woman? I think, that you are
good, as the man and To like many women. Because at me good taste, and
you to like me. What your private life now, Please tell about it.
Probably you have to me any frank questions? I shall answer them.
Write to me more in detail about the feelings and desires, to me to
like to read, when you tell about yourself, I am ready To listen about
it. Today i with my girlfriends plan to have some entertainment. It is
a pity, that you is far now. I think, we could spend perfectly
together evening. I hope, we'll do it in the future and we'll can well
have fun. I am sure, that it will be good time for us xxxxxx! We shall
drink easy wine, then to dance, while our legs can maintain it. And
after that we probably shall reach somewhere else....., and where
we'll make some things. Ideas about it me beforehand raise. My
imagination very much advanced and I can represent many details of
ours appointment. I think it is time to me to finish this letter,
otherwise I shall write a lot of superfluous and I shall have then
confusion before you. I wait yours e-mail, my lovely. Hugs and
kisses!!! My embraces.
Yours Lola
Received: from admin-fe8ce8a2b.mshome.net (lolavanilla78@ with plain)
From: Lola <lolavanilla78@yahoo.com>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.01) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
Seastar Tauchsport GmbH
Verena Gebel
Another famous old Yola script and Menuelist......used already be fore 2-3 years
Hi my lovely xxxxxx.
I hope you have good day! i wish it to you. my
dear, I asked you to write your phone number, I want to call you Today
I cook food. By the way, dear, what you usually prefers more in food?
What you prefe : sweets, meat, a fish? Inform me it xxxxx. My parents
and friends very much like a meal which I prepare on kitchen. Who
knows, can once you will try my meal :^) I love many dishes and to
select something particularly at once difficultly (but it is
possible). Since the childhood I love mother's cutlets with a mashed
potatoes, the stuffed pepper. I love salads such as " Winter salad "
is very popular salad in Russia, there are always on any celebrating.
Also I very much love salad "Relish": tomatoes and cucumbers it is
finely - finely equal to cut. The onions, are better dark blue, too.
In very deep salad dish to spread all over again cucumbers a layer,
then tomatoes, then an onions. Then a brynza to cut fine squares and
from above. To submit separately sauce "Elefaim" is a mayonnaise mixed
with orange juice and something else. Salad can be salted a little
from above, but it is unessential. I very much love salads with fresh
vegetables, I love a chicken - grill and a potato fried, muesli and
every possible nuts, yoghurt a pie and chocolate, ice-cream, bananas
and ... Meat - fried, baked, as shashlick (barbecue) and as different
meat delicacies, chops. I love a fish red, white, everyone. In any
kind, but not crude. The society of protection of animals would chain
me to a pillory. (the Joke!:) I love a pizza, all from the puff test
very much I love - both sweet, and unsweet. Still I love a
water-melon, any apples sweet or sour-sweet apples, a strawberry, and
others fruit. And still I adore sweets every possible. But, I always
control myself because from sweet it is possible to collect excess
weight. I love natural juices, and Coca-cola, Pepsi. In general I like
to try new dishes, for example national dishes. Only do not think,
that I the glutton, simply very much was lost in day-dreams (a joke!),
I always hold myself in norm and I do not allow to prevail to the food
instincts over me. Mmmm well i think i must to stop, now I shall give
an opportunity to you

way to heart of the man - passes through his stomach! " I was many
times convinced of it when observed of my father. my sweet kisses
Yours Lola
Received: from admin-fe8ce8a2b.mshome.net (lolavanilla78@ with plain)
From: Lola <lolavanilla78@yahoo.com>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.01) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
Belgacom ISP SA/NV
Skynet NOC administrators
Belgacom SA de droit public
Boulevard du Roi Albert II, 27
B-1030 Bruxelles
She don't read Mail and the next old Yola script.......
Hi my dear xxxxxxx.
I am glad xxxxxx, that in our relations there is a
promotion and we became more close people. I tell often about you to
my parents and friends. They hope, that will get acquainted with you
someday. xxxxx they insist, that I would acquaint you with them, my
parents are especially. I have told him, that i seriously treat you
xxxxxx, also that you the good person. You know xxxxx, that parents
always wish children only good and are pleased, when their children
are happy in all. By the way my dad loves fishing and right now he
goes pleased here and speaks, that now he has person, which can be
invited for fishing. I laughed for a long time and i have told to him,
that I do not know, would you like it and that he early is pleased.
And know, what he did answer? he has told, that in the summer he will
make for you good fishing tackle also he will learn you to cook good
fish soup. And did you tell to close people about me? What they have
opinion? inform me please it. You have any plans concerning our
relations? I think, that for us will be very much it is good, if we
can spend some time together. It will be to strengthen our relations
and will help us to learn better each other. Probably the next month
we can meet. For example in Europe or the other place. We had only
messages and I think, that it is better for us to meet in the another
place. I very much would want to be alone with you, to see you and a
touch to you! Dear so we can make full opinion of us to learn about
many things. Let's be to discuss it xxxxxx. I wait for your opinions,
I miss you i kiss you.
Yours Lola
Received: from admin-fe8ce8a2b.mshome.net (lolavanilla78@ with plain)
From: Lola <lolavanilla78@yahoo.com>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.01) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
IP addresses assigned for DSL customers
Vodafone Italy
Via Jervis, 13
Ivrea (TO)

Hi my dear xxxxx.
Have good day! I am glad, that my letters pleasant
for you. How do you feel? I 'm very good! I a little excited, and
yesterday I hardly fell asleep. I was grasped with an idea about our
meeting. It is joyful event for me from i have much emotions. Such as
excitement both the big impatience and expectation of this day . You
have brought the whole sea of emotions in my life xxxxx, and it is
difficult for me to consult with it, but I can tell, that it
pleasantly and gave me new push and the purpose for life. I think,
lovely, that it is necessary for us to arrange our meeting so that
there were no difficulties and inconveniences in our affairs. I can
arrange on my work, that to have some days free for me. xxxxxx, and
will your work be to allow you to make it? Probably you have the
intense schedule on work also you should be busy. Then we can meet
more close from you or even I could arrive to you for some days. For
me there is no problem to make long travel. If such way more
convenient for you and my arrival not will create inconvenience for
you xxxxxx, let's choose this plan. It for me even it is more good,
because I can see as you live, your friends, you can show me where you
live and different places loved for you and if sometime you will need
to visit your work. My work not so important also also here can manage
without me, therefore I do not worry about my work. Inform me dear,
the opinions! If it is a good way for you too I shall make
preparations for travel. My hugs and kisses
Yours Lola
Received: from admin-fe8ce8a2b.mshome.net (lolavanilla78@ with plain)
From: Lola <lolavanilla78@yahoo.com>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.01) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
Telenet N.V. Residentials
Technical Internet
Telenet Operaties N.V.
Liersesteenweg 4
B-2800 Mechelen
Typical Agency script.......
Hi my dear.
I am glad to your message and thank, that you understand
me . You are, one of those few people which are my parents and my best
girlfriend, you xxxxx, in which I also can find understanding. I have
some news to you xxxxxx. Today i had conversation with agency of
travel. To me have told, that to receive the visa of the tourist in
your country difficultly, but they can help to me. But the agent had
no a lot of time to speak with me because it was necessary for him to
go on assembly. And consequently he has postponed my conversation for
tomorrow. Tomorrow I meet him and I shall discuss the visa. I hope,
lovely, that all will be - well. I have some excitement concerning all
it, but also I have firm intention to meet you dear! Therefore any
difficulties and monetary outlay, will not stop me. And we'll meet.
Write to me, dear, give me many forces and energy. My gentle kisses.
Yours Lola
Received: from admin-fe8ce8a2b.mshome.net (lolavanilla78@ with plain)
From: Lola <lolavanilla78@yahoo.com>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.01) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
Belgacom ISP SA/NV
Skynet NOC administrators
Belgacom SA de droit public
Boulevard du Roi Albert II, 27
B-1030 Bruxelles
She don't read mail coz I told her that I'll buy the Tickets.......its also a Test to see how desperate they're to get the Money
Hi my dear.
I with impatience wait, when I can tell to you HI -
personally. Thanks for your message. xxxxxx, my day was very intense
and is very tired. I reached in office of agency and signed with them
the contract. In conformity with the contract, the agency will prepare
me for all documents for travel, to buy for me the ticket. My agent
needs some information for a route of the plane, inform me dear, your
full address (and the nearest airport to you to which I shall arrive)
Write all in details... This information is necessary tomorrow that
the agent could develop route and to establish all cost of travel.
Today i paid to him the first part of money, for the visa and other
documents for travel. It was in some times more, than I thought. I
planned, that the visa will cost for me about 110 $, but because of
difficulties for its reception is was for me 210 $.

possible, that to me you will be required the help for payment of
other part of cost of travel. I have some money still, and also took
some money at my parents, but i think them will not suffice for
payment of the second part of cost, for insurance and tickets. It will
be known after the agent will develop a route. The second part of cost
I should pay by the contract, before to take the visa. I shall inform
you xxxxxx, if to be necessary for me the help. I hope, that it will
not be a problem for you and I can not worry about it. I informed you
all news about promotion of our meeting and now I go to have a rest, I
am very tired today. I hope, what I can soon embrace you xxxxxx. I
wait for your messages my loovely. My hugs and kisses.
Your Lola
Received: from admin-fe8ce8a2b.mshome.net (lolavanilla78@ with plain)
From: Lola <lolavanilla78@yahoo.com>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.01) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
Belgacom ISP SA/NV
Skynet NOC administrators
Belgacom SA de droit public
Boulevard du Roi Albert II, 27
B-1030 Bruxelles
Hi my sweetheart xxxxxx.
I am glad to read your message and to learn,
that I can hope for your help in payment of agency. Dear, I feel
itself it is a little inconvenient because I had to address to you for
the help. I always counted myself the independent person, which itself
can solve all problems. But, this time, I could not all to take into
account and was mistaken that I can pay all travel itself . When I
travelled earlier, it costed for me less. But i'm glad that now I have
you xxxxxx, - the man, which can help me. After ours acquaintance, at
me varies sensations of. Earlier I counted myself the strong and
independent person, and it was pleasant for me to feel, that I can
care of myself. And now I feel simply the woman who requires support.
But it is pleasant for me, to feel beside strong the man which
protects me from all excitements of a life! xxxxxxx, I informed a place
of arrival to you to the agent and he has calculated the staying
payment for me. It will be for me 1600 $. Into it enters tickets,
insurance, road up to the airport and some other necessary charges.
With me have still remained money, after payment of the first parts of
cost. It about 500 $, and now is necessary for me, in 8-9 days about
1100 $ to pay in agency the second part of cost travel. I hope dear,
that this money not difficulty for you and you can help to pay to me,
in 8-9 days, 1100 $ in agency . I shall learn from the agent as you
can send them it. Lovely, I hope, that I did not make to you
difficulty by the haste. Probably it is not planned expenditure for
you. If it so, do not become angry about me please, I very much miss
you and i wait for ours meetings very much. I wait for your letters
xxxxxx! Thousand kisses.
Yours Lola
Received: from admin-fe8ce8a2b.mshome.net (lolavanilla78@ with plain)
From: Lola <lolavanilla78@yahoo.com>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.01) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
Poundhost customer server
Simply Transit
BlueSquare House
Priors Way
Typical Bla-Bla-Yola script to waste time.......
Hi my fine!
I am happy to speak again with you xxxxx ! How you today?
I hope, that your day is good! my dear, I'm so glad that you can help
me xxxxx , Dear, you have pleasure when you think of our meeting
soon? You informed close people which is, soon you will accept me?
What they have opinion concerning it? My parents and friends are
happy, that I will meet you. They are happy, to which I at last have
met the person of whom I have the big respect and serious intentions.
My daddy always spoke Me, that the person in attitudes mainer and,
that the woman should listen to it always. And I always argued with it
concerning it. During during those moments lives when I had attitudes
with the person, me always tried to be the leader in these attitudes.
But with you xxxxxx, I feel, that all in another way. I would like to
be obedient and gentle to to you. Possibly my daddy - the rights, when
speaks, that the main instinct of the woman, it to be close to the
person and to be obedient it. It speaks, that the woman can be happy,
only if lives thus. But I think, that the person should respect also
with the woman and listen to it Feelings sometimes pairs should go on
the compromise. I have such opinion to you, for the first time and
therefore I think from this very much. I think, possibly destiny, not
carelessly acquainted me with you! xxxxxx , you have any frank ideas
about me? Tell to me about it. I have such ideas about you, but I
shall not tell them first.-was good? I very much wish to study, about
which you think of me, as the woman. I shall wait yours history about
it. Now I shall finish the message. I wait your favorite of letters!!!
I have asked the agent in from what way probably to transfer from you
money for their payment. It has told, which learns about it and to
inform me. Mine gentle kisses!
Yours Lola
Received: from admin-fe8ce8a2b.mshome.net (lolavanilla78@ with plain)
From: Lola <lolavanilla78@yahoo.com>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.01) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
Poundhost customer server
Simply Transit
BlueSquare House
Priors Way
Hi my dear xxxxxx !
I grieve without you. I very much wish to capture
you and to convenient to my body to you. I often represent, as we for
the first time see each other. As we carry out together our night. I
think, that we shall not sleep this night. I shall try, that you did
not forget it never, and I hope, that you will do also it for me. We
shall do a break only for coffee and sandwiches. Also, fine, I wished
to take a bath with you. We could wipe a back part the friend the
friend and nevertheless something. I very much wait this time, and I
am happy, that is necessary to wait already a little. I often think of
things by which we can do with each other. I think of it in full
details. I do not write these details to you, my disorder does not
allow me to write it. I stop my ideas that there was no big
excitation. I have good imagination. Even now I have a little a shiver
in my body. Well well well I stop now this theme in my message. Now
about the main thing.... xxxxxx , I shall inform you to some news which
I have learned from the agent. He informed me which they do not
accept, for payments, moving of bank of money to the account, from
private people. They accept such payment only from the organization at
travel by groups. Therefore I should do the second part of payment by
cashes. The agent has told, that in our city some banks are borrowed
in moving money from other countries. He has told. That they do it
quickly, it demands them approximately one day. There are in our city
some systems to move work. It " Gram of Money " and " the Western
Union ". Dear, I have received the detailed information concerning a
moving money. To do it, you should enter into bank in which is office
" Western union " . In bank to me have told, that
such offices are accessible in each city, therefore for you, the
problem will not find it. When you will send money, you should define
my full name and the address. Before I can receive money, I should
define your full name and the address. Also, I should inform in bank
to confidential number (MTCN). This number to you informs number in
bank at transfer money, and you should inform this number to me in
messages. All moving borrows some hours, but it will be necessary to
pay for it of a few money to bank. I think xxxxxx , that is a reliable
way to move money. Dear to be ready to do it in some days. When the
agent will ask payment, I shall inform at once to you. Favorite, now
to me time has come to go, always to wait your messages and to write
to me more often. Inform me also, that lady carries for you more
sexual. Possibly I shall prepare something for you, my dear!!! My
kisses! Yours Lola
Received: from admin-fe8ce8a2b.mshome.net (lolavanilla78@ with plain)
From: Lola <lolavanilla78@yahoo.com>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.01) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
I've never send her Pics......
Hello my love xxxxxx,
I am pleased that you answered me so quickly!
favorite I love you and I can talk as long as you want and you love me
any more or do not need! with you when we meet we will have a great
love! favorite so when I was arriving to you, it will be a great
happiness for us with you, my dear! I today I went to work then went
home, what would you write a letter to dear! my girlfriend and my
parents are very happy for me that we with you love my dad and my mom
said that I referred to you hello! they say that you are very good and
very much respect for you! As soon as I saw your letter I am writing
to you as soon overwhelms my desire to be close to you, what would you
have embraced me and kissed! I LOVE YOU! You can send me more of his
pictures, I want to wake up and look at them and imagine that very
soon I will be next to you! I am from you or do not hide you are my
closest people to whom I can share all tell all loved you, I ask the
forgiveness that I did not say its data that you could send money. I
was told that you'll need to go to the office (western Union) and they
say that you want to send the money they give you a form which you
must fill out and send it me that I could get the money! beloved I
tell you that Lola is my name Short that I called my most loved ones,
even my mom calls me so! Favorite my ful name is Ekaterina ! I am
sorry that I`m did not say before, I understand that you are not
satisfied but please forgive me this is my last secret was that you
did not know! I prefer you write your data as you wrote me!
my dear write me your full data I loved
you very much I love and I will wait for your letter to me soon,
your Ekaterina
My first name: Ekaterina
My last name: Buharina
My address: Russia. city Pokrov . Street Lenin 12.01 poctal code (601122)
Received: from admin-fe8ce8a2b.mshome.net (lolavanilla78@ with plain)
From: Lola <lolavanilla78@yahoo.com>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.01) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
Leaseweb Germany GmbH (previously netdirekt e. K.)
RIP Mean
P.O. Box 93054
Seems Workshop need longer......normally when Copy takes time, we get a lousy Copy
Hi my sweet xxxxxx!!!!
How are you?
At me all is good at me remarkable mood.
Yesterday did not pass also minute that I did not think of you
And so each day. I very much miss you.
I need in you my prince.
my dear, I'll send my passport tomorrow, what would you have been able to send me money.
my dear, I'm so glad that I'll soon be with you, you can send me your phone number, and all the data
You have come in my life and have won my heart.
My life has changed after we have got acquainted.
Now I each day am glad lifes.
Because on light there is a person which likes and respects me it so important for me.
And I am ready to give you my love am boundless.
You my prince on a white horse and I your princess and so will be always.
The love this remarkable feeling and about mutual love dreams each person.
When the person likes as I love you it am pleased lifes.
I am very glad that have got acquainted with you.
Who might think that the Internet will turn all my life.
But I do not regret about it because I have found you loved.
And I shall live for you.
I love you!!!!! And this sincere feeling.
I wait each your letter with impatience.
I send a gentle kiss in your lips.
With all love your gentle flower Ekaterina!!!!!
Received: from admin-fe8ce8a2b.mshome.net (lolavanilla78@ with plain)
From: Lola <lolavanilla78@yahoo.com>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.01) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
AS29550 Operators
Simply Transit
BlueSquare House
Priors Way
Hi my dear xxxxxx.
I am very glad to receive your answer. It is
pleasant for me, that our acquaintance is a success also we have
progress. my dear, I am sending you a copy of your passport that you
had been able to send money, you can now do what I would have paid
them for this week I to think and very much to want, what to have our
love together. I to search specially such for the man as you. I am
very glad, that my heart of me to not deceive. Why, from all I to want
to choose you. I to think, that it is destiny. Because to me so to say
my heart. And I was very glad when to find your letter in the box. Now
I go after my work what to look my box and to find your letter. Each
night and day my ideas about you. I to not know, that this such. But I
to feel like as me of 18 years. I to feel like the young and young
girl. I to lose good dream. Because I long to think of you before that
how to go to bed. et's me sleep. I to think, that tomorrow I can
receive from you the answer. Now I to finish the letter.
Strong I embrace you, yours Ekaterina.
Received: from admin-fe8ce8a2b.mshome.net (lolavanilla78@ with plain)
From: Lola <lolavanilla78@yahoo.com>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.01) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
Belgacom ISP SA/NV
Skynet NOC administrators
Belgacom SA de droit public
Boulevard du Roi Albert II, 27
B-1030 Bruxelles
Didn't expect that it will work when I ask her for a bigger Copy coz WU can't see anything.....

Hello my lovely xxxxxx!
I too love you. I'm fine! How you? I am glad to each your answer to my
letters. Each minute without you for me as if an edge in heart.. my
dear, I made a normal copy, but it did not go to you, because it was
very large, I'll send another tomorrow, okay

I want to be with you. my dear you are to me you can write your phone
number that I could call you If you knew as I you I love... I do not
know as it to put words... I all would wash love to you have
transferred through a passionate kiss. I with pleasure of kiss you!
Your heart! Your cheek! Your lips... I cannot live more without you. I
am am overcome with melancholy without you. When we at last can meet?
I cannot wait so long. I wish to feel you as soon as possible. I very
much very much love you my lovely and favourite xxxxxx! The darling
xxxxxx, I look forward to hearing from you the same as I wait for my
arrival to you. My 10000000000 kisses...
Yours Ekaterina.
Received: from admin-fe8ce8a2b.mshome.net (lolavanilla78@ with plain)
From: Lola <lolavanilla78@yahoo.com>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.01) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
Belgacom ISP SA/NV
Skynet NOC administrators
Belgacom SA de droit public
Boulevard du Roi Albert II, 27
B-1030 Bruxelles
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