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Hello my dear ,
I hope that you are doing fine over there today ? . I saw your profile here and i was attracted to contact you to be your friend . I am new to this site and i may not stay long here . I really want to know you very well so that we will be good friends . Please i will like you to reach me on (tinaweah55@yahoo.com) for easy communication since i will soon be out of this site . As soon as i hear from you i will tell you about myself and send you my pictures . Till i hear from you , remain blessed .
Cheers ,
Miss tina .
Dear one ,
How are you today ? . l hope fine . Mine is not too good due to my suffering condition here in Dakar Senegal . I am well pleased to meet a person of honor and dignity like you . It gives me a great pleasure reading your mail . I must commend you for taking your time to respond to my mail . Thank you so much .
My name is Miss Tina Edward Weah , i am from Dafur Sudan central Africa and presently i am residing in a church orphanage home here in Dakar Senegal as a result of the civil war that was fought in my country some years ago , i was born on Tuesday , the 22nd day of March , 1988 ( twenty-two ( 22 ) years old ) , single and never married , 5ft 8 inches tall , 55kg weight , black hair and brown eyes . I love singing , watching television , studying the bible , i am respectful , honest , etc , i hate lies , dishonest people , promise and fail , taking others for granted , disobeying God , etc . My hobbies include taking care of people , sharing problems with others and find solution to the problems , going to beach with my friends , etc .
I lost my both parents during this deadly political war that damaged thousands of innocent souls in Sudan . My family was among the first target of the rebels because my late father was a successful businessman and also a politician supporting the present government when the problems was about to start .
Due to this all the members of my family was murdered in a cold blood and our family house was set blazed . I was lucky and escaped death because i was in bordering when this deadly incident took place . It is only myself who is alive now and i managed to make my way to a nearby country , Senegal , where i am staying now and never pray or think to step my legs in that bloody country called Sudam . I am hoping for a day i will be totally free from the pains and shackles of life . I have encountered pain and suffering ever since i lost my parents but i know that someday i will wear a smile on my face again .
I have much to tell you . However i want to know if you are willing and ready to help me smile again . To help me become somebody in the society . To give me a better life . Something has been bothering me and i have kept it to myself because i am afraid to disclose it to anyone . I am afraid of betrayal . I am afraid someone might take advantage of me if i should disclose it to anyone .
I have been praying to God to give me someone who will not betray my trust and confidence in him . Someone who will not cheat and deceive me . I am very much afraid . But if you will promise me that you will stand for me as a father , a friend indeed , good Samaritan then i will open up to you .
I would like to know more about you . Your likes and dislikes , your hobbies , and what you are doing presently . I will tell you more about myself in my next mail . Below is my picture and i wait to receive your mail with your picture ( s ) . I pray to God to guide and protect you in all you are doing . Have a wonderful moment .
Yours in love ,
Miss Tina Edward Weah
Direction technique
Orange Internet Dakar
Sacre Coeur 3
Hello my dear ,
I appreciate your mail . Right now as i am writing this mail to you something in me tells me that the time for me to wear a smile has come . I see you as a guardian , a savior , a friend , a good Samaritan who God will use to wipe away my tears .
My dear as i told you in my last mail that i lost my family in the war that broke out in my country . I reside in the church orphanage home in Dakar Senegal , as a result of the civil war that was fought in my country . I did not have any other person that could be able to help me out , the only person i have now is :
Reverend Father Emmanuel George ( St John Catholic Church )
His office telephone number is ( +221-772-772142 ) or ( 00221-772-772142 ) .
I am so lucky that the reverend in charge of the orphanage home , Reverend Father Emmanuel George gave me the privilege to make use of his office computer and it is with his office computer that i use to read and reply your mails . Here in the orphanage home , i am living in female's hostel . I will be very glad if you can call me on his office telephone number . When you call him tell him that you want to speak with Miss tina Edward Weah . He will send for me to come to his office and receive your call .
My dear , my late father Dr. Johnson Edward Weah was a politician and an international businessman . When my father was alive he deposited some amount of money in a leading financial institution , which he used my name as the next of kin , the amount in question is 9.4 Million US Dollars . I have my late father's statement of account and his death certificate . I want you to assist me to transfer this money to your account . Immediately after this transfer in your account , you will help me to prepare my traveling documents and air ticket to come over to meet you .
I am hoping to read your mail that you will always be there for me . That you will never betray me . That you will not take advantage of me and will not deceive me . I promise to love you the best i can .
My dear , i need your information such as :
Your Full Names : ......
Age : ......
Address : ......
Telephone : ......
To forward it to the bank for the transfer . In my next mail i will tell you more about this money and the leading financial institution which the money was deposited . My dear , i have never told any person about the existence of this money and i will like you to keep it secret because i am afraid of loosing the money and/or my life . I humbly waiting for your mail with your picture ( s ) . Kisses and hugs to you . God bless you and keep you protected .
Yours in love ,
Miss tina Edward Weah
Hello my dear ,
I thank you once again for reaching me . I hope you are keeping fine today , as for me , i am not looking fine over here . I got the picture you sent to me and i love it so much . Really it sounds somehow depositing such a big trust to somebody that you have never seen in person but one thing you ought to understand is that any body who is into difficult situation may be looking for help from every angle and when i come in contact with you i was some how felt relaxed saying with you that God has answered my fasting and prayers . I was moved .
I appreciate your efforts to assist me to be out and free and to help me to get the money from the bank and this has made me to get the bank informed in a mail about you , i introduced you to them . I see you as a very nice person whom i can lean upon for trust and support for life . I see you as very responsible , competent and mature enough to assist me to direct my life to a positive direction in life . As i told you , i have not told any one except you about the existence of this money and i will like you to please keep it secret to other people because since it is money i feel all interest will be on it .
Remember i trust you that is why i am giving you all this information . I will like to hear your voice in due cause please , i have informed the bank about my plans to take and transfer this money and the only thing they told me is to look for a very responsible person , who will stand on my behalf as a trustee to this money due to my refugee status and the laws of this country . I have to use this chance to let you know about it , i have decided not to continue staying over here any more , i have used this chance get you introduced to the bank as my partner and the person who will be standing on my behalf as regards to this money .
In this regards i will like you to contact the bank immediately with their contact information below , please tell them that you are my foreign partner and that you want to know the possibilities of assisting me transfer my Nine Million , Four Hundred Thousand US Dollars ( 9.4 Million US Dollars ) deposited by my late father of which i am the next of kin/beneficiary , to your account in your country .
Below is the contact , just send an email to the bank in London . I would like you to contact them today for this fund and ask them how this fund will be transferred into your account as my foreign partner , let them know that it's Miss TinaEdward Weah instructed to transfer this fund into your account .
Below are the bank contact information :
Transfer Manager :
Address : 9 High Street ,
Perth ,
Perthshire ,
PH1 5JS .
Tel; Tel+447035942959
Fax :447005938024
E-mail : rbstransonline@consultant.com
Information about the deposit code are as follows :
Name of depositor : Dr. Johnson Edward Weah
Nationality : Sudan
Next of kin : Miss TinaEdward Weah
Amount deposited : 9.4 Million US Dollars
Account Number : RBS/745608902546/QB/91/A
Or you send your full information for reconfirmation so that i will forward it to bank to make the transfer to your given account in your country .
1.FULL NAME : .........
I was well known in the orphanage home here with choir leader because i lead in the church choir but my real name is Miss Tina Edward Weah . The name of the manager for foreign transfers as i was informed is Sir Philip Hampton . Please try and contact them now to confirm this and as well on how possible to transfer the money deposited by my late father of which i am the next of kin to your account in your country or else where you may decide .
My dear , i am glad that God has brought you to see me out from this situation and i promised to be very grateful and will equally need you in every area of my life plus investing this money since i am still too young and inexperienced to comfortably manage my life for now . I have map out 5% for every expenses you will make before this transfer and 15% for all your good effort towards my freedom . As i told you before , this orphanage home is just like a prison and my prayer is to move out from here as soon as possible .
Please make sure that you contact the bank so that after the transfer you will send some money from my late father's money for me to prepare my traveling documents to meet with you in your country or where you are . I feel i can make it to join you as soon as you are through with this transfer or you can come down to meet me over here and see how you will assist me to join you . I don't think i will regret being with you in your country or anywhere , i feel it is so better for me to be with you than to be over here , i have made my decision not to continue staying in this orphanage home .
I hope you approach this issue as yours , and give an urgent attention , because i am not in good condition and i want to be free in all my life , i so much trust you and i will like you to maintain the trust i have got in you . Honey , please keep this transaction secret this is a very huge amount of money . It is my future and my life . I will not like people to know about this fund because i am afraid to loose my life or the money .
I will be waiting to hear from you soonest .
Yours in love ,
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