
and in vk.com for Eva The Andreykina Mademoiselle Bryunel, 64 pics

She's well known in the scene. Works also under this Names:
Elena Shustova
a.k.a: Nastya Stuart, Nastya Potts, Anna Agasheva from Cheboksary; Gagarin str. 47-30
elena.dom_vish@ yahoo.com ; ozakline@ yahoo.com ; anna_1982_home@ yahoo.com
is connected in Scambusiness with a Guy Demis Bohren
Elena Shustova
a.k.a: Nastya Stuart, Nastya Potts, Anna Agasheva from Cheboksary; Gagarin str. 47-30
elena.dom_vish@ yahoo.com ; ozakline@ yahoo.com ; anna_1982_home@ yahoo.com
is connected in Scambusiness with a Guy Demis Bohren
Appeared today out of the blue in my 24FD-Spamfolder. I don't know her and she's definately not from 24FD.
Hi, stranger! I am pleased to write to you. I hope you get my letter and will be happy to reply. Perhaps I found you at some dating site. But it is in my contacts with note: gentleman from other country =) Is that correct? In my view it's good oppotunity to talk to someone from another country. Elizaveta
Received: from [] (helo=Unknown)
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Reply-To: "Elizaveta" <Elizaveta1982@gmx.com>
X-Mailer: Microsoft Windows Mail 6.0.6001.18000
XO Communications
Address: 13865 Sunrise Valley Drive
City: Herdon
StateProv: VA
PostalCode: 20171
Country: US
"Nice" Yola script and again Yulya and Derrick.....

Hello again xxxxx!
I am pleased to see your letter. I am grateful to you, that you understand me.
I had problems with the old e-mail, so now I am writing you with a new one. Please answer me with a new e-mail.
xxxxx, I want tell to you little bit more about me. I hope, that it is interesting to you.
My age is 29 years. My birthday is December 23, height 170 cm, weight 52 kg.
My name is - Elizaveta. I was named so in memory of my great-grandmother. She was very clever and wise woman.
I never saw her, but heard many good memoirs. And what about your name??? Why you have received such name?
I live in city Pavlovo. This is small but beautiful city in the Nizhni Novgorod Region. I was born here.
5 years I live separately from my parents. They live together with my grandmother not far to my city.
I inherited from my grandmother apartment and I moved there.
I like to dance and listen to cheerful music. I believe, that music helps to have a good mood.
And what music do you like? It will help me to understand your character.
I never had experience of acquaintance to the men from other country. But I think that it really interesting.
I heard much, that men outside of Russia are more gallant and more polite. Is this true?? What do you think?
I saw one a real-life example. My girlfriend married and has left in Europe to her husband. Recently she has again arrived to Russia already with the husband.
I looked at them and was pleased to their happiness. They - really fine pair!
I saw how they love each other.
By the way, their names Yulya and Derrick.
Yulya informed me to follow her example. I - during long time could not be solved on it. But thinking, I have been solved.
I had relations with men in Russia earlier. I have many admirers till now. But I understand, that it will not bring anything serious.
I - enough adult, also do not want the relation just for several weeks.
I have decided, that I shall try to fix acquaintance through the Internet. I have the Internet on work in a cabinet of the chief..
Therefore I can often write to you.
xxxxx What you search in the Internet? You search for serious relations or all it only for fun? Please answer my question sincerely.
I estimate kindness and sincerity in people. I do not love liars and egoists.
About if it is fair, I do not know that I can tell about me directly more. I hope, that you can ask me about something. I shall answer you with pleasure.
I will apply my films for you. Also wait your comment on it. OK?
I should go now. I'll wait for your letter.
Take care. Elizaveta
Received: from [] (helo=COMP2)
by elasmtp-junco.atl.sa.earthlink.net with esmtpa (Exim 4.67)
From: Elizaveta <Elizaveta1982@gmx.com>
Access Integrated Technologies, Inc.
OrgId: ACCES-731
Address: AccessIT - Hosting Services
Address: 11 Broadway, Ste 1131
City: New York
StateProv: NY
PostalCode: 10004
Country: US
Famous Yola script.......

Hello my new friend xxxxx!
It is pleasant for me to see your letter again.
It is really interesting to learn you more with each letter. It so excited.
xxxxx I would like to know about you more. You have a hobby?
I want to tell about me directly more. It is interesting to you?)
I ask to forgive that my jump of ideas in the various parties sometimes a little. (it is specific to girls.)
It because I want to write about everything for you. But I do not know what to begin.)))
Probably I shall tell about my work. I work in shop of a female cloth. I am a seller - the adviser.
I help girls to collect a suitable cloth. I love my work, it is very interesting and amusing sometimes.
Yesterday, to shop there has arrived the person who wanted to buy a gift for his wife.
He wanted to buy bra. But he doubted about the size.) we should call the manager of shop, her name - Larisa.
She has the size of a breast the same as the wife of this person. It was so ridiculously. The person changed and reddened.
But all have chosen from us up to him a suitable gift. He was very grateful to us for the help. I like to help people.
I think, that people should help each other. You agree with me?
So, I work every day within 8 hours. Sometimes I go to wash the floors, it gives a little extra money.
Sometimes we go with girlfriends to cinema or evening club. I like to dance and in the center of attention. (I think each girl is similar to this)
To me of 29 years. I have Grey eyes.
Now about my education. I have finished university. My speciality - the economist.
But I do not follow a speciality. I have studied the English language also.
But I do some mistakes when I write. I speak a little bit better, than I write.))))
But I think that you understand my English language???
xxxxx You know other languages? I think, that I can sometimes give to you lessons of Russian.)))
it will be interesting. What do you think?)
I hope, that my letter was interesting to you. I never wrote to men from other country.
Therefore I worry a little. Please speak to me if I tell nonsense.))))
It can appear because of distinction of our cultures. I understand, that in the various countries there is a various culture of dialogue.
I shall study your culture and you mine with each letter more. You agree?
About my time has already arrived. I should go now. ((
I hope, that I shall see your letter again. OK?
Bye. I shall wait your letter soon.
Received: from [] (helo=COMP3)
by elasmtp-mealy.atl.sa.earthlink.net with esmtpa (Exim 4.67)
From: Elizaveta <Elizaveta1982@gmx.com>
Access Integrated Technologies, Inc.
OrgId: ACCES-731
Address: AccessIT - Hosting Services
Address: 11 Broadway, Ste 1131
City: New York
StateProv: NY
PostalCode: 10004
Country: US
I am going to link this post with http://www.romancescam.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=44329