She contact me 04/04/12 in 24Luv as
- Profile ID: 88485
- 29 y/o female (1982 - April - 22)
- Novodruzhesk, Ukraine
- English, Russian
- Have no children
Hello. Hope our meeting on the 24luv.com will bring us
something we both looking for. I am sincere in my intentions and i
hope you are also honest man. I hope that our communication will going
on well and that we can find the common language between us. So I
would like to know about your mind, your heart, your personality, your
dreams, your views and interests. I welcome the opportunity to learn
more about you
IP shows Google
Stinks after T-A-S
Hello xxxxx I have no idea where to start from but i like to tell that
i am single 100 % as well and open for new relationship, i am very
optimistic, sensitive and like passion a lot. I belive the love it is
very big feeling that include so much power in this word. That is why
i belive that i can meet my prince also passionate and romantic like
me and share my life with. I was so happy your replay it is very nice
and touching for me if we could know us better ....is so serious for
me, I am very open minded woman. I hope we can talk about everything
and ask questions i belive the people have to be open and sincere and
tell about their feelings even if very intimate, i like to know what
you think of cooking? Do you like to cook dear? I am sorry i have not
much time to write... i write from Internet cafe in my town and here
is slow Internet dear by the way I live in Ukraine the biggest nearest
city close to me is Lysychansk.

live with my aunt. my parents die long time ago. car accident. well i
said I am single, never married and I have no children. write me some
time ok? i promise to cheek my post box often i just work here not so
far,,i am a cook in a cafe
Could you send me your photos too? I find you very nice man I send
you my affectionate greeting. Nataliya
No IP traceable and definately not written from Internet cafe
Hey you are such happy man! I like that you into sport is really good
for body tonus! I hope you answer my question also
I like: a cosy home, a flowers, good music and books, interesting
talks, looking for the stars in the evening, forgiving, and tolerance.
I dislike: Concrete and noise of the city, hectic rush, laziness,
envy, jealousy, war, soap operas, lies and deception.
i like swimming. i know what is it American football dear!
i hope you have nice weekends
Hello my sweet xxxxxx))))my Prince ))
i have get your massage i am happy you want to show me you serious
with me and write more about you family
Good afternoon for you and the morning kiss from me))
I am happy to get your letter ..i understand you
I had nice weekends i was thinking of you)))
before i know u or i meet u i don.t have anything else my work all my times spend in it.
now i have one in my life i can think for you . imagine we are alone with us
i like dance and listen soft music
i like to make passionate love in evening with candles
watching romantic movies and
love reading and walking
all i have now my dreams
i imagine me with u
in morning say to u good morning. sweet kiss u in lips
have breakfast with us
have a lunch with us
have a dinner with us
watching TV with us
listen music with us
...i am sorry to hear about your fiance. that is awful
.. i just come to wish you good day i am sorry for my long
letter! i hope i did not took much tome form you
i like cats by the way and dog too i have many pets at home. I am not
on the run today
i look forward for your letter
I send some photos
Kiss you tenderly
Hello my sweet xxxxxxx
You're the nicest man I have in life.
I like your letters so much, my love. Thank you for opening up for me
so much!
My sweet xxxxx, forgive me for the delay in answering your letters,
this happens because I've been busy and still are. On monday i was out
of town even and could not write you honey. You understand me, right
my love?
For me it is impossible to forget you! i THINK OF YOU EVERY DAY EVERY
SECOND MY LOVE and my aunt too. i told her about you. she ask all the time about you)))
On this day, I wish to be with you i feel boring at work and some kind
miss you already. I would love to set up my life sooner
i like to know what qualities do you see now good in me for you? I
think to be so good open for your second half is so important i
appreciate your openings for me very much!
For me that happened that both of my parents die in car accident and
there is nothing i could do.
I am sorry i have told you all my problems i when you would probably
like to hear more of my positive sides of Life? i am sorry...
I like to know your dreams about us maybe if you se any?I have
seen with you already xxxxx ))) I like romantic dreams
I kiss you tenderly my xxxxx ))))
always Your Nataliya
Hello my sweet love))))my xxxxx )) i can not stop to think of you
my love
Good morning for you and the morning kiss from me))
I took a brake at work and decide to write you
I had nice day i was thinking of you)))
before i know u or i meet u i don.t have anything else my work all my times spend in it.
now i have one in my life i can think for you . imagine we are alone with us
i like dance and listen soft music
watching romantic movies and
love reading and walking
all i have now my dreams
i imagine me with u
in morning say to u good morning. sweet kiss u in lips
have breakfast with us
have a lunch with us
have a dinner with us
watching TV with us
listen music with us
my love you are so emotionally please explain for me what do you want
me to come to you? You are so.............................
romantic............................. and passionate .........i love
that in you))
you want to buy ticket for me? is so nice if we could meet!
I love you
Good evening for you sweet xxxxxx
I woke up today and suddenly realized i miss some one beside me maybe
it was a hurry feeling but i think of you very often.
I was thinking if you ever going to send me your photos please? maybe
your golden fish at list? i like seeing where you live very much.
I have told all my friends about you and my aunt also ask me what
happen with me, i think is because if you maybe i feel much a exited
and y day is brighten when i have the massage for you
I do understand you like to see me and i am too. but the problem is
not in ticket dear but in work. You tod you work many hours too? how
do you feel managing resting then? i feel very tired some time after
hard working day at the kitchen. I look for ward for my holiday next
month in may we have very big celebrating, The 9 may, Do you know any
thing about it? Is the date second world war have finished.
I think is the good opportunity for me to get out of my work for week
or two, and maybe see you! I have been thinking of it a lot but i
have some fears also. i want to be open and honest with me. i dream
and talk about you so much and you did not share with me your dream.
maybe you not really like me? and want to be just a friends?
I hope your replay soonest date
Kiss you
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