She appeared Sunday out of the blue in my 24FD-Baiteraccount. I don't know her and she's not in my open List there.
Good day!!!
Thank you for giving me your messagee, hope you remember me...
It has been a long time, may be u have even forgotten, we have been talking at site
and from that time has past about 1 months, and did not know it worth to write or not,
this is the new for me, to meet people through the Internet, and ok,let's try to know each other,
and we will see to what it will bring us, if you are still serious and looking for the woman for your future, I will be waiting for your answer, and will be glad to look your photos, and may be u can say me something from your life, about yourself and next time will be my turn))))I promis)if u are interested ..
ok, have a good day....
Evgeniya Michael ....
Gestión de cambios y configuraciones
Periferico Sur, 3190,
01900 - México DF
Already a new Emailaddy.......
Evgeniya Michael, eniyaevgeniya@yahoo.com
Hi, my new friend !!!!
Friendly speaking I feel a bit confused, because I have never wrote to
the man through the internet and I even don't know what to start
with... Well, I will start from the very beginning. My name is Evgeniya
and I live in a small Russian town which is called Cheboksary. this is
a very nice place especially in summer and there are a lot of good
people here. I was born on the 25 st of April, 1985.
I am 26 years old, and I think that this is very nice age to start new
life! I work in hospital, and I am a children doctor by profession. I
love children and this is very pleasant to deal with them. My work is
rather interesting, but it is not easy, because very often I am
responsible for a kid's life and this is hard to be responsible for
such a seriouse matter! but I am in my place and I think that I would
never change my work even if I was offered a million dollars! and what
is about you? tell me what you are and what are your ambitions in
life!I live together with my Mother, my Father died when I was 15.
he was crossing the street at the criss-cross, but unfortunately the driver
was drunk and he didn't notice my Dad... and it so happened that I
lost my wonderful Dad, whom I loved immensely... it was a hard time
for my and Mum but we were together and overcame everything. Right
after finishing school I entered the medical University, which was
located in the nearest city (I didn't want to leave Mum alone) and
after graduating from it ( I am not showing off, but I am proud to
tell you that I graduated with honous!) I came back to Cheboksary and was
offered a vacancy in our Hospital. I agreed without thinking it over,
because I thought that this is my vocation and I was not mistaken,
because i never felt pity about my choice since.
No much changed from that time, but one day I realised that I am tired
of life here, tired of being alone and tired of the same faces. and
one when i was walking home after the night in the hospital, I saw the
advertisment of the dating agency. we have never had such before and
decided to try, I did some photos and wrote some words about me and
brought them to the agency. They asked me some questions and here I am
writing you my first letter! I don't know what it will lead me to, but
at the moment I feel very interested in you! please, write me more
about yourself and don't forget to send me your photo! I will look
forward to your answer and will come here tomorrow again!
with my best regards,
To post all the Pages from where this Letter is stolen would let this Thread burst
Received: from PHILKA (eniyaevgeniya@ with plain)

From: eniyaevgeniya@yahoo.com
Shared IP space at Netrouting Miami
Netrouting Inc
36 Northeast 2nd Street
33132 Miami FL
United States
Seems Doctors don't work on a Friday..........
Hi again, my friend xxxxx !
To tell you the truth I am very pleased that you answered me back so
quickly, because I waited your answer with impations!
I still can't get used that that quick internet letters! It seems
unbelievable that only a few years ago people wrote letters in hand
and waited the answer for weeks! By the way in Russia the internet
post is still not very widely spread and I myself write letters to
some of me old friends by usual mail. But this is great that I can get
the answer from you in no time. and I hope that if we will go on like
that we will manage to know each other very good!

In this letter I will try to tell you a bit more about myself. So what
are the usual things the unknown people ask each other? probably about
the hobby... well, I can't tell that I have some particular hobby, the
ocupation to which I would devote all my free time... I am pretty busy
at work and to tell the truth I am so tired after it that I have no
time on something but to go to bed and preapare something to eat and
to read a nice book. Oh, and I like to cook very much! My Mother is
very fussy about foods we eat and she teached me cook very well. My
Mother is a teacher, she works with small
children as well we me. we have something in common in the professions:)
I hope that I express myself quite clearly????)
I hope see more your photos in next emails, coz i like this a lot.
And i want you write me more about yourself, about your minds and
everything. I really intrested in you.
I am also seriose in relation. because in my near future i want have family,
want have lovely hasband, sweet babies, have nice time together,
now its a dream but i beleive that my dream come true soon.
well, I am not looking for the super-man! eveyrthing is
much more simple. I want to find the usual man that won't try to
change me, who will accept me as I am and won't go after the young
models when I will become old...and yes, I suppose
that I found the right man, because with every day i find in you the
traits that I like and I look forward to learn you like a book, to
read you, your life and habits... this is very veyr interesting, in fact.
Well and on this I will finish this letter and I will start witing
your answer! please, write me as much as you can about you because I
am interested in every detail of your life! of cause if you want to!
will come here tomorrow and hope to see your reply!
bye bye
Take care
Mail is stolen and edited
Received: from PHILKA (eniyaevgeniya@ with plain)
From: eniyaevgeniya@yahoo.com
Dedicated servers
Sergejs Kurcanovs
Maskavas iela 68,
Hello, xxxxx !
I am very pleased to receive letters from you again!
I was thinking and trying to guess what you will write me today!
This is probably a bit silly, but I've read that you said several times
before starting to respond. I'm happy with every
the day I discover something new in you!
Today's weather was very bad we have a very damp and wet snow is when I went to work today,
I'm all wet on this wet snow. We have a temperature of 0 degrees Celsius and the snow melts on
the street. What is your weather?
I have not had a lot of work today, and it's good, because I could come sooner
the agency to write you a letter, and now I have time to cook something delicious for me and my
mother! I think I'm going to do a cake, a wonderful cake! I would like them to treat you this!
What is your favorite food? Tell me please, I'll try to find
recipes and learn how to prepare it! it would be a good chunk of my
collection, I think! and I will probably invite my best friend for tea, it works in my
Hospitals, too. I do not have many friends but the ones I have a true and
I am confident that I can rely on it. By the way, what do you think of
friendship? I heard that in western countries such term as friendship is not
popularity, all the people live their lives and they do not have any friends
Who are willing to help them in difficult situations. But I appreciate
The friendship very much and I am sure that evry person must have friends ... do
you have friends? I feel that you and I are very much in common and, although we have known
each other for a short periode of time I feel close to you ... but well, it's too early to talk about
something after some letters that we wrote to each other. Let's go ahead and we will see that this
will lead us to, okay? Give me your phone number I really want to hear your voice:)
I will wait your reply with impatience.
So, I finish and go home with my best wishes your Eugene!

Received: from PHILKA (eniyaevgeniya@ with plain)
From: eniyaevgeniya@yahoo.com
David Howes
UK Dedicated Servers Ltd
61 Somers Road Industrial Estate
CV22 7DG
Hi, darling xxxxxx !
here I am again in the internet cafe reading your letter... during
this day this is the only pleasant moment for me... because this day
was not a very happy one and I feel sad. this day is 11 years since my
Father's death. and we had the small day of memory. Yes, it changed
very much since he is not with us... everything was very different
when dad was alive. We never had such difficult time as we have now,
he was the real man and could find the way of any situation. and now,
when we are alone, I feel sometimes that I can't find the right
dicisioun... the first years after his death we were running the
greatest moral and financial difficulties, because I was a student and
Mum was keeping the house while he was alive. But after that she had
to go back to work and with the misarable salaries in your schools
were were having very hard times. I don't know how we managed to
survive, but now the situation is a bit better, at least I am not a
student any more and I can earn a bit for our living but since that I
never felt safe. This is very hard to lose people to who you love.
Darling, I wish you had such terrible occasions not often... better
ok, I will go back home now, because when I went here my Mum was crying
and I am afraid that she will fall into deep depression again, so it
will be better if i am with her all the day round. but she says
herself that it is necessary to start new life and she want me to do
it for her. she want s me to be happier then she is. she is a great
WOMAN, my Mum.
ok, and I am sorry for the sad letter, I hope that I haven't made you
sad... to make it a bit better I will send you a nice smiling picture
of me, to let you know that I am not that pessimistic creature.
I do not like to play in any game or with men. If I love a person you
love means to the end of his life. I had to have my friend relationship
with a young man. but I found out that he has changed me and I broke up
I could not enter into a relationship after five years of that relationship.
Now I found you. but Eugene is my real name.
bye bye,
Your Eugene!
Received: from PHILKA (eniyaevgeniya@ with plain)
From: eniyaevgeniya@yahoo.com
Dedicated servers
Sergejs Kurcanovs
Maskavas iela 68,
Hi, my darling xxxxx !
I was very glad to find the letter from you with your kind words of
support. It touched my heart and I feel that you became much closer to
me then you were before... at least, I feel now that I can trust you
on the whole and that you are a very reliable man. I don't know why
but it seems to me that i would feel very easy with you if we could
talk face to face... because through the letters I realise that we
have much to talk about and the subjects are ennumerouse. I think that
this is very good when people have much to talk about with each other!
and I also see that you are very caring and that you can make happy
any woman! oh, I would envy that lucky girl!

Give me your phone number I really want to hear your voice:)
by the way, I see that you have a good sence of humour and I hear one
day on the radio that the sence of humour is the first sign of the
intellect! this is absolutely true, i think! I have never felp at
ease with the gloomy person, and you are very bright, you are like the
ray of the sun in my life! oh, that'l do to pay you compliments or you
will decide that I am flattering you! but to tell the truth I am not
tired to telling you pleasant things, because I feel that worth all my
compliments and even more!
please, send me more pictures of you, because I want to have as many
as possible, to show my friend and probably Mum... ok? I will wait
and write me please about your profession, ok? is it good? are you
satisfied? as for me, i told you already i there is nothing better for
me then my profession, the only shortcoming of it that it is not very
good paid. For example my salary is $200 per month (in rubles it is
about 6000), and sometimes it is even not regularly paid, but I am
optimistic and I think that probably future will change and out
government will understand that its people are worth paying them.
ok, I will finish the letter on this, and i will start waiting your
answer, hope it will arrive soon!!!!!!! oh, God, why am I so much dependent on
your letters?! is it good, do you think?

bye bye for now,
Your Eugene!
Received: from PHILKA (eniyaevgeniya@ with plain)
From: eniyaevgeniya@yahoo.com
Keyweb AG IP Network
Hostmaster Day
Keyweb AG
Neuwerkstr. 45/46
99084 Erfurt
Given Phone number......
ОАО "Вымпел-Коммуникации" Чебоксары Чувашская Республика (Vimpelcom Cheboksary)
Hi, my sweet xxxx !
May I call you my sweet? it sounds so nice... I like all those tender
pet-names, and when I feel sympathy to the person, I like to display
my affection. as soon as I can display my affection to you only in
words I want to tell you as many tender things as i will manage to
compose! is it ok?
here is my mobile +79613434763 I will be very wait for your call:)
By the way, I had a seriouse talk with my Mum about you. And I told
her that we are communicating with you through the internet. At first
she was very surprised because she can't imagine how it is possible to
communicate through the computer. She can hardly imagine what the
internet is and how it works. oh, my Mum is so kind.She asked where
you are from and how old you are and where you work and if you are a
good man. In a word, all the sorts of questions Mothers always asks!
She even said that you are very attractive and you have the air of
self-confidence! oh, and by the way she said that you look like her
Grandfather when he was young

<<<< she don't have any Pic from me!
and only after I talked with Mum, a sudden thought occured me... I
asked myself: "probably I should have asked YOU..." probably you don't
want me to talk about you with my Mum... probably for you I am just an
internet toy... I know that nowadays the internet is full of bad
people who are cheating each other. and all of a sudden you can
realize that the person you are writing to is not that you think of
him... I am so much afraid that this is going on with me

taking away this thought, because my heart is prompting me that I am
wrong, that you are the man, that I have always wanted to meet. and
that your intentions about me are absolutely pure... I hope I am
oh, I don't know what to do with my heard because it seems to think only of
you every day... My God, this is increadible, that we are more then
1000000000 km apart from each other and we are connected somehow in
our minds... if someone told me a month ago that I would be losing my
head because of it, I would never belive! but it is going on with
ME!!! and I have always considered myself being not that light-minded!
but things happen, as the English proverb says, right?

ok, on this idea I will finish the letter, and as usual will wait your
quick reply.
Hope that you will like the picture that I am sending you this time!
get aсquanted to my Mum, because she know you and you should know her
as well!

bye bye
YOUR Eugene!
Received: from PHILKA (eniyaevgeniya@ with plain)
From: eniyaevgeniya@yahoo.com
David Howes
UK Dedicated Servers Ltd
61 Somers Road Industrial Estate
CV22 7DG
Hello, my dear man xxxxx !!!
the day is amazing, the sun is shining, the sky is blue ... I am thinking about you))))
my love my day begins with your letter! I am so glad that you have with me,
because you're the only man who can lift my spirits and my daavat
the love and happiness on ktoroy vsenda I wanted!
I am ok, but day by day going crzy .. wish to love .. but you are 1000s km away from me ..
and so I am sitting here, looking at your photos
<<< which she don't have!!!!!
and smiling ((only.. but well, I am reday to wait .. to wait to be happy))
as you know that these weekends will be so busy for me, as we have a great holiday,
which you have celebrated last week, easter holiday!!
<<<< 15/04/ is there the orthodox Eastersunday (fassika) as public Holiday
so I should go to my granny, to help her, to clean the house, the garden, to wash the clothes ...
so, there will be so many things to do ...will be there with relatieves,
My darling I will say greetings to my granny from you!!! Sure she will be so happy)))
to hear something from you!
My grandmother is too old person and she trusts God. So may be we together, my granny,
mother and me go to the Church at night and will pray .. till the morning, and also
I will put the candle there for our common future, my dear .
. you know how much I want to be with you?? Think not ...
I am there with you everytime, every minute I am with you ..
We painted eggs with my momy yesterday! They
look all different! I hope that Easter Bunny wil visit us

youI know that in your country people also celebrate this Holiday!
As for me, I love this holiday more even thsn Birthday and New Year
time, I will deinetely go tomorrow with a fan with wash mother, the grandmother!
My love wish you happy weekends!!!! YOu will have a good rest I think and
do not treat with another girls, dear)) ok??
Do not forget about me, about your little girl from russia!!
My darling and you, what are your plans these weekends???
Now I should go home because my mother is waiting me at home .. for house keeping_)
My love I love you and I can not imagine my future life without you.
I will come back Only Sunday evening and I shall try to write to you if I shall not be in time
I shall write you on Monday!!! Ok? Do not worry
I will wait With impatience the answer xxxxx !!!
Send you million kisses and the biggest ocean of love!!!
Only your unique love Elena

P.S.My friend, I would like you to tell me your pictures posted
Received: from PHILKA (eniyaevgeniya@ with plain)
From: eniyaevgeniya@yahoo.com
Dedicated servers
Sergejs Kurcanovs
Maskavas iela 68,
Its not my requested Easter bunny pic from her and she don't read Mail......

Hello my dear xxxxx !!!
While you are for me a friend, but I hope you do not compress
when I call you dear? Excuse me, but I want to tell you the truth,
I have not experienced such feelings for a man, as now to you!
I do not know what happened to me, but maybe the distance people
realize how expensive they are to each other! Yes, dear!?
Thank you for your letter! I am very pleased that you have not
forgotten about me!)))) I was sad and lonely without your letters
all weekend, but I'm very glad that today is my day starts with your words!
You missed my weekend? Sorry for my question, but I would like to know
the answer to my question. You have me there are any feelings?
I have already said that last week the weekend we had the Easter
holiday weekend I was at my grandmother.
On Saturday, we are with my mother and grandmother went to church
and almost all night were in the service of the church. Service
began at 22.30 pm and ended early in the morning at 4 am and all
that time we were in church. I asked God to make it always helped you and that your
Angel savior was always there with us! For your health and for
our relationship, I start to light a candle! To all the bad things
behind us and all the good things you have met since that day!!
We came home very tired, and immediately went to bed and woke up
just after 9 am, my love, I woke up the next day, like an angel.
After church I am comfortable in my soul and heart! I am very
grateful to God that she gave such a good friend like you. I hope
that a serious relationship?!
On Saturday, as we were preparing cakes, salads, chocolate bunny,
colored eggs. Sunday after church celebration for my grandmother
came to visit her grandmother's neighbors more. I'm in a place with
them sitting at the table! Pleasant and interesting to listen to them!)))
My grandmother was very happy that we have arranged it such an enjoyable
holiday. My grandmother and mother passed on to you a big hello!
Today the weather we have warm and sunny 10. Long-awaited spring has come,
and on the street almost no snow! Do you like spring?
My baby, I forgot to tell you that I have tomorrow, Tuesday the 17th of going
to her friend and she has a laptop, I Ia I see you in skype.
My love is her skype nickname: porovoz67
I'll go to her after work and I'll be at it from 19:00 pm to 21:00 pm.
So my baby adds a Skype. And I'll wait for you so I sent her skype nickname.
I think that spring is the time for love!))))
I wish you a successful start of the week and good mood!
Looking'll wait for an answer!
Received: from PHILKA (eniyaevgeniya@ with plain)
From: eniyaevgeniya@yahoo.com
Dedicated servers
Sergejs Kurcanovs
Maskavas iela 68,
I've send her only slaps yesterday..........
Hi, my Sweet xxxxx !
How are you today? I am fine, the weather is not very good, the
pierecing wind is blowing, and I am afraid to catch a cold, but when
as soon as i remeber about you the wind is getting warmer and it seems
that it is wispering me the tender words... those i would like to hear
from you some day... oh, I feel as if I have wings to fly to the sky
and to shout that I AM HAPPY, I AM ABSOLUTELY HAPPY!
Иy the way, did I tell me where you live? Probably I simply don't
remember (I mean not the country, of cause I do know it!), but I want
to know the place itself. I have a small one-room flat
in one of those terrible blocks where there are 3 floors and
the conditions are very bad. the only advatage of those flat is that
they are available to pay for.Then dad was alive we lived a better
life. But when he died, we had to sell it to pay for
my education. Because mum didn;t earn that much to cover all the
expensive and i was too young to find a proper job. so, you see
now how it happened that I had to leave the comfort for education. But
they say that "money spent on the brain is never spent in vain", and I
have never felt pity.When I came back, we decided that
it will be better to ask for the credit in the
bank and pay it partly. so, I did it and bought a one-room flat 4 years ago.
But we do not live here now though i did not pay the credit to the full yet.
A year ago my mum was given a flat from her work. It is a good flat and
we live there together now. The conditions here are better and you know, it is
always more comfortable to live with mum

Sweety? and I hear that abroad people
live in comfort and it is unbearable for the foreigner to live in
Russia because of bad living conditions. Is it true?
sweety, I feel so much attached to you and I can't imagine what would
happen if I didn't write you! darling, it can seem silly for you but
if I come here tomorrow and won't find the letter from you, I can't
imagine what I will think about the next day!!!I am so greatful to
this internet that it keeps the connection between us!
oh, it seems that my time at the computer is going to come to an end,
and the manager is telling me that I have to let it free...
ok, I will go now, sweety and I will look forward to your next letter,
I am sending you my first kiss and first embarrase...
I'm sorry that I did not answer your questions. To this I had reason,
since yesterday was Monday, and we always on Mondays a lot of work.
That's because of this, and I ignored your questions.
I do not know why I signed up Elena but my real name is Eugene.
So I am very sorry that I signed up Elena.
My baby is boiled down, I caught that those thieves who robbed
the poor old woman. I think that they should be punished.
I called last night at the phone number that you gave me.
But when I called I was told that that phone number is not available.
My baby I hope you gave me your same number?
bye bye for now,
YOUR Eugene!
Received: from PHILKA (eniyaevgeniya@ with plain)
From: eniyaevgeniya@yahoo.com
Keyweb AG IP Network
Hostmaster Day
Keyweb AG
Neuwerkstr. 45/46
99084 Erfurt
Hi, xxxxxx !
xxxxx , I don't want to start this letter because I really think
that this is all just my imagination, but... But something makes me
write this to you... You know, xxxxx , I found out one thing
that may seem not pleasant for you, because it concerns us. I found on
one of the internet sites and I also heard from my friends that very
often men from your country cheat on russian women. they write lovely and
kind letters, just the same as we do and then they invite the woman to
come to their country and when she comes they start to treat her as a slave.
But you know i trust you and beleive you, i understand that you are not such mans.
I want start seriose relation with you and.
oh, I will finish now, because if I go on i am afraid I will write
something that i shouldn't

please answer me as soon as possible, because without you I am like a
lost bird... here is my mobile, I'll be waiting for your call +79613434763
ok, bye for now,
Received: from PHILKA (eniyaevgeniya@ with plain)
From: eniyaevgeniya@yahoo.com
Keyweb AG IP Network
Hostmaster Day
Keyweb AG
Neuwerkstr. 45/46
99084 Erfurt
It's not true! This is a man like Michael naked pictures and so I decided to scare the men. He does not want a serious relationship and just wants naked pictures!
ReplyDeleteThis man I corresponded for a long time I thought he was a normal man
and thought that everything will turn out, but when he asked me naked pictures, I told him that I can not send naked
pictures, then he said that he would do everything possible to me there was not a man, and said that arrives
in Russia and kill me and relieve me of all my stuff and will have sex with me, then I was very scared and more
never wanted to get acquainted with the man through the Internet. I am a long time could not depart from it all, because I was
very frightened and I was ready to go to the police, but I would be ashamed to tell them what I said, this is not a good man.
I have ceased to communicate via the Internet at all, but my friend said to me, so I tried again, and if this situation occurs
again, I would never in my life would not be met over the Internet with a man.
I think you know the truth and be able to draw conclusions for themselves.
When one read the full Story, one can "see" that "she's" telling Nonsense and that her answer have nothing to do with the Topic.
ReplyDeleteThis "asking for naked Pics" is a typical Vlad-fabrication from Yoshkar Ola. Our "Evgeniya" disqualified herself with this owngoal as Vlad.