She contact me yesterday in DMF but after writing to me she removed her Profile.
Dear xxxxxxxxx,
We are glad to inform you that the member helga25k (212703) sends you a message! View their profile: datemefree.org/profile.php?ID=212703
-------- Message ------------------------------------------------
Hello! My name is Nastya! I write you because I\'m going to your country very soon! Visa almost ready and soon I will get it ! I was waiting very long time before get it! And if all will be well I hope to meet you there and spend some days with you! Hope you are not against! And I found your profile and I think that I like it! So please if you want to meet me soon then write me to nast7a@ymail.com and I will answer you and send you some of my photos! Bye for now! Nastya My email nast7a@ymail.com
Hello xxxxxx!
My full name Anastasiya Skorobogatova but you can call me Nastya
I like it more! I was born 22. 03. 1986. I am 26. I live in Russia
town Saratov ! It's about 400 miles from Moscow! It not so big city,
approximately 500 thousand persons. We to have 8 cinemas, 4 theatres.
I like to live in this town but here I cannot be happy. I tried to
meet with some different man, russian man but it did not have a
success! They everybody wanted only one thing from me it's my body!
But I wanted that for them was interesting my soul and my heart!
That's why I decided to seacrh out side of Russia, I know that it's
also not so easy that there many additional questions but I think
foreign man are much better! I heard many good thing about them!
Ofcause I know that every where there are as bad as good people but I
think abroad there are more good people! One more reason while I do
not want to live with russian man it's my father! He left us when I
was very young he gound other woman and went to her! My mother did
everything for I get only all good from this life! And I'm sure that
without my mother I could not became such girl like I'm now!
I want to ask you about your city. How many people lives in it? How
big your city? How look your city? How your city differs from others
cities in your country? I want to know about it because maybe I shall
decide to visit you soon, if we shall be find out each other better in
the next letters.
Now I live in small one room flat with my mom! She work as seller in
the big shop. I received aducation of medic and now I'm work in
hospital as district therapist! I have some district and people come
to me with different problems and I send them to other doctors or give
my conclusion about their problems! I like my job because I alsways
wanted to help people! It's all what I can for others! I know that
abroad doctors get very big salary but here it's not so! My salary
just $400 per month! Together with mother salary we have a good
earnings for my city. For my country is norm. One day I decided to
save my money for my travel. You should not worry because of this
difference in the age of, overlook about it! I hope I did not bored
you with my letter and you will write me as soon as possible! I will
be very glad to know somethings about your life, work and anything you
would like to write me! In my next letter I promise to write you about
my hobbies and interests!
Bye for now!
P.s. soon I'm going to your country and if you will be pie boy I will
be able to visit you there, becouse your age and profile are very much
interest me! I cannot tell exact date now, but I will plan to visit
your country after 2 weeks and to be there 3 months. I want to start
to learn you in other letters, please write me more about you. I think
it will be interesting. ANy way I will write you about it later when
all will be much clear!!!
Received: from UNKNOWN (nast7a@ with plain)
From: nast7a@ymail.com
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.0) Professional
Telewest Broadband IP Network Services
Genesis Business Park
Albert Drive
Surrey UK
GU21 5RW
Hello xxxxx!
Today my mood became much better after I got your letter! I found some
interesting things about your life! For me it was really interesting
to read your letter! I have such prefeelings that we can have
something more in future! I hope it will be not less then friendship!
What do you think about it! For me interesting your opinion about this
Now about history of my trip. During last time I began to search a
person for my future life, but I suffered failure, I do not want to
repeat last mistakes again. About my failure I shall tell you in next
letter. Now for me main thing to learn you better and better. It is
very important if we shall have a meeting. I think the main thing in
relations for women and man is trust. Only if I shall trust you and
you will trust me we shall have a meeting in result. Are you agree???
If things develop good, I shall visit you after 1.5 - 2 weeks and i
will be in hotel or be in yours house 3 months (if you will not
against or i also will not against to be in your house). In the next
letter I shall write you about my visa, it is also interesting but sad
As I promised in my first letter I will write you about my hobbies and
interests! I like to spend very active way of life! I like sport very
much! I'm in sport in first opportunity! when I have free time I go to
the swim pool and sports hall! Because I watch very much for my
figure! That's why I eat only special food I don;t eat much meat and
eat different salads more! I like to listen to music! I listen almost
everything I only don't like hard music! I can listen romantic music
can listen fast dance music! All depends on my mood! I don't like to
be sad! I like to laugh! I like humor! Do you have good sence of
humor? I will be glad if you have it! I also like to go to the cinema
and looks for new film! The last one I saw was The Da Vinci Code! I
liked this film! DId you see it? When I was younger I loved to do
camping! We with girlfriend often went on some lakes and spend time
very funny! Do you love camping? In my first letter I forgot to tell
you about my friends! I have no much friends and most of them are
girlfriends! I like to spend time with them! SOmetimes we just walking
by park ( in our town there is good park!) or if it's summer we on the
coast of river ( it's also in our town!)! Sometimes we are sitting in
cafe and just chat! DO you have much friends and how do you spend time
with them! Or you prefer to spend time with relatives?! Do you visit
them often? I have grandmother she lives in vilage about 50 miles from
our town! I visit her sometimes per year! In vilage I also have some
friends and I also like to spend time with them! I hope for you was
interesting to read this letter and you can write me something like
this! I will very glad to read it and I wait for your reply very much!
Have a nice day!
Received: from UNKNOWN (nast7a@ with plain)
From: nast7a@ymail.com
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.0) Professional
IP pools
I've ask her about the Summer pic at Xmas.......she read Mail....

Hello my friend xxxxxx!
I hope you not against I call you so! I got just some letters from you
but I alreday think that you are my friend! You last letter was so
superb! Thank you for your answer my question! I like your answers!
Please always write me the same nice letters! Then I will be very glad
and my mood always will be very well. I read your letter and I want to
speak with you is a lot of and to find out you further, I think that
you good person and with you it is pleasant for me speak, I understand
from your letter much and I think that you have good vital values. You
as well as I speak from your heart and I think that with you we may
speaks about many and develop our relations. And you not the silly guy
and the person which have heart, you as well as I are lonely also I
think that we may construct love give happiness and pleasure and then
life will be more joyful and happier. By the way do you like animals?
I have small cat which live at me! SHe is so lovely!
I want to tell you very soon I'm going to your country! Also I want to
tell you very sad history which happened with me, but promise that you
will understand me. It was during in last time. Some month ago I met a
guy from your country his name is Tom! He told me that he loves me and
want to meet me soon. We started to plan my trip. He sent me the
invitation, then I start to prepare for my visa. But after while he
told me that he is married. Also he wanted that I was his mistress,
but his wife should not know about ours relations. I was upset when
hear it very much, I been so injured. I have understood Tom - is a
villain. My heart be completely destroyed. Then I decided to tell him
that I am 26 I want have serious relations, I want have family and to
be happy. I told him that I do not want to have a meeting. After this
moment our relations had the end. I spoke with my mum, she told me: "
Do not despair my Nastya you will find more good man on Internet. But
you should be cautious ". I listened my mum and I decided to begin
search my heart-felt partner. And after while we find out each other.
I am glad that we exchange letters now. I want to forget this a
history because my soul has been injured. For me it is hard to tell to
you about this. I hope that you understand me. Thus I shall have the
tourist visa which will be ready after 7 days. I plan to visit your
country. But now we should find out each other better and better if we
plan to have a meeting. Are you agree with me?
I hope that you do not lose interest to me, write in your next letter
what do you think about this. I wait your letter very sooooon.
PS: On the camera probably to stand not the correct number, I not to
know why it so...
Received: from UNKNOWN (nast7a@ with plain)
From: nast7a@ymail.com
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.0) Professional
Organization: Internet-cafe
NTL Infrastructure - Huddersfield
NTLI Network Management Centre
NTL Internet
Crawley Court
SO21 2QA
Seems that one can frustrate her easy with Pic question.......
Hello my dear xxxxx!
As always I very glad to receive your new letter! It’s always
interesting to receive it and read it! I am glad you understood me and
not ceased to write me. I am really very glad. Every time when I
receive it I begin to know more and more about you, your life and all
what connected with you ! And all this is very pleasant and
interesting for me!
It is new photos, I to make in their summer. I do not know why you to
think that it is old photos. I will send you a photo to a bathing
Now I understand that you very kind man and understand me well, I like
it very much!! I like all what you tell me about you and especially
about me!
I hope you like my answers on your letters, my thoughts and all what I
tell you in every my letter to you? Because I do all what I can for my
letters be interesting!
I want to tell you that I think about you, your letters and your
thoughts very often! Now I begin to think that I’m very happy woman
because I met you in internet and have opportunity to talk to you!
It’s hard to believe that all this is possible! We both live so far a
way from each other and have so great opportunities! It’s very good,
don’t you think so? We can find out many interesting things about each
other, to talk to each other our thoughts and feelings! It’s so
wonderful! ANd soon I think we can do all this in real life!
It’s so good that I can call you “my friend”! May be later I can call
you by another way…I also think that I’m happy woman because you don’t
stop writing me! I think that you can be man of dream for any woman!
And I’m very lucky that you still single and I have a chance!
I want to tell you also that you are better then most of Russian man!
You really know what women need! You know how to tell beautiful and
kind words! It’s very good skill!
Thank you one more time and bye for now!
Received: from UNKNOWN (nast7a@ with plain)
From: nast7a@ymail.com
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.0) Professional
Organization: Internet-cafe
Virgin Media Limited
Jonathan Gist Building 270,
Floor 2,
Column 2 Bartley Wood Business Park,
Bartley Way RG27 9UP Hook,
Hello my dear xxxxx! You even can not imagine how much good emotions I
received after reading your last letter! It was so warm and kind!
Thank you for it!
Yesterday after my work I told to my mother about you and our
relations with you! I told her that for some short time we become with
you enough good friends! And that I feel very much warm feelings to
you! She listened me very attentively and after it gave me her
She told me that she saw I am very happy because I met you and she
also very glad for me! She told me that she hoped our relations with
you will be develop further! She agree with me that it will be useful
for me! That maybe you are that man whom I really need in my life in
My soul friend, I have one important request to you. I want to
exchange letters with you every day. I want to see your letters in my
box every day until then as we have meet. I think this is important
for both of us. I am sure soon we shall have a beautiful meeting. I
love your letters very much. What do you think about this? Can you
execute my request? I shall try to answer you also every day. With
help of letters we find out more about each other. I am very glad that
we approach.
I shall finish this letter. Write me in your next letter what you
think about my request, also I wait your beautiful words after viewing
this photo. I shall wait your next letter soon with impatience.
Received: from UNKNOWN (nast7a@ with plain)
From: nast7a@ymail.com
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.0) Professional
Organization: Internet-cafe
IP Pools
Hello my dear xxxxxx! Today I want to tell you some very important for
me things! I want you to know it! And I want you give me your opinion
about it! It is very necessary for me!
Last night I was thinking too long about you and me and our relations
with you! I decide for myself something! If to tell you the truth I
never think that we can develop our relations so fast and so good! I
really like all what is between us now!
I do not know what you think about it, but I think that I already love
you! Yes I’m sure that it’s a love and nothing else! I see that you so
good man, that you really interesting in serious relations with me in
future! I very glad for that!
For me not so easy to tell about my feelings, because now I can’t find
right words for it! But I want you to know that all this is truth! I
think that I want to be only with you! I do not need someone else! I
think that you the best m an for me!
It is pity that we so far a way from each other now! But I understand
that I never could meat such man like you here in Russia! You much
better then all Russian mans! I told you already about all what I
thinking about you, but I can repeat it for many times!
You know, I never thought that someday I can fall in love so strong by
internet! Some one can tell that it’s not true feelings, but it is
true feelings for me! I don’t care about all other opinions! For me
important only your opinion and views about all this!!!
I thought about you today a lot of time. I decided that I want hear
your voice very much. I would be very happy to speak with you on
phone. I so strongly want it that I think of it all day. I could go in
a post office and call you if you want it? I have found out that there
are cards to call in another the country. Would you like to talk with
me on phone? I shall be very glad to hear your voice. Give me your
cell phone number and I shall call you. What do you think about this?
SO tell me please all what you think about this my letter! I want to
know all what you think! Even if it’s something not pleasant for me,
do not afraid to tell me it! I will try to understand it right!
I love you and miss on you! Lot’s of kisses only for you and strong
Received: from UNKNOWN (nast7a@ with plain)
From: nast7a@ymail.com
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.0) Professional
Organization: Internet-cafe
Easynet Ltd
BSkyB Broadband Hostmaster
Sky Network Services
1 Brick Lane
E1 6PU
Hello my dear xxxxx! I am very glad to receive your letter. You write
me very original letters. I think about you every day. I think we
shall be very happy together. I am happy to do happy you. I am so glad
that I found you. I want to speak you about the feelings. When I write
you a letter my ideas overflow my head, and my feelings overflow my
heart. At times I cannot express my feelings at all because it is a
lot of them. I want you to tell you more and more but it is very
difficult for making in letters. I want tell you sincere words. I LOVE
YOU MY DEAR. There are important words for our relations, these words
my heart prompted me. I can speak you it every minute, if you want?
Dear, I want to know some details about you because comes time to plan
my trip to you. I want to know your full name and address (the
country, state, city, street and number of a house)? It is necessary
for me to know in what part of country you live. If we wish to know
all about each other that it very important for me also. Dear, also I
need in a name of closest airport to you. It is very important,
because I shall find out about tickets. Write me this information in
your next letter. It is necessary for me!!!!!!!!!!
As it is a pity that we so far now. I want that you be near me now and
embraced me. I want to kiss you very much. I think that you also to
think about this. I want that our hands always been connected during
all our life. In my opinion I am mad from you. I love you my prince.
On this sensual note I should finish a letter, but now so it is
difficult for me to make it. I shall wait your letter with impatience.
Yours Nastya
Received: from UNKNOWN (nast7a@ with plain)
From: nast7a@ymail.com
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.0) Professional
Organization: Internet-cafe
Central + migration to 21CN
Hello my lovely xxxxx! You write me such remarkable letters. I am very
glad to receive a letter from you. I dream about us when we shall be
together. I want have romantic supper with candle very much. It is so
romantic. I am sure that you are very romantic person. I love
romanticism very much. I want remain with you together now very much
that around of us was light dim. I present as we sit at a table where
burn candles. When I start to represent it to this moment on my body
runs a shiver. I want have a romantic supper. I never had a romantic
supper, I saw it only on the TV. My ideas every day about you. I like
to dream about this as our life will be fine. I want to be yours for
ever. I want live every day with you. We shall never be separated. I
understand that we never saw each other in a reality. But we should
achieve true love in our relations. I think the meeting is the way to
achieve true love. I think that we should use this chance. Also I want
to tell you we shall be happy together because my mum has presented me
jewelry of our family. It is a brooch which brought family happiness
to my ancestors. I shall take it with myself, we always shall have
happiness in far from my house.
Dear, now I want to tell you good news. It is very important for us if
we want to meet each other. I want to tell you about the visa. Today I
called in my tourist company in Moscow. I received good news. There
told me that my visa will be ready after two days It is very soon.

Tomorrow I shall prepare for my things, I shall collect big bag for
clothes and at tomorrow night (2.00) I shall move in Moscow on a
train. Honey, write me soon. Now I come back in the house. Tomorrow
up, dear.
Yours Nastya
Received: from UNKNOWN (nast7a@ with plain)
From: nast7a@ymail.com
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.0) Professional
Organization: Internet-cafe
NTL Infrastructure - Leeds
NTLI Network Management Centre
NTL Internet
Crawley Court
SO21 2QA
Dear xxxxx I visit the Internet cafe for some minutes. I want to tell
you very important thing. I want to explain you my situation. Now I
live in Moscow in airport Sheremetevo.

time. About my situation. Today I went in cash department to buy
tickets. I chosen flight and wanted to buy tickets to fly to you. But
when I told that I want to buy tickets, me asked: " Do you visit
customs house " I answered that I don't visit customs house. Cashier
told me:" First you must visit customs house control ". Then he shown
me where I should go to visit customs house. I come to customs house,
I shown there my tourist visa, abroad passport, the medical insurance,
the certificate from state registry. I told about the purpose of my
trip in USA, I explained I go to my xxxxx I told we got acquainted in
the Internet and now we want to have a meeting. I explained that I as
the tourist I want to carry out 90 days in USA with my xxxxx And then
the inspector asked me: " Do you have cash money for visiting this
country? " I asked what is it? The Inspector told that each tourist
should have cash money for visit USA He explained that each tourist
should have a pocket money on every day carried out in this country.
The total minimal sum for 90 days makes 1328 dollars. Sense of these
money that when I shall arrive in your country, I should have cash
money to buy food every day, and to have a roof above a head. I
explained I shall live with my xxxxx and I do not need in food. Then
the inspector answered that it's the rule of departure from Russia and
the East Europe countries in any developed countrys of EU or the North
American countries, it's law for any people which use tourist visa for
travel in these countries. I decided to address to you for the helping
because I made all that I can, I have only 893 dollars. I need in
other part, it is 435 dollars. You are my unique chance, because my
mom send me only 893 dollars. I shall be very glad if you can help me.
I want to meet you very much. I want to see your country, I want to
have a rest with you. I want to find out you better. I want to speak
with you from face to face. But the most important thing also, if I
shall have this money I shall not spend them. I shall bring this 435
dollars in USA, I shall give back you this money when I shall arrive
to you. Dear, do not worry for this money. As I understood, I should
only show that I have cash money in customs house and to declare them,
and then I can buy tickets. I think you understand as far as this
meeting is important for us, for me it is the most important step in
my life and I want to do it with success, I think together we shall
solve with this problem.
What do you think about this? Please give me a fast reply because I
cannot live very long time in the airport. I wait our meeting very
much, I think you understood me. I love you and I dream about our
happy rest and beautiful meeting. Yours Nastya
Received: from localhost (nast7a@ with plain)
From: nast7a@ymail.com
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.0) Professional
Organization: Internet-cafe
Telewest Broadband IP Network Services
Genesis Business Park
Albert Drive
Surrey UK
GU21 5RW
Basic Travel Allowance / BTA is invented by scammers
Here you can read about this Nonsense-BTA.
One hour later..........
My dear I very much wait from you the letter, I trust that you can to
help me and I can fly to you today. Write to me, I to be absolutely
alone in the airport, I not to know what to do. I very much to worry.
Answer more likely. Yours Nastya
Received: from localhost (nast7a@ with plain)
From: nast7a@ymail.com
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.0) Professional
Organization: Internet-cafe
Telewest Broadband IP Network Services
Genesis Business Park
Albert Drive
Surrey UK
GU21 5RW
Now it becomes interesting.....
UNKNOWN have late shift now.......and she want to tell us "through the flower" that we should not expect Copy of her Passport
My dear, I am in Internet cafe now. I am happy to receive your letter,
thanks for your help, thanks for understanding my problem, you are
very reliable man. This is a good quality for man. I respect it. Now
the main thing. My mum sent me some money today. She sent money with
help the Western Union. It very quickly also it has not problem. Some
minutes ago I decided find out about Western Union and other money
transfer companies in the Internet.It is Western Union . Then I
decided to find out about Western Union in more detail for you. I read
the instructions on the sites Western Union, with the helping of bank In all banks
there is a branchs which names is Western Union.
For this purpose you need in visiting any bank which
is more convenient for you and you will find there any from this
branchs. Also you need in data. I give you data.
My dear I ask you to send money addressed to mine the girlfriend at
which I to stop in Moscow, I not to take with myself the passport, I
have only a passport for travel and it cannot be identification in the
Western Union, to me tells that I could to receive money to me it is
necessary to show to them my Russian passport, but it to remain at
home. I at me am only the passport for travel. I ask you to send money
addressed to mine the girlfriend and we will receive today it and I I
can already fly in the morning to you. This name of the girlfriend
first name: Nataliya Aleksandrovna
last name: Paulauskayte
zip code: 197110
It is all that it would be necessary what to send money. Inform me as
you to make it and I with the girlfriend we will receive it and I can
fly to you and return you money in your airport. Only these data will
be necessary for your transfer. It can receive money in nearest for me
bank in Moscow. I explained you the fastest way which I found out. I
think that you agree with me. Are you understood this way?
I shall wait your letter with helping. I am very glad that I shall
arrive to you very soon. I love you very much. I come back in the
Internet cafe after some hours.
Yours Nastya
Received: from UNKNOWN (nast7a@ with plain)
From: nast7a@ymail.com
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.0) Professional
Organization: Internet-cafe
Telewest Broadband IP Network Services
Genesis Business Park
Albert Drive
Surrey UK
GU21 5RW
My dear I not to understand that from me is necessary? I should you
send a copy my passport? My dear I do not know what for it to you it
is necessary but I am able to do it. Tell that to me to send. My dear
As I to learn all on the western Union and you can send money through
the Internet on a site www.westernunion.com It will be quickly and it
is not necessary any documents. I not to take with myself the passport
because I at me am the passport for travel and only on it I not to
take the Russian passport. Look a site the Western Union and try to
send money on-line and it will be fast.
Few Minutes later.........
My dear you as can use MoneyGram it is the same service as well as the
western union and it is not necessary any documents. I can send
documents but it it would be necessary wait tomorrow that I could to
make a copy. Try to send money through online the western union or
through Money Gram. I wait the letter. I not to wish to spend the
night, I wish to fly to you more likely. Yours Nastya

She's busy on the "Airport"........
Ok My dear. What should I send to you? The copy my passport for travel
is necessary to you? Or a copy my passport the girlfriend? Write more
likely and I will do it! Yours Nastya
... still busy on the Airport but now she makes of daft.......to waste time and to give Workshop time for Nightshift.....written 02:41am "Airporttime"
My dear also what now to do? I not to understand. Write to me please
and inform that to me to make? Yours Nastya
She contact me now in MBN as
UID | 171001 | |
Full Name | Helga | |
Birth Year | 1985 | |
City | Warsaw | |
Country | Poland | |
Sex | Woman | |
Interests | ||
I am going to link this post with http://www.romancescam.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=44435