Pics give a Hit to Alina Zotula; Miss 1+1 from Dnipropetrowsk

<<<<< This Pic we can find here:
Licia, 33 years from Grosseto/Italy in Badoo
http://badoo.com/0233458041/?sold1=0U0k ... 4sc_lw5hKT
Scammer Julia Aganina
Licia, 33 years from Grosseto/Italy in Badoo
http://badoo.com/0233458041/?sold1=0U0k ... 4sc_lw5hKT
Scammer Julia Aganina

Pic give us a Hint to a Girl Elita; born 20 October 1991; from Klaipėda/Lithuania

...a attack from the Underground.....don't know her....
Hello. My name is Ekaterina. I am 30 years old.
My friend gave me your information and your e-mail address. They talked online with a man who gave my friend your information and your e-mail address. She said that you are looking for relationships online, and you want to meet with the girl. So I decided to write to you to know you better.
I'll tell you a little about yourself.
I work in a hospital - I'm a nurse and I love my job. Since childhood, I dreamed of working and helping people and this is my dream come true. I am sociable girl with sense of humor, which can help to support and understand their other half. That's why I started using the Internet, I think that here I can find someone I've been looking for.
I also love the sport, because sport is the health and vigor. I am an active woman and I like my body was healthy and beautiful. I think that you fall in love with it in my future photographs. I am cheerful and sociable woman, but at the same time I find it sad that the next there is no strong, caring and loving man.
I'm looking for strong, long relationship. I'm serious in my choice. I can give all men what he wants, give her love and tenderness I want to love and be loved - I think it is the desire of any girl.
I hope that one day we will try to realize our dreams together. I think that our acquaintance will bring us many enjoyable moments, and we can meet one day. I would love to have a friend like you and I hope that our friendship will be continued.
I send you my photo. I hope you like it in my next letter I send you my other pics, and now I'm asking you to write me.
If you are interested in my words, I beg you to write me on my E - mail: zalipka@gmx.com
and we can continue our acquaintance.
I'll wait for your letter
Yours sincerely
Received-SPF: fail (google.com: domain of zalipka@gmx.com does not designate as permitted sender) client-ip=;
From: "zalipka@gmx.com" <zalipka@gmx.com>
Hurricane Electric, Inc.
Address: 760 Mission Court
City: Fremont
StateProv: CA
PostalCode: 94539
Country: US
Hello my friend
I am glad that you wrote to me. I am pleased that you are interested in my letter. I would like to know more about you, your hobbies, what you do, see your photos, find out whom you work, learn about your city. What a woman you want to see next to each other? I want to know.
Your email, Your friend gave to my friends, I do not know exactly how and where, but he said that you are looking for dating with a girl. I decided to try and write you.
And now I want to tell you a little about yourself.
I am 30 years old. I was born in Russia in Krasnoyarsk, I think you've heard about this city.
In my town I live right from birth. I work in a hospital nurse. I like my job.
We live with my mother a small house on the 2nd floor. We still have a small wooden house near the city.
I often visit the gym. I try to monitor their physical condition, I love to run on the treadmill. I try to visit the gym, where do fitness. Because of the constant movement I have almost no time to myself. In my life I cheerful, cheerful, romantic man. With me is rarely boring. Often on my mood affects the weather. Sunny weather has had on me a beneficial effect, I want to be happy and enjoy life, it adds vitality to me. Very much I love the summer, enjoy this at times. At this time my friends and I tried to go on nature: swimming, sunbathing. We go into the woods to pick berries and mushrooms. And in winter we do a walk through the woods, there very nice and I want to be with a loved one who would warmed me with her warmth.
In such a sociable, energetic woman as I have many friends. They respect me for my loyalty, kindness. In difficult situations I trust them, and they can always help me.
Recently went to the courses in English, Chinese, I want to write better and speak on this interesting language.
In the relationship between a man and a woman I like it when a man is a leader, I want to feel his strength. Like any girl want to meet on the way the man of her dreams, who would have liked, appreciated me. This is my dream and I would hope that they will ever come true.
I is serious for a couple.
Email me and I'll look forward to your letter. I really want so we can communicate via messenger yahoo or hotmail, but unfortunately I have no access here from the Internet - cafe.
My cell phone was stolen recently and now I am saving money for a new one

If you like what I said in my next letter I can tell you in detail about his life. I hope that you will write and tell me the same way about themselves.
Hopefully in further communication with respect.
Received-SPF: fail (google.com: domain of zalipka@gmx.com does not designate as permitted sender) client-ip=;
From: zalipka@gmx.com
Liulin 1-10
Megalan Network hostmaster
Megalan Network Ltd.
Jordan Josifow 4
Hello my friend
Thank you for your letter. I see that you have an interest in me and you want to know me better. I think we can begin great friendship, and maybe we will see not only the friends on correspondence, and that - something more. So I want to apologize for your English, it is not perfect, please do not criticize severely.
My small biography. I went to school for 11 years. Up to 9 th grade I was in a regular classroom. I decided for myself that I will learn in the classroom with a biochemical bias. At school I liked chemistry and biology. After school I went to medical university, in future work as a physician. I was 22 years old when he graduated. I am an only child, very much like to have a brother and sister. Have a few children in Russia is very expensive. Almost one mother raised me, so my father very seldom at home, he worked for the army. He died last year .. Native brothers and sisters at me are not present.
The first place for me - a relationship in the family. I am caring person. Always help my mother in all cases. I believe that without caring about each other is impossible to build a family.
I love the white and yellow colors. Especially I love daisies. I do not like black, gray color. I love dairy products, coffee in the mornings, and especially natural orange juice. Of the alcoholic drinks I like red wine, champagne. I drink very rarely. I try to look beautiful, I watch them. I like to communicate with intelligent, interesting people who would understand me.
I love summer and winter. In winter, I walk in the park and enjoy the snowy beauty. In the summer I sunbathe, bathe. Warm weather I like more than a cold. I love to change hair color and the color of fingernails.
My height - 165 centimeters. Weight - 50 kg.
I love listening to music, quiet, slow, romantic, under which you can relax, relax. Also I like Russian folk songs. I like their singing. I like to sing them. In real life I'm a stubborn. I put a goal for yourself and by all means try to achieve it, it laid the money in my parents. It is very helpful in life. I could easily switch from one case to another, but always try to finish things started. Most do not like loneliness, my heavy heart, when I'm alone. I love the company of friends. I am with them funny, interesting. Friends say that I am too trusting. It does not let me down once. For me the need to communicate. I love a tasty, but it affects my body. So always keep myself in shape, doing sports.
I have never been abroad, I visited some cities in Russia. Such as Moscow.
Also I would like to speak with you on the phone, but at home I have no phone, at work we are not allowed to call other countries, there is block. Recently, my cell phone was stolen, now I'm saving up money for a new phone. As soon as I buy a new phone we will be able to communicate with you by phone, but now let's write to each other by E - mail.
It like everything, that I wanted to tell about myself.
Best wishes
Received: from dm.hello.com ([])
From: zalipka@gmx.com
NET1 Ltd.
Stefan Voynov
14, Asen Jordanov blvd.
Hello my friend
Sorry for the delay in writing, but I was not in town, the trip to work. I just returned today. I have not had access to the Internet
Thank you for your letter. I like to read and learn you better. I am pleased to tell you about myself. I really want to talk to you on the phone but so far I have not bought a new phone, as you remember my cell phone was stolen recently. Here I do not have access to msn, skype or any messenger.
I've seen your country on the Internet, I love your country. Dream to visit one of these beautiful places.
How was your day? What - something special? I'm good, today a good day, though cold.
And those Qualities which I appreciate in men: Irony - he should be a little ironic, including self-irony, there is nothing more boringly the man, considering itself ingenious. There and then, as the integral part, is present intelligence. Beautiful soul and NOBLENESS! Decency. Force man's. In my understanding, it consists in the indulgent relation to female weaknesses. The man is the always highest petty: hysterics, kitchen разборок, market idle talk.
To me with him interestingly and comfortably even to be silent together. To be the friend? Perhaps, yes, only VERY RELIABLE. I should him trust in all. Falsity and rudeness causes my disgust and contempt. I like the men, able to surprise and capable of a mad act. Men - professionals like... The Man though something should be able to do professionally! I can learn something at him.
I search for the friend and the husband in one person. I search for the soul mate, the friend, someone with whom I can share my life. My purpose will be to find special the man. I think, the life should be filled with the novel and passion.
The family should be constructed on the basis of understanding. A life past without love - a unsuccessful life in my opinion. A life it many the small moments which make our life. You have brought in happiness to my life. I have learned you more recently. But it is deep inside itself, I feel, that I know you the whole life.
I want to tell about man which is necessary for me in a life .
The life past without love is not a life in my opinion.
For me it is very important to build understanding in family, cares about each other. I want to see kindness in the man. He should be interesting, formed, with sense of humour. He should be purposeful, not stop on achieved, to aspire to perfection, to grow in opinion of the woman. In relations between man and woman I like, when man – leader. I want to feel his force. Fidelity should be on the first place in relations. I shall never deceive, betray to the man which I love.
On the first place I always put relations in family. In family there should be a cosiness and rest. It should be provided both man, and woman. The man should love the family, all her members.
The man should be goodworking, I do not respect laziness. He should respect the woman, listen to her opinion, support her. I should be for the man as behind a stone wall, he should protect me.
He should be the cheerful, romantic person. I want to feel courage in the person. The man, taking place near to me should allow such vital energy which would have, inspired me.
This the first on what personally I pay attention at acquaintance to the man... But it is not necessary to possess all ideal qualities.... There is enough and 50 from this.
Best wishes
Received: from dm.hello.com (client-73-39-219.speedy-net.bg. [])
From: zalipka@gmx.com
Speedy net EAD
str. "Tzar Boris 3" 168, fl. 3, office 33
1000 Sofia
Hello my friend
I am pleased to know that you are interested in what I'm talking to you. And with each letter I learn more about you. I like to learn more about your life.
I have some questions for you. What qualities do you appreciate in a woman most? How you use your vacation? YOU had talked with the girls from Russia? If yes, what impression you have left.
I think this issue is important.
The age is of great importance for me. Be not surprised. I shall tell to you, that for me is not necessary young the man. I want to know, that my future husband wants from a life. Therefore I like men more advanced age. They know that want from a life. They have purpose in a life which they achieve. As for me experience at the man is very important. The man is more senior, the he is more more skilled. More mature men know, that is necessary for the woman and know how to make to her pleasant.
Mine the daddy is more senior than mum for 18 years. In spite of the fact that the daddy seldom was at home, we had the happiest family. My parents very much liked each other, despite of age. I do not think the big difference in the age of an obstacle for creation of family. If people like each other, the difference in the age of has no value. All age are obedient to love.
I want to tell to you a little about my work. After university I for a long time could not find work. In Russia it is very hard to find good work. I had no experience of work in hospital. Before working in hospital I has tried a lot of work. I worked as the secretary in firm on manufacture of furniture. Worked as the seller in shop of children's toys. Worked as the waiter in a bar. You represent I am person with higher education, I have diploma of the doctor, and work to find very hardly. The state practically does not care of employment of the population. For a long time it could not be employed on the speciality. Now I work as the doctor in hospital. It is far from our house.
I wake up at 6.00, I wash, I bring myself to the order. If in the street cloudy I would like to lie and sleep further. If sun weather the mood at once rises.
I prepare for a breakfast. I do not like is much in the morning. I drink coffee with jam and bread.
My working day begins at 8.00. Coming on work, I change clothes in overalls. It is a white dressing gown, a white cap, a white mask, packages for footwear. All should be sterile, this necessary rule. My work consists in tieing up wounds in public. I have enough experience to participate in serious operations. To each person the approach is necessary, to try to not cause them a pain, yours faithfully to concern to sick people. They feel it, and concern to me with kindness. And the some people treat with sweets, chocolate, fruit. My speciality neurosurgery. We treat the illnesses connected to a brain, a backbone.
From 12.00 up to 13.00 at me a dinner. I try to bring a meal from a house. Ем that I prepare for myself, for mum.
The working day comes to an end at 17.00. I like my work.
If I am not strongly tired after work I can go to the sports hall. Every day it is necessary to go to shop behind products. Though my mum on pension, and all the day long sits at home, she cannot drag heavy bags with products. And here I do not have no strong man's hand. I try to spend time with friends more often. We walk, we listen to music. It very much helps, in fact it is necessary to relax somehow. It in the best way turns out in campaign of people close to me. In the evenings I look TV.
In such busy schedule I have time to run to the Internet cafe to read your letters. I usually print them on the printer, and then I read.
So every day. Sometimes insignificantly something varies. I work 5 days in a week. Saturday, Sunday - the days off.
Best wishes
Received: from dm.hello.com ([])
From: zalipka@gmx.com
NET1 Ltd.
Stefan Voynov
14, Asen Jordanov blvd.
Hello my dear
Sorry so long in writing. I want to congratulate you on Christmas and Happy New Year. I wish you happiness and all the best. How to Celebrate? we celebrate Christmas here in Russia on January 7.
Thanks you for your letter. My friends and my mother asked me whether we communicate with you. I say - YES. They agree with the fact that we know each other better. I like to know more about you.
I have a lot of time I spend with friends, and if they were not, then I would be very difficult. I always try to consult with them, very much respect their opinions. I have one very close friend of Helen, with whom I had known since childhood. In five years we are together, together we went to kindergarten, school. I think that anyone would like to have such a friend. Usually I meet with friends on weekends. In a typical day is hard, because all the work. And try to hold off with friends, I am with them a rest. We talk, share our impressions of the past week. This is very interesting. Sometimes we go to the cinema or a disco in the evening. So we walk in the park during the day. In the winter we go skiing, skating. On weekends we go, to each other's homes. And especially a lot of time with friends, I spend the summer weekends. We go on nature. We are leaving on Friday morning and arrive on Sunday evening. These trips, we are preparing for a week. There are many things you need to collect: Buy food, buy tickets for the bus, cook things, clothes. Reaching out to the places in the forest, we set camp. We have for many years a place in the woods, where we have every year rest. This is a place with tall pines on the shore of the lake. It is very beautiful. We swim, sunbathe. In the mornings and evenings we enjoy the sunrise and sunset. And at night I watch the stars, and i so do not have not enough favourite person. And in the morning you can watch the mist over the lake.
Now sometimes I share my impressions with friends on the Internet communicate with you. They approve of it.
But the most expensive person for me is my mother. I really love her, respect, appreciate, feel her very good feeling. It is very much the efforts exerted to my upbringing.
I believe that she is well educated me, and I am grateful to her. Many health and strength she has spent on my education. Now I have my mother is very good, warm relationship. We all understand each other. I always listen to her opinion, behind her back so much experience. My mom worked all his life in school, taught the children. I also learned from her. She is now in retirement, she retired. It is the same as my friends and endorses my communication on the Internet, and worries about me. She very much hoped that I would find the person I'm looking for and will create a family. We often with her mother in the evenings discussing many issues. I am sharing it with all its joys and concerns. I think that you were interested in knowing about my mom and my friends.
I think you'll be wondering why I'm looking for us and a man through the Internet.
At us in Russia it is very difficult to find good the man. Now I do not have man with whom I would like to create family, the friend. Earlier I met the man, but anything good from our relations have failed. When we started to meet only at us all it was good. Now I understand that I liked him, and he did not show me the bad parties of the character. But then the black strip in my life began. He started to drink strongly, came late and strongly swore. I in due course have reconciled to it, but then he has given me a new surprise. … Once he has come drunk and as usually started to swear, but all has ended with that he started to beat me. After that I left from him to mother.
I had such situation: I have found the groom in bed with other woman, it has broken to me heart, it was broken on a parts. In soul there was a black stain. It was hurt me as never. This person to me has changed, it has betraid me. The man it is fair with me. It is a part of my life, it happened, but I continue to live. This sad episode has remained in the past.
The majority of men in Russia are rough. More I cannot go through such horror. It is very hard for me. Therefore I till now do not have man.
Best wishes
Received-SPF: fail (google.com: domain of zalipka@gmx.com does not designate as permitted sender) client-ip=;
From: zalipka@gmx.com
Blizoo Media and Broadband EAD
Studentski district
1000 Sofia
83 Nikola Gabrovski str
My dear friend, welcome! A few days later the clock strikes 12, and there will be new, I'm sure happy for another year. Indeed, in the coming 2012 you and I will be the most wonderful story of friendship, love, meeting.
I want you to admit that every day of our correspondence, I know you more and I like you more. Because more and more aware of how lucky I am that such a man as you are in touch with me. And I know 100 sure that in difficult times you write to me.
I like that we develop and write to each other, we have common interests, and they do not contradict each other. We are two separate individuals who support each other. And it's great! I am grateful to you for your understanding.
The most important thing is that you take me this way I am. And this I just want to get better for you!
This is unusual, that we found each other online and continue every day to know each other better. I like every letter all the more. I want to learn more about your life. On this holiday I'll be with friends and mother. Would very much like that you could be with me and we celebrated the day together. But it is only in our future.
I want you to write me as often as possible and I will try to answer you.
Happy New Year and New Happiness, dear! "
Received: from dm.hello.com ([])
From: zalipka@gmx.com
Blizoo Media and Broadband EAD
Blizoo Razgrad
Stilian Tcholakov
83 Nikola Gabrovski Str.
Hello my dear friend
Thank you for your letter. I enjoy reading your letters. Each time I talk about themselves and their lives. Do you like to read my letters? I wonder what you write.
I would like to tell to you about memoirs on the childhood. In the childhood I was very vigorous child. Over me even my parents joked. They spoke, that at me inside motor with an eternal battery. I level with guys played in a court yard.
At us in a court yard was a lot of sand, and all of us there played. There was so many children, that sometimes at all there was no place. Who left a house earlier, that the first took a place. Mum looked for me from a balcony that I did not fall outside the limits a court yard. And I once left from a court yard. After that case mum did not let me to walk the whole week. I have for a long time remembered this lesson, and then never left for a court yard. And still we in a court yard had swing. They so strongly creaked, that prevented people to sleep in the mornings.
In a court yard there was a big wooden hill. We very much liked to go for a drive on it.
Still I very much liked to go for a drive on a bicycle. The first bicycle has presented me the daddy at date of a birth, it was small. I so strongly was delighted. At it was four wheels. I for a long time studied on it to go for a drive, many times fell, there was all in bruises, bruises. But already then in my character there was such feature, as purposefulness. I have achieved the purpose, I have learned to go for a drive on a bicycle, and the daddy have bought to me big, with two wheels a bicycle.
I very much liked to play dolls with the girlfriends. And at date of a birth to me frequently gave dolls. At my place so it is a lot of dolls that it is possible to make an exhibition. And even now to me give dolls. I very much appreciate such gifts, is especial if they go from heart.
Parents have written down me in musical school. It was the idea of mum. She wanted, that I became the creative person. I studied to play on a bayan. A bayan - the national Russian tool. At me it turned out very well, at me the ear for music was. I liked to play on a bayan. At me the big red bayan was. I played Russian national songs.
Still long time I was engaged in gymnastics. It was the idea of the daddy. He wanted, that I grew healthy and beautiful. Especially I loved exercises with a ball and rings. The gymnastics has very much helped me with a life. I acted at competitions. Even borrowed the first places. Very much frequently acted at competitions for school in which studied. Always I try to observe of competitions on gymnastics.
In the childhood I dreamed to become the teacher at school. It was my treasured dream. But the life has turned me in other side.
On the days off I, mum and the daddy went to a wood behind berries and mushrooms. Mum prepared for very tasty jam from berries under the old Russian recipe which was transferred her by my grandmother. And mum has learned me. And the daddy salted mushrooms.
At our place there was a field-glass. And in the evenings we: I, mum and the daddy left on a balcony, and observed of stars. The daddy to me explained, where what star is. We drew constellations on a paper. It were one of my best moments in the childhood. I frequently recollect such moments of the childhood.
It is a small part of that I wanted you to tell about the childhood. It would be interesting to learn about your childhood.
Best wishes Ekaterina
Received: from dm.hello.com ([])
From: zalipka@gmx.com
Powernet Ltd
Dimitar Hinkov
122 Ovche Pole Str, floor 3
1362 Sofia
... I don't want to open a Restaurant with tasty dishes......

Thank you for your letter. Today is a good day here. Today in my city, sunny weather. How was your day? Today I want to tell you a bit about Russian culture, namely the Russian cuisine. Have you tried Russian cuisine? You like it?
Since I cook very good food and know a lot of recipes, I can tell you about this. Perhaps you've heard the saying? What is the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Do you like that I will cook for you? Or would you prefer to eat in a cafe or restaurant?
As I very much like to prepare, I would like to tell to you about national Russian cuisine.Russian cuisine is rich and varied. There is a big choice of appetizers, soups, hot and dessert dishes. I can recommend your soft, pressed and red caviar. Its vitamin content is especially high. Then, of course, salmon, hot and cold smoked sturgeon, pike-perch in aspic or stuffed, herring, red herring. Baltic salt-sprats; fried, smoked, marinated smelt and the like.
As for cold meat dishes I can made ham, lean cold boiled pork with spices (buzhenina), jellied tongue, meat jells and horse-radish sauce and various salads beginning with salad "Stolychnii" up to Russian salad. For a change you can taste frozen apples. They are delicious. Russian blini with caviar and mushrooms in thick sour cream sauce are popular hot appetizers.
Now I shall tell about soups. There are plenty of them. Fresh cabbage meat shchee, shchee "Petrovskie" (cooked from soodak fish and fresh cabbage), borshch, kidney and cucumber soup (rassolnik), meat and fish sawlyanka, ookha (special fisherman's soup), mushroom soup and soups in season — okroshka and cold beetroot soup are very popular with Russian.
Also we eat sea I peep. It can be pike-perch in white wine or tried, sturgeon of all kind — boiled, steamed or on a spit, fried burbot or carp in thick sour-cream sauce or meat dishes to their taste: beef-Stroganoff and mashed potatoes, roast veal, special pot-roast stuffed cabbage-rolls (golubtsy), Siberian pelmeni, suckling with buckwheat "kasha", slewed rabbit and hare and so on. Now a few words about buckwheat «kasha» - which may be eaten with meat like potatoes as well as a cereal with butter or milk. It's very popular in our country because it's a very useful product. It's recommended for stout people, for people suffering from diabetes. Buckwheat kasha purifies our organism and makes us stronger.
There is a large variety of poultry and game dishes: roast chicken, roast duck and goose stuffed with apples and sauerkraut, roast partridge, hazel-grouse, wood-grouse, wood-cock, blackbird, pheasant and quail. They are juicy and tender dishes.
Now I shall pass to sweet. These are my favorite dishes. I think a dessert to like all. For dessert you can have baked apples, fruit and bens kissels (made from fruit or berry juice and potato flour), and compot (made from dried stowed fruit mixed), and dessert fruits: juicy grapes, pears, apricots, peaches, tangerines, oranges.
Russian cuisine is famous for its Russian pies which were пекутся in Russia practically for each holiday. They are: kulebiaka (a Russian pie with meat or cabbage filling), rastegay (a pie with special fish tilling), open curd tails (vatrushki.) honey-cakes, twists of bread (krendeli), boubliki (thick ring-shaped rolls), baranki (ring-shaped rolls), and sooshki (small ring-shaped crackers).
As for drinks we basically we drink fruit and berry bever-ages: morse, kvas and zbiten (an old Russian beverage made from kvas, cognac or vodka, honey, tea and spices).
Such at us going. I think, it was interesting to you to learn about our food. At us in Russia women speak «a way to heart of the man lays through a stomach». I think this correct expression. Tell you have understood my description. I tried as it is possible to describe better to you. You ate something from Russian cuisine?
Best wishes
Mail is stolen from:
Yulya - Krasnoyarsk city - Russia
Received: from dm.hello.com ([])
From: zalipka@gmx.com
Drujba 1 & 2
Megalan Network hostmaster
Megalan Network Ltd.
Jordan Josifow 4
my dear. Sorry that took so long to write, I was sent on a business trip and just today I came back. where I had no Internet access. I really missed you and waited when will I still be able to write to you. I have all the good
Today or tomorrow I will write to you and now I can write more often. My trip to work ended. Now I'm staying in his home town of Krasnoyarsk. Did you miss without my letters? Do you like me?
Tomorrow I'll write you a more detailed letter and will answer all your questions and talk about yourself again. I want to know you as more and learn all about your life.
Tomorrow we will write to each other again. Soon I'll set myself messenger and buy a new phone that I had recently been stolen. Now I am saving money just for him. I want to hear your voice and get to know you more personally.
Received: from dm.hello.com ([])
From: zalipka@gmx.com
Lirex Net administrative contact
Mladost 1, bl. 9,
1784 Sofia,
She didn't read my last Mail. So no answer of my question to her funny Business trip as Nurse.....
Thank you for your letter. I'm good. I like you, I like your letters. I have a dream that one day our relationship will come to a higher level, and we know each other personally. Did you think when - something about this?
One dream dreams me. It dreams me very much frequently. I want to tell to you about it. It is dream, most likely my dream. In dream I see one day. It is possible to tell since morning and till the night. I shall start to tell …
Morning. In a window the bright sun shines and lights up all room. Near to me the husband lays. I quietly rise to not wake him. I go on kitchen and I prepare for a breakfast. Then with a tray I come in a room. I tender kiss him and I feed with a breakfast. Then he leaves. I do not know where, but, probably, for work. Then I at once see as there are our children and we start to prepare for a supper. I have decided to prepare squids in sauce. Also to children I to a pitch a pie. They run near me and constantly ask the daddy will soon come. Time when the husband comes from work also has come. Children run to meet him with joyful shouts «the daddy has come». You kiss them. They at once run to wash hands, to sit down a table. The husband approaches to me. Tender kisses and embraces. Then too goes to wash hands. I cover on a table. We sit all together. Then children escape to play, and we sit and we talk about today. But already darkens. It is time to sleep. The husband puts children to bed. Reads to them the book or tells any fairy tale. Then comes to us in a room. I already have included candles. Has included music and has dressed the new complete set of linen. He pays me a compliment that I the most beautiful woman and night proceed ….
And this dream dreams me very much frequently. This morning comes very much frequently. But I want this, but in a real life. I think it not simply dream. It is my dream. And I shall try to embody it …
Best wishes
Received: from dm.hello.com ([])
From: zalipka@gmx.com
NET1 Ltd.
Stefan Voynov
14, Asen Jordanov blvd.