By the Pics we fall over Ana LĂșcia Hickmann (born March 1, 1981) is a Brazilian model who has worked for Victoria's Secret, Nivea, L'Oreal, Clairol, and Bloomingdales. She has appeared in the South African version of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, and on the covers of Brazilian Vogue, Marie Claire, and Elle.
So it will end up as Translationagency Scam
Contact me at Night in 24FD as
- ID: 123337
- 33 y/o Female (1978 - December - 29)
- Ukraine, melitopol
- English, Russian
- Have no children
taniya.qwertyu@hotmail.com write me i'm interesting in u
Another faked Domain.......intelwoman.com
I will not hide it from you, I am a woman of huge life experience, I
was married, I saw the beauty of the million-citizen life city, I was
dressed up in all fashion and attended Operas and Theatres but then
something changed in the inner me and I realized that life is not what
you do for beauty or high-class but what you do with your hands, and
it is always the most important to feel you are needed and respected
for the inner world of yours. I left all advantages in life at once...
and moved to a nice city by the sea, my motherland, cosy little
Melitopol. Here I opened a flower-shop for the rest of finances what
my ex gave me after the divorce.

sometimes I did not have anyone even to talk to, but I always knew I
was on the right way, and I still feel I am on that! Perhaps, it
sounds crazy I abandoned glamorous life, but maybe the happiness is
namely on what people call simplicity?! I hope it sounds close to you
too, and we may share this opinion forth!
Always smiling and never to give up.
Received: from server-consensus (unknown [])
by node5.onlinemartin.org (Postfix) with ESMTPA id E3AC968A0273
From: tanechka2011@intelwoman.com
Hosting Solutions International, Inc.
OrgId: SERVE-6
Address: 210 North Tucker Blvd.
Address: Suite 910
City: Saint Louis
StateProv: MO
PostalCode: 63101
Country: US
Hello,xxxxx! To say that I was waiting for your letter is nothing to
say. Thank you for your answer!
Now I will try to tell you more about myself, my usual life and
thoughts. I was born and live in Ukraine. I consider myself to be a
strong personality, I am 33 and I am sure it is the right age for me
to feel so, I was married for fifteen years and lived in a big city,
since 17 when I was ambitious and married a successful businessman who
was loyal, kind and respectful for me for all the years of our life
together. I wanted to break it up because I felt we never had any
inner union together. He behaved like a gentleman, but always was too
busy for our emotions and time together. When I felt I could not stand
it anymore I broke it up, I left him and he left me... without any
scandals or quarrels, he wished me the best of luck for the life, the
same did I. I am working hard as a florist, making bunches and flower

something I do with my hands, and I love it when people are happy with
my little creations. It is what I lacked for long years actually.
It is funny, but living a prosperous life I never cared for getting
any education, all I was interested in was my make-up and fashion,
silly me

letter is the one I am helped with, by a professional fairly to admit
form the club of Internet and translations.
<<<<< Surprise, surprise

Before you get bored I end this letter, hoping to receive yours soon.
I requested a Pic from her where she's on work in her "Shop"........
Dear xxxxx, I am pleased you took a chance to write me a new letter, a
new step for us to find more in common, I like it! Thank you for your
reply! I'm sorry, but I have already sent you my photo form my shop,
where I'm sitting near my flowers, haven't you seen them? So, what
about you, I didn't get any photo from you(((
<<< Its Pic 4 here
Also,I guess, xxxxx, all I told you about myself last time was nice for
you to know, but afterwards I felt like I told you the idyl picture of
a woman who has nothing but smiles and silly ideas of leaving all for
raising all. In fact, I am the one who suffers much, I lack friends to
share my happiness and troubles with, I lack my parents' support
because they are very old now, I lack anyone with a warm passionate
heart next to me... It might even sound for you last time like I am an
independent personality, the reality is such even running a flower
shop myself I felt the burden of because in modern business world in
Ukraine women have no place at all... my shop was robbed a couple of
times, ruined and demolished.

preferred choosing my bunches and for sure the former shops that were
more popular reduced in profits. Then all the ideas started. Anyway,
xxxxx, I am strong enough to fight it all, but it will be far more
better if there was my loved one.
Having changed myself I did think much on the one I need in my life
now, and I realized he would be the one I would love to walk next to
all the time, not from behind, not from ahead, but holding hands and
stepping our feet, leading the one way for the future. I want to be my
man's treasure when we are with friends or guests, to show I am the
one who cares for him much and truly caring for his evenings and days
spent together! Being raised in a Soviet time family I was taught that
a husband is the one always to be served with a nice dinner, so that I
love cooking, a husband is the one always to live in coziness, so that
I am perfect in cleaning, washing and ironing, a husband is the one
always feeling his woman is intelligent to share opinions and advises.
I feel, xxxxx, sound like the one I wish to make these ideas come true,
the point is if you want it too! For that I have the time to think
more about until your letter comes!
Let the light of my ideas to brighten your thoughts a little!
Dear xxxx! Your letters have a wonderful effect on me, having read it
I feel we are on the right, the only one, way for the understanding
together! Thank you for your answer! I'm so sorry about your father!
Actually, I love both: dogs and cats, but I prefer dogs, because i
think the dog can be a loyal friend, what do you think about it?
As for me,these winter days are really so much lonely, yesterday
sitting by the window I wanted nothing else so much but your presence
next to me, our calming talks, tricky glances, when you feel
spirituality mixed up with sensual unity! If it was not for my job in
the flower shop all the days long I would have fallen into the
depression! To be honest, xxxxx, our communication helps me much to
survive from gloomy ideas too. When we talk I imagine a day getting to
the end and us both being at home, cooking a dinner together, but if
you are tired I do not mind to impress you with my own culinary
masterpiece, specially for you for sure! I want every evening in our
life together be a kind of a special holiday, soft melodies to stream
us for positive thinking, candlelight to make the atmosphere more
romantic and relaxing, delicious meals to sweeten our taste... but
sometimes I feel we will be involved into the more interesting
activities, do not you agree, xxxxx? If you have any ideas on that, I
would love you share with me.
For all of my life I go as a Lady, true one, and being complimented by
you so generously all the time I do feel all of nature is recognized
by you, felt by all of yourself, which means you know my secrets (not
all of those for sure, unless you will loose your passionate interest
in exploring me more) as yours. And now for the true Gentleman you
are, xxxxx, realize the future of us is in your hands. From my side I
can only give you an approving hint I do want us go on like this, I
feel it is worth of keeping like this, because "this" stands for much
deeper than we both could have ever imagined having started talking a
little time before, but now it is more than the life we opened for one
Enjoy your day baring in your mind my day will be enjoyed only after I
receive your reply! So much impatient that is for me!
... Translator crap......
"SuperTranslations", Private Enterprise
72300, Ukraine, Zaporozhskiy region, Melitopol City
Mr. xxxxx!
I am Svetlana Novikova, the representative of the "SuperTranslations"
company. "SuperTranslations" is a company of translators providing the
clients with rapid bilingual translations, Ukrainian-English and
English-Ukrainian in Melitopol City. Lady Tatiyana is our company
client for maintenance her with the translation-Internet services in
accordance with the option list chosen.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this announcement letter
to inform the term of the translation-Internet services for the
correspondence through Lady Tatiyana's account has expired today. Lady
Tatiyana is extremely disappointed over the matter due to her great
expectations for the correspondence with you. Although, she advises
her at a current she cannot afford to maintain the correspondence on
the financial hardships. Thus, we will be glad to proceed the
cooperation for the future correspondence between you and Lady
You may apply our office any time convenient.
Yours faithfully, Svetlana Novikova
Hosting Solutions International, Inc.
OrgId: SERVE-6
Address: 210 North Tucker Blvd.
Address: Suite 910
City: Saint Louis
StateProv: MO
PostalCode: 63101
Country: US
This "Agency" we can find also here (same Tatiyana):
More Translator crap......
Your willingness to assist Lady Tatiyana in the maintenance of the
correspondence is highly appreciated. Here below you can find the
option list for all services our company provides:
the translation of one letter 5 USD,
the printing out of one photograph 3 USD,
the scanning of the one photograph 3 USD,
the one month unlimited correspondence (photographs included) 200 USD,
the one month unlimited correspondence (photographs excluded) 150 USD,
the two months unlimited correspondence (photographs included)350 USD,
the two months unlimited correspondence (photographs excluded)295 USD,
the three months unlimited correspondence (photographs included)450 USD,
the three months unlimited correspondence(photographs excluded) 400 USD,
the telephone conversation with our assistance in interpretations (10
minutes duration) 7 USD.
When the convenient option is chosen we suggest to make a transfer on
your Lady's name visiting the Western Union nearest department of the
site http://www.westernunion.com. It can be done with your credit card. The
Lady's personal information necessary for the Western Union form:
Full Name Tatiyana Kotsuruba
Postal Address 72300, Ukraine, Zaporozhskiy region, Melitopol, st.
Ulyanova 24/14.
When the transfer is done you can contact our office to pass to Lady
Tatiyana the transfer code information she will be able to cash in the
Western Union department with her ID. As soon as the account is
maintained we will send you the updated account balance information.
You may apply our office any time convenient.
Yours faithfully, Svetlana Novikova
"SuperTranslations", Private Enterprise
72300, Ukraine, Zaporozhskiy region, Melitopol City
Mr. xxxxxxxxx!
Thank you for your letter. We would like to inform you, that we are
local company, that is why we do not have our personal website, but
you can ask all your questions using this phone number +380500493829,
<<<< mobile phone (MTC Ukraine)
it is available for you from 9 a.m to 6 p.m during weekdays. As for
bank account, we are sorry, but we provide with this information only
our regular customers. We require the prices in US-Dollars, because we
work with foreign customers and it is better for you. Unfortunately,
we do not provide video call, because we are not the marriage agency.
You can write to your lady unlimited number of letters, but how often
your lady will answer you, you have to discuss with her personally.
Also we can not give you all the information about our staff, because
it is confidential information, but we want to assure you, all
translators have higher education and they are professionals with
years of quality experience.
You may apply our office any time convenient.
Yours faithfully, Svetlana Novikova

"SuperTranslations", Private Enterprise
72300, Ukraine, Zaporozhskiy region, Melitopol City
Mr. xxxxxxx!
Thank you for your letter. We would like to inform you that we have
only this phone number, this is our office number and, unfortunately,
we do not have stationary telephone number. We will inform your lady
and as soon as she bring us her passport, we will send you the copy of
Yours faithfully, Svetlana Novikova
"SuperTranslations", Private Enterprise
72300, Ukraine, Zaporozhskiy region, Melitopol City
Mr. xxxxxxx!
Thank you for your letter,in the the attached file you can find the
necessary information for you!
You may apply our office any time convenient.
Yours faithfully, Svetlana Novikova
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