By all Pics we fall over Model Anastacija Vasiljeva Bogdanovisch, stage name Maria Ignatenko, from Estonia; Born: Dec. 10th, 1989, in Relationship with Vladimir Vasiljev.
Contact me 18/01/12 and yesterday in WDF through sending a Kiss as
ID: 110453
25 y/o female (1986 - March - 15)
from Genichesk,
Recently I watched on TV a very interesting program. It was about
Internet dating. There were families who were created after virtual
communication. There told how everything began, what difficulties they
had and so on.. I paid special attention to a woman who was with her
foreign Husband.. She told that during years she was very lonely, she
had few unsuccessful relations with local men and thought that she'll
never be happy in happy Life. But someday she decided to put her photo
in Internet and her life was completely changed! Now she has a good
husband and two children!
Suddenly I realized that I have the same story! And if that woman
found her happiness maybe I'd have the same luck??? I am not ugly, I
have good education and strong moral values! I am not looking for just
flirt or entertainment and maybe among millions lonely men there is
Only One who needs me?? If you are here it means that you are also
lonely and you need a woman who will be as your second half. Am I
right? I won't charge you with a lot of facts from my life. If you are
interest in further communication I'll tell you everything!) Right now
I just tell you that I am Elena, I am 25 years old (all my friends
tell me that I am looking younger), I live in Ukraine. I'll be glad to
answer all your questions!
Have a nice day or evening) Bye for now, Elena
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I'll not answer her coz its wasting time. All Details you can find under my posted Link.
I am going to link this post with http://www.romancescam.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=8427