From DMF as
- ID: 47538
- 29 y/o female (1982 - September - 10)
- dakar, Senegal
- English,
- student
- Have no children
Hello dear
My regards to your family, I felt like communicating with you hence my
note. My name is Safiah Teny , 28 years of age from Republic of Sudan, presently residing in Dakar a France colony in Africa. I studied briefly before the crisis erupted in my country.
It is my pleasure to cultivate a healthy friendship with you with due respect. I have great interest in the ocean and travelling; my hubbies are reading and dancing.
I have great respect for knowledge and for men, i do not stand sex as a pillar before me when it comes to the opposite sex irrespective of the status or culture. And i do not have affinity for internet sex, i condemn such in this internet medium hence i will want to talk with decency. I am single and looking. My kind of man must be simple and intelligent not necessary a rich fellow.
Please do contact me with my address at safiah_ajana@yahoo. com if you care.
I am not of the beauty type but i think i have the beauty of the mind. Feel free and contact me if you are of good and decent origin. I do not care were my kind of man comes from provided he is a decent man.
Till you respond. Remain healthy.
Sincerely yours.
Hi xxxxxxx
I was supprise to get a response back from you,,.... hope all is well? , any way thanks for your brief mail, , From the depth of my heart I was seeking for a true friend with human feelings, that do not look at material things , someone I can look to the future and share my worst time and good fortunes.
Well It was very nice of you to write me back it shows your kind of person from your mail i can really feel your mind. i sent you my photo i took that photo when the good was going in Sudna .....i might not be beautiful like your kind of girls but i think i have the beauty of the mind!!! ..
So i think your contact with me is much appreciated i am single and I'm a Christian too, personally I do not care about were any one came from as i am willing to get to know people from. all parts of the world....Like i told you my name is Safiah 28 yr of age and i will like to know your age too , i am born in SAUDN IN THE SOUTH PART OF SAUDN I WAS AT University as Pre Researcher on crises management in relation to the developing countries before the War and i stop my school .
Generally i had a happy family two girls my only brother died at an early age i am the first born. but this evil war swept my happy family away. Some times I do not like to reflect back on the genocide and atrocities that we went though. Only nature will pay back those evil politicians who out of greedy intents lead the whole masses to an unending civil war.
I'm direct, honest, respectable, trustworthy, easy going, funny, and simple hearted, mature with nice sense of humour.....a bit romantic
My believe is that successful relationship should stand behind arranging between rights and responsibilities for both sides
My favourite channels: Animal planet, Discovery channel, Cartoon network....
I am so open minded...., easy going.....but still jealous a bit....
I am also a shy girl at first but then warm up quickly
I accept everything except cheating someone or someone cheating on me.
Presently I am seeking refuge in Senegal Dakar a France colony in Africa it’s a happy thing for me to meet you because from your brief mail you seem very mature, may be as we improve in our friendship you might come to appreciate me more for my values
My being single for now is due to the unstable environment I was forced to live ; frankly i have no boy friend nor engaged to any one before the war. I hope you will like me. I will try to look up our friendship ... really glad to meet you.....
And what do appreciate in friends?
I care just take good care of your self till you write back
Your love
Societe Nationale Des Telecommunications Du Senegal
6 Rue Wagane
BP 69 Dakar
Hello xxxxxx
I got your nice brief mail ; it was very nice of you to write me it shows your kind of person. It was my interest to keep communicating but some times life events could be so swift that we can not hold to the drive of the strokes.There are family who lost a lot in there house in a gas cooker exploration and that is why i kept a little longer with much concentrations.Most of them never believe that life could have such a turn hence when sudden things like unexpected disaster affects them they get confused.
Some could go as far as asking so much questions in relation to why were they affected as if they were the targets.In other cases some feel that they should be giving the same chance to belong were they were before the incedents.These effects could affect both the mental dispositions and their way of moving to the future.it is not just the disaster that is painful but the after effect.
We have tried to be close to those affected to reasure them that life has not ended.That lost of properties does not mean that we should give up let me tell you a bit about my self Personally I do not care about were any one came from as i am willing to get to know people ....Like i told you my name is Safiah Ajana 28 yr of age, i am born in Khartoum originally from the southern part but i live in senegal now due the war in my country .
I am from the family of two girls and one boy. All my family died during the horrible genocide which I will not feel comfortable to discuss for now. My late father Ajana Benjamin was involved in a Ugandan presidential Mi-172 helicopter crash on the 30 of July 2005 along side with Dr. John Garang Vice President and former rebel leader of Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM).My father was a political businessman and a trusted friend to the SPLM.
I think you really sound cute from your mail. Nice to know that you appreciated me. Well let me say i really like you though we have not met ,I read your mail with appreciation from the heart.I feel as friends we should be very willing to share our emotional issues with each other at any giving time.Relationship is all about love.If truly we have affection for each other we should be prepared to make positive impart to each one.
My phiolosphy in life is that one should not ask what others can do for them but what she can do.Please let us give each other an open heart to communicate.I really do appreciate my man communicating with me from his heart.Once again thanks for your letter, you showed a kind of maturity which is unique.
Today i am very busy with internal works concernning were i am staying i am doing some clearing at home so i will not be writing you mush .I have the confident that love is deep rooted when it is base on facts and realities than illusion.I think we should not hide any thing from each other even if it brings a temeprary displasure.I will be frank with you and i hope you will as well.
I believe that life has a way to treat people who are upright.I wish i can just give you my self now..My desire is to make my future a better one that is why i discussed with you.As a human we should live by faith and that is the basic thing of life.We must learn to build our selves on trust as that is the only virture that keeps the world alive.
Well i wil write more again when next i hear from you I do care for you and wish you good health.My regards to your your friends and family back home.
Yours ever
Slowly she should come to the Point.....or they've now a new tactic in the Refugee-Camp.....
Hello xxxxxx
Thanks for your mail I hope you got my previous mail guess you did not comment on it , i think You write like a poet i must confess from my heart. When i read your mail they make me feel so relax and calm in my heart. I do not know how to express love to the understanding of your heart but i feel the vibrations of our inner force is really in line. well how is the weather over there , here in Senegal is a bit a hot but a lot of us are going to sea to have a good air . let me know when you have time for us to chat online .
Some time it is difficult to believe that love is a spark when induced can go on and on.I think you have induced my love and i wish you keep it burning until we meet someday .I did know that i will definitely meet someone at the end of my pain but the manner and specifics i do not know. One thing you will be sure about me is that when i speak i go for my word. I am not a kind of girl that spreads my inner emotion without being thoughtful. I love the karaoke and some old school songs too with jazz and blues
My friends say i am very sexy in my outlook but right inside me i do not know i just believe that i was created like every other person. I have not broken any mans heart and no man has broken my heart hence i will want my relationship with you to be the last...
I hope you doing your best in your work Meanwhile i will like you to always feel free to write me back or call me with this number 011221-772057140 or 00221-772057140 when you call just tell the Rev father that you will like to speak with the Sudan girl he will call me to pick your call , i have alot to tell you. Well i really care and wish we could be friends. In my next mail i will tell you more about my self . let me stop hear till you write back
Have a nice day.
I am waiting to read from you soonest.
Yours faithful friend,
Hello My Dear xxxxx
I got your nice brief mail but i was enable to write you back because we have a network problem in our area ,..well it was very nice of you to write me it shows your kind of person... . , I feel so glad reading back from you again..i am very sorry to hear that your fiancé cheated on you , you have to know that every woman is never the same thing some are good and some are bad .
Your mail gave me a unique relief from this tribulation that am facing presently. knowing that i have found a true friend and whom i will be happy to share my life story with. You sound so devoted and serious in your words,. i think you most be a good person .
Like i told you i am presently residing in catholic Church here in Senegal Dakar due to the civil war going on over there in my country (Sudan). which you most have be hearing of in the news .
My late father Benjamin Teny was the personal advicer to Dr. John Garang Vice President and former leader of Sudan peoples Liberation Movement (SPLM).My father was a political businessman and a trusted friend to the SPLM before the rebels attacked my house one early morning, killing my mother
It is only me that is alive now and i managed to make my way to Senegal Dakar where i are living now through the help of the united nations.Is really a sad story to talk about imagining myself been an orphan at this my early age,even as am writting now my eyes is full of tears.
Is quite a very big pains for me loosing my both parents at this my early age, the pains of the lost is not all that easy for me to bear. Most at times, i feel like committing suicide but since i have given my life entirely to christ Jesus. The joy of accepting him deeply in my heart as my lord and personal saviour has always been my strenght.
I do believe that our dear lord Jesus is in full control of your undertakings and your family too .......Mine here is very hot In this Church we are only allowed to go out on mondays and fridays of the weeks.Is just like one staying in the prison and i hope by Gods grace i will come out from here soon. i don't have any relatives now whom i can go to, all our relatives ran away in the middle of the war, the only person i have now is Rev. James Kolleh who is the parish priest of the (Chist the king Catholic Church ) here in the Church, he has been very nice to me since i came here but i am not living with him rather i am living in the female's hostel because the Church have two hostels one for male the other for female. From his office i send and receive your emails.-
As a refugee here, i don't have any right or privilledge to anything be it money or whatever because it is against the law of this country.I want to go back to my studies because i only attended my first year, reading law at the university before the traggic incident that lead to my being in this situation now took place.
Now permit me to ask these few questions:-
1. Can you honestly help me?
2. Can I completely confide in you without any breech of trust?
i want to do away with Africa entirely .I like honest and understanding people,truthful friends that have vision and hardworking.
. let me stop hear till you write back
Have a nice day.
I am waiting to read from you soonest.
Yours faithful friend,
Hello My Dear xxxxx
Thanks for your mail i appreciate your sympathy mail , my heart tells me that you are really a decent man. To me decency and trust matters a lot because it is a mark of a solid man. You have won my heart and I will tell all that matters to me now because you are the only one I can trust presently. if i have your phone number i should have called you my self to hear your voice.
Let me say i really like the way you communicate to me in writings though we have not made love and sleep together.I feel that family and love with good friendship are the most important support in life; I know true friends exists; I immensely value friendship; I hate conflict; I am sincere and detest hypocrisy and above all I respect others ideas and listen to them so I expect to be listened to.
The killing and the death of my parents actually brought sorrow to my life therefore I wait for the right time to speak when I am secured. it very nice to always get your mail, it impresses into my dear heart that you are a man with a large heart. You really won my heart. I have no option than open my heart to you because I know that you will care and cherish all my worries.
However I have attached the copy of my fathers will. This document is very important hence you will have to be very careful and make sure you keep this to your self. I trusted you from the bottom of my heart that is why I let it out for you to study.
You will have to study the will and get back to me urgently. As soon as you send me a reply I will be sending you the Bank information and contact address of the bank. If possible I can make a draft letter of the kind of mail I want you to send it to them. Already they have the copy of all my fathers documents. Once you attached this documents with the information I will give to you they will surely recognize that you request is legitimate.
My dear, over here ladies are not well respected ,being a Muslim country there is always the subjugation of woman hence I need your strong support .Your contacting them will put me in a better position and at least they will respect you being in oversea. My life is very safe as well as they will have the knowledge that I still have some one who is willing to go the extra mile for me in case of any negative.
My contacting you was base on my inner conviction that you are a kind of person that listens to the cry of a fatherless woman. I promise to respect and adore you for ever. I really do appreciate your accepting to assist me in this regard.
All i need from you presently is to find out the present status of the fund and the possibility of transferring the money to any designated account in your country or else were that is safe. Once the fund is in your custody we can discuss on any possible and viable investments. For me I just want to continue my education under the watchful eyes of a loving partner. I just need to be happy, I have suffered a enough. After due study of this document I want you to make up your mind clearly without compulsion if you will assist me to the last. I don’t want the attention of the bank to be incited and thereafter you leave me at the middle of the ocean. If your heart is right and posed sincerely to assist me then let me know. I have a affection for you that is why is speak with due respect, I don’t want any kind of negative thoughts in my life any more. I just need a friend who will appreciate and care for me naturally not for any selfish gains.
in the receipt of your reply I will send you all the needed information of the bank contact...let me stop hear till you write back. Please always take good care of your self till we meet heart to heart. and please try to call me on phone for once so that i can hear your voice and let me have your phone number in your next mail.please take good care of your self till you write back .
Yours Ever,
Hello xxxxxx
It has been a while since we communicated and i have not heard from you all these while hope life is good with you.Just feel like saying to you happy week and more blessings week to come .If you have time try and communicate for life is good when you have some one who think about you.Please if there is any way i offended you do find a place in your heart to forgive.I do value your communication
I hope to hear your voice soonest. Least i forget it will be appreciated if you can send your photo for I shall value it.
Please do not take long to write me back.
Remain blessed for me.
I've ask her once more for her ID......without Google-Translator.......
Hello xxxxxxx
well i think every thing you some time say dont not really have a meanings to me , i think you have wrong thinking about me ,my ID have noting to do with Google- Translator ok , stop saying things you dont know , if you keep talking things you dont know we will not move far in this friendship . i am always writing you with my heart , but you say things that sound funny to me . i sent you my late father WILL you say some thing i dont understand ...if you want me to stop writing to you please let me know .
Hello My Dear
It is very important that we keep our communication much alive. that is my Original ID and i haveing to Google-Translator i speak good english so i dont need Translator..i am not stubborn please dont use that word again .there should be a respect in both of us
My dear i really do not believe that good relationship does not have a set back, neither do i still confined the fact that much external factors might endanger our relationship. My mother once told me that for a relationship to have a strong base the affection must be very mutual and there should be an explicit trust on each other. It should be cultivated just like a good plant is cultivated by a careering gardener.
As you will note that it is very easy to express love and affection especially from distance but very difficult to keep such relationship on the positive side.
I'm a true Christian and I think We need to impute sincererity in our union for it to stand the test of time and believe that the future is brighter than the past all I want me and you to get is a safety relationship
I will be glad to hear from you again Remain healthy and eat well for me.
I really care for you.
Yours ever
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