From Wednesday in 24Luv as.......
- Profile ID: 67523
- 26 y/o female (1985 - April - 10)
- alaska, USA
- English, Bulgarian
- Have no children
lucyoneil34@yahoo. co.uk
Hello dear
My Name is lucy i went to your profile today at.24luv.com/and i love it i think we can from there click through my email address thus;(lucyoneil34@y ahoo.co.uk)
i am waiting for your lovely reply soonest because i need your communication so we can share blessing and understanding life which some have never test and understand so try to send an email to me so i can give you my picture so you can see who i am and i will tell you all of my detail ok
i am looking for
reply soon
i am the one want to be your Friend
have a wonderful day
I believe that distance, Age,Race, and Religion can never be a barrier but let love connect us because love is a bridge that connected far distance to be-closer to each other which can lead us to be a good partner to each other in feature
Hello My Dearest
I am more than happy in your reply to my mail.How was your day?.i hope you had a wonder full sweet day,i really thanks God for his infinite Mercy upon me in this my wilderness experience. Mine was hot over here in Dakar Senegal.My name is LUCY O'NEIL single 24 years and never married, i am from IVORY COAST in West Africa and presently i am residing in the refugee camp here in Dakar Senegal as a result of the civil war that was fought in my country. My late father Dr Harold O'Neil was the chairman managing director Harold INDUSTRIAL COMPANY LTD, in Monrovia he is also the personal adviser to the former head of state before the rebels attacked our house one early morning and killed my father. Due to the sudden death of my father , my mother had a blood pressure with resulted to her death after four month my beloved father left us.It was only me that is alive now and i managed to make my way to near by country Senegal where i am living now as a refugee. Due to the maltreatment am receiving from my step mother.I would like to know more about you. Your likes and what you dislikes,your hobbies and what you are doing presently. I will tell you more about myself in my next mail. Attached here is my picture . Hoping to hear from you soonest,
Yours Forever.
Societe Nationale Des Telecommunications Du Senegal
6 Rue Wagane
BP 69 Dakar
hello Dearest,
I am glad to write to you, how are you ? I hope you are fine, I thank God for you. Your message was a total relief to me, May God protect you for me because he is the one who brought you in my life. I will like him to make away for you, my love, i love the way you sound to me, and i promise to be with you and i will like you to help me to come out of this camp so that i come to your country and have a free life.
In this camp, We are many living as refugees and our freedom is restricted because we do not have any traveling paper. It is just like one staying in the prison and i hope by Gods grace I will come out of here very soon. At the moment, i do not have any relative whom i can go to, all my relatives ran away in the middle of the war.
The only person i have now is Reverend James peter who is the Reverend Minister in charge of the church here in the camp ( Christ de Evangelic Mission ). He has been very nice to me since I came here but I am not living with him rather I am living in the woman's hostel because the camp have two hostels one for men the other for women. The Pastor's
Telephone number : 00221-776304312 Or 00221-776304312
Honey, please feel free to call me through his number because i have told him about you. If you call, tell him that you want to speak with me (Lucy O'Neil ), he will surely send for me from the hostel to come and answer your call. As a refugee I do not have any right or privilege to any thing be it money or whatever because it is against the law of this country. Meanwhile, i am communicating with you through the Reverend's Computer because this is the only means we can communicate to each other
Again i do not work nor do anything for living as a result that eating is very difficult as we are given food ones a day. Please listen to this, I have my late father's statement of account and death certificate here with me which I will send to you latter, because when he was alive he deposited some amount of money in a leading bank ( central bank of senegal ) which he used my name as the next of kin,the amount in question is $5.3 Million U.S Dollars ( Five Million, three Hundred Thousand US Dollars ).
Meanwhile, I will like you to help me process and transfer this money to your account as my 'foreign partner' which was the bank's condition to get the money transferred. From it, you can send me money to prepare and get ready my traveling documents to come over there in order to meet you. I kept this secret to people in the camp here, the only person that knows about it is the Reverend peter James because he is like a father to me.
So in the light of above i will like you to keep it to yourself and do not tell it to anyone for I am afraid of loosing my life and the money if people gets to know about it. My love, lets plan on how to meet you now, in your country because i had a conversation with the Reverend yesterday about how i can leave to meet you there in your country. According to the Reverend , i need to have an International passport in order to warrant and secure my departure from this camp. He said that with the passport, i will have freedom to visit you in your country. I will be waiting to hear from you. please help me contact the reverend through his email address to know how long it will take for me to get my international passport.
here is the Reverend e- mail contact: reverendpeter94@yahoo.com
Name Of the rev pastor is: Rev. peter James
Telephone number : 00221-776304312 Or 00221-776304312
So in the light of above i will like you to keep it to yourself and do not tell it to anyone for I am afraid of loosing my life and the money if people gets to know about it. Remember to contact the reverend, tell him that you want to get a passport for Miss lucy O'Neil. I am giving you all these information due to trust and believing that no one will think to hurt me after hearing all that i have gone through.
My love, please I will like you to call me by 13 o'clock GMT London local time, like I said i have a lot to tell you.my darling if you need to transfer the money to your account first, please tell me so that i will give you the bank contact for you to contact the bank. Have a nice day and pray for me.
I awaiting to hear from you soon . Call me if you wish
Yours sincerely,LUCY
My Dearest Love,
I thank you ones again this day. I will also like to see you face to face and will use this opportunity to let you know that GOD has chosen you to help me amongst other men on earth, its now left for you and God who directed you to me to help me out from this predicament which i found myself. I know you are the man i am going to depend and trust my life. I am not going to give your love to any other man because i know you will satisfy me, so needless of looking for another man,
honey try to contact the bank today for us to know the procedures of transferring my money into your account, any respond you get from them you also inform me.
Please i have not told anyone except you and the rev. father about the existence of this money and i will like you to please keep it secret to other people because since it is (MONEY) all eyes will be on it. Remember i trust you that is why i am giving you all this information's!. My love is for you and you alone, I have informed the bank about my plans to claim this money and the only thing they told me is to look for a foreign partner who will stand on my behalf due to my refugee status and the laws of this country. You will have 15% of the total money for helping me and the remaining money will be managed by you in any business of your choice while i will continue my studies in your country.
In this regard i will like you to contact the bank immediately through their email address or phone call with these information bellow, tell them that you are my foreign partner and that you want to know the possibilities of assisting me in transferring the ($5.3 Million US Dollars) deposited by my late father of which i am the next of kin to your account in your country.
The contact information's of the bank is as follows,
Head Office of BCEAO - Banque Centrale des Etats de l'Afrique del'Ouest
Postal :: Avenue Abdoulaye FADIGA, B.P. 3 108 Dakar (SENEGAL)
Postal :: Address: BP 16713 Dakar-Fann
Email, housingbank-senegal@inMail24.com
Email, officeinfobceao.senegal@rocketmail.com
Email, mraboudiouf9@aol.com
Tel :: (+221) 772650724
office Tele (+221) 301071507;
Sites :: http://www.bceao.int/
Site :: webmaster@bceao.int
Contact person Mr ADou Diouf (Director)
Bank Account number...0030250510296
Foreign operations & International transfer officer.
BCEAO Bank Plc.
Telephone number:(+221) 301071507
Information about the deposit code are as follows.
Name of depositor: Dr Harold O'Neil..
Nationality: Ivory Coast
Next of kin : Miss. LUCY O'Neil.
Amount deposited:$5.3 Million U. S Dollars.
LUCY is the name my parents called me while they were alive and lucy is the name that people and friends knows me with.The money is being deposited with LUCY O'Neil, Contact them now on how to transfer the $5.3 million Dollars deposited by my late father of which i am the next of kin to your account in your country.
I have mapped out 15% for your assistance and 5% for any expenses that might come up in this transfer. My dear i am glad that God has brought you to see me out from this situation and i promise to be kind and will equally need you in every area of my life plus investing this money since i am still too young to manage this amount of money. As i told you before, this camp is just like a prison and my prayers is to move out from here as soon as possible. Please make sure that you contact the bank so that after the transfer you can send some money from that money for me to prepare my traveling documents to meet with you in your country. Awaiting to hear from you soonest!
Yours Beloved
Hello My Dear,
how are you doing, l hope all is well with you as for me staying here in camp is like someone that is in prison, no good food, no good water, no good hospital medication, no freedom, and also lack of education, l will be happy to come over to your country and stay with you so that both of us will contact my late father's bank for the transfer of the money, but the issue is that l do not have any traveling papers, l do not have a passport, l need to get a passport first, l have asked the reverend farther here in senegal camp and he said that is very easy for me to get my traveling papers here in Senegal, according the inquire today getting my passport will cost me 550euros, as soon as l pay them it will take only 2 days to be ready,
Please my dear l really need help, because life here in camp is not easy for me, Thank you my dear What more can a woman say to the man who opened her heart to him, allowing him to feel the warmth of her love across the great distance that separates them? You truly have no idea what I feel for you.
l will be waiting for your good news concerning getting my passport.
With Love and Tears,
Miss Lucy
Honey Thanks for your mail; i have my Refugee ID CARD. but i Dont have any money to scan it can you help me with 50usd so that i will use it and scan it and send it to you,
send it With the name of the Refugee ID CARD , through western union money transfer, with the Name Below,
Name; Miss LUCY O'Neil
Address; Avenue Leopold Sedar Senghor, Dakar Senegal.
when you send the money Send me western union transfer information slip below;
Senders Name...
MTCN NO....................
Question ...................and answer if any..............
Amount sent.............
Honey am wating to hear from you soon
Yours Miss LUCY O'Neil
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