Username: ellobel11
Location: United Kingdom
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BSkyB Broadband Hostmaster
Sky Network Services
1 Brick Lane
E1 6PU
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About me
Would like to find someone who can love me for who I am. Someone who appreciates old fashioned courtship. I want to be able to share the good and bad times with that someone special.
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Hi xxxxx. How are things going with you? To me it is very pleasant, that you have written to me. My name is Elza, me of 40 years! I not married, at me was not present children! I wish to learn you more close. I liked your profile, on a site dating!

I wish to get acquainted with the guy for serious relations. I was born in the city of Perm. It is the central part of Russia. My father the immigrant from Germany. My mum the teacher of Foreign languages. I wish to get acquainted with you because I wish to find the man, from another are strange! Because Russian men in a considerable quantity take alcohol and beat girls! I hope, that we with you will not have problems what to communicate. Because I know English language. I hope, I will learn it more by means of you! I work as the manager in the sports centre! You like to go in for sports? An overall objective of our acquaintance, I think it to have a meeting with you if we like each other!
My sports centre, has arranged competition, on the best worker. The winner receives two week trip in you. I hope, that I will manage to win and arrive to you on the first acquaintance! The result of competition will be announced in a week!
I want, what at this time, we learnt each other! I hope for dialogue continuation … Elza
Received: from [] (ellgazit@ with plain)
... written from Home
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Tiscali UK
Tiscali UK Limited
11 Evesham Street
London W11 4AJ
Today good, solar weather. My working day begins at 9.00 and comes to an end in 19. 00. As I have a lunch break! To me it is very pleasant, that in working I can write time to you and my mood will be better! It is very important to me to know, your thoughts! What do you think of me???? We should learn each other!
Tell to me, you have still girls with whom you communicate except me? My dear, me it is very important, because I do not wish to stir to people, to build their relations! I do not have other men. There is only you! And I am very happy to it! I will finish the letter. I hope, that I will receive the answer soon. Elza
Received: from [] (ellgazit@ with plain)
..written from Home
BSkyB Broadband Hostmaster
Sky Network Services
1 Brick Lane
E1 6PU
Hi xxxxx. To me it is very pleasant, that our acquaintance to you proceeds. It is very pleasant to me to learn you more! The My dear friend, excuse me that I cannot write to you more and often. Because I have not enough free time on work. I write to you always when I have a free time. To me it is very pleasant, that you speak about me. Unfortunately, I have no other ways to communicate with you. Because I work much. And I have possibility to communicate only on electronic to mail. If my director learns that I would use the computer what to communicate with you, he will dismiss me! Certainly I would like to write with to talk to you more often. But you should understand my position! My dear, you have a mobile phone???? If yes that you can write me the a phone number, and I will call to you. I can call to you through a public telephone booth. Because my phone cannot accept and make calls in another of the country, besides it is very expensive. But I can visit a public telephone booth and call to you.
How your day today? I had an excellent day. Today my girlfriend Irin, has called me to visit with it training on boxing, during my lunch break. So it was pleasant to me. I send you photos from our training! It is very pleasant to me to write to you about me. Because you the unique man to whom I write. I have removed the profile, from a site of acquaintances.

Received: from [] (ellgazit@ with plain)
..written from Home and 8:20am......
BSkyB Broadband Hostmaster
Sky Network Services
1 Brick Lane
E1 6PU
Hi xxxxx. To me it is very pleasant that you continue to write to me. I would like to learn you more and more! To me it is pleasant that you wish to learn about me more. Now I will tell to you, about the family! My father his name is Andreas, he was born in Germany, a Mercedes worked at factory on assemblage of cars. My mum Olga, it the teacher of foreign languages. When my mum has gone to Germany on practice, she has got acquainted with my future daddy. Their novel lasted short time then my father has decided to go to Russia and to marry my mum. Now they live far from me, they very old now, but I love them very much. To me it is pleasant that to speak about them. Because I have got acquainted with you. As my mum has got acquainted with the foreigner! It seems to me that foreign men, more fair, and beautiful))) Me it is very pleasant that we have got acquainted with you! I hope, that you too, is glad our meeting! I hope that we will meet you soon! I wish to arrive to you! I hope, that I will manage to win competition and to arrive to you! My dear, I wish to hear your voice! I wish to call you! It seems to me that your voice very gentle and kind! I would want that you wrote to me more about the life! Tell to me fairly, you are glad that we have got acquainted with you? You wish to continue our dialogue? I hope, that you wish to learn me more! I hope that I will soon receive your answer! Yours Elza
Received: from [] (ellgazit@ with plain)
IP Pools
hi xxxxx. How your mood? I ask a pardon concerning my messages to you. I hope that you understand all that I write to you! It is heavy to me to write correctly a little! But from your help I can correct it.
I like to tell about the life. I think, was not fair for my part if I have hidden from you. I would like to write about my former relations and about change. Probably, each person in this world is exposed to change and treachery. Why I write it? That you knew about me more. Change. For me personally is a treachery. As it is heavy after that to become on a shower. Hard to it to reconcile. With it all also falls … the relation, trust, belief and hopes. In a flash the person close to you becomes the stranger. To realise it certainly it is heavy, especially for the woman who trusted in female happiness. Could not calm down in any way after has learnt, that former my man has changed to me with other woman. Even now to me it is sad about it to write. I could not forgive him. There were, of course, tears and grief. Cried in this occasion much, but all has passed. The life on it does not stop. It is necessary to live further. I think that in the future all will be on another. Excuse if I load you my past. But it would be desirable, that you knew about me more. I try to be strong, but it not always turns out. Now I am happy that I have dialogue with you! I am happy, that we are familiar a week. And I hope that we will continue to learn further each other! I wish to tell to you. That for me the person is not important. To me feelings and relations are important. The person love not on the person, and on acts! I hope that you understand me! I will wait for your message! Elza
Received: from [] (ellgazit@ with plain)
IP Pools
Hi xxxxx. I consider now, day successful if you have written to me. This morning I have prepared porridge on milk. Then did walk with a dog. It was necessary to run a little behind it. I think that specially forces me to run

Received: from [] (ellgazit@ with plain)
Carphone Warehouse Broadband Services
Gareth J Bowen
Opal Telecommunications Plc
Northbank Industrial Estate
United Kingdom
She still write from home!!!!!!!! The Header makes it clear to 200%

Hi xxxxxx. It is pleasant to me to read your message! Excuse me for a delay of my message to you! I have very bad mood! I cannot arrive to you because my director, has found out that I use the working computer not only for work, but also dialogue with you! He has informed me that I have left competition «the Best worker of year!» . And now I cannot win it and arrive to you! It is very a pity to me!!!! It would be very pleasant to me to communicate with you. It would be better to communicate personally, to walk on park or silently to sit at home at the TV with a wine glass. Now at me and I do not know bad mood than to be engaged now! When at me good mood, I like to prepare pies with a stuffing and an apple pie. I talked about us to you with colleagues. They ask every day, as at us there passes dialogue. All of them are glad, that we have got acquainted with you. I am ready to talk to you about everything. Now I have a good friend who can listen to you, understand you and try to help you. I hope, that you will write to me at least to steam of lines. Now I should visit the cafe Internet what to write to you! I hope, that you understand me. And we can continue to communicate with you! I wait for your message! Elza
Received: from [] (ellgazit@ with plain)
Virgin Media - Acton
NTLI Network Management Centre
NTL Internet
SO21 2QA
I told her that I'm not interested in a longterm Penpal and she should write about her Trip to Tver......
xxxxx, you have entered into my life unexpectedly. I could not think at all, that we can communicate through distance. I never could think that we will to communicate with you on distance. I would like to write in increasing frequency to you, to receive your letters. We correspond with you not not enough time. I really have already reflected on the future that will be further, what relations will be at us further. Eñòü in a life the certain moments when you face to a choice. If not to make this step then you will regret for it all life. Because each person deserves happiness. Unless it is impossible to be happy. I not so young also do not wish to grow old one. I would like a normal life. I do not wish to sleep one in bed. I do not wish to hurry event. Because in fast relations it is possible to make many errors, it is necessary to be assured for certain. You with me agree. But it would be good to have a meeting. After all nevertheless the meeting will help to understand about feeling is much better. It is possible to learn much faster about the person, its essence, about character. You too have reflected on a meeting in the future? But we should be serious in the decisions. I on it will finish. I should make some work. I think that you think after that the message. I will wait for your letter! Elza
Received: from [] (ellgazit@ with plain)
IP Pools
Now she makes of daft.......typical trick.......why do u not write
Hi xxxxxx. To me it is very pleasant, that you have written to me. But tell, why you did not write me long time? You have problems? I can help you, than ? You can speak with me, I am obligatory to listen to you! Everything that you did not write time to me, I felt very lonely! Because I have no dialogue with anybody except you! I very much wish to start to meet the man! I wish to meet such man as you! I understand, that we did not meet you in a real life! But you very much like me, under your letters to me! It is very interesting to me to communicate with you! I understand, that we are familiar not enough time! But it is enough for me, that I know about you! Certainly, I wish to find out you better! You wish to find out me better?
As your day!? Today for me very joyful day, my mood is better at once, when I have received your letter! I hope you I hope that you will write to me soon! Yours Elza
Received: from [] (ellgazit@ with plain)
TalkTalk B2C Dynamic Range
Mark Jones
TalkTalk Communications Limited
Linford Wood West
Milton Keynes
MK14 6LB
Hi xxxxx. How there have passed your days off? To me it is very pleasant, that you have written to me to my absence again. It is very pleasant to me to think, that our relations with you develop. During week-end, we with my friends went on river coast on rest. We took with ourselves tents and remained there to spend the night, therefore I could not write to you earlier! I wish to tell to you, that I thought only of you because I wish to begin with you relations! To me it was very lonely without you. In the afternoon we bathed in small river, sunbathed, fished. In the evening we have welded soup from fish. He was very tasty. And at night we sat at a fire and sang songs! When night we has come have gone to sleep in tents. To me it was very cold at night because I spent the night one, in tents! I tried to think all time of you because thoughts on you warm very much! I have presented that you embrace me. And me at once it became easier! To me it was very bad, without your embraces! But when I represent you nearby to me it becomes very good! In the morning when I have woken up, I had a sensation, that you actually were near to me and when I have not seen you, I have thought that you left from tent. But a minute later I have understood that you, was my fine dream. I very much do not have you. I hope that ours with you relations will be strong! I love. I wait for news from you! Elza
Received: from [] (ellgazit@ with plain)
Virgin Media Limited
Virgin Media Limited Jonathan Gist Building 270,
Floor 2,
Column 2 Bartley Wood Business Park,
Bartley Way RG27 9UP Hook,
Hi. I have not enough time what to write to you. Now I am in business trip. Me have sent in the remote settlement. I do not have possibility to write to you much. Because I should use the Internet at not people familiar to me! It very much not decently! When at me to appear possibility, I will write to you at once! Do not worry! You to me are very expensive! I wait for your romantic letters! Elza
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Tiscali UK Ltd
Milton Keynes
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Tiscali UK
Tiscali UK Limited
11 Evesham Street
London W11 4AJ
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