Appeared today out of the blue in my 24FD-Spamfolder. I don't know her.
Snowy hello from middle of Russia!
I am Anastasiya, I am single woman, not marry
without children 27 years old,
I hope to find relations and what is why I write you
I try my fortune to find love and relations, I decided to write you,
if you share with me this desire please write me
back on my personal e-mail address:
I hope we can talk more by the letters and know each
other better
I hope I will lucky to be your new friend
Received: from [] (djusat@ with plain)
From: "" <>
X-Mailer: Voyager (v3.99.4)
Network Operation Center CJSC ER-Telecom Company Mari El branch
address: 12, Lenina st., 424000, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia
Hello friend!
I am very happy because of you write me reply and I can name you my friend.
For me it is first experience of communicating in the Internet and I hope we
will continuer our talk by the letters and we will find more about each other,
I hope we will be able to be close for each other

I type you from Internet cafe

stay in the Internet cafe long term, can we write letters to each other I hope
You may be will ask me how I found your e-mail address, I should to warn you that
I don't understand in the Internet very much, but I wanted to find new friend,
I heard about such way of acquaintance, that it became very popular.
I addressed to one man, he worked with international meeting and he found your
address for me in the Internet line, I decide to write you.

And I hope you have the same interest as me!
My full name is Anastasiya, I am 27 years old and as you know I live in Russia
In this moment I am free and I don't have husband or boyfriend, what about you?
I would like you will tell me about yourself, I want to imagine you better, ok?
I am 170 cm of height, sexy girl

attractive, charming, I am ready for the new in the life always and I don't like
to stop in one point and be sad!
My friend, I heard a lot about your country and I want to visit your country,
I want to have friend there and to have good and interesting company, I would like
to have good man near me, you know that I am free, I am open for new meeting and
And what about you?
I live in Russia in place which called Arkul', it is country side, it can not be named
even town, because of its dimension, it is very small, it is in Povolg'e, because
not far from Volga river
You can look and try find Kirov area in Russian Federation
Please let me know what is the name of your town? Because I don't know
For me it will be interesting to know about your profession and job, tell me ok?
I have very interesting job, I was professional dancer and now I work as the dancing-teacher
for children of 4-7 years in studio here in my town.
My job is my work and this is hobby as well.
Dance help me to make my body nice and to make my day.
Do you like dances? I think right now that I can teach you!

Do you have big family and children?
I have not children and in this moment I don't think about this, because I have not
relation with man in my life, but I like children very much that is why I started to
work in this studio.
I had relationa with man near 3 years ago, but we are not together and during last 3 years
I an alone, I don't like to talk about my this relations, but may be one day.... I will tell you.
I have brother, he is militarian, his name is Dima.
You know I have not mother and father, they died already.
They could not have children for a long term, and me and my brother was born when my father and
mother were old, that is why they died some years ago.
We have very good relations with my brother, but he live far from me and I don't see him
very often.
My dear, it was something about me, I hope my letter don't make you tired to read,
I want you will reply and ask me questions.
I wish you good day my friend, I send you my best smile!
I would like you will write me faster, I can not wait your reply already.
Yours Anastasiya
P.S. please don't forget to add photos of you ok?
Letter is stolen from a Girl "Irina", 2. Letter ... 8394_2.htm
Received: from ÞÇÅÐ1-ÏÊ (milayanastenka@ with plain)
X-Mailer: Voyager (v3.86.03) Professional
Volga Branch of OJSC MegaFon NOC
Moskovskoe shosse, 15
443080, Samara,
The Distance between Arkul' (Kirov) and Yoshkar-Ola (Mariy-El) is :
149.13 kilometers (km).
The approximately estimated travel/road distance can be around 171.5 km to 186.41 km
The Distance between Arkul' (Kirov) and Samara (Samara) is :
453.72 kilometers (km).
The approximately estimated travel/road distance can be around 521.78 km to 567.15 km
She don't read Mail coz all her question I've already answered.
Hello my friend xxxx!
First of all thank you very much for your reply on my letter.
I told you that you are my first friend in the Internet and I told you that I
don't understand in the Internet very much, but I like to see result, that we found
each other and we can know each other better.
I would not want ages and distance will be problem for us and our communicating,
and I hope you will not have worries about this, because for me it is not problem,
I like our communicating very much!
I told you that I have dream to visit your place one day and I would like to have
reliable and good friend there and also I am open for new relations.
I would like you will tell me about your usually days and how do you spend your time???
I told you already that I am dances teacher for little children here in my town,
I prepare children to be good dancers and create career in this.
My work took big part of my days, as I have not family and husband, I devote a lot
of time for my job and I work even in Saturday.
Such way I live some years.
I live in my flat in the Arkul' this place is such as village, and it take place
not far from city Kirov, it is far from Moscow (capital of Russia).
My flat is not big, but for girl it is enough

I wake up very early and make morning exercises, I go to shower, I drink juice and I go by
foot for work to studio.
I meet my little pupils, I have some groups.
You know I was professional dancer in ensemble when I was 18 years old, my ensemble
was from some girls and we had a lot of concerts in Russian's cities, we went in
different part of our country and it was my job.
But when I was 22 years old I lost my parents, because they was too old, and I needed to come
back home for some time, I felt depression and I made decision to leave my profession and
to become teacher of dances.
I feel that I would like relations with man very much, and how do you feel about this?
Tell me please how do you spend you free time???
What do you like to do in your free time?
Do you know languages?
I know Russian, because I live in Russia

Write me your reply faster, I already can not wait!
Yours Anastasiya
Letter is stolen from a Girl "Irina", 3. Letter ... 8394_2.htm
Received: from localhost (milayanastenka@ with plain)
X-Mailer: Voyager (v3.86.03) Professional
OJSC MSS-Povolzhe network - GPRS Access Pool No. 3
Oleg A. Yurlov
Also known as Kris Werewolf
115035 30, Kadashevskaya emb.
Russian Federation
Hi my dear xxxxx!
How are you today?
I hope your day is fine and sun shines for you today!!!!!
You know I may be forget to tell you that I write you from Internet cafe.

Here in my place there is "center of children's training", my studio takes place here and
also there is Internet cafe here, there is group for artists also.
It is very pity that I have not computer at home

will talk more by the letters and later we will find ways how to communicate more and call ok?
I asked you about your free time, and what do you like to do.
You know my usually evening I spend at home, especially at winter, it is because here in
Russia we have long cold winters, in such weather I would not want to leave my home,
because I am very sunny girl, which likes when it is hot

In such evening I read books, I like reading love stories with happy end and dream
that one day I will have the same story in my life.
I like shopping, as each woman, I think.
I wear dresses and also I like bright colors, especially red because I very cheerful person.
That is why I like red clothes very much.
I hope you get my photo.
Do you have a lot of friends?
I have friendship with girls from my school time and also from my ensemble, even I don't
work with them any more, and they live in different parts of my country now, they come here
to visit me sometimes, some of the are marry and have children now.
My girlfriend Ksusha came to me last winter and we spent time together, we went in cafe
and also in cinema. She was here 3 days, because she was on vocation and she needed to come back
in her home town.
Do you like cinema?
I like watch comedies and cartoon films, I think that it is ok for adult girl

I also like theatre and ballet very much, but I have not opportunity to go there very often,
because in my place there is not own ballet.
I like travel, I was on he south and north of my country when I was younger, but I never was
in your country and this is my dream, which I would like to make true.
I will stop to write you for today, ok?
I wish you stay well!
Yours friend from Russia
Received: from localhost (milayanastenka@ with plain)
X-Mailer: Voyager (v3.86.03) Professional
.....written from Home
Volga Branch of OJSC MegaFon NOC
Moskovskoe shosse, 15
443080, Samara,
Hello xxxxx!
I like to know that we become close for each other and I feel that it was right
decision to send you my first letter, I did not know how it will be and now I
am happy to open my e-mail box and see your letters, thank you very much!
I would like you will write me and don't forget that I wait your reply and I would
like this told very much!
How do you feel yourself today?
What do you eat today? What do you like to eat?
I look after my health, I think that food is important part, which helps us to stay well,
and that is why I try don't eat fast food and also sweets.
I like to eat food, which was made at home, but in the same time, when I traveled
in my country, I was in different cafes and restaurants, and I liked the Japanese
But of course I like Russia cuisine

I like soups very much, with meat, vegetables and even with milk.
Do you taste something from Russian cuisine?
You know if not, it is not problem, I would like to cook for you one day, what do you
think about this?
I like cooking, it is my another hobby, I know a lot of Russia dishes: "pilmeni",
"goluptsi", "borsch" and many other.
I would be very happy if you will like my cooking.
You know that I live alone and for myself I cook salads and also make juices from carrots
and oranges, but I imagine right now if it would be possibly for me to cook for you
supper, it will be very pleasantly for me, I imagine you and me together and how we drink
red wine with you (I don't drink in my usually life)

I like hot wine, I even don't know to explain you about this, it named here "glintvein",
it is hot wine with cinnamon and other spices.
I don't tell you that in my home I have a lot of soft toys, most of the was gifts from
the conserts, but some of the I bought, because when I go to the shop I could not hold
myself from purchase ridiculous soft animal, that is why have a lot of them in my bedroom.
I have only one room in my flat, and soft toys and my bed took big place in this room.
Of course I have bathroom and kitchen.
Tell me more about what do you like and dislike, ok?
I so want to know you in full!
I wish you good day!
Yours Anastasiya
Letter is stolen from a Girl "Irina", 5. Letter ... 8394_2.htm
Received: from localhost (milayanastenka@ with plain)
X-Mailer: Voyager (v3.86.03) Professional
OJSC MSS-Povolzhe network
Oleg A. Yurlov
Also known as Kris Werewolf
115035 30, Kadashevskaya emb.
Moscow, Russian Federation
Hi xxxxx!
Nice to get your letter today, I feel even that my mood become better,
when you write me!
Really pity that I can not to appear near you right now and feel your warm!
How is the weather there?
Here it is nice and sunny day today, I like such weather very much, as I
told you I hate cold.
You can understand from my letters, that I was in a lot of places in my country,
and I want to tell you that the most big impression for me was from visiting
the south part of my country, I was in Sochi and some others big cities there.
I saw sea and it was so nice to spend some time there, I like beaches very much
and I like swimming.
The nearest sea from me it is near 2000 km far.
I would like to tell you that in my place can called town here it is near some
thousand people lives.
It is not far from Volga river.
In summer time I spend weekend near river with my girlfriends, we have a lot of
rivers and lakes.
But the weather brings cold very often in summer and in such weather
me and my girlfriends go to cafe and spend time there, talking and tasting various
fruits desserts.
We also go to the clubs sometimes, but here in my village there are not clubs,
we went for weekend in nearest big cities and during the day we make shoppings
and in the evening go to the clubs, simply for dancing, because as you can see
dance is my life.
Tell me please about the most big impression in your usually life and also
how do you like to spend weekends?
For me it helps to know your life better.
I also would like to know about interesting place in your city, tell me ok?
For me it would be good to know how do you imagine our spending time, if I
will come to you???
I can promise you that you never will sad because of me

I wait your reply, and I would like you will reply on my questions!
Take care
Yours Anastasiya
Letter is stolen from a Girl "Irina", 6. Letter ... 8394_2.htm
Received: from localhost (milayanastenka@ with plain)
X-Mailer: Voyager (v3.86.03) Professional
Volga Branch of OJSC MegaFon NOC
Moskovskoe shosse, 15
443080, Samara,
Good day my dearest!
xxxxx, how do you feel yourself today?
I am in very good mood, I was in studio today, and I decided to make new dance
with my little pupils, it will be our national Russia dance
I also would like to make sketch of suits, I like draw and some years ago, when I had thoughts
to stop with dancing to become designer.
Here in my place I live, it is difficult to create such career, because
there is not such job here, it is only for big places, but in my town most part of the
people works on factories and the organizations connected with car's industry, in
Russia each place have each own specialization,
Russia is very interesting country by it tradition and it has it own dance, songs and dishes.
Did you hear Russia songs?
I like all type of music I think, because all music is interesting and can help to
create mood, but last time I listen a lot of Russia music.
Here there is not airport nearest airport takes place in Moscow
and there is only train road, I did not tell you, I have not car
and I move on the bus if I would like to go from one point to another.
But I like to go by foot and it is very useful for the health.
I think that it is very important for woman to look very well, and such way of life help me to
look nice, last time I get up each morning and I noticed that I start to think about you,
I hurry to be in the Internet line to see your letter, but when I simply at home I
think about you and when I put on clothes in the morning I make this such way, you
will like me.
This evening I will stay at home, may be I will read something or watch TV, also I
would like to cook something, you know I am very domestic girl, and I like cooking and
clean my flat, I like when all things on each places.
I simply wanted to tell you, that now our communicating took big place in my usually
day, I want very much you feel the same about me!
I wait your letter with impatience!
Yours Russia baby
Letter is stolen from a Girl "Irina", 7. Letter ... m#comments
Received: from localhost (milayanastenka@ with plain)
X-Mailer: Voyager (v3.86.03) Professional
OJSC MSS-Povolzhe network
Oleg A. Yurlov
Also known as Kris Werewolf
115035 30, Kadashevskaya emb.
Moscow, Russian Federation
Hello my baby!
I like to name you such way, I put in this simply word all my tenderness about you,
I hurried to be in the Internet line today, it is because I so wanted to see your reply,
it seems to me that we know each other already 1000 years and I even feel that
I need in you more and more day by day.
How is your day today?
I have big hope that all goes well for you today!
My day is good and it is good because of you and also this evening I plan to visit my
girlfriend, she will have birthday.
We plan to go in cafe with her, and spend evening there.
I so want to share news about my and yours meeting in the Internet line with my
girlfriends, because for me it is very nice events in my life! I already told you that
I even could not expect what I found such good man in the Internet line.
I feel that with me it is very easy talk with you and for me it is very important to
feel myself quite and easy with man, and also I feel your understanding and care about
our relations, because even simply some words from you make me feel that you think about me.
I told you already that I had not man in my life, and last years I did not have relations
with man, it is because I had bad experience for me, I don't like
to talk about this part of my life, but I think that for you I can tell the reason why I
am not together with this man.
We decided not be together because when I left my dancing group and my parents died, I felt
depression and this man could not support me in this condition, because I really would
nothing and I wanted simply stay at home alone and do nothing, I was in very bad
condition because of worries and man could not see this my condition and we started not
understand each other, that is why we decided to be break our pair, now I am even happy because
of this and in the future I would like to have relation with man, which will support
and care about me in all situation.
I wanted to ask you, what do you expect from woman?
Write me please, I wait!
Yours Anastasiya
Letter is stolen from a Girl "Irina", 8. Letter ... 8394_3.htm
Received: from localhost (milayanastenka@ with plain)
X-Mailer: Voyager (v3.86.03) Professional
Volga Branch of OJSC MegaFon NOC
Moskovskoe shosse, 15
443080, Samara,
Good day for you xxxxx! Good mood!
How is the weather there? Is this warm?
Here it is very sunny and warm weather today, I got up very early, and
I feel myself very well!
Last evening I came at home a little late then usually, it is because of my
girlfriend's birthday, I went to my bed near 12 o'clock, could not
sleep half of night, I thought about you!
I felt how much I miss you all time and need in you.
I want to tell you that you took big place in my life and now day by day I
want to meet you in real life very much, first of all I have big interest
in our relations and also I started to feel real feelings to you, it is very
important for me, because for me it is very new, I did not feel such way before,
I mean that we did not see each other before, but I think about you
such way as you are my man, my boyfriend and my future, I so want to tell you
that I like you very much! I need in you! I cannot wait when I will see you!
Last evening it was good evening, we spent evening with my girlfriends in one cafe,
for me it was pleasant to listen alive music, I like guitar, I like alive spanish
music and man in this cafe played on guitar, this music was very romantic and
I imagined you, such we dance with you, I even started to feel shiver in my legs,
I started excited very much and after that all night I imagined you.
Tell me please how do you feel about me?
Do you dream?
You know I don't dream very often, because I am not small girl, but because of you
I stared dream very often, and I started imagine you, I so interest to see you
faster by my eyes and to know how do you look in real life , what is your smell and
how do sound your voice, I feel that I will love it!
I will need to go to my bed a little early today, it is because I tired today.
I miss you very much, write me faster, ok?
Yours Anastasiya
Letter is stolen from a Girl "Irina", 9. Letter ... 8394_3.htm
Received: from localhost (milayanastenka@ with plain)
X-Mailer: Voyager (v3.86.03) Professional
... written from Home
Volga Branch of OJSC MegaFon NOC
Moskovskoe shosse, 15
443080, Samara,
I MISSED YOU!!!!! And what about you, xxxxxx?
I have good news, I will have holidays soon, director of my studio will
accept new teacher and I will be able to have holidays.
How all goes there?
How is your day?
My day is well, I finished teach my pupils of new dance, which will be on Russian
tradition theme. After that I will need to create new dance, but in this time
all my thoughts are with you, I can not explain you what happen in my soul right now,
I need to tell you this.
Last time I hurried to be in the Internet line to see you letter and each time I
am very excited to see to open my e-mail box and to see what do you write me.
I very worry if I did not get your letter and in this time, I even would like to cry,
I do to my home and stay alone with my thoughts about you.
My girlfriends met me and told me that I am changes a little, and I
understand now that it is because of you, I love you!
This simply word are all what I feel about you and our relations, I am very grateful
for you that you make me to feel such way, because I thought that I never will feel
love, but now I am sure in my soul.
I have so big emotions about us, I believe that you are such man, which I searched.
I so want my feelings and emotions will be mutual.
Honey, how will you spend your evening?
For me it is always so interesting to know how are you there and what do you do?
I think that we have some time distinctions and that is why I think when I sleep you
are not sleep and I think in my bed sometimes what do you do.
This evening I will cook pancakes, I don't eat a lot of pancakes, but my girlfriend told
me that she will come to me for drink tea and talk about different things.
Kiss and hugs for you baby
Yours beloved Anastasiya
Letter is stolen and edited today in the first sentences from a Girl "Irina", 10. Letter ... 8394_3.htm
Received: from localhost (milayanastenka@ with plain)
X-Mailer: Voyager (v3.86.03) Professional
.... written from Home
OJSC MSS-Povolzhe network
Oleg A. Yurlov
Also known as Kris Werewolf
115035 30, Kadashevskaya emb.
Moscow, Russian Federation
Big HELLO from your Russian lady

I hope your day is fine! I wish new day will bring something very good for you!
I wanted to tell you that last night I saw very nice dream about you I saw how
I come to you and we have very nice time together, all day you show me your place and
in the evening we stay at home together, only you and me, and I cook supper for you,
we have easy supper and after that you switching on good music and we start dance,
you hug me so strong and I even become lose my mind and you kiss me....
I could not calm down because of this dream all day, I so want you will know about this!
And most of all it will happen faster!
I think a lot about how we will spend time together, I would like we will have
continuer of our relations in real life very much! But I think only destiny and our common
desire show how it will be...
I would like you would like to stay with me for ever, I think you will not have doubts because of me.
This evening I would like to go to the swimming pool, do you like swimming?
I imagine how we are on the beach, and this is my another very sweet desire abut you and me

I will finish my letter on this word.
I would like you will come in my dream this night again!
Hot kiss for you!
Yours sweet Anastasiya
Letter is stolen from a Girl "Irina", 11. Letter ... 8394_3.htm
Received: from localhost (milayanastenka@ with plain)
X-Mailer: Voyager (v3.86.03) Professional
OJSC MSS-Povolzhe network
Oleg A. Yurlov
Also known as Kris Werewolf
115035 30, Kadashevskaya emb.
Moscow, Russian Federation
Hello my lovely xxxxx!
Baby, thank you very much for your letter! For me your letter sound very
nice always even you write me some words.
I love and miss you so much, will you believe that now I am different person
than I was before we started to correspond, I look around by new eyes and all
I want is to make you happier than you are now and be with you!
This love is like the first and I feel like school girl, but the
difference is that I know what I want and ready to do everything for
these dreams come true. I want to do something for you, only for YOU,
darling, but I can promise that I will never give you an occasion to regret that
you met me.
You could understand from my letters that I don't search pen friend, I want
real man to be with me, I want we will meet very soon.
You know we talk a lot but I believe that we could not find all about each other
only by the letters, I feel that oly in real life we can sit in front of each other and
see each other's eyes talk about all things, to be open between each other,
to see smile and sad emotions on the face.
I can not wait to see your smile really! I already miss your smile!
For me our correspondence it is not only spending time, for me it is more and
I believe that e-mail, telephone and letters are only make communicating, but not simply
spending time and I am happy that we met eac other here, I feel that now
we can make new step and meet in real life!
How do you feel in I will come to you in nearest time?
Knock knock in your door...
Write me your reply, I wait with impatience
Yours only Anastasiya
Letter is stolen from a Girl "Irina", 12. Letter ... 8394_3.htm
Received: from localhost (milayanastenka@ with plain)
X-Mailer: Voyager (v3.86.03) Professional
Volga Branch of OJSC MegaFon NOC
Moskovskoe shosse, 15
443080, Samara,
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