She appeared today out of the blue in my 24FD-Spamfolder. I don't know her.
My name is Elena.
i am looking for serious relationship, without any games!
i would like to get to know you.I send you the photo)
I hope that you will love it and will answer soon!
If you are really interested by me to write to me on my personal e-mail
my personal e-mail:
With the big impatience I will wait for your answer soon)
And yet do not forget, that I will answer only my personal e-mail
So dare, and to write as soon as possible
Received: from [] (beautifull333333@ with plain)
From: "" <>
The Project Honey Pot system has detected behavior from the IP address that is consistent with that of a Mail Server and Dictionary Attacker.
<<<<<< but Project Honey Pot is off since over one Month

Volga Branch of OJSC MegaFon NOC
Moskovskoe shosse, 15
443080, Samara,
Boris on Nightshift........
Hi xxxxx!
How are you doing today?
I’m rather good. It always feel nice meeting new people from other countries and cities. I live in city Kasli.
My country is so big that it seems that life in the east should be totally different from life in the west. But to tell the truth it is not.
I’ve talked to a lot of people all over Russian and found that all of us have practically the same life,
the same problems and the same tradition only the weather is the only thing that differs.
So what is your family like? Do you guys have strong family traditions or children rarely speak with their parents and prefer not to meet them often?
Do you all live in the same city or may be your family spread all over the country? What is you city like?
Is it big a small? Is it similar to other cities in your country or is totally different and have some extraordinary feature?
Please tell me everything that you want to share with me about things that surround you.
So xxxxx , what kind of relationships are looking for? I know that people are looking many things that they lack in their lives.
Ones look for friendship as they can’t find true and honest friends among the people that they live and work near with, others look for free love and one night relationship ,
I believe that these people are not self-confident in and don’t believe that they can be loved,
others look for true feelings as they lost hope to find a person whom they will be able to devote their life.
What type of person that I described are you? Well, it is just my opinion.
And I might miss something. Please tell me if you agree or don’t agree with me.
It is very important to share opinions on different matters in order to communicate fruitfully.
Could you also be so kind to send me you photograph? Or may be several of them?
I think photograph helps very much to make the image of the person. Letters are great but I need a photo to make the full image.
I may be don’t want to full myself in some way.
As when you don’t see a person that you are talking to you create and imagine his or her look and then when you finally meet him or her you can be not even disappointed because he or her is less beautiful than you thought but he or she might be just totally different bay be even more beautiful but it makes you think that you don’t know this person at all and that he or she is a stranger.
That’s why I’m asking for you picture in my first letter. I want to get you to know form different sides.
Hope to hear from you soon if you are open to communicate.
Have a good day! Elena
Received: from DELLL-22CEC6012 (maus.gitare714@ with plain)
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2012 02:38:05 +0400
From: Elena <>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.04.7) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
... written from home
Jazztel triple play services
Jazz Telecom S.A.
Anabel Segura 11
28108, Alcobendas (Madrid)
Albatros - Edificio C
Kasli (Russian: Касли) is a town in Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russia, located 138 kilometers (86 mi) northwest of Chelyabinsk. Population: 16,998 (2010 Census preliminary results)
No answer of my question if she's also working at Nightshift.........
Hello xxxxxx!
I'm so happy to read your letter.
How was your day, by the way? I see that you work hard and you're tired often. Am I right?
As for me, when I have a lot of customers and don't have any minute to have a rest I come home very sluggish.
But on the other hand I feel happy because I worked for the people and I was useful for them.
These thoughts and feelings cheer me up and sometimes I find forces to go out with my friends in the evening.
We can go to the cinema, concert, cafe or just go for a walk.
I have two good girlfriends Tanya and Olga. So we have a wonderful time together.
One of them has a boyfriend in England. She got acquainted with him in internet and when she visited him, they fell in love with each other.
They're going to marry soon. I am so happy for her. She managed to find her destiny in internet.
So I think I will be able to find my man too. I really want it. I'd like to create a real family, to have a good husband who can support me in everything.
And I decided to my profile on that site. What are you planning from such acquaintances?
Do you like your job? How long do you work? I mean how many hours a day? As for me I work since 9:00 till 18:00 every day except weekends.
As I told you before I live with my parents. I love them so much. My mum's name is Venera. She is 56.
She worked at school. She is so kind and warm-hearted.
My father's name is Valera. He is 57. He is a former military man. He has a strong character and took a great part in my education.
I can say that our family is a happy family. My parents took care of me before and now. I take care of them.
We also have a big, lazy cat. He is a member of our family too. His name is Markiz. Do you have pets?
Please tell me some words about your family too. I finish here. I have to go.
I am waiting for your e-mail.
Take care!
Sincerely yours, Elena
Mail is stolen from:
Letter(s) from Anastasia Zhurov to Mike (USA)(Letter 2)
Received: from DELLL-22CEC6012 (maus.gitare714@ with plain)
From: Elena <>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.04.7) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
... written from home
Jazztel triple play services
Jazz Telecom S.A.
Anabel Segura 11
28108, Alcobendas (Madrid)
Albatros - Edificio C
Hello xxxxx!
How are you today? I'm pleased to get your e-mail. I think that I consider acquaintance through the internet more seriously now.
I'm glad that I have the computer at home and can easily reply to you.
I have a question. When you've made a profile on dating site did you think that you would be able to find a person for serious relationship?
I hope that you're serious about me. I'm tired of different games in the internet and in my life.
To my mind if a person uses dating sites he has serious purposes to find a person who will suit him. Do you agree with me?
I'd like to tell you some words about my hobby. I have free time in the evenings and at weekends.
I often go out with my friends as I told you before. I adore plays. Such performances impress me a lot.
We have good plays in our dramatic theatre. Our actors are really talented. I also like cinema, jazz concerts.
We often chat with my girlfriends in little cafes where there are not so many people.
I go to the gym twice a week. I do aerobics to keep fit.
This sport helps me to be energetic and in a good mood.
Sometimes I also read novels, classics, some foreign writers (Tekkerey, O'Henry, Golsworthy). What books do you prefer to read?
I like dancing. In my childhood I went to ball dances and I know how to move by rhythms of music.
So I go to disco-clubs too. But not so often (on holidays). Actually I listen to different music.
It depends on my mood. It can be R&B, rock, rap, classical music, pop-music.
What do you listen to? Do you like travelling? How do you spend your spare time?
Dear, I should close my letter here. I will write you as soon as I can. I look forward to your letters.
Yours Elena
Mail is stolen from:
Letter(s) from Anastasia Zhurov to Mike (USA)(Letter 3)
Received: from DELLL-22CEC6012 (maus.gitare714@ with plain)
From: Elena <>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.04.7) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
Addresses IP for Home clients
Uni2 - Woo
Hostmaster Administrator FTE
Parque Empresarial La Finca
Edificio 9
Paseo del Club Deportivo, 1
28223 Pozuelo de Alarcon
Hello my friend xxxxx!
I'm happy that you answered my letter. How do you feel? How is your mood? As for me I feel wonderful.
Today I woke up earlier than usually and the first thought was about you.
I thought that I will write you by all means supposing that you have already written a nice letter to me. I was right!
Again I have questions for you.

Do you have many friends? Are you communicative? As for me I'm talkative and sociable.
I can feel convenient in any company even if I know nobody in a company. I can find ways to have a common language between me and other people.
But the Russian proverb says: "Trust but check".
So I trust all my secrets only to my mum and to 2 my best friends: Tanya and Olga.
Tanya and me are former classmates. We were sitting at one desk since the first form. Can you imagine?

I forgot to tell you. I was born in the village (50 km from the town). When I was 3 we moved to Silikatny.
Only my granny decided to stay in the village. She says that she needs fresh air and her favorite garden,
where she's ready to work 24 hours without a break, in spite of the fact that she has a high pressure and hard work is forbidden for her.
We ask her all the time to move to our flat but she insists on staying in the cottage with her garden.
She says that work gives her strength. And she doesn't know what to do if she moves to us. We understand her.
So we try to visit her every weekend and to spend as much time as possible with her. Her eyes sparkle when we are all together.
My friend Olga is my neighbour. Her flat is above mine. We are together for more than 10 years.
She's web-designer. She has a boyfriend from England as I told you before.
Tanya is a teacher of English she has a family already: a nice husband and a wonderful kid. His name is Max. He is 4 now.
I spend a lot of time with her son because Tanya is busy very often but she doesn't have anybody who can help.
She lost her parents when she was 10. The accident... But now she's happy and I'm happy for her.
I envy her a little. I also want to create a family and to have a son as Max. He is 4 but he is so clever. He can already read and count. That's unbelievable.
Do you like children? Are you going to have a kid?
I finish here. Please write some words about the place where you live.
Good luck.
Sincerely yous, Elena
Mail is stolen from:
Letter(s) from Anastasia Zhurov to Mike (USA)(Letter 4)
Received: from DELLL-22CEC6012 (maus.gitare714@ with plain)
From: Elena <>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.04.7) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
Marcus Masche
Kabel Deutschland Vertrieb und Service GmbH
Germaniastr. 14-17
12099 Berlin
Hi dear xxxxxx!
I'm happy again to get your e-mail. You even can't imagine how happy your letters make me! So I read each of your letters with pleasure.
How was your day? What's the weather in your city? As for us, it has been raining all day long.
My mood is not so high. But now my mood is better because I have read your letter recently.
It is a pity that we live far from each other. But I believe that one day we will find a chance to see each other.
Frankly speaking I want to have someone near me who will love me, will take care of me and will respect me.
I'm tired of being strong all the time. I want to feel weak and to have a strong man to protect me from everything.
I would like to believe that one day this will happen in my life.
What are you dreaming of? What is the most valuable in your life?
I know that the first place is a family. It's the most important thing in people's life.
My mum and dad even not too old. They are rather understandable and modern. They brought me up in kindness and love.
They've never raised their hands on me. They managed to find a way to me and brought up an intelligent and hard working person.
They did their best to bring me up and to give me a good education. I'm grateful to them for everything.
I remember how tired they were both after work but still they come to me and helped with homeworks at school.
I will never forget this time. But my parents were not rich. My mum had been working at school for many years.
She taught Russian and literature and she adores kids (no matter junior or senior).
She often says that she misses children but her job is ill-paid in our country. As you know this profession is not popular.
My dad was a military man. He had been working with soldiers. He is used to giving orders (even in the family).
But he was a real professional in this affair. Now he occupies with his old car in the garage.

So my parents worked only for me to give me best things in this life.... They worked so hard and didn't get good salary.
It is unjust. As for me I don't want to live like this. I don't want to buy something good from salary to salary. It's not my cup of tea.
I want a "real" life. I want to see the world. I don't want to count every cent of my salary.
I hope I will archive my aims very soon. After it I will buy a big house for my parents and they will look after a big garden.
I want to believe that my dreams will come true!
Please tell me something about your parents too. It's interesting for me. Please tell me also about your job in detail.
How many hours a day does it take? Do you like it or do you want something better?
Ok dear, I have to finish here.
I'm looking forward to your reply.
A sensitive kiss!
Your, Elena
Mail is stolen from:
Letter(s) from Anastasia Zhurov to Mike (USA)(Letter 5)
Received: from DELLL-22CEC6012 (maus.gitare714@ with plain)
From: Elena <>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.04.7) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
Jazztel triple play services
Jazz Telecom S.A.
Anabel Segura 11
28108, Alcobendas (Madrid)
Albatros - Edificio C
Hello dear xxxxx!!!!
How are you? What are you doing?
I begin to think about you every day. Your letters raise my mood. Thank you.
Yesterday I went to the gym. I was tired so much that in the morning it was so hard to leave my bed.
Even a hot bath didn't help me. What about you? What did you do yesterday?
I also met my friend Tanya. We decided to sit in the cafe. She has some difficulties at work and wanted to consult me.
Then we were remembering our childhood. It was quite nice.
As you know I was born in the village, in the house where my granny lives now.
I don't remember it very well but I can easily imagine my granny's garden with a great amount of flowers.
She loves to grow flowers (especially chrysanthemums).
At the age of 3 I was taken to the town. My parents took me in the kindergarten.
I was a social child. So I didn't have problems with other children. But I didn't like one educator.
There were 2 educators in my group. I really adored one of them and my eyes were shining when it was her shift.
But when my mum took me to the kindergarten and I saw the other educator I began crying asking to take me home.
My mum told me this. So I think I could easily feel people when I was little.
May be this woman wasn't so kind though she didn't harm to me.
Then I went to school. My teachers were wonderful. They supported every our step.
Even now we go to visit them and congratulate on the Teacher's Day.
On the whole my childhood was happy. My parents noticed my abilities for dancing and took me to choreography nobby group.
I learnt to dance ballet dances. That was an amazing period in my life.
I was travelling to many cities with concerts. But on the 9th form I gave up dances because my partner left Silikatny
and I couldn't find another one and I didn't have good results at school.
So I had to catch up with my class. Now I'm sorry that I couldn't continue these dances. But it's ok.
So my childhood was really wonderful. Thanks to my parents of course and friends who are ready to support me any minute.
What about you? Can you tell me some words about your childhood?
I can say that my childhood helped me to clarify what I need in this life and what I must value and forget.
Ok, I finish here.
I was glad to see your letter in my mail-box today.
Have a good day. Kiss you.
Mail is stolen from:
Letter(s) from Anastasia Zhurov to Mike (USA)(Letter 6)
Received: from DELLL-22CEC6012 (maus.gitare714@ with plain)
From: Elena <>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.04.7) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
Leaseweb Germany GmbH (previously netdirekt e. K.)
Kleyerstrasse 79 / Tor 13
60326 Frankfurt am Main
Hello darling xxxxxx!!!!
Again your letter makes me feel happy! Every your letter let me learn you more and more
I hope that my letters also give you a lot of information about me. Yes?
I'm so glad that I have met you in my life. I feel that we have something in common.
Do you agree? Even the fact that we look for the second half in the Internet makes us closer to each other.
My relation to you becomes better and serious. What's a pity that we are far from each other.
I'm tired of being alone. But I feel your kindness and care from thousands of km of the distance.
Sometimes I come back home after work, I feel disappointed that noone meets me but your letters make me stronger now.
Help me to get rid of my loneliness once and for all. I want to tell you: thank you very much.
I'm sorry for such an introduction but I want you to know what I feel. You have become a good friend for me.
Yesterday I told my mum about you. I explained to her that I met a good man in the Internet.
But she treated my news skeptically. I can understand her. She doesn't want me to be deceived by you.
She loves me and wishes only good for me. I think that you won't betray me.
I'd like to say that it's very important for me to know that people won't let me down.
I hate lie, I hate when people tell lies. It's awful.
When I understand that a person begins to tell lies I stop communicating with him or her at once.
Do you trust in God? As for me I believe that there's someone above us who helps us and makes us stronger.
Now I want to tell "him": thank you that I've got acquainted with you in this huge world.
I go to church seldom because the atmosphere in Russian churches is very persevering
but I believe in "him" inside my heart. So I'm not so religious. What about you?
Sometimes it's hard to say all things in a letter even if I want it very much.
But I try to be sincere with you. I tell you what feelings I have at this moment.
You begin to play a great role in my life. Is it good or bad? =)
Today I tried to describe my thoughts directly as much as possible.
I told you what is in my mind and I want you to understand me better.
I have started to write you not on purpose to have a simple correspondence but on purpose to find a right person for me.
I finish here. I'm looking forward to your reply.
A sensitive kiss for you.
Forever your, Elena
Letter(s) from Anastasia Zhurov to Mike (USA)(Letter 6) are she continues with:
Letter(s) from Veronica to Ken (UK)(Letter 1)
Received: from DELLL-22CEC6012 (maus.gitare714@ with plain)
From: Elena <>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.04.7) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
Javier Armesto Argiz
R Cable y Telecomunicaciones Galicia S.A.
Real 85-87
15003 La Coruna
Hello my honey, xxxxx!
How are you today? You know I realize that I begin thinking of you more and more.
Your letter cheer me up for the whole day. I hope you feel the same. I realize more and more that there's something in common between us.
You're unusual. There's something in you (in your style of writing) that attracts me. That's true!
I can't explain why but it's like this. I feel that you're are a good person. You're a man of a strong character. You takes care of me like my father.
One day I told myself that I'll marry a man like my dad. I saw and followed how he cared about us. We were always in safety. My mum repeated this all the time.
Well, it's not fair to compare people but I really like your features. You're a man who I was looking for, during a lot of time. Finally I managed it! =)
Actually I want to ask you. Do you think that our characters suit each other?
From my point of view you have all the features which I respect in a man. I understand that I need only you!
Today I had a dream. I saw you in my dream. Imagine. We're sitting on the beach. There is noone except us. The sun is setting. We are drinking a red wine. You're taking my hand and beginning to hug me.
I feel your smell and my hand is going round. That's an unreadable harmony. We keep silence and can understand each other by our eyes without words.
We're beginning to kiss each other and at this very moment I hear the sound of my alarm-clock. I was ready to throw this alarm-clock. =)
But I woke up with a good thought about you. That's great. So I feel something towards you.
And now I want to know if you feel something too. I want to have reciprocity from you. It's very important for me.
Well, in this letter I told you everything what I feel. I suppose if we were speaking on phone, I wouldn't tell you all these things.
But in the letter I could put down everything. Please write me your thoughts.
Now I have to go...
I kiss you! Elena
Received: from DELLL-22CEC6012 (maus.gitare714@ with plain)
From: Elena <>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.04.7) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
Addresses IP for Home clients
Uni2 - Woo
Hostmaster Administrator FTE
Parque Empresarial La Finca
Edificio 9
Paseo del Club Deportivo, 1
28223 Pozuelo de Alarcon
Madrid, Spain
Hello my sweet, xxxxxx!!!
Are you ok? You even can't imagine what pleasure your letters bring to me.
With each your letter we become closer and closer to each other. And I want we to be so close that we could tell each other about our ideas, our secrets.
It's very important for me to know that you can listen to me at any moment and support me morally.
You know, before our acquaintance I used to ask the God to help me to find a man who will be a true friend for me.
I think that you're my man. I see a friend, a lover and a man who respects me. That makes me so happy!Do you feel the same? I hope so!

I want to be with you. Today I thought about you a lot. So now I can tell you for sure that I have fallen in love with you!
Love is such wonderful feeling. It makes me be abore the Earth, be in my dreams! I can't stop thinking of you.
My mum tells me that after our acquaintance I began to smile more. My eyes are shining. She says that I have never been so happy before.
She's glad to see me like this. I ask you only about one thing. Don't make me disappointed. I want to continue relationship with you very much. You've become a close person for me.
I wanted to tell you.... If our serious relationship continues then I will be ready to leave Russia to live with you!
Nothing keeps me here except my parents and friends, but I won't be able to live under my parents' wing forever.
I spoke to my mum about this situation and she said that she was ready to it. My honey, I have an idea. I hope you will support me with that.
I think that even if we write each other for 1, 2, 3 or more months then I suppose we will learn each other for no more than 10-20.
I don't want our relationship to develop only by Internet correspondence. I wrote you e-mails on purpose to find a good man for meeting and maybe to create a family.
But we can discuss such serious question only on a real meeting. I believe we will clarify this thing together.
I want our meeting to be real. I'd like you to treat me as a woman who is worthy and whom you're searching.
Probably after some days which we will spend together we will make clear our future and destiny. So we should decide what to do.
As for me, I want to meet you. My dear, I say all these words from my heart. I feel that you're my destiny.
I am sorry, I didn't answer your questions but I think this topic is more important for us. So please think it over and let me know. ok?
Did you think about our meeting in reality by the way? So if you're agree then where and when can we meet?
As for me I try to learn about my vacation at work.
Ok, I finish here.
I miss you!
Take care! Forever your, Elena
Received: from localhost (maus.gitare714@ with plain)
From: Elena <>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.04.7) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
Leaseweb Germany GmbH (previously netdirekt e. K.)
Kleyerstrasse 79 / Tor 13
60326 Frankfurt am Main
Hello my lovely, xxxxx!
How are you, my honey? As for me, I'm wonderful!

Can you guess who is that man?

I have never had such a strong feeling in my heart! Do you feel the same??? Every night when I go to bed I just imagine how we will spend our time together.
We will have romantic dinners with candles. We will tell each other pleasant things. We even will be able to understand each other from our eyes without any words. Do you think so?
We also will go out (to the cinema, theatre, clubs, parties, concerts and so on). After such evenings we go home on foot, hand in hand and look at night sky with a great amount of stars.
That will be unbelievable!!!! I'm dreaming of it. You're my man. You're the man whom I was dreaming of for the whole my life.
Just imagine. We live together. We have a big house out of town. Every day I wait for you and prepare special dishes.
We are a real family. Even if we are at work we can't stop thinking of each other. Can you imagine that? I believe that all these things will happen with us.
But we should do our best for it. And to my mind the first step is our meeting. Do you agree? I'd like to visit you.
I want to know how you live, your culture, traditions, habits. I want to know your family closer.
I thought a lot. I consulted my mum. She advised me to go to a travel agency. So I think it's a good idea.
I have never been abroad and if I want to visit you then I will have to have a lot of papers. I am sure. I guess I need passport and visa. So we will see. Then I let you know.
The second thing for me is taking a vacation. I didn't take it last year, so I think my boss will let me go easily.
So I will get all information and then we will decide together. Do you agree with me?
Ok my love, I finish here. I wish you a good day. Remember that there's one Russian girl who misses you!
Take care!
Your, Elena
Received: from [] (maus.gitare714@ with plain)
From: Elena <>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.04.7) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
Jazztel triple play services
Jazz Telecom S.A.
Anabel Segura 11
28108, Alcobendas (Madrid)
Albatros - Edificio C
Boris becomes careless......again Yola in the Header forgotten......and again written from Home in the morning....and as we know already: Travel agency never organize Visa
Hello my dear xxxx!
I was glad to receive letter from you . How are you?
My dear xxxx , today in a lunch break I went to travel agency and found out about my possible trip to you!
Maneger travel agency has told to me all about travel to your country.
For travel, it is necessary for me to have many various documents.
I require the Visa, the Passport for travel abroad as the policy of medical insurance and some more other documents will be necessary for me.
The travel agency can make all these documents for me.
I was very glad to hear it! But when I learned the value of all the documents, I have not been so happy ...
Manager has told that all documents, visa and all services of agency will cost 620 usd!
I certainly thought that the trip to you will cost much, but I did not think that SO expensively!!!
Now I do not know as we can meet, because I cannot pay myself for all documents necessary for me.
And I do not know where I can find the necessary money.
Now I can's hope only for your help.
I look forward to your letter.
With love, your Elena !
Received: from [] (maus.gitare714@ with plain)
From: Elena <>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.04.7) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
C/ Basauri, 5
Urbanizacion La Florida
E-28023 Aravaca,
Hello my dear xxxxxx!
I am glad to receive your letter. How your day?
You know I'm fine only one me disturbs that we with you not together.
To me so difficultly to understand that I should wait still for a long time for the first time to see you as it is a pity that all depends on money in our world.
Today there was simply awful weather. You will not believe but Since the morning there was an opposite rain and
At me the mood was gone. But I have recollected that I have you my tender
And my mood has risen at once as though it and did not vanish. Here that with me does love to you.
Should you tell that I very strongly miss you and I wait for ours with you of a meeting. More soon this moment. Sometimes I represent as we go
With you also it is held each other for a hand and all look at us and we envy us that very good pair.
My darling, you can help with payment of my documents?
If you want, tomorrow I will go to bank and I learn all information on that as you can help me. OK?
xxxxx, that you support thanks during the difficult moment.
I think of you......
I with impatience wait for your letter.
Your Elena
Received: from localhost (maus.gitare714@ with plain)
From: Elena <>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.04.7) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
Leaseweb Germany GmbH (previously netdirekt e. K.)
Kleyerstrasse 79 / Tor 13
60326 Frankfurt am Main
Hello my darling xxxxx!
I was glad to receive your letter.
My dear, today I went to bank and all have learnt about a way of transfer of money.
In bank to me have told, that now the greatest and reliable system of transfer of money - "Western Union".
The clerk in bank has told to me all about this system. All looks simply enough and reliably.
For transfer of money my full name and my address is required to you:
Full name: Elena Murkis
city - Yoshkar-Ola
Russia, 424000
As your full name and the address will be necessary for me.
And the most important thing, I should know control number of a remittance (MTCN).
You should receive it in Western Union when you will send money.
So, all seems simply enough.
I with impatience wait for your letter.
Your Elena
Received: from DELLL-22CEC6012 (maus.gitare714@ with plain)
From: Elena <>
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Addresses IP for Home clients
Uni2 - Woo
Hostmaster Administrator FTE
Parque Empresarial La Finca
Edificio 9
Paseo del Club Deportivo, 1
28223 Pozuelo de Alarcon
Madrid, Spain
Good evening my darling xxxxx!
I am again glad to receive your letter.
My darling, I spoke in my bank and have told, that so I cannot receive this money. As my passport is registered in city Yoshkar-Ola. And consequently you should send there this money.
xxxxx, questions have gone to me and I will answer them.
Yoshkar-Ola address
Street: Proletarskaya 8.
Now I will make a supper.
I think of you...........
Received: from localhost (maus.gitare714@ with plain)
From: Elena <>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.04.7) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
Leaseweb Germany GmbH (previously netdirekt e. K.)
Kleyerstrasse 79 / Tor 13
60326 Frankfurt am Main
Hello my darling xxxxx!
I am glad to receive your letter. How your day?
My darling, yes I know, that there is such distance.
I will not send a copy of mine documents. It is impossible to send documents to Russia to other people. As it is illegal.
By means of documents at us can receive the credit.
xxxxx, I wait for questions to answer your bank.
Really all so is difficult, that we have met?
I was a little afflicted in it. I thought, that we without problems will meet and we will be together. But it not so.
Now I should go again for work.
I think of you...........
I with impatience wait for your letter.
Your Elena
Received: from localhost (maus.gitare714@ with plain)
From: Elena <>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.04.7) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
Leaseweb Germany GmbH (previously netdirekt e. K.)
Kleyerstrasse 79 / Tor 13
60326 Frankfurt am Main
Your money is not necessary to me. Take away your money. I wanted only our meeting. And you think only of you.
I will not send my documents to other person.
Received: from localhost (maus.gitare714@ with plain)
From: Elena <>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.04.7) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
Leaseweb Germany GmbH (previously netdirekt e. K.)
Kleyerstrasse 79 / Tor 13
60326 Frankfurt am Main
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