She appeared today out of the blue in my FOD-Postaccount. I don't know her and she's definately not from FOD.
I think you are astonished to get my letter, so I will
try to explain. My name is Olga and I live in Russia and
I am going to take a vacation from work in a week and
leave my country before September. I would like to combine
rest and work and also I am single and open for relations
and if you do not mind we can start correspondence. I've
heard foreign guys are kind intelligent and smart. Internet
new thing for me and I do not know what exactly you would
like to hear, maybe something about my life.
To tell you honestly I do not know are you free and single
or in relationship, but if you interested in me we can be
friends and maybe more if you do not mind.
Well, few words about myself: I am nice and sexy, not so
tall (168 cm), 24 years old blond lady with brown eyes.
Currently single and not in relations more than a half year.
My past relations were serious only from my side, he was older
me (40 y.o.) with 2 children and ex-wife and I was always
number 2 or 3 for him. I am tired of it, not because of age
difference, and left him. It was hard for me, but I
did it because I wanted something serious from him, but
he told me he will never get married anymore. I think I was
just a girl for one night for him. He still trying to start
with me over and over, but I simply do not pick up the phone.
I do not want to get married now because now my plans - change
my life for a few months and I decided to try relations with
foreign men. We can try to be friends or lovers and if something
will work out I'll be happy. If not I go back to Russia.
Well story of my life simple like many other girls. I want to
find my soul mate, but guys in Russia are rude and I can say
nasty, just want physical relations without love. I hope I
don't bother you because I write long letter without end:-)
Maybe because my profession - teacher of Russian language,
I work at school in Omsk after I finished University.
As you already see my English on normal level. I can write,
read and speak without translator.
My last working day will be in 4 days because I am getting
big summer vacation. My director will sign the statement
on holiday and I'll be free:-) I would like to meet if you
want it, of course first we should learn each other.
You should tell me where you are now and can we meet in your
area. I mean name of the international airport where you can
pick me and name of the city where you currently live.
I would like to find job and place to stay in your city and
I hope you can help me to find or will offer me something.
If you have questions ask me anything you want.
I attached few photos, hope you will like, send me your
photos too if you can.
Warm regards from Olga
Received: from (sexyolga385@ with plain)
From: Olga <>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v4.0.18)
...written from Home
Dedicated Server Hosting
Redstation Admin Role
Redstation Limited
2 Frater Gate Business Park
Aerodrome Road
PO13 0GW
Typical trick........maybe already busted Emailaddy
I am so sorry I can't send you a letter earlier because
I forgot password from my e-mail and I decided to create
new one so please write to me back only on:
Hello xxxxxxx!
Thanks for the reply! I decided to send you few more photos!
Today I spoke with mom and dad about my trip and I told
them about you, they little worry as all normal parents but
they respect my decision and do not want to change my plans.
Of course I'll be miss them because few months not at home
will be my first experience.
You know I never dated with a foreign men in my life and I just
want to make sure that you're right, good and kind person.
I am really looking forward for our meeting, I am serious about
everything and I think in 2 weeks or maybe earlier we can meet
in your city. Few questions I would like you to answer. Do you
like to dance, watching movies, go to church, travel? My religion
- Christian and I try to go to church every Sunday. Are you
religious person xxxxxx? I like to travel and I've been to
many cities in Russia, but been abroad only in Egypt and Turkey.
I like animals especially dogs because they always love their
owners and never treat. Omsk where I live population about 1
million people. Tell me something about your area? But the main
and the most pleasure difference between our countries - climate.
And as I know from school books weather in your area is warmer.
I am tired of winters, I think we have 9 months winter in Russia:-)
I would like to live in quite place, to tell you honestly I
do not really like big cities but of course in big cities you
always can find good job. So for me it does not matter where to
live - the main thing job and place to stay and if you can offer
it to me I'll be so pleased you darling. Well, I am going to
quit now. I'm looking forward for your next letter.
With kind regards,
Received: from (olgashmak@ with plain)
From: Olga <>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v4.0.18) Professional
...written from Home
Dedicated Server Hosting
Redstation Admin Role
Redstation Limited
2 Frater Gate Business Park
Aerodrome Road
PO13 0GW
Hello xxxxxx, I'll be short!!!
How are you today? I hope fine. I have a good news for you.
I have spoke with travel company and Embassy in Moscow
about my trip to you and they'll be waiting for me in the
middle of next week. So xxxxxx from tomorrow
I will prepare my trip to Moscow. I'm planning to buy ticket
and I already checked for a flights and hotel, I think I
will land in Moscow in a few days and I will have time enough
during the week to organize trip to you. So again, please
it is very very important!!! I hope you're happy and excited.
I still do not know how long does it takes before we can meet
each other but I hope it will be soon and next week I will know
for sure exact date. I live very far from capital of our country,
about 2500 km, but from other side just 3-4 hours by plane.
I attached 2 more photos. I will write back tomorrow.
Have a nice time Robert,
Yours Olga
Received: from (olgashmak@ with plain)
From: Olga <>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v4.0.18) Professional
... written from Home
Dedicated Server Hosting
Redstation Admin Role
Redstation Limited
2 Frater Gate Business Park
Aerodrome Road
PO13 0GW
My dear I come back from the Aeroflot office and I have a great news.
I have bought airline ticket on Wednesday morning and now I will start
packing my bags and getting ready for a flight. My parents will
transfer me at airport and will help me to get on the flight. I also
booked room at one good and not so expensive 3 star hotel not so
far from center in Moscow through travel company I found. I booked
room for few days because I still do not know when I will
get on flight to you. They said they have transfer service so they
will pick me up from the airport and will arrive me directly into
the hotel. I am getting excited because my big journey to you
finally started. Hotel have wifi and Internet cafe in lobby place
so I can log in from there and check my mail. I will inform you
about all news. Just wish me a luck. I wanted to make something
special for you and I shoot video of myself and attached I want
you to know how serious I am about coming to you.
Yours Olga
Received: from (olgashmak@ with plain)
From: Olga <>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v4.0.18) Professional
Dedicated Server Hosting
Redstation Admin Role
Redstation Limited
2 Frater Gate Business Park
Aerodrome Road
PO13 0GW
She send me today the same Video from 13/06/10 with the date from Monday. In this Video she uses definately a other name but unfortunately I can nothing do.......wait for the BTA......
How expected, she still sit with her Butt at home and fooling can only end up in this famous last Minute "BTA-Scam" on the Airport/Customs......
Hi xxxxxxx,
I land in Moscow today, now in a hotel writing you from their
computer. Have visited travel company and they confirmed day
and time of my interview and advised me to buy tickets asap,
do not late and show up on interview in time.
I want to have a rest today so badly and tomorrow morning I am
going to visit travel company again. I'm going to buy tickets
to you and will e-mail you flight details when I will get it
done I just hope you're happy and excited as I am.
Attached photo from my last vacation.
Yours Olga
Received: from (olgashmak@ with plain)
From: Olga <>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v4.0.18) Professional
Dedicated Server Hosting
Redstation Admin Role
Redstation Limited
2 Frater Gate Business Park
Aerodrome Road
PO13 0GW
...seems we get now a other Scenario........
Hello again xxxxxxxx!
I just come back from travel company. Seems to me hundreds of people here
decided to fly abroad during couple of days and have bought all cheap
tickets and price I checked before via Internet did not matched with real
price I got today. But it was just a peanuts after office manager gave me
my card back and told me that I do not have necessary funds for a payment.
I was wondered why and asked manager call to bank and ask what is going on.
My work should pay me vacation salary and I thought money should be there
already but in bank told funds are not arrived and will arrive only in
the middle of July. As you already know I should show up on visa interview
this coming Monday and should pay for the travel package before 2 of July,
but I do not have cash available. Total price (round-trip tickets + visa
fee and medical insurance) if convert in USA dollars - 1400. I had some cash
500 dollars and I paid it there. I had more money few days ago but I already
spent on ticket from Omsk to Moscow and paid for the hotel room and I will
need 900 dollars in cash as soon as possible, by Monday morning the latest
- pay the rest for the travel package. xxxxxx can you help me
with the money? As soon as funds from work will arrive on my card I will
get it from ATM and will give it back, I can get it anywhere in the world
from my card.

try to help me during couple of days. I really need your urgent help.
Now about how to send. When I went out from the travel company I get in to
the bank and asked clerk how to send money from you to Moscow. You should
find any local Western Union office and send cash on my full name:
Olga Shmakawa to Moscow, Russia. If they will ask Western Union address:
125171, Moscow, Leningradskoe sh, 16/1. When you will get it done e-mail
me your full name and money transfer number - MTCN. If you want you can
contact travel agency and check. web site e-mail
I still do not have flight details, I will e-mail information about flight
to you as soon as I will pay the rest for the travel package.
My flight departure from Moscow to you on next Wednesday - 4 of July.
Return flight with open date during 90 days. I just pray you will help me
xxxxxx because I have nobody here in Moscow who can borrow me
the money. My parents already gave me all they had before my departure to
Moscow. So you are the only one and my last hope. I promise to give you
money back in 2-3 weeks. I do not want to go back home because I am almost
in your arms. Write to me back as soon as you will read it.
Yours Olga
Received: from (olgashmak@ with plain)
From: Olga <>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v4.0.18) Professional
Dedicated Server Hosting
Redstation Admin Role
Redstation Limited
2 Frater Gate Business Park
Aerodrome Road
PO13 0GW
Dear xxxxxxxx,
Western union clerk said all you need for a transfer just my full
name, name of the city and country and when you will send money
you should e-mail me your full name and Money Transfer Control Number.
That is all you need for western union, you said something about
million questions this is not truth. Yes I have my ID and I have
also a copy saved in my mail box so I am sending it to you for your
safety, maybe to feel more comfortable but no questions. For me
is nothing to hide and I am honest and serious person. I hope you
are serious too and not playing games anyway I will not it soon.
I'm sending you a copy of my ID - this is document so I just ask
you to be serious it private stuff between you and me, I hope you
understand. So all you need is bring cash to WU and send it on my
name. I'll be waiting for western union details from you and
I hope you will take care about it shortly. If not I have to go back
home. If you want me there everything in your hands now if you
playing I will know soon. Olga
Received: from (olgashmak@ with plain)
From: Olga <>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v4.0.18) Professional
Dedicated Server Hosting
Redstation Admin Role
Redstation Limited
2 Frater Gate Business Park
Aerodrome Road
PO13 0GW
We know her already and also her Video. I'm going to link her with
ReplyDeleteBonsoir Je te trouve super belle et charmante j'aimerai bien faire ta connaissance si tu veux bien sur?