Pic give Hits in a russian Chatpage; in HoneyContacts for Helen; 25 years old from Belleville, Michigan, United States
Nice Holiday- and Hotelpic
She's the one with the Dog!
Contact me Friday in MBN as
Full Name Helen Tretyakova
UID 171785
Birth Year 1986
City Lugansk
Country Ukraine
Sex Woman
Hello, how you doing? My name is Helen, I am 25 years old. I live in Ukraine. I’m slim long-haired girl who is tired ob being lonely and wants to meet real love. I have a lot friends from school and from university and I like to spend my free time with them. I work as a singer. It is rather interesting and not very hard work, but it is not very well paid. I work 6 days a week and on weekends I usually like to visit my relatives or to go to some new place.
hello man!
Hi, it is nice to meet you, my new friend

My e-mail address is tretyahelen@meta.ua
I will answer to you very quickly
Bye-bye, kisses!!!
Hello,xxxxxx, its me ELENA, do you remember who I am, girl from Ukraine to
whom you wrote your mail address...Thanks for it, happy to know you
I feel so lonely here, the one person who is missing, its my beloved, that`s why I`m here for searching good man, for relationship for love and creating family together. He should be a simple man, but for me the best in this worldJ I`m a real serious girl, who wants to find someone, who can give me love, tenderness, and give me possibility to take care of him, love him and take care of our family, and express my mother`s love to children.
I hope only you are such man and I will be so glad to know more about you and time will tell us what will be in our futureJ
I hope soon to see your letter back! And with pleasure answer to your questions
Please pay attention to me:)
P.S. I`m sitting here; missing
Waiting letter from you with big kissing,
Hope that you my dear, ready
To communicate with me already

Write me, call me I`m waiting
You will be really my “native” (Close) person,
And we are happy see each other and I don`t want meet another…
Received: from 49-211-112-92.pool.ukrtel.net ([]:26542 helo=[])
From: tretyahelen@meta.ua
Remiga Alexander
18, Shevchenko blvd
Ukraine, Kiev
... written 01:07pm from home........
Hi, sweet, xxxxx thank you, for answer:) I`m too happy see your
I`m Helen… And now I`m 25, soon will be 26. Now I live in Kirovsk, its small town, on Eastern part of Ukraine
How old are you? Who are you in this life?
I`m looking for my beloved person, who can be my second half, who is
feeling lonely, who is kind tender sincere, romantic, who will be glad
to have family full of love, emotion, feelings, and trust. I hope you
are looking for the same, I will be glad to know more about you: your
feelings, your attitude to life, your hope and dreams. I descend from
the family of the office-workers. I am an only child in the family. I
am a singer. I finished University last year, for class singer of
romans. Now I`m singing on different concerts, I am always very busy,
but when I am free I like to read books. My favorite writer is Ernest
Hemingway. I like to go to the museums and art galleries. My favorite
painter is Rembrandt van Rijn. I have a lot of friends. But my best
friend is Natalie. I like to travel. My parents and I have visited
many ancient Russian towns. I am on friendly terms with my parents. I
am very happy... At the same time, I`m working in a rich family like a
teacher of music for children there… It everything takes a lot of
time. But nevertheless I find a spare minute to have a rest and do
what I want and like. As far as the music goes I like listening to the
German group Ram stein and other groups of this type. I like Russian
and foreign pop-music, too. Sometimes I read books and magazines. I
like detective stories. From time to time I watch TV but I do it only
when I eat because I have not so much free time.. Sometimes I help my
parents about the house – I do some work in the kitchen-garden, feed
our poultry and animals. Very seldom I travel to the mountains with my
friends to get some fresh air and forget about my problems. What about
you? What you like to do in free time?
If you want to know something about me, please ask and I try to answer.
Waiting your letter. Hug you and kiss chicks
Mail is stolen from Veronika <candyveronika@meta.ua> in anti-scam.de from 01/04/10
Hellо,xxxx! Nice tо receive yоur letter аgаin! To know you much
better:) I guess u wish tо knоw mоre аbоut me. I’m 25 yeаrs оld аnd
I’m living in nice tоwn Kirovsk. I descend from the family of the
office-workers. I am an only child in the family. I am a singer. I
finished University last year, for class singer of romans. Now I`m
singing on different concerts. At the same time, I`m working in a rich
family like a teacher of music for children there… It everything takes
a lot of time. But nevertheless I find a spare minute to have a rest
and do what I want and like. As far as the music goes I like listening
to the German group Ram stein and other groups of this type. I like
Russian and foreign pop-music, too. Sometimes I read books and
magazines. I like detective stories. Certаinly, I hаve one more hоbby. It’s
very оrdinаry hоbby – I like cооking! But аctuаlly nоt very оrdinаry –
I like tо experiment with cuisine оf different cоuntries. Lust time I
cооked Pоlаnd vegetаble sоup: with cоrn, pоtаtоes, rise, pepper… I
think I dоn’t wаnt tо tell u the whоle
recipe оf it. By the wаy, dо u like tо tаste different kind оf fооd?
We hаve оne gооd
fаmily trаditiоn – every weekend we аre gаthering tоgether аrоund the
tаble, my relаtives аnd clоse friends аnd just enjоy tаlking tо eаch
оther. Dо u hаve sоme fаmily trаditiоns? I’d lоve tо knоw it! I wаnt
seriоus relаtiоns. I'm lооking nоt fоr а bоy friend; I'm lооking fоr а
husbаnd fоr me аnd fоr fаther fоr оur future children. Yоu knоw thаt
my intentiоns аre reаlly very seriоus. I аbsоlutely dоn't like when
peоple cаn't trust eаch оther аnd I hаte when they lie. I think nоbоdy
cаn tell the truth аll the time, becаuse sоmetimes yоu cаn hurt
sоmeоne if yоu tell the truth, there аre situаtiоns when yоu tell lie
yоu'll sаve persоn's life оr mаybe his feelings, but it's аlsо very
impоrtаnt. But I wаnt tо tell yоu thаt I аlwаys TRY tо tell the truth
оnly. I аlsо wаnt tо heаr оnly the truth in аnswer. I think thаt it's
very impоrtаnt, becаuse every relаtiоn, friendship аnd lоve аlsо hаs
tо be built оn trust. I think thаt it's а very gооd fоundаtiоn. I аlsо
wаnt tо creаte my оwn fаmily with children, оf cоurse. Yоu knоw Ithink thаt children аre the best we cаn hаve in the life. They аre the
flоwers оf оur life аnd оur hаppiness. They аre the оnly we need tо
live fоr. Sо I wаnt tо hаve а whоle fаmily, а husbаnd I cаn trust in
everything аnd he аlsо cаn trust me аnd оur children. Whаt dо yоu
think аbоut fаmily life??? Whаt fаmily dо yоu wish tо hаve??? I wаnt
nоw tо stоp tаlking аbоut myself аnd аsk
аbоut yоurself. I wаnt tо knоw аbоut yоur fаmily, yоur interests sо
I've ask her about her Holiday and this Hotel pic......how usual when Boris send Scripts.....the answer comes always short on the end of the script as PS.
Hello, xxxxx... How are you?
Thank you for letter...I`m glad to know you much better
Also I read about your wishes about family, and whom you want
to find, I understand your feelings...
As for me, I want to have own family, I wrote for you about it
before, but I don`t know where I live with my beloved man, and where I
meet him, who knows may be one day, I can come to him, I also not for
games, and afraid to be deceived...For me is not important age
differences, and where lives this man, if I love someone I can come to
him, for me its not a problem...
I see that you are serious man, who just wants to be happy
with beloved woman, as for me I want the same, I want to find man, who
can teach me to live, to love to feel... Man who can open for me the
world and show all charms of love and family. Who can be for me
friend, brother, father and husband. And from my site I give him
everything what I can: my love, tenderness, care, everything what he
wants to have…
Know, here a lot of men, who are drink a lot, yes,
its awful, in my country I see a lot of examples, when man beats his
wife, when he is rude, say rude words, I cannot transfer it for you.
They do it, because know, that here in Ukraine more women then men,
and each of feminine wants to be happy, want to have husband and
children and don`t pay attention with whom she lives. I don`t want
such life for me and decide to find man abroad, I don`t know is it
good idea, but now when I start to communicate with you, I start to
think that you are great, you understand me, and very brought up
I also want to create my own family with children, of
course.You don`t want to have them, do you????
You know I think that children are the best we can have in the
life. They are the flowers of our life and our happiness. They are the
only we need to live for. So I want to have a whole family, a husband
I can trust in everything and he also can trust me and our children.
Ok, I tell you a lot about this problem, may be you write me
your thoughts about it too...
Wait your letter;) Wish you good weekend!
P.S. Sorry dear I can`t understand your question about Which Hotel I will be?
And for holiday, I don`t know...
Mail is stolen from:
Nataly <easygirl@meta.ua>; 29. June 2010
http://anti-scam.de/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB. ... 1277772972
Letter(s) from Ekaterina to Jonathan (USA)(Letter 2)
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