Pic 2 we can find in (with another Emailaddy) dorothymantooth_tumblr_com as tata_tatyana@yahoo.com

Attack from the Underground. I don't know her and she's definately not from DMF/24Luv or FID.
Hello my new friend!
I am very glad that you have answered my letter. As you know, my name is Marina.
I want to be fair... I thought that you more sociable. Now I have read your short letter. I am rather surprised by your brevity... You the modest man?
Now acquaintance on the Internet popularly in the whole World. Absolutely not important, what distance will finish us. We can communicate here and learn each other. You agree? Please, your photos have gone to me.
It is assured that at you a beautiful smile. Viewing of your photos will help me to learn better you and your life.
I have found yours Email on a dating site. I want to communicate with you, to be your friend.
Now I to you have a feeling is a curiosity. It is interesting to me to continue acquaintance to you, and I hope that my letter does not become finishing in our dialogue...
We with you live in the countries which have various mentality. In an everyday life we speak different languages. Even a climate in our countries the different. All it does not frighten me! You the man, and
I think that our communication also will not frighten you. I wait that you will not ignore my letter, and will answer me. I want to tell that that I live in Russia!
Received: from 219-98-pptp.orionet.ru (marinasova@ with plain)
From: Marina <marinasova@yahoo.com>
Charter Communications
OrgId: CC04
Address: 12405 Powerscourt Dr.
City: St. Louis
StateProv: MO
PostalCode: 63131
Country: US
... written at 7pm.........
Good afternoon xxxxx,
It again I! At you good mood? I waited today to see your letter. I had a confidence that you will write me the letter. Last night, I wanted to look at the letter from you, but I did not have an Internet. Now I on work.
It is convenient to me to write letters from work.
xxxxx, I think that I should continue to tell to you about the life. I never was married. I do not have children, but I love children and children love me!
I the woman! I dream of usual female happiness. I want to establish a family. I want to wait for the husband from work, and to make a supper for all families. I want to plan the future together with the husband.
I dream of the family centre and a cosiness. It what does not suffice me here. Russia the huge country, here there live the most different people. However, I have not met the man to whom I will have feelings.
Many my friends already married... I am assured that at you also some friends already have a family
I do not have a lot of free time because I work much. When I have a free time, I spend him variously.
I work as the bookkeeper in company "VAZ" It is very known company of cars across Russia. I manage financial department. My work demands from me gravity, attentiveness, diligence. At me there are these qualities.
I like work with documents.
I have a higher education. xxxxx, what formation at you?
My work brings in my the stable good income. I have moral satisfaction from the work. I do not live to work.
xxxxx, please, tell to me about your country. It is interesting to me to learn your life... How you spend every day? In the country you met people from Russia? You have hobby?
I live in the city of Samara, in our city river Samarka proceeds. I will try to send to you of a photo of the city. You like to visit a beach? Please, do not become angry that I set to you many questions.
I want to learn you better. It is pleasant to me to realise that you find for me time and read my letters. You wait my letters?
I send you the photos which have been made past winter.
I should continue to work now. Thanks for your attention. I hope that my letter was not boring for you. Marina
Received: from 219-98-pptp.orionet.ru (marinasova@ with plain)
From: Marina <marinasova@yahoo.com>
Charter Communications
OrgId: CC04
Address: 12405 Powerscourt Dr.
City: St. Louis
StateProv: MO
PostalCode: 63131
Country: US
Hello my friend xxxxx,
Thanks for that you find time for me. I feel your attention, and certainly it is pleasant for me. Please, do not leave my questions without the answer. I try to answer all your questions also.
Today having come for work, I have read your letter. I did not have time what to write you at once the answer. I try to present, than you are engaged during this or that moment of time.
Now I have free time, and I write you the letter...
I read your letters and I write you my letters from my office. I have the house computer, but to me yet have not connected the Internet. But I hope that it will soon connect also I can write to you from the house. Unfortunately, on my office computer there are no skype, web cam, and other similar programs for a chat. But I will give you my phone number 8938-709-38-13. I do not know a difference in time between us and I do not know what preliminary selection you should use. Possibly, it expensively to call from your country to Russia. So I did not try to call and I do not know at all!
As you did not see my profile, I want to give you the information on me. I was born 07. January, 1975. To me of 36 years! On zodiac sign I the Capricorn. I do not trust in horoscopes. I think that our destiny depends not on stars,
and from us. Our life in our hands. And our future depends only on us. My growth 5,7. My weight of 57 kg. I have grey eyes and a fair hair, I the natural blonde. I do not paint my hair. When your birthday? Though, the
difference at our age cannot become a problem for our dialogue. The friendship can unite any age.
How are you? At you good mood now? I want, that together with my letter, to your person the smile has come. xxxxx when I read your letter, and I write you the answer, I forget that I am on work. I try to present that
I communicate with you. It would be fine, if we lived in one city... We could will meet in cafe and to have conversation in a reality. You like thought on it? I think that it can sometime happen in the future.
Always I trust in the best. Yes, I the optimist! I like our dialogue. In each your letter, I learn about you and your life. Please, send me photos. Viewing of your photos will help me to learn better you and your life.
I want to learn you better, and I see prospects of our dialogue.
I very much like reading... When I start to read the book, I cannot stop and I cannot be distracted. Most of all I like such authors, as Paolo Koelyo, Edward Albee Franklin, Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Recently
I have read the novel "Three Tall Women". I do not have not enough words to express delight from reading and huge gratitude to the author. I prefer to read books in the winter when in the street it is cold.
I like to take cover a plaid and to enjoy reading of the good book. As to music... To what music you prefer to listen? I like various music, in many it depends on my mood. Recently I prefer to listen to electronic music,
trance, and also I like to relax under classical music. I like the Latin American music.
In the last letter I asked you about a hobby... I have hobby. I collect soft toys. Please, do not laugh over me. I very much like soft toys. Already I rather big, but my hobby have remained from the childhood.
Also I have a big collection of culinary recipes. Since the childhood, I spent much time on kitchen together with my mum. Mum has taught me to prepare many various dishes. You are familiar with Russian cuisine?
I will be glad to acquaint you with Russian cuisine in the future. Often we together with girlfriends gather at my place. I like to surprise girlfriends new dishes. What kitchens it is pleasant to you?
It is pleasant to me Mexican, Italian.
It is necessary for me to go to continue to work now. Together with the letter, I send you a new photo which has been made at home at parents.
I with impatience will wait for your following letter. Please, tell to me answers to my questions. It is necessary for me to hear them. Marina
Received: from 219-98-pptp.orionet.ru (marinasova@ with plain)
From: Marina <marinasova@yahoo.com>
Address: Private Address
City: San Francisco
StateProv: CA
PostalCode: 94107
Country: US
Now we know that she's also driving of spare tires under this Emailaddy: marinaalgassova@yahoo.com
Hi xxxxx,
Today I did not have a good mood since the morning... When I went for work in the car. I saw awful failure 13 persons from them 6 children were lost. Was very awful to look at this failure as though the lump in a throat has got stuck.
xxxxx, How are you doing? I Hope that your day today, better, than at me... I did not have a good mood in the morning, but now I see your letter.
Your letters bring to me pleasure. It is very fine to have sensation that in the World there is a man to whom I am necessary. You wait my letters, and it is rather pleasant to me to know about it. I try to check mail every day,
but sometimes at me it is impossible to do it. Excuse me when I cannot write the letter to you at once. I want, that you knew that I think of your letter.
You like to visit a cinema hall or to watch house film? I have a big collection DVD of the house. About 2000 thousand disks. However, I like to watch film on the big screen. I like melodramas, comedies, adventures. What genres
of films are pleasant to you? You like a museum or theatres? I like to visit a museum and as theatres. I go to theatre with parents so they very much to like to look at performance and performance.
xxxxx, now I want to acquaint you with the family. My parents very kind and sympathetic people. I am grateful to the parents for education which they have given me. I consider that the future of the person depends
on education at early age. Never I was the spoilt girl. Now I already adult also conduct independent life, however often I come to the house of my parents. I help always mine to mum and the father. Also I have brother and the sister.
To my brother of 43 years, it is married. It already has two children the boy and a daughter. I think I will send a joint photo. The name of my brother Vladimir, it together with the wife lives in the city of St.-Petersburg.
We do not meet frequently, but we speak by phone almost every day. The name of my sister Elena, to it of 23 years, it studies institute. My sister lives together with parents. To it 83 years My mum call a name of my father
Volodja Margatina, it 62 years. I the father mum is more senior for 21 year. All age are obedient to love. They are very happy.
Often all of us together gather in the house of my parents.
xxxxx, please, tell to me how you represent the future wife? What qualities the girl of your dream should possess? I have a chance to be your wife? These are very important questions for me, and I want,
that you have sincerely answered me each of them.
I send now to you new photos. They have been made more recently, on a photo the wife of my brother and his daughter Inessa!
I with impatience will wait for your following letter. Please, tell to me answers to my questions. It is necessary for me to hear them. Marina
Received: from 219-98-pptp.orionet.ru (marinasova@ with plain)
From: Marina <marinasova@yahoo.com>
Infanet CJSC
Yaroslavskaya str., 30
428003, Cheboksary,
The Distance between Samara (Samara) and Cheboksary (Chuvashia) is :
375.46 kilometers (km).
The approximately estimated travel/road distance can be around 431.78 km to 469.32 km
Good afternoon xxxxxx,
Thanks for answers to my questions. Lines of your letter bring pleasure for me. How there was your day yesterday? I while away evening remembering your letter, and also I try to present, than you occupy during this or that moment
of time. Thoughts on you bring to me pleasure. I also hope that you think of me!
You to somebody have told about ours with you dialogue? I said to nobody that now I have a friend in other country. I promise that I will speak to nobody about ours with you dialogue. Some people are very envious, and
I very much do not like it. Our dialogue, is ours with you pleasure. xxxxxx, it is interesting to me to receive your letters, and I like to learn new about you and your life.
You very nice man. I like your way of life. Thanks to your letters, I can feel your private world. For me the great value, than external beauty has private world of the person more. You understand me? What do you estimate
in the girl at the first meeting? You attach great value of appearance or to private world? I want, that you have answered my questions. Please, do not ignore them.
Photos which I send you today have been made more recently. My friend has helped me to make them. I hope that you like my photos.
I have thought and have decided that I will take vacation. Because I can use my holiday to meet you. Certainly, if you want our meeting too. I have holiday of 41 days. I can spend all 41 days at once or divide on two weeks.
xxxxxx, what you think? It will be fine, if we spend holiday in common? You will have holiday soon? I would be glad to communicate to you in a reality. Knowledge of my English language to us to allow to have without
effort dialogue in a reality. We write our letters each other. But even one thousand letters will not replace one real meeting. Never before, I did not communicate with men from other country. You the unique man to whom I write.
It is new to me, interesting. Now I have no man. I have no friend. My last relations with the man have ended three years ago. I had the friend and I thought, we will be together all life. We lived in my apartment of 6 months.
But then I have learnt that it changed to me. To me it was very sick and it is insulting. We have talked to it frankly and have left. We have left without quarrels and scandals. I was disappointed in it. Since then I had no man.
I do not search for short-term relations. I want to find the unique man with whom I will spend my life. Life is short also I do not want to spend it in vain. My mum says that life is too short to spend it for senseless relations.
I do not want to play game. The man of my dream should be fair, frank, kind, careful and with sense of humour. My man should be reliable protection and a strong support of our family. I think that in relations between the man
and the woman there should be an Understanding, trust, friendship and, naturally, love! Without these qualities of the relation cannot be high-grade. I hate lie, cowardice, Insidiousness, self-interest.
What qualities in women are appreciated by you, xxxxx?
I do not have bad habits. I do not smoke. I care of the health. I do not drink alcohol, during a celebration I can sometimes drink a red wine glass.
Please, tell to me, you prefer what rest? You like the noisy companies in discos or you prefer quiet rest? As to me earlier I very much loved the noisy companies. I liked to have fun, and was soul of the company.
There were now some changes in my life, probably it is caused by that I became adult. It is much more pleasant to me to have now rest in the small company of my friends in cosy cafe. I dream of romantic evening with the beloved.
You the romanticist? You like to surprise the girl? I like romanticism... I like to observe of stars, I like to have supper at candles. Also I like to dance dance under slow music... However, already very much for
a long time I had no all it.
xxxxxx, I hope that you are not complicated by my questions. If I am too curious, you can tell to me about it. I trust you, and I hope that you also trust me.
In your house there are pets? I have no pets, but always I dreamt of a dog. I live one in apartment, and conditions of my life do not allow me to have a dog. The matter is that I am a lot of time I spend on work,
sometimes I should leave a city in business trips. I do not want, that the dog remained without supervision, besides leaving is always necessary to pets. You agree with me? I remember, when I was small,
I have found in the street lonely a cat, it plaintively peeped. I have brought a cat in the house, and my parents have been very surprised. However mum and the father were not against the cat remained
to live together with us. Now he has already grown, and till now lives in the house of my parents. I kind and very trustful girl.
I should go now.
Please, write me the letter, in the near future. I wait answers to my questions. Also I will be glad to see your questions, and I will try to answer them. Marina
Received: from Tiesto (marinasova@ with plain)
From: Marina <marinasova@yahoo.com>
... seems Boris likes Techno music.....
Comcast Cable Communications, Inc.
Address: 1800 Bishops Gate Blvd
City: Mt Laurel
StateProv: NJ
PostalCode: 08054
Country: US
Seems "she" lost the Overview coz she send me the same Mail from Dec. 6th. once more. Between we got another Emailaddy from her under which she's also busy: marinaalgaisova@yahoo.com
Today she send me the same Letter from Dec. 7th. once more. Seems that Boris drink when he write or take something.....
Today she send me the same letter from Dec. 8th. once more.
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