Attack from the Underground....don't know her.....
Good day
My name is Alena. I think my email for you is has surprised. And i hope it
is a nice surprise.
I think you will have a question about "where did i find yours email
address. I used a services of serious attitudesagency.
They asked me what kind of men i like, and then they Acquaint me to start a
correspondence with you via email.
This agency Has offered me that your email address they found at dating
As i said you before my name is Alena. And i am 31 years old. And i am
absolutely lonely girl.
I was born and live now in Russia in small town in central part. The name
of my town is Glazov.
My birthday is 21 of August 1979. I have no children, but i love them.
I work as a librarian in school library. I like read books very much, and i
Joyful that my work with books and children.
Maybe learning more about each other we can have serious relations.
I search my love. I want
to have serious relations.
It is a little about myself. I hope it was interesting for you.
I will be waiting your answer very much.
You will interest at my letter
Yours new friend from Russia. Alena.
Received-SPF: neutral (google.com: is neither permitted nor denied by best guess record for domain of jamesi5521cjuqo@yahoo.com) client-ip=;
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080723 Fedora/ Thunderbird/
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Civil Aviation University of China
Tianjin 300300,
Hello my new friend xxxxxxx!
I am so happy that you answered to my email. And it is mean you was interested in me.
I wait your answer so much. And now we can countinue our dating. And i want to tell you more about myself in this email.
As you see, my english is not perfect, but i hope you understand me well. My native language is Russian.
And can talk with you in english.
I have found you through agency Virj. I have paid to them of money and they have helped me to find you. <<< I've never heard from this Agency
Now i little about myself. I think you want to know about my sizes. My height is 170 cm, and my weight is 54kg. I am a slim girl.
And i try to be slim forever. I go in for sport for it. 2 times a week in the morning before work i run, and it helps me to be in good form.
Early, when i was a sudent i go in for Athletics, and i liked it so much.
As i told you in my previous email , i live in Russia in town Glazov. It is a small town in Udmurtija Oblast'.
I was born there and live here all my life. I never was in another city or country. My parents and friends live in this town too.
If you want in future i will tell you more about my town.
I don't know what to say you also in this email. It is the first dating for me via internet. And i dont know what to do.
I think you must ask me a questions. And i will answer all your questions with pleasure. By this way i will know what you want to know about me.
Is it right???
And now i want to ask you some questions too. Because i want to know more about you, i want to know all about you. Because you seems very interesting
man. Please tell me about your relatives, about your work, and a place where you live too. It is really important for me to know about your life.
I want to ask you one thing. What do you think about talking in real by
phone?? I think it is a great idea. Because we can hear each other, by this way we can hear emotion each
other. I think it will be important to hear each other.I want it so much. I think you are good men and i want to give you my
number.It is +79371188804. But i think we have a difference in time. I live at
Moscow time. I hope you can found our difference. But i work, and i
can talk with you only in the evening after my work time. It is near 7p.m.
I will be so happy to hear your voice. And please give me your phone number
in the next email, because i will write it to my phone book.
I hope you will answer me quickly, and will answer to my questions. And will ask yours.
Waiting you. Yours Alena.
Received: from microsof-7ff6cf (zipoboal@ with plain)
by smtp219.mail.ne1.yahoo.com with SMTP; 22 Dec 2011 14:07:34 -0800 PST
From: zipoboal@yahoo.com
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.00) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
Network Operation Center CJSC ER-Telecom Company Mari El branch
address: 12, Lenina st., 424000, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia
For the given Phone number:
ОАО "Мегафон" Поволжский филиал Йошкар-Ола Республика Марий Эл
Yoshkar Ola number
The Distance between Glazov (Udmurtiya) and Yoshkar-Ola (Mariy-El) is :
331.5 kilometers (km).
The approximately estimated travel/road distance can be around 381.22 km to 414.38 km
... so its Nonsense and a lie...
Hello xxxxxx my friend!
How are you??? Thank you very much for your email. I waited it with great impatience.
And now i have your letter in my inbox. I was so glad to read it, because via each email we know
each other better and better. And it is cool, because i think you are very interesting man.
In this email i want countinue to tell you about myself. And first of all i want to tell you about my childom.
I think childom the best time in our lifes. Because we have not problems. I had no brothers and no sisters.
And sometimes it was boringly. I dream about brother or sister. But anyway i was a very happy child.
I had a great dream in childom. I thought that anywhen i will travel all over the world. But unfortunatly i never
been in another country. As i told you early, all my life in my town.
Also in childom, as another kids, i went in school. And i loved it so much. I was very good pupil, and my teachers loved me
very much. After school i go to univirsity. And it was great time too. I found many new friends there. And now i communicate with
some of them. I was a good student too. And when i was in univirsity, i start to go in for sport. As you know i like a Athletic.
I was very good runner for 100 m, 400 m, and 1 km too. And then i was a best runner in univirsity. And oneday i go to city team, and
participated in regional competitions. And i made there good results. It was great time...
After univirsity i go to work. And now i am the librarian in school. I work in school where i was in childom.
I like my work. Because everyday i communicate with childs. Also every day i work with books, and i love it too,
Because i like read books. I read many books. And i have some favourite writers. It is Dostoevsky, Pushkin and other.
It is Russian classic literature. May be you heard about this writers?
Ok, now you know more about me. And i want to know you better too. Please say me your hobby. Also i want to know
more about your childom, about your work, i mean in details...
I hope you understand my english. Now i will send you this email, and wait your answer. Hope you will quick.
Received: from microsof-7ff6cf (zipoboal@ with plain)
by smtp216.mail.bf1.yahoo.com with SMTP; 23 Dec 2011 10:00:15 -0800 PST
From: zipoboal@yahoo.com
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.00) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
Network Operation Center CJSC ER-Telecom Company Mari El branch
address: 12, Lenina st., 424000, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia
Hello xxxxxx!!!!
I am so glad to read your new email. I waited it so much. I checked my inbox many times.
And now i can read it. Thank you for it. It is really important for me, and i hope for you too.
Your emails make me happy always. And please dont stop write me, ok?
Ok, let's countinue our dating. I think it will be interesting for you to know about my family.
I have mother and father. And i love my parents so much. They are great people. And they made for me
many when i was a child. As you know i live alone, but i visit my parents every week. They live not far from me.
My mother's name is Tatyana. She is 56 years old. And she is very kind women. And she always understand me.
I can speak with her about anything, i tell her all my secrets and problems. And she always hear me and understand.
She is my best friend too. And i love her so much. Now she is a pensioner and sit at home.
When she was younger she works as doctor. And she was very good doctor. I think it is very important profession.
Because she helped sick people.
Also my mother very good cook. She can prepare many of dishes, and it is always very tasty. She teach me to prepare.
And now i am a good cook too. My friends say that my meal is so tasty. And when we have a holidays the ask me to prepare
my favourite meal. It is not difficult for me, because i love to cook. And i am happy that they love it.
My mother teach me many things. And i will grateful her all my life.
And now about my father. His name is Valera. And he is 61. My father very clever man. I love him so much too.
He can always say me a right dicission in any problem. And i always say him about my problems.
He is a pensioner too. He made a furniture when he was younger. And he loved him work very much.
If my furniture destroy, he helps to repair it. When he was a student she went in for Athletic too.
And he was good runner too. And because of it i go to sport too. I think that sport makes us better.
I love my parents so much. And i think that parents the most important people. And i am so greatful them.
Ok, now you know more about me and my family. Please tell me about your holidays. What do you like to do this days... Do you have the favourite holiday?
I will wait your email so much. Now i am sending you this.
Received: from microsof-7ff6cf (zipoboal@ with plain)
From: zipoboal@yahoo.com
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.00) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
Network Operation Center CJSC ER-Telecom Company Mari El branch
address: 12, Lenina st., 424000, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia
Hello xxxxx my dear friend!!!!
I am so happy to read your new email. And each time i recieve it, i understand that you are very important person in my life.
And i cannot imagine my future life without your emails. And i am so happy that we found each other, hope you too.
Today i want to tell you about my day and my work.
My day start at 6.30 am. Then i go for a walk, as you know i run everymorning, ofcourse if weather is fine. At 7.00 i return to home and take
a shower.Then i have a breakfast at 7.30.For breakfast i like eggs
bread and cup of tea. I dont like coffee because it is not good for
health. I always have lights breakfast. After it i feed my cat. Did i say you that i have a cat???
YEs, i love animals, my cat name is Gina. I love her so much. And doyou love animals???
After feeding my cat i preparing myself for work.
I start work at 9 am. But i go from my flat at 8.15. I dont have a car
and dont use buses. I like to go for a walk before my work. Its borrows
40 minutes. But it is good for health. And then i starting my work. Every day i
work with kids and books. And i like it, and i hope oneday i will
have my own kids..... But it is only my dreams now....
My work day ends at 6 p.m. and i go home on my foot too. But when i am
very tired i call taxi. Today i called a taxi, because i hurry to read
your email. I dont have an interenet at work, i have it only at home.
And now first of all i read your email, and then i have a dinner and
having a rest....After my rest i take a evening shower and then start
to write to you.
It was my usual day. Hope it was interesting for you. But now each day
for me not usual, because i have you in my mind and in my heart...
Every your email for me as a speciall holiday. I am so happy that we
found each other.
I waiting your email.
Yours Alena.
Received: from microsof-7ff6cf (zipoboal@ with plain)
From: zipoboal@yahoo.com
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.00) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
Network Operation Center CJSC ER-Telecom Company Mari El branch
address: 12, Lenina st., 424000, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia
Hello my dear xxxxx!
How are you today??? How was your day??? DId you miss my email?
As for me i am so waited your email so much.And i was so happy to
speak with you. And i think it will be pleasure ro know that i miss you. Every email make us closer to each other. Each you
email, each your word in email make me happy. And i am so glad to speak with you.
Excuse that so long did not write to you. I was with my parents and they do not have computer. I congratulate you happy New Year and I wish to wish
All most good. Let in new to year dreams will come true all. How you have lead new year??? I prepared much with my mum and then
Send my girlfriends to help to us. And we sat the big company with my parents. In general have cheerfully lead new year. As at us
On January, 7th there will be a Christmas. And I shall spend too Christmas with my parents. And I cannot write to you on January, 7th.
And i start feel myself the happiest women in the world, because i have you. And very long i not feel me so nice. And a reason of it is you!!!
And i thank God every day, because He gave me you. And i thank you because with you i feel myself so happy women. Thank you xxxxx
Some time ago i totally disappointed in men and in relations between man and women. I thought that i will never love anywhom again. But now i know that i am
able to love again. I feel me very comfortable when i speak with you. An in this email i want to tell you very sad story about my previous and unhappy love
story. For me it was very strong blow to my heart and my feelings.
Ok, let's go. Some years ago i met a very nice man( i thought very nice). And at the beginning i was so happy. I met him at cafe. He sat near me and saw at
me long time. I saw to him too and smile, because he was so nice. Then he sat to my table and start speak with me. All was so nice. His name was Boris, he
worked as a security in one of museum. And we start our relations. I loved him so much and i was the happiest woman in the world. I thought our relations
will never end, because all was so nice. Every day he present me flowers, meet me after work, we walk every evenings, and all it was so nice.
But as many russian men he likes alcohol(Vodka). But in the begginings i try not pay attention to it. Then he dink more and more. And oneday he beat me. But
i love him so much, he excuse and i forgiven him. And the most bad act he made.
Oneday i must went to Work business trips to another library to another town. He spent me to train kiss me, present me a flowers(my favourite flowers are
roses), and said he will miss me so much. My trip must be 6 days. But it ends 1 day early and i decided not call him and make him a surprise returning early
without call.
We lived in flat, which we rented. We lived together about 2 years. And we already start to speak about marriage and kids. I thought our relations was very
serious. And i was so happy, i think we will have a good family.
And i return from my trip 2 days early. I opened door to our flat, and then i saw very very terrible pictures. He was very drunk and with another girl. He
was at our flat, where we lived together long time. And also he was in our bedroom in our bed with her. I was in shock, i couldn't to believe my own eyes. I
couldn't say anything, and he saw at me and laught with her girl. I cried and said nothing. I pick my things and go out. I thought i will never have
relations with Russian man, i thought i will not be able to love again never.I was in stress very long time. I cried everyday when i remembering it. And i
promised myself never make a relations with Russian again. It was so painfully for me.
And then my friends advised me to try to find man from another country. Because one of my friend had such story like me. And 2 years ago she found her love
via dating agency from another country, and they are so happy now. They live together, they married and waiting a baby now. And i decided to try this way to,
and now i found you and i am so happy now. Now i have very nice feelings to you. But i don't know yet what is this feelings. But i understand taht i am very
happy speaking with you. And i am affraid to lose you, you are very important for me.
Ok now you know about my previous relations, and i hope you understand now why i want a man from another country.
I hope my today story not tired you. If it is sorry me. But i think you must know it. Because i have only serious feelings to you. You are important for me
and i want be honest with you to 100. And i hope you are too. And i want to know more about your relations. Did you have many women? Please tell me you sad
or happy love story and more about your previous relations.
Right now i will send you it with my pic and will go to sleep. I hope you will come to my dream this night. I will think about you before i sleep. And i will
wait your answer so much. Kiss you.
Received: from microsof-7ff6cf (zipoboal@ with plain)
From: zipoboal@yahoo.com
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.00) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
Network Operation Center CJSC ER-Telecom Company Mari El branch
address: 12, Lenina st., 424000, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia
Hello xxxxxx my dear!!
How are you today??Thank you so much for you email and warm words.
Did you miss me? Did you think about me today?
I think you thought about me all my night, because i saw you in my dream this night. But it was very short dream. You saw at my eyes and i saw at yours. Nice dream.
Today i want to tell you something about my city, my free time, my favourite places.
As i told you before, i live in a small town Glazov.It is 700 km from capital Moscw. It looks as village more. The populations is not more than 300 000. Also we have a nice River here, where in the summer i like to swimm with my friends. When i was a child we lived near the river with my parents, and i every morning went to swim. I like swim very much, and you?
Now i go to river not so often. When the weather is fine we with friends go for a oicnic to river. I like picnics, because it is at fresh air. I love to hear a birds, see to big trees and green grass.It is good after difficult working week. And i relax by this way. And do you love picnics and fresh air?
Also we have a very nice park here. It is my favourite place in the city. Because it has many flowers on the ground. And i like ti sit there and feel aromat of it. But all of it good when hot weather and Summer. As you know we have a cold Winter in Russia.
I like winter too. It is very beautiful time. I like snow, i like Figure skating. We have very good ice for it. And at weekends i like to go with my friends here. I like skating. Do you like skating? When i was a small child i wanted to be a skater. It is very nice to see it. Did you ever see it?
Also i like to go to cinema with friends. I try to see all new films. I like comedy, love stories. And what kind of films love you? My favourite films was Titanic with Leo Di Caprio. Did you see?
There is no many interesting places. But i never was in another place.
Now you know about my town and my free time. You know what i like.
I hope it was interesting for you. I am waiting your email with your story. Try to answer all my questions. ok?
Yours Alena.
Hello my dear xxxxxx!!!
Thank you very much for your email. I hurry to my computer today to read it. And now i am so happy because i have it in my inbox. I am saving all your emails. And are you saving mine? I do it because you are really very important for me. You changed my life, and i am so happy that i have you in my life. Hope you have the same feelings, are you?
xxxxx, did i tell you about my friends. I have no many friends, i mean really friends. It is people who are really important for me. I think you understand what about i saying. And i have my best friend, her name is Sveta. I know her from my childom, we were in one school, and then in univirsity. We have different relations with her. But anyway we always can tell each other any secrets. And she helped me to solve many problems. I am very happy to have so good friend. I must to say that she gave me an idea to go to dating agency, and with her help we can speak with you now. I thank her for it. We have some secrets, that know only she and I.
Sometimes we walk in our favourite park and speak about our lifes. She tells me her problems and i tell her mine. And ofcourse i told her about our relations with you. I said her all my feelings and impressions of you. And she said that i changed, after dating with you. And also my parents said that i amd now smile very often, i look very happy woman. And all of it because of you!!!! I thank you so much too.
I hope that you are really right person, person who i waited all my life. Because i feel me so comfortable and happy with you. I want a husband like you. I am not hurry, i understand that it is first impression and we must know each other better first, but it is my feelings and i want you know it.
Can you tell me about your friends and your best friend? What are you like to do with your friends? Have you favourite place, where you spend time with them???
I will be waiting your email. Hope you will be quick.
Yours Alena.
Boris on Nightshift....not more long and Travel story should start......
Hello xxxxxx , my darling!!!
How are you my dear today??? How was your day without me??
Thank you my dear for your email.Your letters became a slice of my life. They give tenderness in my soul. And i cannot imagine my future life without you and your email. I like all you do and it makes me happy. I never feel me so good and happy, And i have a feeling that i know you eternity. I hope we will have very happy future together.
Everyday i think only about you. I cannot think about another things.
You are in my heart forever!!!!
I missed you so much. Yesterday i couldn't sleep very long. Because i thought about you and about me. And it was so pleasure thoughts. I felt a warm at all my body when i thought about it. And it is so nice dreams. But it is only dreams now. But i am sure that my dreams will be reall very soon.
I don't know and cannot say right now what is my feelings. Because i never feel it in the past. But i know 100 that it is true and very strong feelings. I don't know is it love or somethings else, but it is beautiful. And i thank you for coming to my life. You made my life very brightly and happy!!! And now i am sure that i want not only friendship from our relations!!!!
Every day when i came to home from work or walk at street i see happy pairs. And i am always sad when i see it. I sad, because i envy them. They have their love close. When they came to home after work they know that Someone wait at home. They can touch, kiss, speak face to face each other. But i see to them and start think about you, and it helps me to be happy again.
Today i visited my parents at their home. Because my mother call me and ask me help her with cleaning flat. My mother like cleanliness, and she has learned me to love cleanliness too. I cannot see and live when it is dirty around me. I like when all thing at their places. As i told you before i talk with my mother about my secrets, i speak about all that happen in my life. And today i spoke with her about you. She knew that i found you, but she didn't know that i start to be in love. She thought that we are only friend and nothing more. But today i told her about my feelings to you. And she said that i am very have changed. I am now very thoughtful and look very happy. My eyes now have shine. And she said that she never see me so happy. Mummy said that i am in love with you. And i want to believe her!!!
Then i spoke with my father and she approved my choice too. And i am so happy because approve of my parents very important for me. And now nothing cannot prevent our relations. Also they ask me to say you Hello and their Respect to you.
My dear, you have changed my life so much. And now the sense of my life is you. I am very affraid to lose you. You are the most important man in my life. We have many commons and i hope my feelings to you are mutual. Tell me your true feelings to me please, because it is important for me. And if you wouldn't serious relations with me you must say me it now. Because it will be so Painfully for me to know it later.
Ok, now you know my true feelings. I open my heart for you and welcome you to my heart. My parents approved my choice. And it is now next step in our relations. My felling so strong to you and i cannot stop thinking about you.
I am waiting your email now. I will wait it with nervous.
Hope i will be happy when i will read your answer. I am crossing my fingers now and wait what will be.
Kiss you. Yours Alena.
Hello my darling xxxxxx !!!!
My love i am so happy that i recieved your letter and i am again writing you back. And i am so happy that you open me your heart and say me about your trully feelings to me. You make me the happiest woman in the world, because i know that you have the same feelings to me. I am not more lonely. I have you in my life and it is so beautiful!!! And my heart is yours forever.
My darling i couldn't sleep again i thought about you all night. I thought about you when i woke up, when i went to work. You are always in my thoughts and my dreams. You are the most important person in my life. But anyway i feel me lonely. Because we are so far from each other. And emails not enough for me now. I want to wake up and see you near me in the bed. I want to prepare you breakfast every motning. I want kiss your lips all day. I want touch your hand. I want to be my love!!!! Yes i am not wrong, i said My Love!!! And now i am sure that it is love. My heart start bit stronger when i imagine us together. You are necessary for me. I cannot live without you.
My sweetheart, i think that we know each other enough from emails. And we cannot know more from our correspondence. And i am ready for next step in our relations. And i think the next step must be our meeting. I hope you think so too. And i must to know 100 that you are ready for it and want it really?? Because only if we will be together we can know more about each other. We can see emotions, home life, behaviour and Character each other. You can see if i can be good wife for you. We must check our feelings, and we can do it only in reall life together. We found each other and God helps us in it. It is a reall chance for us to start absolutely new life. We can creat a good family. And we must use this chance, because it can be a last chance in our lifes.
My love, i must to know if you are really ready for this step( i mean meeting). If you are we will think about how and where we will meet. And if you are ready for meeting i will speak with my parents and say them this nice news!!!
Now i must end my email, go to bed and think about you. I hope you will come to my dreams this night.
I am waiting your email so much. Hope you will bring good news.
Yours forever Alena.
Boris on Nighshift...written just now at 03:45am
Hello xxxxxx my love!!!
How are you??? I hope you are good, because i am so happy!!! I am happy because i have you my darling!!!! I am happy that you have the same feelings to me!!! And i know that someone in different part of world love me,miss me and think about me.
My love today in the evening i saw at the night sky. I thought about you. And i saw a star very fast fell. My mother told me "if you see the star fall from sky, you must think a desire". And i made a wish. I will not say you what was my wish, because if i will say anywhom it will not come true. But i hope you know what was my wish....
My darling, i am so glad that you want meet me too. Now i feel that i am not so single. I know that you love me, think about me, miss me. And this thoughts make me the happiest woman in the world. You are now the most important person in my life. I have here in Russia my parents, my friends, my work.... But it is not important for me now. I am ready to leave all of it and come to your arms my love. I am sure in my decision. I am adult woman and can make my own decisions. Because this life is my and yours ofcourse. I love you and ready to be with you all my life!!!
My love, i think your home will be the most suitable place for our meeting. Because i must see how you live. Because if we will solve that we will live together we will live in your home. Because as i said you before i rent a flat here. And i hope it is not a problem for you my love if i will come to you.
As you know i never trevelled. And i dont know to 100 what i need to come to you. But i think it will not be a big problem. Everyday thousands of people travel from country to country. And i can do it i am sure. Also i have not a holiday from work very long time, and i can take a hollidays from work at any moment. And i think it will be my best holidays in my life.
I think i must go to travel agency or another place tommorow and know all about travel to your country. I will know it and will start to prepare me for travell. I will inform you tommorow about it. ok?
My love i hope that very soon we will be together. And i am sure if we are both really want it we will be together very soon. As for me i want it more of life!!!! And i will do all my best to be with you. You are really important for me. You are in my heart, in my mind!!!! I love you!!! You are my sweetheart!!!!
Now i must end and go to bed. I know that i cannot sleep, because i will think about you. And tommorow i will start prepare my travel to you my darling!!
I am waiting you answer. Hope it will full of warm words again.
Kiss you hot hot. Yours Alena.
No Reaction of my slaps about her last Nighshift
Hello my sweet xxxxx !!!
My love, thank you for your email and warm words. I love all you make. I love your style, i love your thoughts, i love you my darling xxxxx . You know how to make woman happy. You chaged my life absolutely. You made it better!!! You made me the happiest woman in the world. And i cannot imagine my future life without you.
Write to me the phone number???
With every your letter i feel more closer to you. And i cannot wait the day we will meet each other. I want kiss your lips, i want touch your hand, i want to be with you so much. I want to see you face to face. i want speak with you in reall. The day of our meeting will be the happiest day in our lifes. We will remember this moment forever. Because this day will change our lifes. I never felt so much love in my heart. And my feelings for you so strong and so honest.
I know that i can trust you 100. You are the man whom i waited all my life. We found each other in this big world, and i think we are very lucky. We was create for each other!!!! I need only you and no one else. And the thought about our first meeting cannot leave my mind.
Every second i try to imagine this moment. I think i will cry when i will see you first time. And it will be tears of happy.
My darling, as i told you before in my previous email, i want to prepare myself for travell to you. I never travelled before and i didn't know what i need for it. And today in the morning i went to travell agency to know about what i need to travel to your country. And travel agents told me all in details. I was happy and sad at one moment. I was happy because they said that the travel to you can be very easy. I need to make some documents for international flight. And i have all attributes for it. When they told me it i felt me the happiest woman, because all i need for travel can be make very easy and fast. But when they said about the prices for this documents i was sad and cannot say anything.
My love for travelling to you i need some documents. It is passport for travelling abroad, visa and medical inquiry. And all of this documents can be make in this travel agency. They said that they work more then 10 years and helped many people to travel. And all i need it is give them some photos for documents and pay for each document. After i will pay they will give me documents in 12-15 days. And then i must buy a tickets and can fly to you my love.
But problem is the prices of this documents. It is very expensive for me to make it. The passport costs 217 US dollars, the visa will costs 322 US dollars and medical inquiry costs 100 . And in total it will costs 639 US dollars. It is so big sum for me. Because i am just a librarian at school. And i never had such sum. When i go to agency i thought that it will costs more and more cheaply. But the sum i need so big, and it is unreal for me to collect it. My love i dont know what to do. I want to cry because i thought that we will be together very soon. And now i start to understand that it is impossible. My sweet i dream about our meeting so much, and now i am so sad. I don't know what to do.... MY mood now very bad.... I am in panic because i really don't know what i can do.... Anyway now we know what we need for meeting. And i hope together we can solve this problem. I know you are very good and clever man and can find a right dicision.
I want to be happy so much. And i will be happy only if i will be with you. Without you my life is nothing. I cannot imagine my life without you.
Now i will send you it, i feel me so bad today because of this news. I feel taht i will begin to cry right now.
My darling now i am sending you it and will wait your answer.
Kiss you. All my love. Alena.
Hello My Love xxxxxx!!!
I am very pleased to receive from you the letter so soon.
My honey I on you very much missed and very much grieved.
My lovely I it is very strong you I like. I adore you.....
My sweet I very much want to be fast with you. I do not dream
About this day when we shall be together. I ask the god that
he has more soon approached this day, day when at me and at
you will begin Happy life and we shall be without mind from
each other. Honey, you want this day? I each night dream of it.
I present myself as we meet For the first time, when we
search each other in crowd eyes. We feel Affinity each other,
our hearts are beaten promptly from that that we very much
Close we are. And when we find each other eyes, we is prompt
We run on a meeting and my eyes are full tears, these are tears
of happiness. We are thrown Each other in embraces and our lips
merge in a long and deep kiss.....
My sweet I wait for our meeting as the schoolgirl, expecting the
first appointment. I can not live without you, I do not want to
look at the sky because you are not present with me beside....
Lovely I all life waited such love which I test only to you.
You my destiny and you my angel sent to me by the god from heavens.
I now understand, That I only waited for you and that the love
may be such strong and covering. My love to you does not give
me normally to sleep, normally is, is normal itself a message.
The love to you does me without mind. I can am quiet shout in
the street where full to people, That I you love and that my life it you.
And I am created only for you my honey!!!!!!!!!
My ideas do not cease to think of you, my head is hammered by dreams
of you and mine Actions only for you. For the sake of you I am ready
on everything, my love. For the sake of you it is ready On all barrier
which life creates to us. For the sake of our love if it is necessary,
I am ready to give the life. I shall be patient and I shall wait for you.
I shall wait You as morning. I shall wait for you as the sun.
I shall wait for you all life. I know that the god on our party and he helps us.
The god has made for me most Dear gift in my life and it you my love.
I shall devote all life Only to you. I am intended for you.
I a key for your lock. I am simple I can not It is more to live without you.
I want to see off with you my days, want to be with you in happiness and in mountain.
I want to divide with you both pleasure and crying. My native if you will laugh,
I shall be pleased together with you and if you will grieve I I shall cry for you...
You understand me my love?
I awfully want you, I want to kiss your body, I want to be given you entirely.
I know that we may not To live without each other. We are necessary each other
as the sun is necessary for day as stars are necessary for night....
I understand, that for our meeting it is necessary not only time, but also our
aspiration, our desire And our hunt each other. Honey I very much want our meeting,
our connection and our happiness. I know that my love to you will live eternally
and will not be lost when. Our love will not steal who, Because I shall not allow
to make it to whom. Our love can live and then when we shall be Very much far
apart as now, but it so is painful for me. My native, I not iron The woman,
it is not tolerant when feelings should be transferred the through these letters.
For the person It is peculiar when he likes other person to feel him, to touch him,
to know that this The person beside and any minute to have an opportunity to be
near to him. You agree with me? Even a tree Dries up when beside there is no
other tree. It for a long time is incorporated by a nature in us, in alive organisms,
That the love on the present is strong then when she has two half and is than
that one, the whole. My love, you understand, that I very much want to be with
you beside, together. All my desires not looking On anything only also repeat
that we should be together... You want it, my dear? I want to cast in the
lot with your destiny faster and to begin with you to single whole.
Only then We can achieve all that we want, my honey. The god appreciates
that that two loving persons connect With each other the lifes and he
always helps them.
My love xxxxx I asked already all money, but after new year not who has no money.
My parents pay the credit and they do not have money. I do not know that I can make. You how many can
To save money in a month???
My love, I shall miss very much on you and to wait from you for the letter.
Remember that I very strongly love you and I can not without you......
I am strong, strong whole you in your gentle lips and let this kiss accompanies with you
Within today and the next days
Hello My Love xxxxx!!!
xxxxx I am very glad that you have written to me. And I am happy to hear that soon we shall with you.
I so strongly miss on you and very much I wish to be with you. I love you all my heart.
It is necessary to wait absolutely hardly hardly and we shall be with you together.
xxxxx my parents took the credit for a long time. They would take the credit for that what to equip an apartment. And now at them
There is no money. And I do not know that to me to do???
xxxxx I would want that you now when will read through my letter have closed eyes. I would want that you
Has imagined as I come to you. You should present, as I go from the plane and I go
To you on a meeting. You meet me, and speak me the first words. As you embrace me
Also you kiss. And our first contact each other. It will be unforgettable day for me. I dream about
It every day, every minute. When I go to bed I imagine, as you embrace me.
As I wish to bring to you a breakfast in bed. That you would try, as I prepare. I wish to show
To you the love. So you would know, how strongly I love you. You know that you very especial
The person for me.
xxxxx my love, I would want that in day when we shall meet you. We marked this day
Every year. That is for us it will be a holiday. As we have met you this day. So we shall be
To remember always, our most good sensations. We shall remember our first conversation, our the first
Kiss. And it will be so romantically. You agree with me???
Now I wish to finish the letter. Now at me very good mood as I soon shall with you.
And as I shall always think of you. I send you millions kisses. Soon my kisses will be real.
So write to me as soon as possible.
Your love Alena.
No answer of my question about her Ring......now a new Trick to get money......and she send old letter, new year is already over but she didn't say which year.......
Hello My Dear xxxxxx!!!
You simply do not imagine as I today waited for your letter. You the surprising person and I cannot constrain
The feelings before you. I wish to tell to you, that I love you. And I know, that this very short time. But I am afraid of that
As, I have met you and now I wish to be with you. For me to be important only with you. And all my feelings are very high to you.
Today I spoke with the parents and have told, that I wish to be with you. Also that I wish to arrive to you. They have approved my choice.
So they speak, that you very good person. I him have told about you. They would want that I was happy. And now
I wish to be with you and I wish to arrive to you.
xxxxxx yes I would like to arrive to you, but for me it is very complex too. At me is not much with we save money.
But it is not enough what to arrive to you. As I looked the prices for tickets, it is very expensive. And today I have told
To the girlfriend about you. her husband is engaged in business. he sells things on the Internet and buys these things through the Internet shop.
You heard about such??? he searches for the partner abroad. That is he wishes to buy things through the Internet in the USA and then to sell
Them in Russia. As things in the USA on much cheaper than at us in Russia. And I wish to ask you if you will simply receive these things
Through the Internet shop and then to send him. So we can earn that of money for a trip to you. You can receive these things???
You will not need to pay money, you will simply receive things and then will send them to Russia. It to you will not cost not what money.
Simply so will be cheaper if you will receive these things. If these things to send on a straight line to Russia then it will be very expensive.
You should tell only to me the full address.
The country???
The address???
Post Cod???
And already soon we can earn money for my trip to you. And approximately about new year I can arrive to you. And we could be
Are happy. So you think??? I think, what it is very good idea???
Well washing most dear and favourite, I now shall finish the letter and I shall wait for your answer.
Your love Alena.
Her last Mail was from the 17th.......now she's "back"...
Hello My Dear!!!
My dear excuse me that so long did not write to you. As I was in other city.

To receive books for library. And I have not had time even to write to you. As my boss very much asked me. And now I have arrived
Also it is very strongly tired and I wish to have a rest. So I shall wait for your letter. And I shall write to you tomorrow all. I hope you have not forgotten
About me. As I miss.
Yours Alena.
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