Nice Pic taken in Venice/Italy

Attack from the Underground. I don't know her.
Hello the stranger! I would like to know more about you. As to me, my
name Elena and I live in Russia.
If it is interesting to learn about me more, I was is very glad to see mail from you!
I as to put the photo.
Received: from [] (
lenapopcova@ with plain)
Neostrada Plus
ul. Nowogrodzka 47A
00-695 Warszawa
Welcome xxx!
I am very glad that you told me to my letter, and now we can continue our acquaintance. Me
name is Elena. I am 28 years old, my growth 172, my weight is 55 kg. I
I live in Russia in Nizhny Novgorod. It's always hard to write about myself, but I'll try to do it. I
I think that I'm very open, caring, romantic and loving
a girl. I am gentle and peaceful aspect. I easily find common language with people and have many friends.
I went to university and graduated in economics and currently I work as an accountant in
a small company manufacturing and selling
building materials. I work a lot, but it's worth it, because my job pays well.
I like my job because I work with
good people and always meet new people, I like my job, because it is my
the elements.
I have a very interesting and dynamic life now. I have family, friends, work, but I miss
Most importantly, I do not have enough people with
I'd like to share all this, I do not have enough, and perhaps that I would like to link their lives.
I've heard a lot of happy stories about other people. These people say that
They found each other at a distance of several thousand miles and fell in love. And now they are happy
and live together.
I want to find a good man, a true partner, and I want to start a family with such a person. I do not
I want to build relationships and raise children in Russia
because I always wanted to leave Russia and to improve their lives, because I want to know that I and my
family will be protected by the state, and I
just want to have confidence in the future.
I hope that we can continue our acquaintance and to know each other better.
I think you might be interested to see photos of me and so I send them to you.
I will wait your reply with impatience. Elena
Comcast Cable Communications Holdings, Inc
OrgId: CCCH-3
Address: 1800 Bishops Gate Blvd
City: Mt Laurel
StateProv: NJ
PostalCode: 08054
Country: US
How are you? I'm glad that got your pismo.Ty answered me again and that means that you do not
against continuing our acquaintance, and it's very good.
I can only write to you from work because I do not have Internet access at home.
At work I use the computer a lot because I work as an accountant and I have to deal with
many papers and documents at all times.
Sometimes I have free time at work and at this time, I can write you a letter.
xxxxxxx, to start I want to talk a little about myself and my family.
I have a good family. My dad named Anatoly, his 57 years. He - an architect and worked in the project
the institute. My mother, Olga - a pediatrician, she was 54 years old.
I also have an older sister, her name is Elvira, her 32 years. She is married and has two children, a daughter and
son, these are my nephews.
My niece her name is Amina 3 years. She goes to kindergarten now.
My nephew's name is Ruslan, he's only 6 months and so now my sister does not work because
that she is a child now.
Prior to birth my sister worked as a manager of Tourism.
She really likes her job and as soon as her children grow up, she again plans to continue its
Her husband's name is Sergei and he works as an investigator in the prosecutor's office. My sister was married for almost 5 years.
She and her husband were together in the same school and so they've known for a long time and they are happy
I love my family and my family are very important to me. This is the most expensive for me and people I
appreciate and cherish my family and I always try to give more time to my family.
I live separately from their parents, in a separate apartment. I work every five days a week,
Monday to Friday, but sometimes I also work on Saturdays.
In my spare time I can do different things. Sometimes I meet friends,
their relatives. We can go to a cafe or go to the country.
Also in his spare time, sometimes I just want to stay at home doing nothing.
I like sport and I try to exercise to be fit. I like swimming and
ice skating. I go to the rink and the swimming pool twice a week. I also like dancing and I
also attend a dance studio mostly on weekends.
I have a passion, a hobby. This is a painting. When I was in high school I went to the art room, and since
it remained a hobby. I like to paint portraits and landscapes. Sometimes I get
this is pretty good.
I like going to the movies and I do it often enough because I watch a movie on the big
the screen is much more interesting than at home. What do you think? I love all sorts of comedies and historical films.
As for the music I listen to different music, it all depends on my mood.
xxxxx, tell me about yourself. Where do you work? What is your family? Favorite thing to do in
free time? Do you, any hobbies? What music do you like? What kind of movies? Me
want to know about you as much as possible and I hope you'll help me with this?
I must go now and I will wait your letter tomorrow. Elena
Comcast Cable Communications Holdings, Inc
OrgId: CCCH-3
Address: 1800 Bishops Gate Blvd
City: Mt Laurel
StateProv: NJ
PostalCode: 08054
Country: US
How are you? What are you doing today? I am very happy to get re-
your letter and I am pleased that we continue our acquaintance.
Today I woke up in a good mood. I dreamed of some
good sleep, I can not remember exactly what it was but I did not want to
awake but
rang the alarm. I quickly got up, showered and prepared myself
breakfast. I left the house earlier than usual today, and I decided to walk
walk to
work because the weather is great time I had enough and to
It is also a close.
As soon as I came into office, I immediately incorporated my computer to
check the mail hoping to see there your letter. I really
very pleased that
you write to me and I hope that this will happen in the future.
Last night I went to the rink and I am very much skated! Me
like going to the rink. Loud music is playing and you can go and just
dream about her. At the rink I completely disconnect, I just eat and
relax. Do you skate?
After skating, I came home, cooked supper and watched TV
a little bit.
I like to sometimes sit in front of the TV and watch something
interesting but in summer I usually prefer to walk in the fresh air. A
in winter or when
the rain I can watch a movie or show, or just
the news. I also love to read. I love reading history books and books about
meaning of life.
When the book interesting I always want to read it quickly and find out
which will be final. I usually read at night and very often I do it to
late night reading the book because I do not notice how time flies. My
favorite writers is Paolo Koelyo, Haruki Murakami, Borhes and some
Do you love reading?
I hope that you wonder what I write. I just want to show you
my life and say who I am and what I live. I like you very interesting and I
oboatsya interesting to you! With each letter I learn you more and
more. Now we are very far apart and can not
but I have to meet
I hope that if we continue our acquaintance we can make it
someday. I would love this! Now of course too early to talk about it but I
I think that
time will tell us who we can be to each other in the future. You
agree with me?
And now I'm here because I just want to find love and happiness. I
just want to love and be loved because it is currently
happiness. I
very much hope that I can do it! What do you think?
Unfortunately now I must go and so I end my letter.
Write to me skoro.Ya'll be waiting! Elena.
Network for PPPoE clients terminations in
N.Novgorod city
NGTS, OJSC VolgaTelecom
11/11, pt.Gagarina
603022, Nizhny Novgorod
... written 10:13am today
Hello,xxxxxxx!I am very pleased to read your letter and it gives me greatfun! How are you? How are you?I have everything just perfect! Mood wonderful!Can you imagine yesterday on the way home from work, I met my girlfriendthe institute. I walked down the street thinking about something when I heard thatSomeone greeted me and when I looked up I saw her. Frankly, Idid not recognize her at first because we had not seen for over 5 years. Butcloser inspectionI knew who it was. We were very close friends with her in his student days butgraduation, she moved to another city and I lost contact with herand Iit was so nice to meet her and we decided to go with her in the cafe, dinnertogether and talk about everything. We remembered the years of our study, those peoplethatstudying with us. She said that she has a fiance and she is going tomarried this summer. She promised to invite me to the wedding as soon as theydetermine the exact date. I am very happy for her because she is beautifulgirl and I think that her husband was very lucky. She also asked aboutMy plans nabuduschee and I told her that I am now in search of unique andloved one with whom I want to connect my life, which will be readygive me atheir love, support and respect. I just want to be happy nextwith a strong man, I want to live and enjoy life in the fullest sense of the word.I want to find someone who will love me as I am.Maybe that person will you,xxxxxxx?My friend was surprised that I'm still not married because I have alwayshad a lot of fans but I said that I just met a man who does not really need me and that I needed.I had two serious relationships in my life. I want to be honest withyou and I do not want to hide it from you. The first relationship is notformedbecauseI am very tired of giving and getting nothing in return. I'm tired of thatHe constantly promenival my friends, work and entertainment. I am verypatient person but one day my patience was over and Ijust left him. I'm just tired of spending time with someone whonottried to hold it with me. And when I broke up with this person, Irealized that without him I am much better.The second relationship ended six years ago. He invited me toto marry him. He was a very good person, intelligent, considerate,attentive andcourteous, he seems to like me. The whole problem was me. Hedone correctly but it seemed to me that all is not as necessary. The morecontinuedour relationship so they became worse. I shut myself in, startedmisunderstanding, I am increasingly declining to him and one day I woke up andrealized thatI just do not like it, I do not feel for him anything. Irealized that I do not want to associate my life with this person and I honestlyI told himthis. I'm very glad now that we have time to stop our relationship and notmade nonsense. We were able to remain friends with him and I am very pleasedthis.Excuse me if I was too candid in my writing today, but Ijust wanted to let you know about this and I would like you to tell me tootalked aboutyour past relationships and why they did not exist. I will be gratefulyou if you tell me about it but I also understand if you do notwant to touch upon this subject. Sometimes I imagine your voice. My accentis different from yours, and if we speak with you by phonefuture, we'll probably notice it. I think that I would like to speak with
you on the phone. I think that's important to talk to listen telefonui
a voice. I have no phone at home, but I recently bought a
direct cell phone. This is called Nokia. It is very convenient
use a cell phone, it is especially great for
of my work. But recently, my cell phone stopped working. I gaveis to restore, but I was told that it will take a lot of
time to make repairs on my telefonu.snachala. I think thatman should be initiated. Typically, men are asked to firstmeet with a woman, men are invited to the first women in the restaurant,and in the movies. Men offer heart first. I am an independent woman.I want to feel like a real woman. Some men do notassess a woman. xxxxxx, you should consider me as a woman first.Unfortunately we are far from each other, and we can notto meet. Although I would love to see you in person! In any case, ourvery unusual acquaintance is very interesting for me! Franklyhere in Russia some men offer me their friendship. I am young andquite attractive. But I already told you what I want seriousrelationship, and I want to create my semyu.Ty attracts me very much, and itvery interesting for me to talk with you! I willhope that you also want to talk to me, and it is interesting to you.You - now my good friend! Wow! I have a friend in another country! Internet a wonderful thing!Please Just consider me seriously. Good? Probably you - my mandreams? I'll always be honest with you. I promise it to you.Well, I must return to work. I'm probably going to close this letter. Write to me soon! Come on your pictures! I'll wait for your letter!Elena. UTAH-19Comcast Cable Communications Holdings, IncOrgId: CCCH-3Address: 1800 Bishops Gate BlvdCity: Mt LaurelStateProv: NJPostalCode: 08054Country: US
Hi, my xxxxxx!
My mood lifted instantly as soon as I can see there your letter.
looking forward to your letters every time to learn
your news. How are you? What is the weather right now for you? I'm all good. I
at work now and I have time to write you a letter.
I spent a lot of fun last night. My sister's daughter, Amina,
wanted to go to my house and after work I went and took her from
the kindergarten. It
was so pleased because she likes to walk to my house and
walk with me. After kindergarten, we went with her to the park and ride with
roundabouts. After that we went to a beauty salon and ate ice cream and there
pizzas. I really like the way ice cream, chocolate syrup especially. You
ice cream?
On the way home we chatted with my niece and I had a lot of fun
because it is very funny. Children at this age are generally very
direct and
did not hesitate. They always say what they think and ask very
a lot of questions!
When we came home, we watched her cartoon, then I
read her a story and she fell asleep. You know, I love children and I always
spend time with their children and communicate with them and come up with different
games and amusements. And you love children?
After my niece was asleep, there was silence and I decided to
view the documents on which I took on the job. I tried
but to focus and
could not do it because I do not think about work. I thought that
in my life, something changed, I still can not understand what was happening with
me but I think that the reason is you. You know, maybe you do not I do not
believe it but I often think of you and I like to think of you!. I do not
I know why
but it's true. Maybe it's a sign?
What do you think about this? What do you feel?
I still can not explain what it all means but I want to defined
to continue our acquaintance, and who knows what lies ahead! Really?
I think that I must finish my letter on this. I wish you
good day and good mood! I'll be thinking of you! Write to me. I am waiting for your answer
can not wait! Sincerely, Elena.
I want to see a lot of your photo
Optimum Online
Address: 111 new south RD
City: Hicksville
StateProv: NY
PostalCode: 11801
Country: US
How usual, she ignored my letter and question to this Venice pic.....
Hello, my dear xxxxxx!!
Thank you for your letter! I am very pleased that you are telling me about
your life because it is very interesting and important to me. How are you
business? How is your day?
I'm working today but honestly I did very little for today
because I can not concentrate at work. Today, I am very
a dreamy mood. You want to know what I dream? I have a dream
see you! Yes, I dream about it. I would like to come and see
you because
meeting will give us a lot. It will help us understand our
feelings and desires. I really want to come to you and I
really ready to
this but I want to know your opinion on this issue. Because I think that
this important decision and we must take it together.
You probably think that I would be scared to go to another quite
foreign country where I've never been and do not know anyone except you but I want to
tell you that I have no fear, and I really just want to come to you.
I understand that this is a very important and risky decision but I think
that if a person wants to change his life, he must sacrifice something and not
fear because fear prevents find themselves. .xxxxxx, tell me what you think about it?
With regard to my work that I can take a vacation for a month and I think
that this time will be enough for us to meet and get to know each
other. We can have a great time together.
Today on my work came my friend and she invited me to
go to the movies. I of course agreed, because a good way to spend
leisure time and socialize with a friend. And what do you plan to do
tonight? Do you have any plans?
Now I have to work and I will wait your letter with impatience and
Please write me what you think about our meeting. Your, Elena.
Optimum Online
Address: 111 new south RD
City: Hicksville
StateProv: NY
PostalCode: 11801
Country: US
Hello, xxxxxxx!
I want to ask for you pardons for that that could not write to you
These 2 days. I want to say to you that
on Saturday and on Sunday at meThere were days off on work, and I had no computer. I very much
Strongly missed.
How are you? How is your day? What is your weather? How are you
Relatives and friends?
Last night when I came home from work came to me my
older sister's nephew. We live near each other and it
just walking with the baby next to my house and decided to go to my house, just
a chat. You know, we have very close and warm relationship with my sister, I
always tell her everything and she also did not hide from me, we always
advice from each other how to behave in a particular situation, share
their problems and joy. I am very happy that I have a sister
because she always understood and supported me in every situation.
Yesterday, we had dinner with her and I told her of course I
met with you and it seems to me that I'm starting to fall in love with you. I
told my sister about you and about what I want to meet you in
the near future. My sister was delighted for me because she always wanted to
I met a good man, so I like it and found happiness
so I had a family, because family is important for any woman. . It
just told me to take the time to think things through so as not to regret in
later on. She also said that I should announce the news to the rest of the
members of our family. I agreed with her and told her of course I also
I want to tell you about my intentions other members of my family .. She said to me
that she was just going to invite parents to barbecues. My sister and
her husband have a small house and the suburbs, they often go there, especially in warm weather
time of year. The air is quite different than in the city, there are a number to be
a small river and there is a very picturesque area. We are with my sister decided that it
excellent opportunity to everyone I told about you in a quiet family
environment. I am a little worried because tomorrow's conversation with my family but I
confident that everything will be fine because my family really wants
me well and so it always goes to meet me, and try to understand
to support me. I write to you then how will my conversation with my family.
You know, I think I got worse sleep after we
met because I always think of you. It's very difficult sometimes to write in
letter that you feel and is much easier to do it face to face. Can
we be destined to be together? I think that we can correspond with some
time but nothing beats meeting face to face.
I want to start taking the first steps to build his fortune. Possibly
we will be happy together. I am rarely mistaken in people and my feelings I rarely
cheated. And now I feel that you can be a good partner
for life. I think that we all succeed.
I understand that you first need to know all the rules to come to you
and solve some formality in the workplace. I think that in any case it will take
for a while but when everything is behind, I think that we can perfectly
spend time together. What do you think?
I must go and I will wait your letter with impatience .. Kisses, Elena
Western-3Comcast Cable Communications Holdings, IncOrgId: CCCH-3Address: 1800 Bishops Gate BlvdCity: Mt LaurelStateProv: NJPostalCode: 08054Country: US
Hello my dear xxxxxxx!
On the street fine weather. Heat and plenty of sun. How are you? You waited for my
email? Your letter raises my mood every day!
I have free time at work and now I can not wait to tell you
the news. As I wrote you that I went to barbecues with his family to the country soy
to my sister. We grilled kebabs, drank red wine and just enjoy
time together. The mood at all was wonderful, we laughed, joked and I
decided to declare all my news. All were very interested and
intrigued. I said that I met a nice man on the Internet and it may
man of my dreams that I would like to build my future
life and start a family. I told them your name, and what I want
come and meet with you in the near future. My parents
were a little surprised but they told me that if I believe that you are to me
we must meet each other and spend some time
together because it's the best way to get to know each other and understand the true
feelings toward each other. I told my parents that I want
spend my vacation with you and that very soon I'm going to find out
All visiting rules of your country .. As I assumed my parents were not
against our meeting with you, the only thing they asked me to do
etodat them all your coordinates so they can communicate with me when I
will be away from home. So I ask you to write me all this
information, I mean your full name, your address and phone numbers. But
I need to know what airport is closest to you.
Whatever it was my parents approve of my choice and I am very glad to
hear it from my parents because their opinion is important to me
because I know that they are older and wiser than me, and understand some things better.
Now I can safely go in travel agency and learn all the details
to come to you. I'll try to learn all the rules of your visit
the country as soon as possible. In any case, I think that it will take some
time to get all the documents required for travel. And I think
that this time will be enough so we can prepare our
first meeting. I think that tomorrow I'll talk about my
Rest at work although I think that I will not have a problem with that because
I have one month vacation every year. I think that we should
choose the best option for both of us but I think that even if you do not
be able to take a vacation when I come it will not prevent us it is always
You can find out if you wish. Is this true?
I have a dream about you and about our meeting! I want this day to come quickly.
I want to believe that she has found someone who will be next to me while I
I live in this world and no matter what happens. Life is beautiful when you're with her delish
those whom you love. I hope that you and I will be able to share this life together.
I feel that we will succeed and we will never give up just friends.
Write me what you think about it.
I finish writing this and I'll write you again tomorrow. Your, Elena.
Jumpstart-5Comcast Cable Communications Holdings, IncOrgId: CCCH-3Address: 1800 Bishops Gate BlvdCity: Mt LaurelStateProv: NJPostalCode: 08054Country: US
She ignored again my Letter, question and slaps...so she'll not get a answer today from me
Hello my dear xxxxx!
Thank you for your letter. I'm always happy to receive your letters and days
I can not read your letters seem to me an eternity. How are you
business? How are you? What's the weather? I'm all good. My whole family
sends you greetings. I was present the day of our first meeting,
when you find me at the airport and when we look into each others eyes
for the first time. I'm very excited about our first meeting and from
these thoughts my heart skips a beat. I'm really looking forward to this day!
Do you? How do you imagine the day of our meeting? Tell me.
This morning I talked to at work on my vacation, I can
take it this month as I told you, according to the schedule
holidays of our employees. I am very happy that all is well, nothing
and no one hinders our meeting, I think it's a very good
sign and a good start for a serious relationship.
I'll try to find out all the details of travel as soon as possible. I think
I could go to a travel agency this week.
Today we have at work is a corporate party at the date of
birth of our company. We will celebrate this event in one of the
entertainment centers of our city. There is a good restaurant
Japanese and European cuisine. Also we will be able to play there in the pool and in
bowling alley. Do you like bowling or billiards? I would very much like
to you, too, was with me on this holiday because I think
it would be interesting. Now it is only a dream but this dream will soon
become a reality. Today I can not write you a lot because I
to finish the work quickly and get ready for this evening.
But to be honest with me every day more and more difficult
focus because my thoughts are you. I very much hope that
Very soon we will be together and we will make real words
we are writing to each other. I'll wait with impatience your letter tomorrow.
Kisses, Elena.
WideOpenWest Finance LLC
Address: 1674 Frontenac Rd
City: Naperville
StateProv: IL
PostalCode: 60563