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Investigations and research in the FSU countries are significantly more challenging than research in European or Western countries because of the restrictive laws governing the flow of information about civil and official records.
Our staff has years of experience in helping Internet users from all over the world to obtain various types of information at low prices from reliable private research companies. However, it will help you to plan your research strategy if you read the information below.
Investigations in Russia and Ukraine are not cheap. Even with the routine records research such as a Registered Address Locator, you can count on at least 2-4 business days processing time and a $90 fee. Employment checks and marital records checks often take 1-4 weeks to perform and cost $200 or more. Therefore, if you looking to perform some detailed research, set your expectations for a several week research process with a cost of several hundred dollars.
Restrictive privacy laws: Personal privacy laws In Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus are much more restrictive than in many European or Western countries, so the investigators are very limited in the type of sources that they can legally access. This increases the cost of research.
Complicated system of record collection and retention: Research of official records is often complicated due to the complex government systems in these countries. Both Russia and Ukraine are divided into sections (states/regions) such as “oblasts,” republics”, and “autonomous areas,” which act as autonomous entities under the federal governance. Russia has 89 of these sections, while Ukraine has 26.
Each region (“oblast”) is broken into numerous small districts (called “rayon”).
Each oblast and rayon have their own systems governments, each collecting and maintaining various databases related to their function.
Federal, regional, and district agencies rarely share information among themselves. Accessing needed information requires precise knowledge which agency has the needed information. This complexity adds to the costs and duration of the research. Sometimes, alot of the investigator’s time is spent on deternining which agency has the needed records.
You can help to reduce costs of your research if you perform your research in stages. This way, you can avoid wasting resources on ineffective research directions.
There are three stages of research
Initial research prices are usually uniform for all locations. You will see prices for those services displayed with an Add to Cart button for easy ordering. Those services are usually the cheapest to perform.

In-depth research prices depend on location. You will need to place a quote request to check on the price of the service. These services require research of official records and cost more than the initial research services.
Close proximity research prices depend on availability and location. These services are most expensive and difficult to perform. You will need to place a quote request to check on the price of the service.

This was an excerpt from full article published here:
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