....... will also end up as Translation Agency Scam.......
Contact me today in MBN as
UID 180437
Full Name Alla
Birth Year 1984
City Lugansk
Country Ukraine
Sex Woman
Interests (Personal Description)
Tell you later...
Hello!Write me please your e-mail address.My email novayajizn@topmailservice.com Affectionately yours Alla!
....... is a faked Domain
Pic shows Sexchick Brandy from kitty-kats.net
Feel so great getting your letter, Dear xxxxx!!!
How are you? I hope I don't disturb you with my letter. I know that we
are always busy, but if we want Lover mate in our life we need to make
a little pause and try to find this person. Maybe you are my the one?
Maybe I am your the one too??))) Lets find out??? )))
It is a pity that you didn't attached any photo with your new letter.
You photos can make me closer to you. So I ask you put some in your
next letter. OK?) Please don't make your next answer so small.
Ok???Your answers are important for me. I need your attention!!!!!!!!
Soul mate needs to have some common interests and intentions,so at
first I want to say that I am serious woman and want to built our
relations and communication based on Honesty and Sincerity between
each other. Can you do the same? It is important.
You know that I am All and I will be 28 years old on the 25th of June.
I am not tall, just 160 cm. Do you know the proverb that small women
are for Real Love only??))))) I am the only child in my family. I have
mother Svetlana and father Oleg, they live and work far away in
Russian Federation. I miss them, but I am independent woman. I work in
social call center and help old people. I will never be wealthy
person, but I love to help people.
I love animals. Do you? I take care about my grandmother here in my
town Gluhiv. She stays in nursing home and I visit her time to time.
She always tells me that I need to find good man for me. Maybe it is
you, Dear xxxxxx????
I am active person, who likes dancing, walking, smiling in good
company. I want to follow my grandmother's advice and try to soul
mate. Can you help me? In this difficult time for my county Ukraine I
want Love and not War!!!
Wait for your letter very soon,
Received: from server-consensus (unknown [])
by relay.24gomail.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id C581B80604
From: novayajizn@topmailservice.com
BSB-SERVICE Dedicated Server Hosting
B S B - Service GmbH
BSB Service GmbH is part of intergenia AG
50354 Huerth
To Pic 5 ........ a little Photoshop work......here the Original
...... this is Stables Market, Camden, London
No answer of my question when she went to UK........
I am really happy to hear from you again, Dear !!! Do you know that I
was waiting for your reply? Did you remember I asked you for photos?
Please don't be shy. I repeat that appearance is not the main for me,
but I want you to be open with me, as I am.
I just finished my working day and a little tired as there was a lot
of work today, but after coming here to the agency and reading your
letter, Dear xxxxx I feel much better:)) Yes, I am using translation
office to communicate with you. I am just started learning English, so
can't speak it myself((( I rent the apartment, so there is no computer
in it((( I hope you don't mind me communicating in such way? can you
accept it? I am so interested in you and don't want to lose you in the
begging of our relations. What is your attitude?
I am looking for a man abroad and start learning English, cause I am
tired of chasing men here, just to find out they are shallow and only
into themselves. Also, a friend of mine has found a wonderful man this
way and they are very happy together. She talked me in to giving it a
shot. So, I am looking for beloved and loving man and I don't care
about his citizenship. And I don't feel myself as I do care a lot
about his age - of course, I would not like him to be several hundreds
years old, but mostly I don't care about age difference in ten or so
years - that doesn't really bother me, really.
I think that I should also mention that unfortunately I do not know
any foreign languages and use the services of translator. I know this
fact may confuse you because of having third part between us, that is
why I am already taking language courses here and hope that soon I
will be able to write to you by myself. But I hope that by then you
will not stop with me:-)
I think the most important thing in a relation is honesty. Your
partner is the one person that is even closer to you than your family,
so honesty means a lot.
Would love to stay in touch with you.
Waiting for your letter Alla!
I told her to use Google Translator coz its free instead of this Agency...... still no answer of my question again when she went to UK
Hello Dear xxxxx!!!
Do you know that I enjoy our correspondence a lot??? I enjoy reading
more about you. Please feel free to discuss any subject or ask me any
question you wish to ask. I am a very optimistic person!!! I always
need to have something to do, something to love, and something to hope
You asked me why I can not use Google Electronic translator or Write
in Russian. For this thing I would need to have the Internet and
computer,right?) I wrote you that the only computer, which I had -
took my mother, who work in Moscow now. Did you read about it? it is
the only reason for me to be in touch to use help of agency.
I'm looking not just for a man... I'm not like many other girls here.
I don't need just a handsome or rich boyfriend who will satisfy me in
bed and materially... that's not for me anymore. I changed my views on
life last years. I became more spiritually developed and want to see
that in my beloved man. Do you know what "spiritual beauty" means? If
yes, and if you have it, then you are just a man for me. Allow me to
see it then!

necessary to be strict and rough.

protection. From my side I will do all the house work and surround my
husband with love and tender.
I will be waiting impatiently for your answer tomorrow,hope you will
write me a thoughtful letter and explain your emotions and feelings.
Kisses for you:) Already yours Alla
My Sweetheart!!!
I told you that my parents don't leave with me. Did you read my
letters or not at all???
When you will help me to pay for the passport, then I will be able to
fly to UK. Do you agree?
I am so happy to continue with you, but due my financial situation I
am not able to continue paying for the translation fees. If you know,
we have almost war here in Ukraine , because of Russian Federation. Do
you know? MY salary is frozen for 2 months. I have no costs at all,
but I also need to help my grandmother.
I don't want to lose LOVE, because of money. I am not about the money.
I am here with you, because of LOVE and want continue so much! I feel
uncomfortable to ask you for something, but only you can save our
connection now. I did everything I could. I paid 100 usd, but spent
everything on our translation and photo scanning.
Please tell me, if it can be possible to save our connection? I don't
need any penny for myself, I will put all the money on our account,
because I care about us a lot!!!!
It is the only way to be in touch for Now, because as I have already
written to you that I have no Internet and computer at home. Maybe you
don't like or trust agency, but it is REALLY the only chance to be in
contact for now. Can you trust me? I need you!Please answer no matter
With love,
Your Alla!
Seems Panic is not around coz she cannot answer my UK question, now the Bullpoopy from the Translator comes and give alot of headache coz things are confusing. Check the Link to Romancescam for Details.
The translation department of translation bureau "Aum"
Our web site http://www.aum.ru/ru/#Clients
Our contacts
Office numbers: +3 8 095 880 7226
+3 8 095 894 2374
Our office Mail address in GLUVIV:
All our licence documents you can find on our mail web site.
Dear Sir xxxxx,
We are sorry to interrupt Your correspondence with Alla, but we are
writing to inform You that ALLA is not able to pay for the
translation of Your correspondence with her right now.
Unfortunately, she has some financial problems,because of difficult
situation in Ukraine due to Revolution.
If you are serious about her and ready to help lady with your further
contact - we can send you our price list information and all DATA
info about your lady ALLA, who to help her.
Please Inform about your Decision, because it is very important for
the lady, which whom you are in touch.
!!!!!!!!Meantime, all Your letters are saved in Alla'S mail box until she
is able to pay for their translation!!!!!!!!
Hoping for further cooperation.
The Managertranslation bureau "Aum" In Gluviv Town
Mr. Nikolay Androson
Postal address of our Department is:
Gluhiv/ Sumskaya Oblast'
Kovpaka street 5
ZIP code: 41400
More BP from the Translator, he also don't want to answer question
The translation department of translation bureau "Aum"
Our web site http://www.aum.ru/ru/#Clients
Our contacts
Office numbers: +3 8 095 880 7226
+3 8 095 894 2374
Our office Mail address in GLUVIV:
All our licence documents you can find on our mail web site.
Dear Sir xxxxxx,
I have explained you the situation. AllA can not read answer your
letters till the account is refilled. If you want to help her, I can
provide you the necessary information. Have a good day!
We conduct services in the following manner: You e-mail a letter to
Alla, then we translate and print it for her. She replies to you, we
translate and print this letter and forward it to Alla. We type and
send it you to your address. We will notify you if a letter is
returned to us for any reason. When your account is about to over we
will send you a balance with detailed report of your expenses.
Here is information about our prices:
-translation and printing of ONE letter - 5 USA dollars
-scanning of one photo- 2 USA dollars
-printing of one photo - 2 USA dollars
-phone call translation- 10 USA dollars 10 minutes
The BEST UNLIMITED Propositions
If you interested in our UNLIMITED service the prices is:
"Unlimited translation with photos"
- one month "unlimited translation" - 150 USA dollars
- two month "unlimited translation" - 300 USA dollars;
- on week "unlimited translation" - 50 USA dollars
Cost of phone calls is not included in any service.
You can send the money through WESTERN UNION transfer
systems. You should write in your document:
Full name: Alla Habuk
Address: Gluhiv town /Sumskaya oblast'
Pushkina street 94
country: Ukraine
zip code: 41400
You can use also your credit card to send payment through the Western
Union service. You can do it on line on web site
We also accept bank account wire. Write us back for more information.
The Managertranslation bureau "Aum" In Gluviv Town
Mr. Nikolay Androson
Postal address of our Department is:
Gluhiv/ Sumskaya Oblast'
Kovpaka street 5
ZIP code: 41400
This scam could have been prevented with proper due diligence research.