From FOD yesterday 05/12/12
- 34 y/o woman (1978 May 09)
- from Moscow, Moscow and Moscow region., Russia
- English, Russian,
- seeking a man from 29 to 39 y/o
I to look your profile and me have very much interested. You not against ours with you of acquaintance?
If you have desires to communicate that I only will be very glad to you.
I hope to receive the answer.
Hello xxxxxxx!!!
For me that you have written very unexpectedly that to me. But in a shower very pleasantly. I did not expect that you will answer me. I saw many questionnaires of girls and probably I not the first who write to you. For me dialogue through the Internet very unusual, after all I communicate for the first time with the man in the Internet. Probably where I will iron that fondly, but nevertheless I have got used to sincere dialogue and even if I do not know you personally I I will write to you with all my heart. Such is my education. I think that we with you of dialogue will be very interesting and pleasant.
Forgive I it has forgotten to be presented, my name is Angela to me 32 years. I hope that you are not confused with my age. For the life I have understood that that the age does not matter, the main thing that that inside.
I from Russia from city Moscow.

Would like to tell about the intentions, I think that it important. I wish to find the man to which I was interesting. For me important serious, responsible dialogue. I am not intended to play game

In the first letter I wished to tell it and if you are intended to continue dialogue, I with pleasure will answer you.
I hope that it was interesting to you.
I send you the photos. I hope that I to you will be nice, and in the answer as I wait your photos.
With best regards Angela!!! Also would like to add, even if you will not answer, I all the same wish you will find in this world that unique which you to love.
Received: from ( [])
From: Angela <>
FTTH dynamic pools
Vasiliy Golovin
VolgaTelecom Mari El branch
Sovetskaya 138
424000 Yoshkar-Ola
Hello xxxxxx!!!
To me very pleasantly that that you have answered me. You mean really serious man.
For you probably unusually that that I know your language. I have become interested for a long time in studying of other language and a little in it have succeeded. I studied your language still when went to school. I can speak and write on it. But I sometimes translate all letters through the translator so to me so it is much more convenient. I hope that you will understand me.
I will tell about daily a life. I work as the tutor in a kindergarten. I like my work, I very much love children and to me to like to communicate with them.
My work is near to my house, therefore I go on foot. I do not have own car, and I and do not require it.
I live in two-room apartment of the parents, my parents were lost when I was 5 years old.
In the family I unique, at me was not present the brother and there is no sister.
I do not have own children, but I have many children on my work, I almost spend time every day with children. I love children. And you xxxxxx love children???
I will continue to tell about the family. As I have an aunt it the unique person close to me. As I have already told I live one, but I have a house pupil she is a dog. Her name is Nelsi. I tenderly name its bear cub because it it is very similar to a bear cub. I very much love the dog. After all it brightens up my loneliness in the evenings when I come with work. At it such kind eyes, it at me very clever and gentle. I saw many dogs but it the best.
It seems probably little bit strange that I so in detail tell about a dog. But for me it as a member a family. You understand that I live one and only my dog Nelsi always waits for me, loves and never will betray. Sometimes I reflect, that a dog it is better than people. I do not wish to seem cynical, but animals never betray. And people even if are called as friends are capable to treachery, for the sake of profit, material assets to betray the friendship, love.
And animals are not capable of a deceit and self-interest. You agree with me xxxxxx???
I have told to you about the life. Sincerely I hope that I knowingly find time for our dialogue, and gravity. After all I have got tired from harm which so people can easily cause.
I of anything from you do not hide also each letter I write sincerely. And if it is interesting to you also you understand me, I mean was not mistaken in the choice.
In me a certain fear and fears that is all to you is uninteresting. But I think that you really good person.
Tell to me please about the family, about the life. I very much would wish to learn about you more. I send you the photos. I hope that they will like you.
I will wait your answer Angela!!! I hope that you are not has got tired of my letter and my questions.
P.S. I tell about myself and about the life in detail. I want that you knew about me much and as I wish to know much about you. I seriously concern our dialogue and I hope that you will not neglect it.
Received: from ( [])
From: Angela <>
dialup&wifi pools
Vasiliy Golovin
VolgaTelecom Mari El branch
Sovetskaya 138
424000 Yoshkar-Ola
Hello xxxxxx!!!
How you??? What the new??? Thanks for your answer.
It will be very pleasant if you to send to me to me the photos.
You know xxxxxx I the life has started to reflect much about a family. I see as many young pairs they live, what happy, I am very glad for them and it is very joyful to me to look at them.
But such it is not enough, basically in streets many drunk men and even women, since the morning they sit at entrances and search for alcohol. I many times it saw, both young and old. My entrance as has alcoholics, and ask a trifle. Sometimes I am a pity to me them and I give and a few money as I can not give up. In general in Russia it is a lot of people which abuse alcohol, in my opinion it not a life. After all even the young woman and the man have no work and only drink, they have a chaotic sex and in such families children are born. It is awful. I do not want to myself such husband and such future.
Our dialogue for me is very pleasant, and I would like to tell to you that you differ from men from Russia you absolutely another.
I would like that you have answered my questions:
1. How often you take alcohol?
2. You smoke?
3. Than you like to be engaged at leisure? What your interests during a life, employment, hobbies at cinema and in music.
4. What your thoughts and plans for the future?
5. What your love food?
6. Why you search for love through the Internet?
7. And last question. What it is pleasant to you in girls and what is not present? What it should be?
I hope that it will be not difficult to you to answer my questions and you will not disregard them. I will necessarily give the answers to you in the following letter.
I send you the photos. I have made these photos in a kindergarten with my love children. I very much hope that they will like you.
On it I finish the letter as after all I need to feed Nelsi. It hungry at me.
See you again. I Wish you all most the best Angela!!!
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